The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 600: Mutation

Chris's strength was still maintained at a level that surpassed the Nascent Soul's peak without any enhancement, but Zhao Shi's strength dropped rapidly.

This is the confidence he dared to say before his divine body descended.

"Do you want this?"

Zhao Shiyang raised the shining spar in his hand and said lightly: "Then die."


The pure golden body of the **** of kobold roars, and two crossed golden claws form a sharp shadow of Tao Tao covering Zhao Shi. Under the overflowing golden power of faith, even three or five Yuanying peak monks can work together to strike. Kill.

Not to mention that Zhao Shi, who is now crippled and close to death, is not as powerful as an ordinary Condensed Realm cultivator.

A crimson illusory sword light appeared from the center of Zhao Shi's eyebrows, slashing towards the head of the kobold, and the world became hazy.

The pure golden kobold had a stiff body, and all the expression in his eyes disappeared.

The sharp golden claws around, the hot field, and his sturdy and immortal body collapsed and turned into golden light spots.

"Chris, I won't care about you this time, and next time I will join the White Bear Country to kill you."

Before his consciousness was about to completely collapse, hearing such a harsh warning made him crazily hateful.

But he didn't descend on his clone again.

This time, not only the power of his faith was destroyed, but also a small part of the soul that he separated to manipulate the clone.

If this soul-killing attack continues for dozens of times, he will undoubtedly die.

Zhao Shi dragged his weak body to sit cross-legged on a non-radiating ice sheet, silently recovering the mana in his body and repairing holes in his body.

The wounds that were translucent and bright at the back were covered and filled with a layer of blood and light, barely maintaining the supporting structure, little by little the residual storm force in the body was discharged, and huge deep pits were corroded by falling on the ice and snow.

On the white ice and snow plain, a bit of black sits quietly on the ground, the breath is weaker than that of a small animal, and a red light flashes on his body after a few hours.

The wind and snow blown his body and submerged his body under the thick snow layer, making the ice and snow hungry wolf who smelled the prey from far away had to abandon the delicious prey that was already close to the tip of the nose.

A month later, the ice and snow layer, which had been frozen to be harder than the iron plate, cracked, breaking into fine pieces of ice and splashing in all directions.

A pale-faced young man in a black Taoist robe who barely recovered some spirit came out of it, and turned into a **** light and flew towards the original holy city.

At the same time, news of the death of the god-level incarnation of the **** of the storm in this world spread to the capital of Xia Kingdom.

It was officially announced that Xia Guo lasted for ten years, and the god-man war with almost no hope was completely won.

In the future, as long as the entrance of the initial holy city is sealed with a nuclear bomb, the possibility of invasion by the god-level enemy is basically cut off.

Without hesitation, the senior officials of Xia Guo, who had been waiting for a long time in the dark, announced the news of victory to the people of the whole country and the world.

The whole country was boiling, people ran out of the factory like crazy, crying and laughing, excited and gloomy.

At this moment, even the most demanding and stern supervisor would not blame this scene, but immediately joined it, laughing and celebrating.

The dark clouds that had hung over this country for ten years disappeared.

After being defeated, the tens of millions of barbarians remaining in the Blue Star became disheartened after receiving this news. Many resistance and unwillingness brewing in the dark disappeared, and their faith in the God of Blood became more pious.

The governments of other countries received the news, envy and jealous, more and more higher-level missions were sent to negotiate with the embassy of the blood sea in their country and the initial holy city.

He promised many favorable conditions, including allowing the spread of the belief in the God of Blood, as long as he could get the support of the sea of ​​blood to save his country.

However, these only received polite responses from diplomatic procedures, and the application to meet the Master of the Blood Sea in person was declined.

On the city of the sky on the deep blue vortex.

Zhao Shi sat cross-legged in the blood lotus palace, vomiting the huge spiritual energy that gathered from all directions, little by little, repairing the injuries in his body.

By his side, Ouyang Wu, who was connected with his soul, breathed a sigh of relief.

In her perception, Zhao Shi's weak body has begun to recover, and it is no longer the previously weak and extremely weak fire of life that may be extinguished at any time.

After hesitating, she said, "Zhao Shi, there is someone from Kuikeri who wants to see you."

"He is the former real power monarch of Wu under us and around the plane channel, and there is also an elected prime minister in exile An Suo who disagrees with him.

Their aspirations are roughly the same, they all want to take refuge in us and let us help them restore their country. "

"The policy adopted by Xia Guo towards Wu State is to recognize its original country, but it will take away most of the natural resources in Wu State, and even the 51% equity of Wu State Central Bank."

Zhao Shi opened his eyes: "So what?"

The mortal kingdom change is of little importance to them, and it is not worth investing any time.

He felt that Ouyang Wu had too little time to practice recently, so he always had strange and messy thoughts.

"I want to occupy all the territories around the initial holy city, and drive away the people like Ansu and Quikri. The guild needs to have a direct jurisdiction in Blue Star."

Ouyang Wu quickly expressed his thoughts.

Zhao Shi thought for a while, and shook his head: "No, this is the traditional political power of Xia State, and it cannot affect our relationship for a little profit.

Our energies should be placed on all places where there is a storm belief in Ellen's world, and that is suitable for the existence of immortal cultivators. "

Ouyang Wu was a little disappointed: "Well, then I know."

She feels that controlling a modern country and being a behind-the-scenes man is also very powerful and exciting.

But Zhao Shi objected, so forget it.

Time passed little by little, and ten years of time flowed smoothly.

This period of time is very short for the immortal cultivator, just a small retreat, but for the mortal country of Xia Guo, it is a long time.

The damage caused by the barbarians has been repaired in these years, the country has changed from a tense wartime state to a peaceful state, a large-scale army has been abolished, and the society has resumed a virtuous circle.

The Blood Church has developed unprecedentedly during this time period.

The believers include people from East Asia, many believers in the White Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom.

Unlike the cruel and strict churches of gods such as Storm, the Blood Church has free faith, and its religious purpose meets the needs of the public and does not discriminate against anyone.

More importantly, it can give mortals a chance to give birth to extraordinary abilities.

The combination of these conditions immediately caused the power of the Blood Church to expand rapidly in this world. In just ten years, the virus spread all over the world, with billions of believers.

This is a belief that far exceeds the world of light and darkness!

The gathered beliefs were horrible and distorted, and gradually broke away from the taboos planned by the Blood Sea Guild, and an unknown monster was about to be born in it.

On this day, the formation of the Blood Lotus Palace was opened for the first time in ten years, and the holy sword holder, Karina, the strongest blood angel was summoned.

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