The Dungeon Struggle of an Earth Dragon!

23. VS Demon King Army Part IV

In the Sixth Area...

Elja had been contacted by Elibel.

"Really...... yeah, I get it. I will maintain my defense."

That's what I say. Cut the telecommunications demon stone.

"What's wrong with you?

Polaro, who was next door, asks.

"In other areas, they've settled. The second area, the fourth area, and the fifth area were also successfully defended."

"When it comes to the second area...... is that Mr. Ann?

"Dear Ann,"

Immediately Elja asks for correction.

The voice was trembling. He's so scared.

"Ah...... yeah. Master Ann, you know, yeah."

"According to the report, the opponent is Captain Spunta of the First Regiment of the Demon King's Army. Master Ann, along with the Black Ants, has wiped out all the enemy forces."

Pollo looks out for the report unexpectedly.

"You want that spunta? That's... sure, you just admit it."

“Sword Holy Beast” Spunta.

It is a famous demon clan that even a relatively young polo knows in dragons.

Five hundred years ago, during the Demon Wars, he was one of the most active Demons, a master who went up to the ranks of the Demon King's Army with a single sword. He said he had fought the country by himself. A fierce man with undoubtedly catastrophic prowess. To Ann, who defeated it, Polaro sent praise again.

"Naturally. Lady Anne, like Earth, is one of the few monsters I respect wholeheartedly. Besides, I'm scared of Anne, but she's even better than that. For example -"

From there, Elja's Sasuan course begins. By the way, Sasuan means "It's a boulder, Master Ann! Abbreviations."

Elja spoke enthusiastically in a passionate tone about how much she respects Anne and how great she has accomplished, which is so scary to be angry at, but so surprisingly gentle and well cared for.

"Uh, yeah, that's amazing..."

Well, Polaro listened to me more than half the time...

Rather, his interest is more in its Lord - Earth - than in Ann.

(... I'd rather that earth be awesome though)

Anyway, the dragon had almost read through the phase so far.

Dungeon intervention and simultaneous attacks on the middle tier have been unpredictable for Polaroid and other Saint Dragons.

That's what the dragon was expecting.

Polaro's never seen a dragon like that before.

A being whose power is in the world of all dragons and can be called heterogeneity.

In just a few years of life, having gained all that power, creating such a huge dungeon, and having powerful family members like Anne and Lassetz are all things that can overshadow the dragon's common sense until now.

(I heard he's the son of that god disaster dragon king, but it's too out of standard to do that...)

I didn't see it in person, but I thought you said that those most vicious dragons - the Dead Dragon Uronus - crossed each other too. I don't want to go through awesome and say "abnormal” anymore.

That is why not only myself, but all the Holy Dragons and their families living in the Holy Land, had a glance at those dragons.

(... I envy you...)

Attracted nature and others, and captivated even Elja, the dragon of his thoughts that were not his.

I did what he couldn't get for years or decades.

I also get jealous. I also get jealous.

"- and"

But still, I'm not going to lose.

One day, be sure to turn Elja's heart around to herself.

"- Hey, I'm asking!

If you look, Elja looked at herself, pungently.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry, Elja, just think..."

I can't say I've been thinking about you.

Angry not to distract him at all, Elja resumed describing each area.

"- So, finally, the fifth area - about the area the family of Farbnil are protecting, but they also said that the captainship over there was a considerable strength. But eventually, he ruled the trinity's special attack by Roben, Autel, and Lung:" The eternal fire (Eternal Flame of Darkness Shadow and Cutchcock Metal), wrapped in robust steel and pitch-black shadows. "

"What, that special attack..."

I don't know what to say, "My candlestick! I feel like."

But around breaking the rank of captain of the Demon King Army, it must be an awesome move. I want to think so.

"That means that the only thing left to settle is with us..."

- Eighth area, the area protected by Mr. Lassetz and Mr. Skeleton.

That's what Elja says. Eyes on the video demon stone.

"Most likely, at this pace, our neighborhood will be the last..."

There was a reflection of the Demon King's Army still on the first tier.

"Mi, Minasa! Gather around. Uh, thanks to all of you, I'm finally done mapping this area. Uh, then I'd like to move on, yes'

Apparently, they've finally finished mapping the ground floor.

The pace is slow.

A captain ghost tribe man - Morda is sweating with a handkerchief, fixing glasses discrepancies. What an unreliable captain.

'Hey, that was tough, guys. Sorry, you must be tired, but try harder, yes'

That's how I bow my head to Pekopeko's men.

I can't feel the hegemony or anything. Elja laughed with her nose wondering if this was her opponent.

The other dragons all react the same way.

"Uh, I'll explain first."

Fixed the glasses discrepancy, Morda said.

At that moment, the air changed.

'First, about the next second tier, but this is not so different from the first floor. The golems that emerge are equipped with fifty-eight human shapes, forty-two inner ones with swords and shields, and the remaining sixteen with spears. There are four types of traps that respond to and activate gender, eight that temporarily reduce magic, twenty-one pitfalls, and four traps dressed as crates.'

"... Huh?

Unexpectedly Elja raises a dumb voice.

What did this man just say?

"The third tier is next, but there is little division here, and it is a straight line. For this reason, there are twenty-two traps with giant round rocks rolling in and thirty-four pitfalls planted, yes. So there's no golem in this hierarchy."


Wait a minute.

What is this man talking about now?

What are you explaining?

"Next, the fourth layer. But for the first time here, an environmental area-type hierarchy emerges. Sounds like a volcano type. The golems that emerge are also arranged with forty-four types made of lava. The trap- '

How could you?

"Next is the fifth tier, but here is -"

Why is this guy explaining 'Hierarchy I haven't seen yet'?

Even then, Morda solemnly explained precisely the structure and trap of the hierarchy, all of which he had yet to see.


"Er... Next is the twelfth layer..."

So Morda turned her gaze upwards.

Over the video, my eyes met. I felt like...

'Looks like there are five Holy Dragons and eight Hui Dragons arranged here. It's the hardest part of this area, yes. But we can attack. "

Elja felt goosebumps.

'Probably they're “watching” this footage too. So Saint Dragon, all of you Hui Long'

So Morda, once separated the words, put his hands on his chest and lowered his head,

'- I'll be there now, will you please wait a while?

I scolded him with a face that seemed unreliable to anything with uneven glasses.

Elja alters her perception.

This man - he says he's definitely a strong enemy.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

And in the eighth area -.

Lassetz was waiting in the back of the dungeon.

In the upper echelons, the Skeleton Legion and the Golems are fighting well.

Therefore, he had built up his strength until the time when he should have moved.


"... came, is"

Feel the signs and start moving immediately.

Big magic.

Apparently, the other captainship has also moved.

Use the transfer gates for family members installed on each level and immediately go to the upper level.

Skeletons and golems were fighting the Demon King's Army.


There was a demon clan on a different level than the others, obviously.

A bumpy upper body forged up like steel.

I don't have a weapon, I put my arms together, I just watch my men fight from the rear.

I got eyes on the man.

"... apparently, you're here."

Even though the distance was apart, the voice was heard more clearly.

Maybe he's using some sort of magic trick.

"Nice to meet you, armored martial artist. I'm captain of unit seven.

Lassetz moved before the opponent finished saying it to the end.

Its neck flashed.

Stepping in without preliminary motion filled the time in an instant and caught Armati's neck.


"- Huh!?

So the blade stopped.

Armati arms that accompanied it.

"Don't you know what style beauty is? Usually, when you say this, you name each other, don't you?

I was just wondering if you knew something like that, and Lassetz can help.

... but the blade doesn't go any further.

Critical, Lassetes' machetes and Armati's arms intersect.

"Nice... sharp, deep, good fat muscle... that's creepy"

The man makes a deep grin of digging and raises his name.

"Let's name it again, I'm Captain of the Seventh Corps." Crustal Beast. "Armati. You're not sure how hard and tough you are, are you?

"... this is the first time I've been prevented... Ah, there is"

"Huh... well, I guess your first opponent is me"

For some reason, Lassetes got chilly.

What? What's the odd chill right now?

"Sora, give back!

That said, Armati punches his fist in Lassetz.

Rasetsu's armor, made from heavily armed earth material, is very strong. With magic, the harder you can get in.

If you're a general, you can't scratch a single attack or sorcery.



What Lassetz felt was pain.

It's also intense pain like gut twitching along with intense severe pain.

"What do you say? That would be awesome. What about my penetration?

Bearing the pain, Lassetz looks at Armati's hand.

The hand was stiff as steel.

"My body rolls the stronger I am, the harder I get. I've been thinking about you ever since I found out that Mr. Woff lost to you. He wants to fight you."

"- Eh!"

To the word, Lassetz looks under his helmet.

I thought no one had seen that fight.

"The reaction...... I knew it. I smelled Mr. Wolf from your weapon."

Apparently, he's been camouflaged.

I've been put on a proper ride.

He's a strong man for what he looks like.

"It's true you cared about the person who defeated Mr. Woff, isn't it?... and you were more than I imagined. I was so sure that you would be enough to satisfy me with this body of fire!

That hot, sticky gaze catches Lassete.

"... he's really good"

- Oh, shit.

See you later.

I had another strange chill. Especially from around the butt.

I don't know why, but strangely, I felt like I had to protect my butt.

To shake off that emotion, Lassetz can magic into armor and a machete.

Now I'm gonna slash him!

"Hehe, good magic...... let's fuck then!!

The fierce fighting between Lassetz and the 7th Troop Captain Armati began.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

And around that time.

In another dungeon, say...

"Ahhh... I'm free..."

Teacup in hand. Lena Lloyd groans pompously as she looks at her face floating there.

I have nothing to do.

When it comes to house arrest, there is no restriction on movement, but it is therefore plagued by hand-heldness. At first, I played board games and card games by myself, but soon I got tired of it.


"Ha-ha-ha, come on, you know which card is Baba?

"Uh, I don't know which way to go. (Lena backing A)"

"That way! Better to the right. (Lena backing B)

'Oh, you're trying to make me pull a card in your favor! Shut up! (Lena backing c)'

And it was fun there, but somehow it made me sad along the way, and it made me cry.

When the Satanic Clan of Supply brought dinner, when they saw the sight, it was enough that they somehow tried to harm themselves.

Nothing to be sad about. I'm not lonely.

But I cry. It's a girl.

"By now, I wonder if the Azils are attacking Eli's dungeon... I wonder what's going on with Ruggios. He's pretty loose, too, so I have to give him a good glance..."

Humans, more time for one person, more nature and solitude.

To distract loneliness and maintain spiritual equilibrium by doing so.

"Ah, I'm free! Uh, I don't have anything to do! That's right! Let's get out of here!! Get out of here and go to Eli's dungeon!!

And then the solitaire grows louder and louder.

It's like you want someone to hear it.

I want you to react to me in any way that you want me to.

And prove that you are here.

This is our spiral. The darkness is deep.

Until the prey is caught, this negative chain will continue everywhere.

And there was a fish on my needle like that.

"No, please stop, I can't believe you escaped!

Bang! and it was the demon girl with the gray robe in her dark hair who opened the door and showed up.

It looks no less plain than a lanaroid.

"Oh, it's Henri, yahoo"

Lena Lloyd welcomes the person who came in with a smile.

Unit V captain Henri Eille.

Leonaroid is one of the few demons who can speak properly.

Oh, good. I didn't know what I would do if I were a demon tribe.

So get ready for a board game at best.

Playing is all about being able to experience different lives.

"Oh, that? Um, Mr. Lena? We were gonna get out of here. So...?

Henri who doesn't understand and confuses the situation.

"What? I won't? I just said I thought Henri would come if I screamed like that"

And a witch who says that all the time.

He is a noisy son of a bitch no matter how you look at him.

"So, you tricked me! Please don't be such a jerk! Let me go back...... ha, please let me go!

I know, I'm trying to go home, but it's something to let me get away with.

"Daijibu, daijibu. Azil said he would laugh and forgive me. Yes, then this. Henri's possession. Oh, I'll give it to you first."

"So I won't do it!

"Do it, or I'll kill Henri and get you out of here, okay? Are you sure about that?

"What, that threat!? Are you kidding me...?

But Leonaroid only laughs.

In the end, Henri ended up playing games with Leonaroid in tears.

Get ready as you sing your nose song with Humphrey.

Looks like you said you can't help but have fun playing games with someone.

But in my head, I was thinking something completely different.

(Well, in the dungeons of Eli and the others, it would be about time the defense plugged to the end. Maybe the captain will be wiped out. If so, it should be time for Azil to move...... take Yamu and Aoba with you)

While handing out the cards, Leonaroid organizes the situation in his head.

Despite not being given any information at all, she had almost exactly read through the current battlefield.

(- In that case, the situation should move to the next. It is good then to escape. Yeah for Azil and Zahark, but I figured I'd let them mix it up, too. I'm worried about Eli.)

"What's wrong with you? Suddenly you shut up?

Whoa, I'm obsessed with thinking.

"Sorry, it's nothing, come on game, game!

While appropriately deluded, Leonaroid waves the dice.

I lost the result bollocks, but I knew it would be more fun for both of us to do it together than one.

And then an hour later - Lenaloid escaped.

Henri cried when she saw the mushroomed room.

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