The Economics of Prophecy

One story, conqueror.

The royal palace and the large gazebo room just overlooking it. A dozen people making a neat row in front of a lavish scarlet chair that seems to work, even when it comes to the throne. They are divided into two types of clothing: light and dark.

The large number of people are dressed in bright colors. Until the other day, he was on the ruler's side. I am constantly restless and anxious to peek into the new Lord. Even if there was a rebellion against the conquerors, they did not have the courage to put it on the table to the extent that they were able to cross the interstate from the North, to say that the original Lord was absent and defeated.

Before them, it is one girl sitting in the Grand Duke of Kultheit. Long bright purple hair and a neat face. Black robe woven with a golden yarn-like pattern. She lays her right-hand finger on her thin jaw, staring down at the five people who came forward from the line as she entertained something in her palm with her left hand.

"Nos. 11 and 17 to Crane and 21 and 22 to Berito. No.8 is...... I'll see later. Pass it to Allie. Crane will report by the day after tomorrow, in conjunction with number five in progress."

A cold voice is uttered by the Empress of the Empire, Maityr, the head of the Kingdom's eastern offensive army. The four rush to the person in charge. One of the others looked grated and left and right. Among the four magic wands "Wand" being poked at him, he moves forward trembling with hesitation.

A secretary holding back next to Mathilde receives it in silence. Mathier is shifting his eyes to the next row of humans, as the man thing has already disappeared from consciousness.

◇ ◇

"Finally got rid of the chores. I wonder what's going on with the research."

Maitille said in a laboratory that she had remodeled and built the most splendid dance hall in Kurtheit Castle. Fifteen wizards of black robes are working in three groups in the room.

The men and women of the old two robes entered before the crown princess.

"Results of improved diagram of broken castle hammer"

An old man approaches her. Mathier reaches out and receives the results. The paper has a complex pattern written on it.

"The castle bug's magic leads have been optimized. This will take you through the castle gates of the king's capital. But wait... this part of the circuit isn't coming. There's a magic currents in here."

"Let us verify immediately"

Maitille ran the pen to one of the ceremonies that made up the magic leads. The old man receives Maitir's modified magic guide.

"I wonder what's going on with the other one."

Maitille twirled the metal ring in her palm and spun it. Amazing precision and mechanism parts in the carriage that it was coming from the West. It was the only thing that caught Mayteer's interest, who was disappointed by the very low level of magic in the kingdom.

"I'm sorry. As things stand, this is the limit."

A young woman in the robe offered a circular ring to Mayteel. One turn is bigger than what's in Mathier's hand. Mayteel rotates its two metal rings, large and small.

"The kingdom moves smoother."

Mathier said with a face that he didn't understand the bottom of his heart rather than blame his men.

"Yes, it's hard to make all six spheres exactly the same size"

A subordinate, a wizard, also speaks only of what is necessary if he understands the character of his boss.

"The error is greater even though you prototype...... These bearings are more accurate than you."

"You're right. The processing accuracy of the metal is unusual. As you instructed, we looked at the other parts of the carriage, but we didn't see any similar accuracy. Also, not one in ten carriages used this part, all from the West."

The level of magic in the kingdom that I was making a complete fool of, a small circle that suddenly caught my eye in it. From her point of view it was heterogeneous. I just think it popped out of nowhere.

"The West………, Bertoldo. We need to find out as soon as possible. I wonder if Dagobird has dropped Bertoldo yet."

Mathier bit his nails. It's her habit when she can't know what she wants to know right away.

We haven't heard from him yet.

"I even lent you the prototype broken castle hammer... Do you understand? To govern the kingdom in the population of the Empire, you have to show overwhelming power. It's natural to win, even though you can't even struggle. No, it's more of a bearing than that. Probably made a mold out of magic gold and forged metal with it. Instead of using precious magic gold directly, use it as a mould. Great idea in itself. But that's not all, the process of deriving a circle formula is probably different... To make this happen…"

Mayteel turns consciousness to the bearings in her hands. My men slowly distance themselves from my boss, who sinks into my thoughts as I stand.

That's when one man in military uniform comes into the lab early. The woman in the robe, who was near the entrance, rushes to stop, but sees the emblem of a messenger from the country on the man's chest and clears the way.

"His Royal Highness Maitir"

"Eastern Attack Commander"

"………………… what"

Maityle looked up without even hiding her grump. There was a man kneeling before her without even solving his traveling costume.

"Huh? Dagobird lost!?

Maitille raised her surprise unexpectedly. That many of the horse dragon knights, including Dagobad himself, were taken prisoner. We reported that the western offensive forces withdrew to Kasel.

"What are you doing? That man. And he said he lost more than half of his horse dragon. How can you lose so perfectly?"

Without worrying about her surrounding eyes, Mathier yelled. Ten years lost the strength to feed them. That means that her actions, which prevailed in the east, will also be greatly constrained.

"... that purple smoke stopped horse dragons from breathing... that they used poison. Purple... What do you mean, I'm not supposed to work on horse dragons? But I have the same symptoms. I've considered the possibility that it was a deteriorated product that I gave to us. Besides, gasify.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. You have something to do with the respiratory organs."

In spite of his presence before the messenger, Mathier locked himself in his own brain.

"Bring the autopsy results of that dragon Baguild. We need to call Lisa Belt from home."

She gave instructions to her men. Anger and curiosity were swirling in its shitty eyes.

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