One blue and one deep red, two meteors touched quietly in the sky and annihilated each other.

The Cyan Meteor's law is more strict, quickly engulfing the Crimson Meteor, there is a huge difference in quality between the two.


When he was half killed, a huge disorder appeared on the edge of the crimson meteor and the blue meteor, and it exploded spontaneously, blowing up the storm that was about to stick to his core.

The two separated to the two sides, the blue meteor formed by the spear of the storm took a step back, and the crimson meteor on the other side took a few hundred steps back, without any intention of attacking, and fled frantically after leaving contact.

Among the crimson meteors desperately flying, Zhao Shi's extremely pale complexion was faintly visible. There was a basin-sized blood hole on his chest, and the blue light of the dangerous storm faith was clearly visible.

"Ant, die!"

The storm **** who was once again escaped by Zhao Shi roared furiously, and the more power of the storm faith that surrounded his body poured into the storm **** spear in the distance, increasing its speed by three points out of thin air.

The Storm Spear became blurred in the storm and destruction vision, and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he stabbed Zhao Shi's back silently, and the tip of the spear was a high-concentration blue storm belief power like an ink drop. It is a drama for anyone who is not in the storm belief system. Poison, death if touched.

The blood-colored sword gleaming blood that desperately flees gathered between the blades, turned back and chopped, and landed on the tip of the Storm God's spear impartially.


The blood-colored ice crystal blade condensed with a high concentration of sword aura exploded violently at the moment it touched the tip of the blue spear.

The sharp and piercing sound of thunder and blast pierced the ears of all creatures within a hundred li, and blood spurted out. The strong wind blew the white clouds in the sky completely.

A blood-red flying sword was thrown into the distance in the aura of the explosion, the aura dim all over, and he barely adjusted the direction of his flight.

Under the devastating damage, it has lost most of its power and can only fly with the counterforce given by the opponent.

The Storm Spear didn't damage much, speeding up again to pierce the middle of the blood lotus sword that could only keep flying straight ahead.

Just as the storm condor is soaring, using its sharp claws to catch a sparrow passing by the sky, it is bound to hit, because this is a natural law that has been repeated for millions of years.

The claws with sparkling blue electric light placed on the tiny sparrow's body and easily pierced his body. As long as the claws were gently applied to the sides, you could...

A trace of green silk that could not be restrained appeared in the deep pupils of Storm Condor's body, and his body became stiff.

The green silk emerging from the depths of the heart spread all over its body instantly, every feather, every sharp claw, exuding a terrifying and insidious radiation poison, the cultivator of the Transcendental Stage cannot be exempted.

"Oh? Can't you stop it?"

The blood lotus sword under the sharp claws flashed red light slightly, separated from the storm claws that had pierced five deep and transparent holes, and gently wiped it to the neck of the storm condor.

The incomplete sword body staggered, the aura was dim, and the speed was extremely slow, like a play between young children, not like two enemies fighting life and death.

"no no!"

The Storm Condor could only watch the blood-red broken sword that slowly ended his life, and his whole body could not move at all.

The blood lotus sword cut through the feathers, thin flesh, and throat of the storm condor, slowly and bluntly cutting the flesh, extremely difficult.


The sound of the metal crowing, a red-bright blood lotus sword broke out, cutting the storm eagle's neck bone into two.

The head intertwined with cyan storm and purple thunder fell from the sky, turning into a spear tip covered with green silk threads in mid-air.


The body without its head exploded, and the scattered flesh and blood turned into metal-like spear pieces in mid-air. The power of storm belief contained in it was scarce, and most of them were emerald green radiation poison.

The radiation in this area of ​​heaven and earth increased rapidly, rapidly approaching the radiation concentration in the 50-kilometer core area of ​​Xiadu.

A terrifying halo of materialistic forbidden law spread, all the peculiarities of the fragments of the Storm Spear disappeared, and even traces of corrosion appeared.

The broken blood lotus sword fell first, and the force that was barely absorbed from the corpse of the storm condor was consumed, and it successfully escaped before this one-kilometer-sized area of ​​high-concentration radiation spread.

At the edge, the dim blood lightened, revealing Zhao Shi's figure.

It was extremely miserable, there was no difference in the body rag doll.

There are five translucent blood holes in the thighs, chest, abdomen and other places, and the breath of the whole body has declined to the extreme.

He did not stay, turning into a **** light and flew towards the center of Brest.

In the center of the city, the situation of the **** of the storm was worse than that of Zhao Shi. The green silk thread climbed up every part of his skin, and the huge part of the power of the storm belief in his body was eroded, leaving a breath.

A ray of blood fell, revealing Zhao Shi's smiling face: "Storm, look, it's just a bit, you killed me, it's a pity."

A warm daily life like an old friend's conversation, if you don't look at his tattered and terrifying body.

The fact that he is still alive is a serious challenge to any human brain with common sense.

The God of Storm lifted his eyelids with the last trace of strength, and said bitterly: "Mortal...This is not the end, I..."

A touch of blood concentrated from the blood lotus sword pierced his head, and then fled out without looking back.


The divine light in the eyes of the **** of the storm was completely dimmed, and a hole the size of a chopstick appeared on his forehead, but it was not blood and the power of storm belief that flowed out of it, but dark green fluorescence.

It was like a leather ball being pierced, the pale skin and bones of the **** of the storm quickly dissolved, and dots of strong emerald green light emerged from the remains, endlessly.

His small body is simply the source of all the radiation in the world, and the dense radiation spreading from it spreads in all directions, and soon submerged the center of Brest.

Under the wave of bright green light spots, the kobold who flee in terror fell silently, losing all the characteristics of life.

The church sanctuary in the hearts of all kobolds in the center, the 100-meter-high golden kobold statue collapsed, quickly losing all of its extraordinary aura, turning into a pile of marble and metal waste that can never be used again.

A full expansion of three kilometers, the centralization of the essence of Brest City into apocalyptic wasteland stopped, all humans and kobolds inside died, most of which were the noble kobolds in the central area.

Zhao Shi, who was already in a safe zone, didn't care about the wailing and pain of the kobolds, and looked at the dazzling twelve diamond spar in his hand with fascination.

Extremely beautiful, with a mysterious structure sufficient to accommodate the seed of the rules, so that a trace of sudden realization appeared in his eyes, and the breath of the whole body became a little deeper.


The gloomy voice of the **** of kobolds rang in Zhao Shi's ears: "Hand over the Godhead of Storm as compensation for your destruction of Brest."

His eyes were full of greedily looking at the bright spar in Zhao Shi's hand, and a heavy pressure suppressed Zhao Shi's broken body, causing his body to stagger.

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