The Economics of Prophecy

Three stories: What's in those eyes in the second half

"So you can finally tell me the secrets of that magic catalyst. I wonder what it means to need sugar to make a catalyst out of the soil. I can't imagine."

We were moving to the biology lab on the ground floor (tentative brain name), as Maythir blamed us.

The lab has Vinaldia with a pipette in her hand. He was ”defeated” by a fierce role battle with Sherry.

"In case there is. You can only touch what we allow you to. There's no such thing as a demon paper."

Just in case, I'll sow the bacteria. By the way, a chalet is available like a cooking show. Vinaldia takes over the extraction of the pigments.

Vinaldia finished the extraction of [IG-1] with a familiar hand.

"- This will be the procedure. Her Royal Highness."

Vinaldia said in the face of tension. Looking at the green test tube Vinaldia slowly shook, Mayteel closed her eyes. Shake your head. Then I looked up to heaven. And......

"............ I was fooled. Fooled. Fooled. Fooled!!

Mathier stared at me.

"I don't think we're showing anything unexpected. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

We're going to strictly adhere to the technology of connecting magic catalysts to semiconductors, but it's a huge service to show the whole thing, not how to make one catalyst.

"It's obvious. Oh, my God. This way. Every single one of them in the soil exists an invisible vast variety of mucus? Well, fine. It will be good. I guess so if they say it's the same as mold seeds in the air. But hundreds of colonies that isolated it purely? to. Tens of thousands of different samples are examined in one day. It would be fundamentally strange."

"Oh, wow."

I was a little behind. Well, I actually use microbes more than I have liquor in this world.

"When you hear you can take a magic catalyst from the soil, you think it's usually extracted from a large amount of soil. If it's a catalyst that works well enough to be found that way, we'll notice it."

"Oh, yeah, I guess so"

Usually you think about refining metals from mines.

"That's why I believed your words. What is" the only material in the kingdom "? I should have grabbed you and Meer. You can take as many more catalysts out of the imperial soil as you want. If you use horse dragons, even the dirt behind the demon pulse..."

Mathier has taken a distance. When he approaches me again, he stretches his back and brings his gaze closer.

"Hey, what's up?"

"............... I also thought when I heard the principle of spirulitis"

Mathilde stares into my eyes as she stretches her back. Close...... The princess's exhale is going to touch her face.

"Your eyes. Are you sure you're like us? Actually, it wouldn't be a special kind of magic trick."

... Oh, oh, I see. You realize my knowledge is closely related to the micro world. You're really smart.

"I have no magic. Suppose you can't use magic props."

But unfortunately, my eyes don't have electron microscopy.

"... so is that."

Mathier finally left me. Please remind me of my position. Vinaldia's behind you.

"And I'm not lying to you. The only mucus that produces that material may be in the kingdom. First of all, it's easy, but I had a lot of trouble getting this done. Hey, Vinaldia."

I said. Fine paher tweaking or something is a secret.

"... right. I think I've had a hard time."

Vinaldia sees the pipette in her own hands. Mathier's eyes lit up. My hands are touching and moving.

"Its experimental instruments. Pipette, a pipette is not a raw thing. With just one of these, how much material research can go on. Combined with that sensational demon paper, it can be experimented with hundreds of times, even with very few materials that can be removed.... Oh, yeah. This is also an idea based on trial and error."

"Merchants are cost oriented."

I'm not a witch, and I don't know how much money it costs to put ingredients in a big pot and go around with a stick. There is no such amount of material in the kingdom.

"Accurate manipulation and techniques for measuring results are the basis of all experiments."

It's about how important Fulsey and Noel's power is.

"Normally I don't get this far thoroughly. Hey, Ricardo. I really don't come to the empire. I'll make you Duke. Just marry me."

Mathier ran a horrible thing.

"I can't wait to be questioned about empire and insider communication. I mean, that's why you're in your shoes..."

"... I wonder how His Highness Alfina is stopping you."

Looks like Mathier has really started figuring out a way to pull me out. You'll never make it back to the Empire alive. Besides, I'll take you on the road.

Besides, I can't do Alfina's. Alfina had no intention when I was just the son of a copper merchant...

"More than that, you see, as promised, I taught you about magic catalysts. Next, we're talking about a deep red demon crystal."

I changed the subject forcefully. Mostly, if you cross the Great River, you're square. I'm sorry I drowned with a bow and arrow on my back.

I instruct Vinaldia to punish Pipette and Magic Catalyst. Mathier went after the green test tube unconsciously, but when she sighed one more time she turned to me again. Now it's a normal distance.

"That demonic crystal is special. Not the Red Forest Warcraft, nor the deposits of ordinary demonic crystals. It's more precious."

"Could it be a special Warcraft core?"

Fulsey embarked on herself. You seem more interested in Warcraft than Demonic Crystals.

"That's the difference. Demonic crystals that can be taken from warcraft, even if they are Dragon objects or of high size and purity, the colour itself is no different from ordinary warcraft. But that demonic crystal has a different color."

I see, the quality itself is different. I can see that, but I can't take it from Warcraft.

"You have a demonic crystal mineral vein in the Empire, don't you? Bye..."

"Yeah, in normal mineral veins, you can still only take demonic crystals of the same color as the core of a warcraft. But I found a demonic crystal that was clearly different from normal in the depths of the demonic vein. That's this."

"Deep in the demonic vein. The Blood Mountains?

"No way, no matter how many horse dragons you use, you can't step into the mountains of blood. High altitude among demonic veins, around massive traces of dark-colored magic. Of course the place is a secret. It's not a place where the kingdom can reach even if you know it. Now......"

"Does that cost you right?

"If it's not that demonic crystal, it's the size of a broken castle hammer... This is still a secret. You can't trade that circuit for the magic system."

Maityle put her index finger up in front of her lips.

The region itself is different from normal demonic crystals, isn't this important information? Sure, the height of the demonic vein is basically proportional to the intensity of the temper from the demonic vein.

"Something with high concentrations of magic crystallized?

I heard an association from a metal ore.

"Some people thought so... The Empire says it's an ancient dragon core. I guess it's because there are dragon bones rolling around near where this can be taken, or marks like dragon patterns."

Dragon bones and patterns. No way. Fossils. No, is the Demonic Crystal itself a fossil? There are also gems of biological origin, like amber. There must have been some gems that could have come from ammonites. Because the core of the Warcraft is the Demonic Crystal, it's not strange that the fossils of the core are dug out. Petroleum and coal from the Earth's energy resources are fossils of solar energy stored by organisms from a long time ago.

So what's the difference between a normal demonic crystal? It's a different place to take it. But high energy magic that doesn't even extend to dragons coming from the mountains of blood. Thank you. I don't know the image. I wish I could see that fossil.

"Well, neither do we know what monsters live behind the mountains of blood today"

"I see."

From the mountains of blood it is the dragon "Dragon" and the flying dragon "Wyburn" that have the ability to fly that touches the human eye. Other than that, the Warcraft does not leave the high concentration of the demonic veins in the mountains of blood.

"Speaking of which. When you first met Master Alfina, you said the ancient dragon-eyed witch. What does that mean?"

"That's a secret. 'Cause it's information that's going to sell very high.... Just kidding, don't stare so hard"

"No, I'm not staring."

"I told you there was no certainty even as to the identity of the Deep Red Demon Crystal. I think I know about the crystal of prophecy that doesn't exist in the Empire."

Mathier shrugged her shoulders. I don't feel deceitful. Logically, there is no contradiction.

However, I may have to go back more to my demonic vein records. I have no idea what a sample of a geological span is.

◇ ◇

"Oh, you're done. It's boring."

Maitille said at the front door of the lab. Its gaze is unfortunately suited to biological laboratories. It's like a kid with a toy taken away.

Well, at a time when the boss of this institute is the most problematic child. Until just now, I was wandering around behind Noel making a mould for machining with cold sweat on Mayteel's instructions. While experimenting with the exposure conditions of the sensory demon paper due to distance.

I don't even look like my grandfather watching over my grandson's drawing work as he worries about it, but if the end of his gaze slips at all, it sucks.

"Hey, can't we just stay here a little longer?"

"Thank you for letting me go wild in the lab alone.... because I'll think about it when I get the right results"

Mathier laughed invincibly at my words, "Oh."

I'm nothing compared to letting you go wild.

Noel laughed so he couldn't get behind it.... seems a little familiar and above all.

"Now that we have all the parts, we're finally starting to experiment with magic wavelengths."

"... right. I'm looking forward to it. There's something about ice cream."

Mathier goes back to the carriage to pick him up as he looks back at the lab again and again.

Say Fulsey, say Maitir, and I don't know what it's like to be a real researcher. To challenge an unknown phenomenon, my anxiety of failure must precede me first.

Mathier said I was thinking about experimental systems based on trial and error, but I guess it's a hit.

Do merchants encourage their true worth as merchants? Tomorrow at the Food Guild Headquarters, we'll talk about building a new city.

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