The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 623: Kobold God

"His Royal Highness is too impatient.

It's hard to meet an equal existence that can communicate with each other, so why bother to fight so quickly? "

Zhao Shi was a little regretful. After spending most of his time in retreat for more than one hundred and sixty years, he was willing to communicate with monks of the same rank, even if he was more scolded.

The turbulent roar in the blood sea, 998 blood-red stars appeared, and the blood-red stars turned into a crimson vortex in the cold sword intent, swallowing the water of the blood sea frantically.

A mouthful of blood-colored ice crystal flying sword appeared in these blood-colored vortexes, rising upward, turning into 998 blood-colored stars on the horizon, surrounded by the crescent moon formed by the blood lotus sword.

While these blood-colored stars returned to their positions, a golden sun formed by the beliefs of kobolds plunged straight into the world of blood.


Where the two meet, the Blood Sea World and the Kobold Divine Realm shattered into glass-like fragments and exploded in all directions, and the light of the world became dark.

Along the way, the blood-colored stars that formed the world of the sea of ​​blood were smashed apart, flying in disorder like a rock, the aura above the stars was dim, and the whole world swayed and shattered.

On the bottom of the blood sea world, criss-crossing transparent gullies appeared, through which one could see the fierce battlefield outside.

The icy sea of ​​blood vaporized directly at close range under the golden sunlight, without even the sword gas vapor, the entire sea of ​​blood boiled instantly, the vast sea of ​​smoke disappeared, and the world reached the end of the sun.

But the blood sea world that has been broken so far has not completely collapsed.

With the full support of the whistling of the general trend of the world, and the full swallowing and vomiting of the heavenly immortal sword intent, the blood sea world absorbed the aura of the four directions, and the internal runes and formation patterns flashed at high speed, and the broken world began to undergo tremendous changes.

The transparent veins were filled by the surging sea of ​​blood, the cracks on the wall of the broken world were repaired under the flashing red light, and the world took on a whole new look.

Even the edge of the huge gap that was blasted by the golden sun began to squirm, and the sea of ​​blood spread and shrank quickly.

Seeing this, the kobold **** didn't say a word, but his eyes became colder.

The 10,000-meter-tall metal divine body strode forward, and two golden claw shadows crossed and cut towards the gap, and they wanted to combine with the golden sun inside and outside to completely tear the world of blood.

"Blood Lotus Sword!"

Zhao Shi drank low, temporarily ignoring the golden sun in the center of the blood sea world, turning into a blood body and throwing it into the blood moon behind him, making his blood flourish.

The blood-colored stars flashed together, each shining a bloodthirsty moonlight composed of sharp forest cold sword energy to the bottom of the world, and the misty sword energy ocean flooded the hot sun, and the two fiercely consumed each other.

The world trembled, and the blood moon at the absolute center broke away from its orbit, turning into a **** arc that covered the sky and slashed into the gap of the blood sea world.


The sky-covering blood arc collided with the metal claws of the kobold god, and the two retreated several kilometers, and the blood moon was smashed back more than ten kilometers.

But with such a momentary barrier, the peristaltic blood flow from the gap poured into the gap, filling the last trace of white transparent hole, leaving no gap.


The world of blood sea roared and vibrated, endless blood light fell from the already intact blood-colored sky, and blood-colored lotus petals in the void grew spontaneously, which contained a high concentration of blood-sea sword intent.

A petal of blood-colored lotus flower landed on the golden sun that was about to break through the blood and mist, carrying the cold of the material world and the spiritual world, and drowning the hot and high temperature of the sun little by little.

Boom boom boom!

The golden sun suddenly erupted, and even more scorching high temperature gushed out from the golden sun, burning the blood lotus petals on his body to ashes, revealing pieces of golden circles of various sizes, and the scorching magma flowing.

Unfortunately, the outbreak cannot last long.

Under the endless fall of the blood-colored lotus petals, many golden circles on the golden sun shrank rapidly, and the blood-colored parts grew rapidly.

The dense blood lotus petals fall in the center of the golden magma lake, taking away several times its own energy before turning to ashes.

After a while, the last golden circle on the golden sun shrank and disappeared, and the entire sun was completely covered by blood-colored lotus petals.

The high temperature that had always enveloped the world of blood disappeared in an instant, and the temperature of the hot blood suddenly dropped, turning into a state of coldness and tranquility again.

Surrounded by layers of ice-cold blood lotus petals, the golden sun shrank rapidly, and finally burst into a huge golden meteor with a bang. The golden magma scattered all over, annihilating a large sea of ​​blood.

But in the end, everything disappeared under the blood that was rushing around.

Only the **** sea of ​​breath, the nine hundred and ninety-eight **** stars in the sky, and the **** crescent moon at the center of that round.

The ten thousand-meter kobold madly attacking by two golden claws paused, and stopped his continuous attacks tearing the outer wall of the world of blood.

He was silent for a while, looking at Zhao Shi, a look of equality and gaze appeared in his majestic eyes:

"His Royal Highness Zhao Shi, it is very strange. The energy in your body clearly gives me the feeling that it is a mere martial master level."

"But why it can cause such destructive power, not inferior to the attacks of other highnesses, makes me very puzzled."

The other kobold priests of the sanctuary who were in the fierce battle saw this without any surprises. Naturally, it was another highness who could fight the gods, which they had already guessed.

Zhao Shi didn't rush to attack, and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, power is composed of spirit, mana, and weapons.

Although my mana is still at the level of the Golden Core Realm, its true quality has surpassed the mana of the ordinary Nascent Soul peak, and the other two aspects are similar. You must have seen it long ago. "

He is eager to communicate with transcendents of the same level and above, hoping to gain more knowledge and thinking, whether it is an enemy or not, or whether the opponent's head will be taken off the next moment.

"Is that so? Thank you, His Royal Highness Zhao Shi."

Chris, the **** of kobolds silently, made a suggestion: "I am willing to give you all the territories already occupied by His Highness.

I wonder if you can swear an oath with your soul origin that you will never invade any kobold territory in this life? "

"If you want, our two families can maintain permanent peace. I am willing to approve of your attack on the country of His Highness the Storm and recognize your right to rule above it."

After feeling a clear threat, Chris, the **** of kobolds, took measures that most gods would take.


After thousands and tens of thousands of years, all Tianjiao might have died, and the world still belongs to the eternal gods.

He didn't believe that the next generation of the Blood Sea Guild could be born.

The shame of the present, after tens of thousands of years, that mortal can still remember?

They will only remember the majesty of God and the necessary awe. The so-called shame is not shame, but something that does not exist.

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