The Economics of Prophecy

Thirteen stories, bait choice.

Bertoldo's castle gate opens wide and one Knights carriage after another enters. I found the face I found out in the knight protecting the carriage. Claudia got a relieved look.

"His Highness Craig is..."

I asked Adele. I have a bad feeling about it. The Knights of Bertoldo are back two days ago.

That's when I heard the hoof.

"Okay, okay, you were in Bertoldo properly. Now you've won."

Craig looked at me and laughed as he plucked his dirty forehead. What are you talking about? This prince.

◇ ◇

"Morant was dropped shortly after using the poison in the example. I owe this to you."

We were gathered in the Grand Duke's conference room. Craig's explanation clearly shows the seriousness of the situation. Assuming an electric shock operation by a mobile unit, it was as predicted until the other attack target. Still, it was overshadowed by the speed.

Replenishment and combat units are like nomads. It is certainly not an impossible operation given the ability of the horse dragon to transport. If that dragon Hayrate is a large combat helicopter, is Horse Dragon something like an armored car?

"So well, I'm safe..."

"Oh, it would have been dangerous without that carriage and Lord Great Sage's antenna. Well, the enemy's speed dropped on the way to the boulder. But even while this is happening, the enemy is putting the western realm under control. And we can't move. Anyway, the scope of operations is too different. You can't go to reinforcements if you get attacked."

Craig said. I see, then the western part of the kingdom will collapse. Security is the prime role of the state, and loyalty blows up in situations where it can't be fulfilled.

"Unless you do something about the army of horse dragons, there's nothing you can do."

"That's right. So hope is only in Ricardo's poison. Problem is, you say you've got less hands on that, too. You should think of one chance."

The effect of pollen has been multiplied by the poisoning. But gases depend on wind direction and so on, and even if they don't, they diffuse quickly. It is difficult to capture two hundred horse dragons in sufficient concentrations of gas for as long as necessary.

Hang the pollen on the horse dragon, then the acid. A few may be possible if you poke at the void, but you can't do it in sufficient numbers. Sneaking into enemy formation at night, around horse dragons resting...... We need to infiltrate the enemy formation, and we're going to be in the wind in no time.

Fill the trenches with acid and remove the pollen from the walls.... There's no way I can prepare enough acid to fill the trenches. Spread the pollen out of the castle beforehand......, same. The amount of acid is not enough. Such quantities don't even exist before you lose them in Maurant.

"So, what's the plan for my staff?

Craig said. I look left and right at who the staff was. For some reason, everyone on the field is looking at me. How many times have I told you military amateurs...

"There's nothing more we can do than lure you into the fort. If you insist, you don't go into the fort, you do the defense work mainly to keep it out. Specifically, we're going to do a trick inside the gate."

Normally, they would put objects like backwoods outside the gate to keep them away from the gate. But this time it's the other way around. Probably easier this way.

Getting in and out is not a symmetrical exercise. From outside the fort to the gate there is a sufficient escape distance, but the other way around is that it is not. I wrote a diagram to explain the operation.

"I see, the enemy will take it as his last ascension. It just needs a lot of civil work."

"If that's the condition, it's either this fort or this fort here..."

Euphoria's butler pointed to the map. It is an old fort that exists in the east and west of Bertoldo.

"Then the question is how do we direct our enemies here..."

I saw the little fort on the map. It's a worthless place to think normally. If Bertoldo falls, he returns to pointless ruins. It's not even worth it as a place where the resistance stands halfway.

"If it's okay to feed me, it's quick."

Craig said.

Suppose you put a Knights Against Demons main unit in this fort. A large part of the western organised forces of war and the symbol of the kingdom will be present in a place that can be easily dropped for the enemy. This would be tempting for once.

Still, I would prioritize the Bertoldo attack. It is rather convenient for the enemy because the Knights of the Grand Duke and the surrounding noble forces cannot protect them in the end. If we drop Bertoldo, we can confront Craig in more favorable circumstances.

It's a trap, no matter what you think.

I can tell when this happens. It was Maurant's best chance.

"There's only one person more valuable to the Empire than me."

Craig saw me. It is viewed with the same eyes as watching an extra chocolate omelet. As far as this one is concerned, it is meant to be a complete mess.

Harassment of the empire I've been doing is mind-blowing. Not necessarily intentional, but confident to rank on the first of the Empire's list of humans who want to kill. Perhaps the order of the single-digit table.

If the Knights Against Demons are defeated, and Bertoldo falls, naturally my information will go over there. Though I may take risks in a safekeeping calculation...... No, you can't.

I got Craig's gaze without changing my expression. Craig also shook his head.

There is almost no chance that the Empire will recognize me that way at the moment. Assuming we get all the information out of here. It's like saying that's a trap. First of all, after you drop Bertoldo, you just have to look carefully. More than that, when the Knights of Bertoldo and Craig are defeated, I can't do anything on my own.

"Me and Ricardo both deserve it as bait."

Apparently Craig came up with a set sale. It doesn't make sense to attach a high-branch cut to a luxury outside car. Well, I guess Craig and I would be somewhat persuasive about my value.


Alfina stood up. When I came to the meeting, I was forced to follow.

"The commander of the Empire is His Royal Highness Dagobad, isn't he? If so, why don't I be the one?"

I mentioned that Alfina was outrageous.

"Alfie, that's..."

"Princess, please don't do such a dangerous thing"

Euphiria and Claudia said. Indeed, that prince had a strong obsession with the witch princess of prophecy. I actually saw it with this eye at Shaoxian Festival, and there were a number of descriptions in the Imperial Cryptographic Documents that seemed to be it.

Hi. The Empire seems to have noticed that the crystal of prophecy is associated with the demonic vein. I guess Alfina is certainly worth more than a set of magic guides and users.

"... you're the same. I can handle it well after dropping the belt. First, there is no reason for Alfina to head to that fort"

Craig shook his head. But Alfina shakes her head. And I saw a warrant to refrain next to me. I stood up like Luitzer reluctantly said.

"No, it does. From this eastern fort there is an intermediate road but a road to the Wang capital. What's more, near the fort is the territory of Viscount Sagayne. Mamichi also passes through the Viscount."

"Viscount Sagayne?

"I'm a middle-aged nobleman who attended the first briefing. I listened to this story with interest, but when I heard that the Chancellor's breathtaking Chamber of Commerce was involved, I gave him the opposite look for a moment."

I had no idea. So you mean a potential traitor? It means that Alfina is secretly trying to escape to the King's Capital, a person who is likely to circulate information to the Empire.

In the war, the royal flees to the king's capital. This could be too much. If we hadn't known about the horse dragon beforehand, Alfina would have been evacuated to the king's capital.

You mean to ask Sagayne for Alfie's help evacuating?

Euphiria said with a difficult face.

◇ ◇

"Dear Alfina, why are you so impotent..."

I told Alfina after the meeting.

"The situation is tough, isn't it? I don't think there's much I can do."

Alfina shook her head at my words.

"It's not going to be a little bit of a bluff."

"Ricardo tells me... Ricardo is going to a dangerous place anyway. Then we can feel safer together."

"No, it makes sense if we get caught together..."

"If I'm valuable to the Empire, I might be able to protect Ricardo a little bit."

Alfina told me to be nothing. I'm out of line.

"Besides, it's an operation that Ricardo thought of, isn't it? I'm sure you'll be fine."

Alfina grinned and shook my hands. Oh, my God, you can never fail.

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