The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 622: resentment

The first division of blood angel, the second division, and the first division of magic are all capable of slaying the cultivators at the peak of Nascent Soul.

You must know that frontal confrontation and frontal beheading are two different concepts.

Their strength is much higher than the average Nascent Soul Peak cultivator, as long as the Nascent Soul Peak cultivator does not use their stronger mobility to escape, they will undoubtedly die.

But now under the siege of more than 30 sanctuary groups from the Kobold Church, the huge area surrounding the Third Division has shrunk sharply.

Sharp claws, flames, and boulders came one after another, swaying the area around them, and they could completely collapse at any time.

The other sanctuary is nothing. The five peak priests of the sanctuary headed by the archbishop of the gold mine are too powerful. Under their leadership, the sanctuary clusters sway the Holy Light and have the absolute upper hand.

Taken together, the battlefield of ordinary kobolds and tank infantry at the bottom, the flame fox missile battlefield at the middle level, and the battlefield of the three masters at the upper level are all at a disadvantage.

Once a battlefield fails, the result will be passed up and down, completely overturning the entire battle.

A huge pressure enveloped the very center of the Sky City, the holy kobold hymns sang lowly, and the surrounding space was frozen as rigid as an iron plate.

The thick warning message was clearly conveyed to Zhao Shi's heart, which was a completely different feeling compared to the weak incarnation before.

Zhao Shi in the Blood Lotus Palace looked up and smiled softly: "His Royal Highness, I finally saw you today."

Without dispatching the Sixth Division of the Sea of ​​Blood, he raised his right hand and lightly cut out a sword in the direction where the Archbishop of the Gold Mine and other kobold sanctuary were located, treating Chris' stern warning as nothing.

A faint red sword aura flew from the blood lotus palace, mixed with the countless sword auras of the blood angels and others around it, without any sense of existence.

"Run! Run away!"

The archbishop of the gold mine and the others, who were pressing the blood angel and the magician, looked terrified, their scalp numb, and they did not hesitate to turn into various rays of light to escape in all directions, without a hint of uniting against the enemy.

That's a god-like figure!

How can this be resisted by personally attacking them now?

The various colors scattered like fireworks suddenly froze.

A icy feeling rising from the deepest part of their hearts filled their hearts, the mana and mental power in their bodies slowly frozen, and they could only watch a red sword light come to the corner of their eyes.

"Mortal! You are so bold!"

A thunderous roar appeared in the void, and a huge golden metal claw protruded from the void, crushing the red sword air filaments that had reached the cheeks of the archbishop of the gold mine and others.

The empty space fluctuated in a blur, and a 10,000-meter-high dog head figure appeared.

His whole body is made of unknown sacred metal, his face is majestic, and endless hymns sing beside him.

As soon as it appeared, a thousand-mile divine realm appeared between heaven and earth, controlling everything and suppressing everything.

He didn't stop his attacks, a sharp claw rescued the archbishop of the gold mine and others, and a golden sharp claw like a mountain gathered the power of the eight directions to stab the blood lotus palace.

The weight and sharpness of the golden claws made of metal have broken through the limits of the world's imagination. The space twists and fluctuates like wrinkles in front of it, and has reached the limit of the world's strength.

The huge sky city under it is no different from the toys made from sand piles, and the mid-level protection bans of Yuanying are even more of a joke.


A wave of blood and a sea of ​​blood appeared on the four sides of the Sky City, and the infinite light of blood converged towards the center of the Blood Lotus Palace.

A round of blood crescent moon appeared in the sky, using the moon's face as the front, to cut upwards, and the cold blood sea sword intent was distributed in all directions.


The **** crescent moon collided with the metal sharp claw mountain peak, the terrifying aura exploded, and the sharp metal clashing sound spread thousands of miles, setting off a storm affecting tens of thousands of miles.

The Scarlet Crescent Moon and the Sky City retreated more than ten kilometers, and the unstoppable downward drop of the metal claws was abruptly stopped and turned into a static state.

"Compared with you, I am not bold enough."

Zhao Shi's figure appeared inside the bend of the huge **** crescent moon, smiling towards the ten thousand-meter golden idol in front of him.

Chris, the **** of kobolds, was not in a hurry, and asked with a cold face:

"Why kill my kobold people?

You are such a strong person, but you are willing to fall, and you do something to the unarmed ordinary kobold, do you have a trace of the self-esteem of a strong person? "

It seems that He never thought that anyone would dare to kill the roots of the kobolds.

This is an endless declaration of war against him, the clan **** of the kobolds!

"Yes? Is there such a thing?"

Zhao Shi categorically denied: "His Royal Highness, I am willing to unite the power of all intelligent creatures, coexist peacefully with them, and develop and grow together. This is not what I did, nor is it the work of our blood sea immortals."

Genocide can be done, but as a civilized person, it cannot be said.

The **** of kobold smiled in anger, "So, did my more than one billion people die naturally?"

As he shouted and asked, strands of black-gray resentment appeared in the void, which originally flew toward his divine body, endlessly.

But now these resentments suddenly stagnated, hesitated, and then suddenly changed direction and killed Zhao Shi, the most powerful and powerful person in the sea of ​​blood.

"Devil! Sinner!"

"Death! Death! Compensation for our lives!"

"Curse you! Curse your soul to fall into the bottomless abyss, endure the torture of poisonous fire for life!"

The terrifying God-level resentment surrounded Zhao Shi and screamed at him frantically, trying to gnaw his soul and drag him into the abyss of death.

"A mere resentful spirit, dare to make trouble?"

Zhao Shimian was extremely indifferent and didn't react to their accusations, using the blood lotus sword as a pen to randomly stroke around.

The sea of ​​blood and sword intent that freezes all spirits pervades, causing the surroundings to stagnate and break apart when they are crazy.

Out of the void, resentment and curses poured in endlessly, but when he came into contact with Zhao Shi's sword intent, he was easily beheaded, even without spending much power.

The resentment of faith around Chris, the **** of kobolds, is not worth mentioning here, and it is not a threat to consider at all.

I am not your god.

I have never had an agreement with you, what is your death to me and what is your responsibility?

Where is the poison of faith?

Zhao Shichao smiled at Chris: "It was not a natural death, it was caused by war.

Just like the war between the kobolds and the people of the White Bear Nation, didn't they disappear silently in your kobold territory? "

Since the kobolds set a precedent for slaughtering humans, it is only natural for them to be slaughtered by humans.

Kobold **** Chris ignored Zhao Shi's words and roared: "How can a kobold be the same as a lowly human? Heresy! Sinner!"

With his performance, the sacred hymns around him became more magnificent, and the resentment outside the body decreased.

"Mortal! Accept the trial!"

The rays of the golden gods became more radiant, as a golden sun smashed down at Zhao Shi, and even more chaotic singing and curses penetrated into Zhao Shi's sea of ​​knowledge, tearing his soul into pieces.

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