The Dungeon Struggle of an Earth Dragon!

13. VS Raegin Ant No One Bite

On the eightieth layer of Farbnil, "Between the Blue Knights," -

Ann fires acid bullets.

Chunks of acid launched at high speed.

But Reggie lightly scolds this.

- I did... Again, even if you can deactivate "magic”, you can't deactivate "acid" itself.

I can confirm that when I blurred Regin's helm earlier.

If that armor also nullifies the magic itself and the phenomena that accompany it, you don't even need to strike a blow right now in the first place.

You don't have to do it or play it.

In order to gain certainty, Ann unleashed acid bullets, knowing that the shooting was futile.

Because the acid itself was produced in Ann's body, and it is not magic in itself.

And I got another confirmation.

"... that armor, you don't have any contents?

That's who Regin is.

Speaking of who you are, you may not sound right, but in short, what kind of demon you are.

I could understand that.

"Well... have you noticed"

That's what I said, Regin took off his helmet.

There was nothing there.

It's just that there was a bloody cavity.

"Living armor… is it the demon that died and dwelt its soul and magic in armor"

"Well, to be exact, it's the top species."

"Was it still so"

During the exchange from earlier, Raegin had many occasions to dodge.

Ann's slaughter, as well as earlier acid bullets.

I was uncomfortable as to why I wouldn't use that armor to defend myself as I was protected by that much armor, because its identity was the armor itself.

'I see... I'm glad I didn't miss my expectations'


Raegin puts his neck up.

Where I am, what the hell does that mean?


Again Ann kicks the floor.

Pack your time, flesh on Regin, and wave the double sword in your hand.

"Levertine Slaughter Expansion Max Enhancement!

Then the pseudo-holy sword Levertine in Ann's hand glows.

Levertine's abilities, massive slaughter.

The blade, which can be described as a giant pillar of light, swings straight down to Raegin.

"It's no use!

Regin takes it with a big sword in his hand.

As soon as the sword and sword collide, the pillars of the miraculous light become smaller.

Disabling magic.

The vast amount of magic that resides in the slaughter has disappeared.


'So, it's not the end!

Then next to the side, the sword of the other dragon looms.

Regardless, this one is infused with magic, purely cutting and hardening.

Only one sword is held by Raegin.

I can't prevent this one.

"- That's sweet!

"Become -!?"

Gashy! And how dare Regin “grab" that blade with his hand.

A one-handed version of Serious White Blade Removal.

vast combat experience, and a horrible amount of reflex nerve and motion vision.

The rough business it made possible.

The sound of gigigigi, sword and sword colliding sounds caged hands and swords rubbing against each other.

"There seemed to be some way to go, but what is the impetus rush -"

"No, it's coming -" Acid Spear "!"

"No! Chi!

Acid spear from super close range.

Acid spears with increased penetration loom for Raegin's helm.

But so is Regine.

The power to receive the sword remains somewhat unceasing, and shifts the axis of the flesh, and smites it.


"Shit, can't you avoid it"

An acid spear blushes his shoulder.

Only slightly, acid smoke rose from the shoulder of the armor.

- Here!

Here, Ann set up a battle.

Pah, I let go of the sword of the dragon that I had in my right hand.


Regin on the boulder also breaks the balance of the cageman who was unexpected or who was receiving the sword of the earth dragon.

And that discrepancy is the other. It also resonates with each other's swords that were impending.

Ann holds the degraded version of the Holy Sword Levertine with both hands as it is.

"Slaughter Max Enhancement!

The sword of light that was about to disappear.

Let magic flow there again, expanding and enhancing slaughter.

If the situation is now out of balance, the enhancement of Anne is slightly better than the speed of disabling the Great Sword.

Play Raegin's sword, and as it is, Ann slaps in the slash.

Earlier, the acid spear blurred the shoulder.

'Even if it's armor that disables magic! At this distance!

Zero distance.

The moment it hits your shoulder, it infuses even more magic and strengthens Levertine.

Keep it up, knock it in.

Hey, kid, hey, hey, hey!

Levertine's sword tip was slashed to Raygin's shoulder.

"Gooooooooooooooooooooo!! but oh so sweet oh so sweet!!!

But Regin doesn't end up like that either.

Turn your empty right hand to nostalgia and grab Levertine.


In addition, he discards the sword he had and puts his hand on Ann's flank.

"- Transmission!

Zun! The dull sound of.


Severe pain as if the inside were refluxing.

In the first place, Ann's flesh is the same as a normal ant and makes an exoskeleton.

Inside is weaker than other demons.

Already, a few shots of permeability had worn Ann's body out.


But I won't let you go.

Give me that sword with both hands.

Levertine's blade has already reached the chest position of the armor.

Raegin's magic deactivation has been activated and the light has already subsided, returning to just a sword.

Still, Ann won't let go of that hand.

"Get those hands off me!!!

Second permeation.

Ann's body is stirred in a mess again.

'Gu...... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

And finally, Ann lets go of that hand.

Round waist.

But at the next moment, Ann was eaten as much as she wanted by Regine's shoulder.

Eat up on that armor with your fangs.

Smoke rises from the armor.

"Huh! - Don't go away!!!

While flickering at the rest of the force, Regin punches Anne in the back fist and pulls her back.

He can barely even take the reception, and Ann bounces the floor intact.

"Ha... ha... what an obsession. It was full of enemies."

How prepared the opponent was to hang on to the blow now, which is obvious from this wound.

But that's it.

The blade is devouring considerably into armor, but it does not lead to despair.

Regin finds himself trying to pull out the stabbed blade.

"Ugh?... Is this acid?

Apparently, he was pouring acid in during an earlier bite.

Thanks to this, the armor and sword are halfway melted.


Seeing as it wouldn't come off easily, Raegin quickly smacked the degraded version of Levertine from the roots with a knife.

"Ha... ha... Ku"

Ann watched the sight in silence.

Even though it is a degraded version, it is powerful enough to easily fold Levertine.

With her body still buried, Regin heads toward Ann.

"The exchange was great now. Your Lord will be the best at counting what you have come to with such temper from your lifetime."

A praise without a multiplier.

It was my biggest compliment as a samurai.

Slowly those legs head towards Ann.

Pick up the great sword you let go along the way.

"But that's it."

As it is, Raegin waves down the Great Sword toward Ann.

But Ann puts this on paper.

"Well, have you avoided..."

As it is, Ann rolls down the ground with a gobble.

"Ha... ha..."

Get up quickly as you are and take your distance.

Round hips.

The sword of the earth dragon is far away.

'Ku, even that... as long as that!

With that said, Ann heads toward the sword of the earth dragon.

"Well, don't give up yet! Brilliant! But the battle is already on!

Follow Regin as well.

Faster than Ann, to the sword of the dragon that fell on the floor.

"The sword of the dragon! Even that, as long as that, I can still fight!

Screaming, Ann runs to the sword of the earth dragon.

But - it was faster for Raygin to reach before Ann reached out.

"It's over."

"- Ah."

And be crushed.

Regin thought of the great sword in his hand and slammed it against the sword of the Dragon of the Earth.

A dry sound called pakin.

Now that Levertine is broken, the only weapon Ann has.

It's gone.

Hope has vanished.

Yes, Regin would think.

I “induced" you to think so!

So there's a gap there.

Yes, Ann still has the biggest weapon as an ant, the Fang.

And the real “trump card” isn't the Dragon Sword!


With the shouting, Anne burst into Raygin.


This also caught the eye of a servant, Raygin.

I lost my weapon and wondered why this ant would come in.

The moment was the taking of life.

Regin has allowed Ann to approach.

Keep it up, Anne sticks her fangs out.

To Raegin - not.

What sticks out is the "Levertine” pierced by that armor.

Stick out the blade.

Then pour magic into it.

"- Kill reinforcement activated!

"Become -!?"

Light overflowed from the inside of Raegin.


'... ha... ha... ha... if you, whose armor is the main body, have the characteristic of deactivating magic, you will be extinguished by that power yourself...'

All the while, Anne cages her strength in her jaw.

Never let go this time.

"Then I thought that the force was acting only on the“ surface part ”of the armor - apparently, it was a hit."

Inside, not on the surface.

Attack from the inside of the armor.

One step further from zero distance.

In a way, the biggest blow, also known as a penetrating return of interest.

Destruction from the inside through slash reinforcement and expansion by Levertine's blade, which remains pierced inside.

That was Ann's real trump card.

"Gu...... no way, acid spears then! That one too......"

I thought I was avoided on the brink.

As a result, he thought it hit him on the shoulder.

But it wasn't.

'Yeah, well, I was sure you'd avoid it... hey!

That's also a fabric stone.

All because of this.

Inject magic.

Relay your fangs to the Levertine blade.

Even if the sword is broken, the function can still be used.

Because this sword - it's a weapon made by Master Earth.

To the extent that it is broken, it should not be made soft enough to stop its function.

Believe me.

Your weapon.

That strength.

"Slaughter Expansion......!


Again, the slashing of activated light.

That overflows through the gap in the armor!

- - Down.



A dull pain runs in Ann's flesh.

But no more damage than I thought.

Instead, there is a crack in the crust of the crisp and the body surface.

The force points are shifting and the impact is transmitting the body surface.

It's critical.

Reggie's already gone too.

- Levertine Slaughter Enhanced!


Flashing again.

"Nah...... Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

Here, Regin abandons the means of attack by permeation and tries to strike Anne with the great sword in his hand.

to amputate its neck.

- - Levertine Slaughter...... Max Enhancement!!!


- Down.

Raegin swings it down.

The sword in my hand.

"but ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Anne doesn't avoid it.

No, I can't avoid it.

So we just have to take down Regin first.

Slash Max Enhancement -!!



Moment after moment, a giant column of light pierced Regin's body from the inside.

Perfectly, the great sword that was heading toward Ann's neck muscle - stopped.

At the same time, Ann's fangs leave the blade.

Ann, too, was the limit.

As it was, Ann fell to lean against Regin.

"- Hmm."

More and more, Regin pushes Ann.

It was a slight push without power, but Ann had no power to resist it.

Anne falls to the floor as she follows her inertia.

Looking at him, Regine stared quietly and groaned.

"- Brilliant."

Biki and Regin's armor make a noise and collapse.

Only bad.

With a slight difference, Raegin collapsed fast.

"Ha... ha..."

"... you said Ann"

Regin throws a sword in his hand at Ann.

"Is this -?"

What are you going to do? That's what Ann tried to ask, but before that, Regin answered.

"I say Ridil the Devil's Sword. I broke one of your swords, and the other will collapse with my body. From now on, use it. It's a great horse inside, but the Lord will be able to use it."

'......... why are you giving this to me?

Reggie slaps his chest.

"It is enough for this one soul to ascend to heaven. No weapons required."

Plus, Regin goes on.

"I am satisfied. As a hierarchical master, as a samurai, I was able to throw myself into this battle with all my might. What you want more than that is luxury. Besides, if you defeat the Hierarchist, you promise there 'll be a reward?

Huhahahaha! and Raegin laughs.

As it were, Regin pointed somewhere in the direction of the day after tomorrow.

"... Fall, I'm sorry, but it passes first. Over there, I'm waiting for you, huhahahahahahaha!

With that word, Raegin disappeared as a particle of light.

Only for a moment, I felt like I could see a brunette youth in that light.

Straight, and then somewhere out, such a young man's appearance.

- On this day, Anne accomplishes one “feat”.

Disaster Designated Species “Solo Destruction".

A clearly defined class of demons.

Anne broke it.

Anne has yet to realize how “great” that is.

The battle is over.

'Ha... ha... I'm sorry, Master Earth, I got stuck...'

That's what I'm saying, Anne looks behind.

The figure of your master to protect.


'................................. Huh?

Looking back, corner of the room.

There was - no one there.

There was no Earth.

'........................... Master Earth?

Ann glances around for a moment.

Where are you?

Farbnil, layer eighty: "Between the Blue Knights"

Winner Ann

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