Chapter 60 No one will do

 The night before, Wen Yu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep well.

Just now, her design has come to an end.

 No matter what the outcome is, she doesn't care.

 So I went to bed early.

 At the beginning, the past events of the Song family were still floating in my mind.

 Then, the traces gradually faded away.

 She fell into a deep sleep.

 After getting up in the morning and washing up, I looked at her breakfast: tea eggs, fish porridge, beef porridge, Yangchun noodles, small wontons, pickled radish, pickled bamboo shoots, spicy and sour lotus root slices, steamed ham, smoked fish, fried fish, and shrimp.

 Stewed bird's nest... I actually gave him two portions!

 Cousin knows how much he values ​​Yan Zhu!

Wen Yu suppressed the sweet and sour feeling in his heart, and he and Yan Zhu buried their heads in eating.

 Halfway through the meal, the girl in front told me that today’s activities were arranged by the lake, where you could enjoy lotuses, drink tea, watch dancing, juggling, and ride horses. "The old lady asked the girl to prepare it for use!"

horse riding…

 Looks like everything is business as usual!

 After they finished eating, Xiaoji cleaned up the battlefield. This fat girl never knew there was such a delicious breakfast in the world!

Yan Zhu took out all the riding clothes and helped her put them on.

Wen Yu originally didn’t plan to ride a horse, but he was in a good mood today, so he tried it with interest.

 “Huh?! Does it fit so well?” She stretched out her arms and looked at it.

“Hey, Zhuzhu changed it when you were not in the house!”

"Zhuzhu! How can you be so capable?" Wen Yu pinched Yan Zhu's chin and laughed exaggeratedly.

Yan Zhu was very happy and hurriedly put on her own, "Look, this suit has also been changed!"

"As for you, do you want to ride a horse today?" Wen Yu looked down on her.

 “I’ll let someone lead me away!” Yan Zhu was self-aware.

Xiaoji quickly said: "Let my second brother be the groom for Zhuzhu!"

Wen Yu looked at himself in the mirror and touched his face: Wen Yu, why are you so beautiful? !

 When they went out, she and Yan Zhu both held small bamboo hats to protect themselves from the sun.

 When we got to the front, the old lady hadn’t come out yet.

Sister Hui, Wen Jiao and Wen Wan were wearing riding clothes, and Wen Su was wearing an ordinary skirt, standing at the door of the courtyard.

 Seeing Wen Yu and Yan Zhu, Wen Jiao stopped breathing and looked ugly.

“Sister, why is she also wearing riding clothes?” Wen Jiao pointed at Yan Zhu with her whip.

 “She wants to accompany me on horseback riding!” Wen Yu said with a smile.

"Who is she? She is worthy of riding with us?" Wen Jiao said harshly.

“You are not riding with us, you are riding with me. If you are unhappy, just stay away from me!” Wen Yu said contemptuously.

 As the situation changed little by little, she became tougher little by little.

"You're crazy..." Wen Jiao became anxious.

Sister Hui quickly pulled her, "Jiao Jiao'er..." she whispered, "This is in the Song family, don't let others laugh at you."

 “But look at her...”

“Just stay away from them for a while!” Sister Hui said softly.

 “Huh! I really don’t know what to say!” Wen Jiao planned to complain to her mother when she went back and deal with this dead girl Wen Yu!

Sister-in-law Li helped Old Mrs. Wen out. She asked softly, "Have you brought all the sisters' things?"

 The girl's house is outside, and all necessary things must be prepared.

 The girls responded with a smile.

Old Mrs. Wen didn’t say anything and got in the car directly.


On the viewing platform by the lake, tables and chairs have already been set up, a sun protection roof has been set up, and a windproof gauze has been hung.

 There are tea and fruits on the table.

A stage has also been set up on the other side of the path, and the dancers of the Song family are preparing to dance soon.

 Farther away, there is a partition, and behind it are some jugglers, who are also making preparations.

Male and female servants, dressed in original cloth-colored clothes, each perform their duties.

Mrs. Song was already here. When she saw Mrs. Wen and the girls, she came over with a smile: "Aunt!"

 Several girls saluted quickly.

Although Old Mrs. Wen was born in the Song family, this is really the first time she has played like this.

He looked around and tutted: "Ah Shang really knows how to enjoy it! Look at this! Tsk tsk, none of the princesses in the capital have such a life as us!"

Wen Yu had experienced it in his previous life, but he didn’t think much of it.

 But Wen Jiao and the others were stunned, their eyes were not enough.

Sister Yi came over and introduced her to the sisters in a soft voice.

Webster was nowhere to be seen…

Mrs. Song had a warm smile on her face. She couldn't tell that she was angry yesterday and her daughter-in-law was still locked up: "That's right! I don't know how he came up with it! There is a stable over there, and …Where’s the female guard?”

"Ah! Female guard? Tsk tsk, Ah Shang is so particular about this!" Mrs. Wen shook her head.

"Hey, all the ladies are wearing riding uniforms?" Mrs. Song looked at Wen Yu and Yan Zhu emphatically, her heart was beating fast. These two girls have a different style, how come they are so beautiful... At this moment, She figured it out right away: If her son separated from Webster, she would ask her aunt for Yu Yatou! Let’s take the one next to it...oh, my gosh, it’s so good!

 She thinks beautifully!

“There is a female guard following us today, so don’t be afraid. Just enjoy the lake view on horseback, but don’t run away, it’s dangerous!”

 The girls smiled and agreed.

But Mrs. Wen shook her head: "I don't want them to go! If you show off this way, won't you turn Li Kui into a bad guy?!"

"They can't ride very far. There are places to rest along the way. We can rest for a while and then come back!"

Arrived under the shed, Mrs. Wen said to a few girls: "You go and play! There are many people today, so don't run around! If you ride a horse, be careful!"

Mrs. Song accompanied her and met several relatives and friends before sitting down.

Mrs. Song then whispered: "Xiang Yu felt a little uncomfortable yesterday, but I didn't let her come out today."

“Yo, what’s wrong?” Old Mrs. Wen was startled.

“She refused to say anything! I asked for a doctor, but she insisted that she couldn’t do it on this day! Alas... I was thinking..."

Mrs. Song suddenly had a mysterious smile on her face, "Is it possible? I feel really uneasy!"

"Then let me go and take a look!" Mrs. Wen looked solemn when she heard this.

"No, no, no, no! I've gone to see it... To be honest, although I'm heartbroken, I don't want to show off too much, for fear of putting pressure on her..."

I have to say that Mrs. Song is really smart. In this way, no one will be surprised that Webster did not show up.

These days, Webster has offended Mrs. Wen several times.

So, relying on her status, she said very dissatisfied: "What is there to be afraid of? You are too accommodating to her! You spend all your time showing off your flowers, but you can't give birth to a son! Leave me alone, I would have set rules for her long ago !”

Mrs. Song smiled awkwardly.

Old Mrs. Wen, however, hated the iron. "If she can't give birth to a child, she should at least arrange a few for Brother Shang. Direct sons and daughters, that's what the princes and marquises pay attention to. For people like ours, as long as they are innocent, Women are the treasures of their hearts!”

 “You are talking about…”

"Hurry up! Look at those people over there who are looking at you eagerly!" Old Mrs. Wen glanced at Mrs. Zhang in the second room, with her daughter-in-law and daughter. A large number of people came to spoil the fun again.

 In any case, Mrs. Wen does not want the situation in the Song family to be unstable.

“I’ll think of a solution later. Aunt, today, I have to ask you to help me control the situation and stop people from making trouble.”

“Don’t worry! If someone is looking for trouble, they must first pass my seniority level before doing anything!”

The two old ladies smiled mysteriously.


 The guests are seated and served politely by the servants;

 The fruit is fresh and the tea temperature is just right;

The sound of silk and bamboo could be heard in the distance, and six dancers in matching colored skirts were dancing by themselves;

 In the venue, young men and girls wear various clothes;

 Everyone looked at each other secretly, youthful feelings filled the lakeside;

Yan Zhu and Sister Hui got together to discuss which dancer was better;

 Wen Jiao and a girl were discussing the makeup of the girls present;

Wenwan has matured early and is secretly looking at those young men;

 Full of laughter…

And the Webster who should have caught everyone’s attention has not appeared yet, and no one even asked about it...

Wen Yu smiled secretly: Is there anyone in this world who can’t do it?


 “Sister Ayu.”

Wen Yu turned around and saw a shy young man with a slender figure and a delicate face.

"Who are you?"

 Actually, Wen Yu had already recognized him. She covered up the coldness in her eyes and asked with some doubts.

“Song Tao.” The man smiled and bowed.

“Ah, it’s my seventh cousin! I haven’t seen him for a long time, so I didn’t recognize him for a while.”

 Song Tao, the concubine of the second wife.

From what Wen Yu said, Song Tao's eyes looked a little hurt.

 Wen Yu felt a sudden chill.

 “How are you, sister Ayu?” He was polite and careful.

 “Well, I’m fine.”

 Wen Yu stopped talking.

“Is that Hongdou the one in the riding uniform over there?” No matter how well Song Tao pretended to be, he couldn’t help but look at Yan Zhu with burning eyes.

"No! That's Yan Zhu. She's my uncle's adopted daughter! My adopted sister." Wen Yu said seriously.

 “Huh?!” Song Tao looked at Wen Yu, obviously surprised.

Before he could ask again, Song Shang came over and said, "Ayu!"

As soon as Song Tao saw Song Shang coming, he immediately called: "Fifth brother!" He was low-key and respectful.

 “A Tao, get ready to leave.” Song Shang was extremely gentle to him.

"Yes! I'll call some of them!" Song Tao went happily.

 “Ayu, come and see the horse given to you.”

Wen Yu looked at Song Tao's back as he left happily, but there was a trace of anger in his eyes. Yes, how could you forget him?

 Song Shang’s most trusted younger brother was a crucial link in the conspiracy to kill him!

Post it first and correct it if there are any mistakes.



 (End of this chapter)

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