The Economics of Prophecy

Fourteen Stories: Second Half Tricks

Preparations were under way to withdraw at the fort at dusk. There is a lot to carry because the battle is good. In addition to all 110 of them attacked from the front and back, an additional 20 broke in through the back gate in an effort to rescue their allies were trapped. Looks like about thirty escaped.

He also managed to catch one horse dragon alive, who had first broken his leg in a pit and was evacuated outside the fort. It would have crushed just over 60% of the confirmed horse dragon squad. I don't know how much remains in the Empire Nation, but even if it is sedated, it will be necessary for the defense of the Nation from the Warcraft.

And even the commander fell into our hands.

Of course, given the strength of the horse dragon, it's just a major threat that remains. Especially in a field where pollen is difficult to use. Still, action should be greatly constrained in the future. I don't think pollen is nearly out of stock.

It will be possible to deal with the pollen that Jacob and the others are collecting until this year's pollen arrives.

The next problem is….

"You can't do this without the curator and Noel and later Meer."

I twisted my neck to the pattern painted on the horse dragon's reins. There, a call came from Craig.

◇ ◇

A simple tent set inside the fort had a black prince tied to a chair.

"Are you here? I'm hearing from the Prisoner's Palace right now, and I need Ricardo's advice."

Without touching Alfina, who leans over to stick beside me, Craig said. As far as I'm concerned, I don't really want Alfina to touch Dagobad's eyes. However, you should know about this information manipulation for the future.

A black prince tied to a chair stared at me. College of Shaoxian Festival, Royal Palace after Hayleite Crusade, and now. That's the third time.

"Whenever you... I see you weren't a civilian."

Dagobird looked at me and Alfina. Wrong but more decent reaction than my brother-in-law. Alfina put more effort into it.

"So I want you to explain that poison. Because the Prisoner's Palace insists that the poison couldn't have worked on the horse dragon. They gave the horse dragon a lot to try before they attacked us."

"Hypothesis number two, I knew you wouldn't be insulted"

I went. You're the real stone warcraft.

"But can I talk to you?

"Yeah, because you won't be able to use the same hand anymore. And, honestly, I don't completely understand either."

"I explained, didn't I? Even birds say that the stronger the herbivore, the less pollen works."

How hard do you think I put on Dulgan?

"Ha ha, confidentiality would be perfect if even I didn't fully understand"

Craig glanced at me.

"Okay. Well, let's experiment a little."

I see, is it just right to deduce the scientific level of the empire? I had the leftover acid and meat ready. Soak the meat in thinly broken pieces in the acid in a glass bottle.

"In the stomach of animals, including humans, they produce acid to dissolve meat."


I stir the liquid with a stick and melt the meat. The prince looks at me with a gaze in the form of an intent to kill.

"So the more acidic the stomach of an animal with a strong carnivorous tendency"

The experiment that did prove the effect of gastric fluids caused the raptor to swallow the meat in the metal jar. It was in the textbook. Dragons who attacked the kingdom and the home of Liezabelt eat people. You will have too much sawdust and stomach acid.

"And this acid is the same thing in a human stomach."

The main ingredient in gastric juice is hydrochloric acid in two types of acids, which are ingredients of royal water. Was it Crucido here?

"That pollen melted in my stomach and poisoned me."

"Yes, actually, pollen is not toxic as it is. It's the first time it's been poisoned by stomach acid."

"Horse dragons have a stomach, too"

Dagobad said. You have that kind of anatomical understanding, too. Maybe this was more critical than I thought. I increased my appreciation of the Empire in my heart.

"Yeah, but animals that only eat grass, like horse dragons, have different structures in their stomachs than animals that eat meat."

Taking a cow as an example, ruminants have four stomachs. The closest stomach to the mouth, called the first stomach, is a microbial culture tank rather than a stomach. To make dietary fiber, a form of sugar that cannot be digested by animals, energy via bacteria.

There's no way I'm going to hit the bacteria that's turning grass into energy because of this. My first stomach doesn't have stomach acid. Surely the equivalent of a human stomach came from the third.

Besides, I repeatedly shatter my calluses when I put them back in my mouth many times to help digest the grass. There's no way pollen can hold in a situation where even grass breaks down. It's also a valuable source of protein for bacteria.

Even if very little pollen has gone bare, herbivores have little stomach acid itself. It would be better if eating the same amount had a one-hundredth effect compared to carnivorous dragons.

Calcium blue acid does not work in humans with symptoms that do not produce stomach acid.

"That's why pollen in its original form is not poisonous for horse dragons. On the other hand, horse dragons have the same respiratory organs as dragons, so if you inhale pollen components that react with acid, it works."

That was the trick in the horse dragon killing dragon. I feel like I've become a little famous detective. I accidentally became a throat and face in front of the prince.

"Magic guide... knowledge without any magic"

"Not exactly."

I nodded. Dagobird turned flashy.


Dagobird had an incredible eye.

"You're the culprit of it all!

Even if you are seen with the eyes of such a parent enemy.... Speaking of which, was I the killer, not the detective?

◇ ◇

"I thought of something when I heard you were giving pollen to the Empire, but you fooled me brilliantly."

”Loaded" Dagobad into the carriage, Craig said later.

"It's not good to hear people cheat. I'm only saying it's poison for dragons."

"I guess he thought he'd try it on horse dragons as well as dragons over there"

"No, to be honest, I thought the Empire was about half as likely to do that. Whether we do it or not, we do it together."

If we're going to use the poison effectively, we're going to have to gas it. It's the same whether the enemy knows ”pollen” won't work on horse dragons or not. Of course it's easier if you were convinced it wouldn't work.

Well, I cheated.

"Besides, the most important thing at that point was to buy time anyway."

The most important thing was to delay the opening of the war. I can still remember the bloody sensation when I saw the demonic pulse fluctuations of the past seventy years of the Empire.

In fact, if the war had started a month earlier, wouldn't the king's capital have been surrounded by now?

"The kingdom had little sense of war."

Craig nodded too.

"Um, Ricardo took His Highness Liezabelt from the beginning..."


I went. I want to weigh the correction on this occasion because it seems like they misunderstand me as a good person in Alfina.

"His Highness Liezabelt would have been very shocked. Yet I..."

Alfina just turned into a troubled face, even though she was prepared for the shock of being distanced.

"Master Alfina didn't know anything, so please"

Another reason is this. It's not whether Lisaberto believes that or not, it's what's inside Alfina that matters. It is possible that Lisaberto will emerge in future negotiations with the Empire. At that time, I have trouble getting Alfina to feel the burden.

"Well, it's the future."

"Yeah, at least there's someone over there with the knowledge to decide that horse dragons are like dragons and try to see if pollen doesn't work. In the prisoner's interrogation, please focus on the area."

It would have been dangerous if they had taken another step and even done pharmacokinetic tests. Although I had decided that Fulsey would be better up there, at least with regard to magic detection techniques.

If this assumption is wrong, I sometimes say good luck because there are so many differences in technology that you can't win anymore.

"Hmm. Good with that broken castle hammer. Definitely insulting. Well, there's Ricardo here, so there's a problem."

"His Highness Craig. Ricardo is a merchant."

As Alfina pulls me away from Craig, I tangle my arms and pull. No matter how short the range is when it is snug, it is within the effective range......

"In what world, there is a merchant who destroys the main force of the enemy"

Craig laughed.

"As I said before, there's a big element of luck about this pollen. Well, I hope this pulls you up..."

I clouded my mouth. I'm also getting ready in a direction that doesn't rely on luck, but you're still lucky.

"That's another unit of the Empire. You sure don't see him at all. I thought it would come across after I secured the bridge headfort..."

"Yeah, it's related to that. Kurt, not the king's capital, when the empire had asked for a deal before."

"Your Highness, it's important."

My words were struck down by a deputy who came running in.

"What's up?"

"K, Kurtheit..."

"... what happened to Grand Duke Kurtheit"

Craig lowered his voice. Speaking of which, you've been reluctant to send troops for this period. But I'm sure he's already on his way.

"No, not the Grand Duke. We've received reports that Kurtheit has fallen into the hands of the Empire."

They were defeated in the east when we were victorious in the west.

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