Chapter 61 The Beauty of a Beautiful Man

 Wen Yu got on her white horse.

It was a little mare less than three years old, white and without a single hair on it.

 One person and one horse, under the sun, others can’t take their eyes away when they look at it.

 Wen Jiao is so angry! She arrived at the stables a little late, and Wen Yu got such a good horse.

Gang grabbed the reins arrogantly and asked Wen Yu to stop, she wanted to ride! As a result, her cousin became sullen and said something to her.

 She was so gentle and delicate that she almost shed tears, turned around and left.

 As a one came to pull her to persuade her!

Let’s go, I can’t bear to leave. If you don’t leave, you’ll lose face! Grinding on the spot hatefully...

Wen Yu was about to leave. He saw that there were twenty or thirty people going with him.

 They are basically young men and girls, all wearing bright clothes and angry horses.

At the lakeside, in front of flowers, under trees, and on the road, there are people laughing and talking. It is really a beautiful scene in the world.

Yan Zhu is not good at riding, but he is very courageous. He is also attracted by the fish in Jinqiao Town. He sits on the horse honestly, does not talk or laugh, and is serious.

Song Shang accompanied Wen Yu, holding the reins in his hand, pointing at the scenery far and near.

At one moment he asked her if she wanted to run for a while, and at another moment she was asked if she was tired.

I’m annoyed by Wen Yu, so I’d like to give you a few words.

Song Shang, however, was holding his whip and laughing.

After walking for a while, there was a pavilion on the roadside. Song Shang said: "Everyone, let's rest here for a while! If you are tired and don't want to ride anymore, just sit here for a while. Then go back! There is a monkey playing there, you can get it Give me some peanuts!”

 Many girls felt soreness in their waists and legs as soon as they got off the horse, making it difficult to walk, and gave up.

However, those teenagers felt that they were not satisfied and wanted to show off in front of the girls. While they were resting, they rushed back and forth.

Song Shang asked Wen Yu: "Are you tired?"

“Not tired. Cousin Hui, Zhuzhu, are you tired?”

Cousin Hui said: "My waist and legs are sore. I will go back after a while and not go forward."

Zhuzhu endured the pain and whispered to Wen Yu: "Ayu, let's ride to Jinqiao Town? The fish there..."

Wen Yu is actually a little tired. He doesn't move much on weekdays. But when she heard what Yan Zhu said about fish, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

So he told Song Shang: "I want to rest for a while and ride to Jinqiao Town to eat fish."

"Haha." Song Shang came to her side and said, "I knew you wanted to eat fish, and everything was arranged!" with a hint of pride.

While Wen Yu was drinking tea, she saw Song Tao talking to a thin young man next to him. He was not as shy as usual, but rather chatting and laughing.

That thin young man looked familiar, but I couldn’t remember who it was for the moment.

 I thought to myself that I would find an opportunity to remind Song Shang and be on guard against Song Tao.

 There are girls who refuse to leave, and there are also young men who refuse to leave.

There are no women here who are strict about rules and regulations. Everyone is talking and joking freely, which is a rare opportunity.

There were many men who looked at Wen Yu and Yan Zhu with red faces and wanted to get close to them, but Song Shang calmly stepped aside.

 Then, Song Shang took Wen Yu, Yan Zhu and a few others on the horse, and walked for a long time before arriving at Jinqiao Town.

As soon as he got off the horse, Yan Zhu felt a little anxious and whispered to Wen Yu: "Ayu, I want convenience."

 “Go quickly!”

Yan Zhu hurriedly walked into the restaurant. As soon as he reached the door, a group of people were coming out, and they almost bumped into each other.

 “Who is it! Are you blind?!” A guard shouted arrogantly.

Yan Zhu was startled and quickly saluted and said, "I'm sorry!"

Among them was a young man in brocade clothes. He was almost hit. He was unhappy at first, but when he saw Yan Zhu, he was stunned. After looking up and down, he immediately changed his smile and said, "It's okay, girl, do as you please!"

Looking at Yan Zhu with fiery eyes.

Yan Zhu lowered his head and went in.

The young man in brocade followed Yan Zhu until he saw the young man in white behind him.

The young man in white said calmly: "Let's go!"

  "Ah?! Okay, okay! Let's go..." The young man in Jinyi went out, but saw the people at the door and looked at him: "Brother Song?!"

Song Shang looked at it, turned to Wen Yu and said, "I meet an acquaintance, you go in first! Private room on the second floor."

Wen Yu responded, bypassed the group of people, and walked towards the door...

The young man in white clothes was too eye-catching, and she couldn't help but take a curious look...

There is only one word in my heart: God!

 The steps stopped involuntarily...

She didn’t even know how good-looking men there were in the world!

 What comes into view is a pair of beautiful auspicious eyes with a cold expression. Dark eyebrows and eye hair. A face like a knife, white and shiny skin... and a figure like a javelin.

When the young man in white saw his companion meeting an acquaintance, he just stood there and had no intention of following him.

As a result, he ended up standing here waiting for this woman to look at him... Don't ask him how he knew that others were staring at him!

  How many times have you been harassed by glances? There is no need to look or guess!

  He has never been offended when others admired his appearance and brushed it off coldly.

  “…” The other party turned out to be a very beautiful girl…

 He is wearing a riding uniform, and the small hat on his head is still on. Under the eaves are a pair of graceful eyes, a slender nose, and a light pink mouth. Skin as white as gelatin…

 She is taller than ordinary women, and her stance is more generous than ordinary girls.

 He is not an ignorant person, but women with such appearance are really rare in his life.

 It’s just...she’s a girl, why is she looking at a man like that? ?

Are you even ashamed?

 Your face didn’t even turn red!

I think of those women who were all shy and coquettish when they saw him, with half-closed eyes, slightly pink faces, and the look of wanting to see him...among them, my cousin was the most touching...

 Thinking of her, I was stunned.

  I’m even more upset! No matter how beautiful you are, it is of no use to me!

 He grimaced, pursed his lips, and his face stinked terribly!

But I never thought that his appearance gave him a hint of cold charm...

Wen Yu's heart was beating wildly, it was really embarrassing to see the beautiful man being discovered.

Over there, the young man in brocade clothes has already started talking to Song Shang. After a few words of greeting, he quickly said: "A good friend has come to the capital. Let me introduce him to Fifth Brother! Nuan Lin! Nuan Lin! Come on, come on! This is my good friend!"

The man in white snorted softly and walked away with a stinking face.

"Miss, please come in!" Someone finally came out of the store to greet her.

Wen Yu couldn't help but feel poetic in his heart. This is really: "Whose family is young and romantic on the road..."


 That nervous young man in brocade clothes is Sun Ji, the eldest grandson of the southeastern garrison family.

 Don’t look at the smile on his face right now, who is it?

 Normally, his nostrils are turned upward in arrogance!

 The year before last, by chance, Song Shang saved his life.

This contact, Song Shang's city government, knowledge, and proficiency in all kinds of things made Sun Ji convinced of him all of a sudden!

He also took him to his home and introduced him to his grandfather.

Sun Shoubei took a look and realized that this person was much more reliable than those the eldest grandson knew!

 If you learn a little bit from him, you won't become a mediocre person and almost get into trouble!

 Hence, he valued Song Shang very much.

 In the past two years, we have had many contacts and both parties are satisfied.

Sun Shoubei has also become one of Song Shang's trump cards.

Song Shang was extremely surprised when he saw the young man in white walking towards him. He had never seen such a handsome man before.

 But he is extremely experienced. As soon as he hears the identity of the other party and sees the talent of the other party, he knows how to behave.

 It would be too frivolous to show appreciation for his appearance.

 “Young Master Qi Wu! It’s our first time meeting you!” Song Shang gave a gentle salute.

 Be courteous and considerate, neither far nor near.

As expected, Qi Wu’s expression softened a bit, he didn’t say anything, and he just returned the standard greeting.

The young man in brocade clothes was still laughing: "You two are ranked fifth, and you are both my fifth brother! Haha, what a coincidence!"

Song Shang said: "Why didn't you tell me when you got here?" His attitude was very cordial.

 “Oh, stay with Brother Qi, if you have something to do!”

“I have just opened a painting studio here. Could you please take a tour of the lake with Mr. Qi?”

“Painting workshop!? It’s great. It’s just that we don’t have time today. We have to rush to Huzhou!”

Song Shang nodded and expressed his appreciation to Sun Ji: "Okay! It's more important to accompany Mr. Qi to do business. There are many opportunities to visit the lake!"

“Yes, yes! We can meet again at the Tianlong Temple Dharma Ceremony in a few days. Then, let’s get together again!”

“Okay! I’ve reserved the third floor of Gongdelin for my friends. You and Mr. Qi are welcome to come at any time!”

“Fifth brother is so interesting! Okay, let’s go first!”

Qi Wu said nothing from beginning to end. He saluted Song Shangyi and turned away.

A servant had already pulled the horse over. He jumped on the horse with extremely graceful movements and walked away minding his own business. That beautiful woman in riding clothes was left behind by him...

The young man in brocade clothes smiled at Song Shang and quickly mounted his horse to chase after him.

And Wen Yu didn't bother to go to the convenience store. He went up to the second floor, opened the window, lay there, and admired the beautiful man from a high position.

Hands on his chin, eyes fiery.

Tsk, tsk, how come his mounting posture looks so good? !

Seeing him leaving in a hurry, I felt a little disappointed.

 So beautiful!

 When can I enjoy it again?

 (End of this chapter)

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