The Dungeon Struggle of an Earth Dragon!

24. VS Demon King Army Part V

In the eighth area...

"Nooo...... there!!

Kin! Kin! Gin!! and a tall sword trident sound rings.

Over and over again, Lassetz slashes Armati's body.

"Feels good!!

But Armati just has a trance look on his face, and he can't see any scratches.


Too hard.

Even the “alien” of Uronus can't scratch an Armati with the slaughter of a torn Lassete. Wow...... it's hard.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Around!"

"Feel no, no, no!!

Worst compatibility.

I had nothing else to say for sure.

For the first time in his life, Lassetz bites his teeth, wondering if there was someone that was difficult for him to do by now. I didn't know it would be regrettable to not be slashed. And it's creepy.

"Now it's our turn!

Armati ramblings.

His fist, which boasts much hardness snuggling through the dragon, becomes the strongest weapon if turned to attack.

Russets crossed his arms and guarded him.


But I can't stay on my feet and they blow me away.

It crashes against the wall and finally stops.

Almaty is approaching.

"I think battle is like love."

... what?

Suddenly, what are you talking about?

"Mutual thoughts, ability bubbles. And then we expose each other's strengths and sensitive parts and insert our rolling soles deeper into the other's vagina (naked)...... This is no longer a pseudo-se -"

"There are bruises!!

With a scream, Lassetz seals Armati's bullshit.

Don't ask. Don't ask. It drives me crazy.

It's a mental attack. Hold your heart strong.

And there's something wrong with Rubi. I'd like to think it's a misprint.

"No......! Very good, armored warrior! I've never fought this hot before!

"Just die, please."

"... if you can kill me. My death (for the first time)... can I take it from you?

- Oh, shit.

That hot gaze shoots through Lassetes.

It's a mental attack. How disgusting.

That spiritual fright gives rise to an instant of sukiyaki.

"Look, there's a gap!

Body blow in an empty vagina (naked).

Armati's tough sole is screwed into the racsette.


An awesome shock strikes Lassetes.

And - - Biki! and a "crack” entered Lassetz's armor.

"- Huh!?

A shock ran to Lassetz.

No one has been able to hurt themselves since birth.

That's what... hurt me.

"Hehe, your armor is pretty good too... My hands hurt more when I hit them...?

Armati's words stop on the way.

The reason is the armored warrior in front of you.

He just stands like a ghost in total defenselessness.

"... don't"

"Hmm? What?

"Yuru... I won't"

On the armor my dad gave me... hives... scratches... scratches!!

Scratched important armor!!

That amounts above all to being defiled of my bond with my dear father.

Goshhhhh!!! and something like hot air blows up from Lassetz's body.

It's so overwhelming that it's visualized.

"No forgiveness, no forgiveness, no forgiveness, no forgiveness, no forgiveness, no forgiveness, no forgiveness, no forgiveness, no forgiveness, no forgiveness, no forgiveness!!!!"

For a moment, Lassetes' magic swells up explosively.

That's beyond catastrophic, catastrophic - and even more so -.

"Ha... this is amazing"

Armati grins convulsively at the running of that magic.

I was going to step on the tiger's tail, but apparently what I stepped on was a much more disastrous being than that.

"But - that's why it's funny!

Armati also releases his powers and runs with all his might.

Run Russets too.

A fist, a slash, a clash.

An awesome shock runs!

The ground is cracked, the walls are broken, the air trembles.

Awesome tae-knife and fist reward.

That was no longer an area where others could intervene.

Evidence of this shivered in the corner of the dungeon so that neither the Skeleton Squad nor even the Demon King's Army would be involved in the battle between them.

With them on their asses like that, the battle between the two grows even more intense.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

In the Sixth Area...

As declared, the eighth unit of the Demon King's Army, led by Morda, quickly came to the twelfth tier waiting for Elja and the others.

Until then, the dusk lurked like a lie, carried out a dungeon attack at the shortest possible speed, and arrived here lightly without any problem with the rearrangement of the golem.

"Hey, nice to meet you, ladies and gentlemen of Saint Dragon. My name is Morda and I'm captain of the Eighth Regiment of the Demon King's Army, yes. Sorry, it took me so long to get here."

Morda introduces herself, keeping her head down.

You look like a salarier, but you won't be confused by that trick anymore.

Elja and the others stay alert.

"Is that it? No greetings? Too bad."

Softly Morda raises one hand.

"Um, well, everyone. Take it down."

The battle between Eljah and the Demon King's Army Unit VIII began.

Morda holds a hexagonal stick and jumps at Elja.

The demons of his troops also went into battle with the other Saint Dragons to match it.

"Well, then, my opponent--"


"Whoa whoa!?

Elja's flames scorch Molda's clothes.

It is not the healing flame of 'purification'. For attack, it's a flame of destruction that brings the enemy to ashes.

but Morda puts it on paper.

"Yes, what are you thinking about, suddenly, unintentionally striking?

In the first place, all of a sudden, I don't think there's anything unexpected.

"Shut up! Lord Earth's dungeon is protected by this me, my fiancée!

"Become!? Elja, I haven't given up yet!

In the first place, I'm not engaged, I'm paranoid.

And a polo that burns a sense of confrontation while plain shocked.

"Ho, when his Divine Disaster Dragon King's Son is at his turn with the Son of the" Guardian Saint Dragon "... It is, congratulations, yes."

Morda applauds with a patsy.

You didn't think you'd be blessed, Elja can illuminate.

"... then I have to work hard on the matter."

Set up a hexagonal rod and advance.

Approach Elja.

"" Flame. - Whoa!

I'm trying to develop a defensive technique right now...

"Fire Attribute Defense Ceremony“ Flame Scale No Armor ”?... It's too late."


Morda's hex stick strikes Elja faster than Elja's defense activates.

Striked hard, Elja rolled down the ground.

"Defensive magic in the Flame attribute is slower to activate than an attack. A comma. A few seconds, though. So in the present case, you should have targeted the counter with an attack technique, yes"


Immediately recover the magic...

"Recovery ceremonies take even more time. It doesn't make sense to stand the pain, but first you have to distance yourself from your enemies, right?

- Before you do, Morda's attack is slammed into Elja's stomach.

"Up... duh, why...?

"Is that so strange? Am I going to preface your attack?

Elja nods silently.

Morda pointed to her own eyes.

"It's the power of the“ eyes ”of the ghost tribe. And then well... it's a simple rule of thumb, yes"

"The ghost tribe's..." eyes "?"

"Yes. There is no such thing as' look at the trees and not at the woods' in the land of Jade. I mean look at all the little things and not the whole thing, but the ghost eye is the other way around. You can see the trees, you can see the woods. There's a personal difference, though. In my case, I combined sensing abilities to further enhance them."

That's why I was able to read Elja's movements, like a futuristic view.

That's why I was able to grasp the overall structure just by looking at the ground floor of the dungeon.

That's the power of Morda.

He has observational eyes that are too far off track.

"There are many ghost-specific procedures. It's this“ eye ”, the divination that sets the direction, the metastatic formula of the individual. And I'm good at spells and curses.... Well, the last one will die if I use it"

"... is that good? I gave you that information."

"I don't mind. It's not very" meaningless information ”to me. The previous captain who taught me how to fight...... well, now I'm a traitor, because the person was also a light-mouthed one. Mr. Howlotto said he was in jail, but where is he..."

Morda talks like she misses the old days somewhere.

"So, that changes the story, Mr. Elja. Shouldn't it be time to get" serious ”?

Tickle up, Elja moves better.


"'Cause you guys can't give“ all you can "in the dungeon, can you? So this is how they treat me good."

That was right.

It is not underground, but on earth and in the sky, that the main power of the Holy Dragon is unleashed.

In the ground, the giant deceased, he can no longer move.

A dungeon created by an adult dragon would be able to move, because it is still widely made, but this dungeon is built as the earth grows.

It's too narrow for what they are.

"Even you, who are not serious, are unwilling to be me. Maybe... I don't think I can stand it, yes."

Eyes in the back of the glasses. A gaze that sees everything through.

That catches Elja upright.

Unbearable? How confident are you in your power, this man?

"Do you have a" back hand ”? I don't think it would be a good idea to spare a moment, would you?


What the hell are you thinking?

Elja couldn't read this man's thoughts.

"What... are you thinking?

"Come on, what is it? But at least if you're serious, you're gonna die, right?

"... Fine, then don't regret it!

Elja decides to be ready.

Next Moment, GOOOOO!! Elja's magic swelled up explosively all the time.

The dress that was wrapped around him is decorated to remind him of a red dragon, and his hands and feet are also fitted with a red dragon cage hand, a greve. It's called a dress armor.

The umbrella in my hand has also turned into a beautiful Rapier with fine gems.

"-" Dragon costume change ""

Elja wields a changed rapier.

An explosive pressure of magic struck Molda.

"Ho... this is, great. You compressed your combat power as a Holy Dragon into people's bodies. Probably... referenced" Dragon Killer, "right?

While withstanding the hot wind of its magic, Morda presents her thoughts.

There was a cold sweat seeping through his face.

"You're right.“ Dragon Man Form "with“ Dragon Killer ”…. With reference to that, I created it with Master Elibel. - It's my trump card."

"It's a great force...... no, this looks strong"

Oh, man. I shrug my shoulder.

That turned Elja's nerves upside down.

"Okay - I'll be back!

Raipier, Elja advanced.

And - the battle was decided in an instant.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Meanwhile, we have also seen changes in the war situation in the eighth area.

"Yeah...... yeah...... yes!!

With that groaning, Lassetz waves the machete.

The slaughter strikes Armati's cheek.

There was a lot of blood.


Amazing Armati.

If he doesn't set up further pursuits, Lassetz waves a machete.

Even though I tried to guard him with my hand, this time my arm was severed.


Armati screaming out of the blue.

Immediately distance and check the condition of the arm. Pretty deep, but not by the bone.

Immediately perform hemostasis and suture with "alchemy” and force it to connect. Improvised, but this won't interfere with the fight.

Luckily, there was no pursuit of Lassetes.

He didn't move off the spot and has waved a machete several times to make sure of something.

"Phew... what's going on? Are you suddenly slashed and confused?

Surprisingly sweaty Armati. Breathing is rough, too.

I can't feel the extra time I've had on that face.

Rasetsu against.

"... yeah. I'm used to it."

".................. what?

"It was very hard, but I'm finally getting used to it..."

"Get used to it...... because? My body with that..."

That's what Almaty finds out.

From that explosive increase in magic, your opponent's body is changing.

"Hey, what, you... that body... what's that“ color ”?

Yes. Lassete's body is dark everywhere.

That's not only armor, but also the machete that Lassetz has.

Isn't his body slowly stained black, as if ink were stuck in the paper?

"It took me a long time to get used to it, sir."


Black armor and a machete that condenses the scourge to the point of even this.

To that appearance, not only Armati, but his men, even his fellow dungeons, were trembling.

"-" Soul Change/Black ""

Zung!!! and a tremendous shock struck Almaty.

"Become, stupid - ghoul!

The impact blew me away for more than a few meters.

What a tremendous power.

But that's not where Almaty was surprised.

Because the shock now is not something that happened in a magical attack.

I just gently waved a machete.

That's all it took to create that shock.

And I realize.

The magic I feel from Lassetes - its backbone. My soul is changing.

"Are you... changing your“ soul ”to match your opponent's strength - no,“ sublime ”?

Kokuri, Lassetsu nodded.

Such an idiot, Armati wanted to scream.

Change your soul to match your opponent? Impossible!

That means you can create your own body to be stronger than your opponent.

So to speak, it's a limited “evolution”. What the hell is that! There is also something out of common sense.

That's spirit-king-class - no, it's even comparable to the supposedly divine king-class sorcery on it.

I can't do that.


Think that far, Armati recalls.

There he is.

There is a non-standard existence that performs such acts flatly.

A single dragon with an intrinsic technique that can also be described as the dehumanization of destruction and has the ability to produce an infinitely evolving organism to suit its opponents.

"Oh... well, is that what you're saying? So Azil told me to kill you... Honestly, I was half-hearted, but I finally understood..."

What are you talking about?

"Nothing. Just talking to myself. Let's settle this."

No longer, it would equal no winning.

Anyway, they're stronger than they are.

Plus, we're losing sight of this attack.

It is the iron rule to retreat here and, after putting in place measures, to regroup the troops.


"But... that's why you're rolling! I'll buy you some time!

Armati instructed the troops to withdraw.

And he himself smiled and challenged Lassetz.

I need to buy some time for my men to retreat. That's my job as captain.

Therefore, he cannot pull here. I can't pull it off.

But that's half pre-construction. The other half, because he wants to fight this mighty enemy himself.

More importantly - his pride cannot be tolerated in putting his back in front of such a powerful enemy!

"Ha... Ha ha ha!!

Armati was laughing when she realized.

Lassetz was also laughing as if to respond to it.

Armati hits him.

Rasetsu slashes it.

The shock of loading occurs each time.

The ground breaks, the walls smash, and the ceiling screams.

Hot. My body accelerates everywhere.

Your own breathing, your heartbeat, even a drop of blood, is even hot!

This is it! It's this audacity! This is the fight I seek!

Reach out because you can't reach it! That's why I'm risking my life enough!

Hit, hit, hit.

Slash, slash, slash.

Laugh, laugh, laugh.

Fight, fight, fight.

My arm is severed. It's blood. I can do the whole thing.

This is the fight. Killing love that exposes you and your opponent all and mixes them up.

Oh, great everywhere.

I wish this time would last forever.

But - eternal time marks the end.

Kakun, and.

Armati's knee collapses.

"Oh... already... the limit..."

Neither my left arm nor my right leg were cut off and I didn't realize that I had one hand and one leg.

By then, it was an intense battle.... It was a good time.

Looking back, his troops seemed to have succeeded in withdrawing.

With his right arm without a tip from his elbow, Armati reaches for Lassetz.

"Thank you... I will... armored samurai, I..."



"My name, Lassetes, yes."

"....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Heh heh... there is... and... uhh"

The last time he whined that way, Armati fell.

- Dead.

Looking down at the wreckage, Lassetz delivers his machete to his sheath.

"- I had fun too, Almaty."

Eighth area - settled.

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