On the eightieth layer of Farbnil, "Between the Blue Knights," -


The sound of sword strikes a wooden spirit in the hall.

Interceptions will be made to the family of Farbnil. Eightieth hierarchy lord Raygin.

Against is Earthly family head Ann.

We were taking an offense that didn't give each other a step.

"Huhahahahahaha!! Good! That's really good, Ann and I! Sonata is really hands-on!

Raegin talks in a really good mood as she wields the sword with both hands.

But there is no slight blur in the sword muscle, back-to-back with the rap talk.

Heavy sparks scatter whenever swords collide with each other.

"I was entrusted with this hierarchy, four hundred years. This is the first time I've ever met a user like this!

'... did you come to such a deep penetrator or something in the first place?

Raegin talks in a good mood, but Ann goes into it calmly.

In Ann's memory, even that Elibel was definitely in the fifty-third hierarchy.

And even though it's been two hundred years, will it show up in the depths of a dungeon of this magnitude?

"............... Oh, so to speak, you weren't there..."

Regine, who will be soothing.

I am an idiot.

Come to think of it, this was the first time I had had had sex with a local dragon earlier.

Um, can I put my war history on the count before I become a hierarchical master? and the moment Raygin twisted his neck...


A penetration with a flash of gaps.

The aim is the neck.


But Reggie puts this in an inch.

Gashan and the sounding armor are agile moves on the back.

Take a distance from Anne as she takes the backstep.

"That was dangerous! But it's not that easy, you can't get hit! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

While she also tried to take an extra attitude, Ann packs her pains all at once and fleshes to Regin.

Putting it in super close proximity doesn't make a small turn with Regin's big sword.

Ann's sword of the dragon is faster!

But Reggie was a sarcastic one, too.

Even then, at the critical point, I twist myself and manage to do this.

An unexpected move of armor.

But in the next moment, the distance is packed and Ann's sword blurs.

After repeating that for a few rounds, Raegin screams.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! This kind of conversation, all sorts of things. Ooh!? Oh, hey, wait, whoa, whoa!?

Giiiiiin!! and Raegin's sword prevents Ann from swordstriking.

There is no forgiveness.

Just because you don't need a conversation or something, slap the sword in.

If there is a gap, slash it.

Slash even if there is no gap.

Anne was so scared now that those who watched were so scared.

'... conversation? What do you want me to talk to you about insulting Master Earth and even hurting him? Please die a adult. It's a blind eye.'

Goo! and Anne gives me tons of magic and killing.

The overflowing magic is absorbed into the sword and cape as it is.

Sword and cape.

Both of these materials are scales and skins of ground dragons.

The more magic you infuse, the more dramatically it rises with its Slash, Defense.

Already Ann, while fighting, had put a little magic into her sword.

And unleash that power at once.


Blink with temper.

Beat the reinforced slaughter on Raegin, but Raegin takes it without difficulty.

(- Huh!? Enhanced slaughter. Easy!?

That's where Anne finds herself uncomfortable.

"- The power of slaughter... is falling?

Anne instantly realizes who she is as she makes her rounds and impasses.

Gripping dragon sword.

Its magic is diminishing every time it strikes a sword.

"No, this is - the magic is gone!?

From previous knowledge, and experience, Ann guides the answer.

Raegin barked all the time saying he was right.

"Exactly! This sword, and my armor, absorbs and deactivates magic! Attack magic up to the rank of general can also be reflected! I saw it as a sword, a product inside, but it doesn't make sense in front of me, such as enhanced by magic! You can cut me off only with your own strength!

Lightly splash your secrets with the pepper.

Overwhelming, confident in your power or just stupid.

Probably the latter.

Not very much, but you don't look like someone who can rush the conversation.

Regin plays Ann's sword and punches the sword in as it is.

- Let me!

Play Raygin's sword with Kivin and the degraded version of the Holy Sword Levertine in his left hand.

In addition, in return, he punches in “acid bullets”.

The chunk of acid struck out at high speed blurred Regin's helmet and clashed straight into the ceiling.

"Noooo! Is this acid!? My helmet is juicy! Fuhahahahahaha! I'm surprised!

Raegin in a hurry, but that's not what I meant.

Now, he definitely avoided Ann's acid bullets, which he should have seen for the first time.

"- Shit!"

Ann, on the other hand, was only looking, pretending to be calm, but not inside.

- What a pain in the ass to disable magic...

Besides, the rate of response to the reflex nerve is enough to prevent fast acid bullets at close range.

......... a difficult opponent to do.

Hilariously, Ann sees the ground lying in the corner of the room.

Hurt everywhere. It's lame.

Two things and anger come in.

In the first place, if by nature, by the time we find Earth, Ann's purpose has been achieved.

I'd like to return to the platform at the transfer gate immediately, but I couldn't do that.

After Earth, I see the bracelet attached to my arm.

"The Bracelet of Metastases".

Demonic props containing a metastatic formula given by Elibel before entering.

In advance, there is a metastasis formula that specifies the destination coordinates, and if magic is injected, a metastasis gate appears.

By the way, this bracelet is also super rare made from ground blood and fangs.

Elibel, Torres, including Ann, is equipped with this bracelet.

Plump, unfortunately slime, so I couldn't equip it.

As soon as we found Earth, we were supposed to use this bracelet and return to the home dungeon.

In fact, Ann immediately tried to use this bracelet for the recapture of Earth, which was her original purpose, even though she was broken up and worried about others.

But I couldn't.

The effect of the bracelet itself did not activate.

That hierarchical lord's armor, sword, and this floor of disabling magic is not the cause of it.

In the first place, if that's what's causing it, Anne just needs to get out of the room with Ground for a while, get out into the aisle, and then use the magic props.

Besides, we found out from earlier fights that this room or that armor cannot disable the magic activation itself.

The moment it crashes into armor, swords, or walls, it's disabling magic.

With this logic, activation itself should be possible, even if the transfer gates are closed.

But as a matter of reality, the bracelet didn't work.

- Some kind of intervention. Perhaps, off the road?... Whatever happens, are you not going to let Master Earth escape this dungeon...

Anne bites her teeth at that demon who still doesn't show up.

That's why Ann is interested in fighting the hierarchy owners.

To find a way to return safely with Earth after we have surely buried the enemy.

No matter, we don't know when demons other than Hierarchists will show up.

While fighting, Anne was always on guard around her as well.


"Don't you have a lot of room to look at while dealing with me!


At the critical point, recieve the sword.

Keep the counter flowing, but lightly Regin flaunts it.

In addition, he slapped Ann in the “hand” of those who did not have a sword.


"- Become!!? Gaha......!

Zuuuuuuuuuu! and a blow to the thought that sounds like the core of your body.

Judgment was delayed for a moment because he was wary of all attacks by slashing.

'Gu... shock me... Gaha!... directly...?

"Well, did you spot the characteristics of this move in the current blow? Wonderful! It's more and more wonderful to have, Ann and I do!

Raegin's. That's a voice of joy.

It's a tribute to the fierce who can fight themselves.

"Ha... ha..."

Anne, on the other hand, bites her teeth.

Regrettably, this hierarchical lord - Regin, is strong.

Feeling intimidated, possibly disaster-class.

Acleto Crowe. Its chief, a man of equal or greater strength than Heleb.

Anne remembers the battle then.

That death fight that hung on death and threw up blood reflexes.

At that time, it ended in pain division, but that was a miracle-like result there because it formed on top of Heleb's alarm and numerous coincidences and oddities.

But this time it's a different story. Too different.

Unlike Heleb, this demon is a pure melee specialty demon.

Anne, an equivalent disaster-designated species, does not possess the means of ranged attack, and although a melee type demon, its rank is General in Anne alone.

I tend to forget because my abilities with the termites are so far apart, but Anne is not a "piece” in the first place, but a "number” demon.

Numerous violence is Anne's strength enough to overshadow the overwhelming power difference, but in this situation, where there is not a single anthill under her command, that strength cannot be harnessed.

I don't even have time to create a new one.

In the first place, I don't think this demon would give me such a gap.

- - The fundamental local power is too different.

During this exchange of numbers, Ann was sure.

As it is, I will definitely lose.

- But that only means “as it is”.

During previous exchanges, the information obtained.

And the hand tag I have now.

Residual amount of magic, depletion of weapons.

Reaffirm them and Anne thinks.


Ways to win.

The means.

And - derive.

Equations for victory.

Hope to overturn this overwhelmingly unfavourable situation.

The possibilities are too small.

'Look at me, Master Earth............'

Put up the sword, and Anne looks at the enemy in front of her.

"I will surely show you victory!

Never again, to lose someone dear.

- Now it's time for me to try to protect you!

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