The Economics of Prophecy

14 Stories: Birds in the first half

Khan, Khan.

A screaming bell is ringing in the fort.

We roll up the soil and smoke, and a group of aliens looms. Horseware and riding knights are a unified army in black. It keeps getting closer and closer to this one while maintaining a beautiful trapezoid. It is a word of threat for the Warcraft, the existence of a world outside man, to move as a distinctly dominant organization.

After adding the upper and lower edges and multiplying them by the height, is there a 160-strong place? There will be Morant and Kazel defenses and contacts, so mobilize most of them that can be moved?

Is the man in the center of the first row, especially the big horse dragon, that black prince, Dagobad?

To look beneath your feet, the stone walls close to the square are filled with cracks everywhere, and you cannot rely on the wooden gates with rounded corners. Reminds me of a previous life when the fort only existed as a historic monument.

How much, even if it's a premise to be broken, there's something coming to the spirit.

Looking inside the fort, the last finish is done inside the gate. The boards have been removed from the path taken by the carriages of Alfina and the Knights of Craig who have fled in earlier. The Bertoldo craftsmen who helped with the civil work have already evacuated in the surrounding woods in a scattered manner. Now the knights are barricading. In the middle of the fort, a simple position has been built with a transport unit carriage as a wall.

My fingers with a bag of purple powder are dirty with dirt, too. The time is almost evening. Did you make it?

"All you have to do is pray you eat well after that"

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All units shut down.

Dagobad stopped his troops in front of the fort.

As he waited for the arrival of horse dragon feed in the town he occupied as a base for the Bertoldo offensive, he received information from insiders that the witch princess was in Bertoldo and was about to evacuate to the king's capital. Besides, they have Craig's Knights escorting them.

When the royals mocked the "run away together” indifference, Dagobad decided to turn the path east.

"So much for Craig's escape."

Dagobird recalls a one-sided battle that can't even be called a previous battle. The fortifications surrounding the crossing point were in place once and for all. I was impressed that judgment based on the city of Kasel was also quite an object.

But when the battle started, it was a shame. The main army of the kingdom retreated to the king's capital when they overthrew a fort called Maurant. Of course Kasel, who fell easily, from which the southern defense system was extremely fragile.

Only Craig's Knights managed to escape, as if they knew exactly what this move was.

But that's over. This time, if Craig is nothing more than an omelet but crushes the hero, it will have an effect on peace in the West and later rule.

"But what do you do when you run into this place"

Dagobad felt uncomfortable at Cage Castle with no chance.

From the soldiers standing at the castle gate, it doesn't look like they were abandoned. It's a halfway point where I don't think Bertoldo's defense to the west makes sense.

"Don't you think we'll catch up and buy you time till night"

"Is that why riding in the shade increases the likelihood of running away? What's going on with Bertoldo's movements?

"Ha, got word that the castle was in a hurry"

"Can't you two royalty be abandoned... Nevertheless, the kingdom's magic sensing is clearly highly accurate."

Dagobird looked up immediately after only a few thoughts.

"All right, I'll put the troops on three. First unit will be in front with me. Second unit, turn around behind your back. This signal will simultaneously enter through the front and rear gates. Troop three split left and right outside the fort and surround the perimeter. Don't let any of them get away with it."

If we capture Craig and the witch princess as soon as possible and crush reinforcements from Bertoldo with a sword to return them, the battle for the West is over. Thinking of his rival, Mathier's hurried face, Dagovard lifted his lips.

On the instructions of the deputy generals, the troops are divided into 60, 50 and 50.

Dagobad waited for the second unit, which he left to his deputy general, to turn behind the fort.

Jahn, Jahn.

As Dagobird shook up his arm, the bronze tongue at the start of the attack rang. A demon-guided gold broken castle hammer begins to spin. As surrounds it, the Legion of Horse Dragons sickens toward the fort. From the fort, an arrow of sorrow flies.

When you look at the light, it looks like a magical object. But I can't call it a threat to thick armor made on the assumption of horse dragon scales and riding.

Gah! Gah, gah......, dogga!!!

The old wooden gate snapped in front of Dagovard. My men rush into the fort to fight ahead. But the next moment, the two leading horsemen suddenly disappeared.

"It's a pit!

The ground suddenly collapsed to surround the gate. Behind the pit is a barricade that seems to have been made by destroying a building in the fort. An arrow flew from across the barricade.

"Don't be silly."

Through the reins, give the horse dragon a command. Scales bounce arrows with light. One of the horsemen in the hole ran up and back, but one apparently hurt his leg. I saw a subordinate who unlocked the reins rushed to shut his mouth. White smoke stands from the feet of the horse dragon that came up from the hole.

"Captain, apparently the acid"

If you look closely, there is a puddle at the bottom of the hole.

"Waste of time"

The broken castle hammer has been pierced to the bottom of the pit, but such an unreliable Marutai fence is of no use. Four horsemen run out the gate to Dagobad's instructions. The four horsemen with the aid jumped across the hole completely at the right time. A spear shaken in the air pierces a barricade that inhibits the way it goes. The wooden formation blew up easily. A knight or soldier who was behind the barricade escaped to scatter the spider child.

Dagobird jumps over the hole slowly. Even the opposite of the fort makes the sound of a tree crushing.

Behind the open view, you can see a simple protective wall built with carriages side by side. Capture the girl in the white dress with blue and silver hair in your sight. Dagobird nodded his tongue.

"Well, I didn't know you were trying to escape not only the witch princess, but even the hero prince"

Dagobird saw Craig with his sword pointed this way like he was covering Alfina.

The prey is completely besieged in the center of the fort. Soldiers on the walls are desperately trying to get rid of the staircase barricades they built themselves.

I warned him once, but he no longer has nothing but insults than to find out that the dragon crusade was a poisonous thing.

"If you surrender, I will not take your life. I promise to treat you as a prisoner."

To Dagobad's words, Craig silently opened the bag in his hand. There's purple powder in there.

"Kukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukuku Uh, ha-ha-ha. I see. You're finally going to use a trump card."

Dagobird laughed invincibly. A pot is carried before Craig. No way, it's not the last liquor. What did Craig think, he threw the contents of the bag into the pot.

"What are you doing..."

Thin purple smoke rises from the kettle. Is it a trick to sprinkle pollen? No, if you look closely, there's also a slight smoke drifting through the carriage windows that surround the Craigs.

Dagovard got away with the broken trick of the story.

"I don't care about the prince, but don't scratch the witch princess"

When Dagobad ordered his men, the two horsemen at both ends of the left and right rocked Grali and his body.

"Captain. The horse dragon!

I also noticed purple smoke from the surrounding buildings. I saw a horse dragon in the outermost part of the line break his knee. Raising and lowering his jaw like an agu reminded him of the sight of a dragon crusade half a month ago.

What resuscitated him in the back of his brain was the appearance of a horse dragon who fell ill under the tormented exhalation of a dragon.

Reason tells, "There shouldn't be any danger to me," and my instincts turn, "It's dangerous anyway". In the midst of the two stirrups, he chose his instincts.

"Make the horse dragon hold its breath. Out of the fort."

Through the reins, communicate your intentions to the horse dragon. Resistance to orders contrary to survival, far stronger than making the pain endure, was forced to twist. His horse dragon flips quickly. With only a slight delay, my men made the same move at the same time.

Troops switching momentarily from offensive posture to retreat. I would have boasted of its proficiency and control myself if it had not been for this case.


Dagobird bites his lips and turns back the way he came. If you look closely, that thin smoke is coming out of many of the buildings in the fort. And one after another behind him and the horse dragon falls off.

When I approached the gate I was aiming for, I saw some small object being dropped from the top. A water noise called Bashan sounded.

All kinds of purple smoke rises from the pit. I ordered the horse dragon in a state where he held his breath to increase his speed further. But my foot hurts. The barricade trees that we destroyed earlier are arranged as if they were colors.

"Were you prepared for this"

Dagovard realized that it had been prepared from the outset not to reject them but not to let them escape. There was a heavy noise of a bulge falling after him. His horse dragon, who tried to keep orders to the end, also opened his mouth wide.

The sound of hooves looms from behind.

Beyond the gate is an unusually noticed third unit assembled. But in the meantime...

"You mustn't come in. Retreat to Kasel!!

Beyond the light purple smoke, Dagobird exclaimed to his men who were still trying to jump in here.

The next moment, his horse dragon crept and broke his leg. Dagobad thrown to the ground, a magical flow disturbs his connection to the suddenly broken horse dragon, and a tremendous pain runs on his arm in recoil. He stripped off his tentacles to tangle in his arms and woke his body up with his bloody hands.

"If you surrender, let's guarantee your treatment as a prisoner"

The tip of the great sword was poked next to his neck. Slowly turning around, the fastest and strongest and all the legions he believes are lying on the ground. Dagobad stared at Craig.

"Why not. That poison shouldn't work on horse dragons."

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