The Economics of Prophecy

4 Stories: What is the specialty of a new city in the first half?

A mansion of government and nobility, lined up to surround the royal palace. Standing on its outer perimeter is the headquarters of various commercial guilds. Among them, a large building is our food guild.

It's like a hive of rights groups and lobbyists. It's not off the hook. Blah, given the speed and accuracy of the transmission of information in this country, I can only say that the organization of this hand is necessary and evil.

Necessary Evil is needed, but attributes remain firmly evil, so it produces proper harm. In other words, tissue stiffness proceeds to the core with the right to monopolize information. Drefano or Calest can be said to have been born as a result.

Personally, I thought we should loosen up our monopoly on information a little bit. In a flashy alternative, now that you have a crack in tissue stiffness, it can be said that this is your chance. However, thanks to the Empire's attack on us without reading such air, the plan has been brought forward for more than a decade.

"Regardless of Giverney, I wonder if Natoas is a good member of the new Central Garden"

Jean said. At the end of his gaze are Natalie and Vinaldia.

Trail of the Golden Chamber of Commerce of the Boulder Generation. It is also magnificent at the headquarters of the Food Guild. It's not a genetic assault, but if it's appropriate, it's also a trail for the Alliance Commander.

By the way, I've never been in HQ before. I was not running away leaving the guild relationship to my father, and my job as president of the Chamber of Commerce is only natural for the president of the Chamber of Commerce to do so. Well, I got into and out of a lot of allergic places during the war on boulders, so I wasn't nervous about Guild HQ...... there was no way.

People like me unconditionally twitch in their first place. It is not a bug, it is a specification.

Fortunately, I know a lot of people because this meeting is central to the Central Garden.

"You're a new member of the new Central Garden"

"I see."

"Needless to say, she, Natalie, is under the umbrella of the Vinder Chamber of Commerce, which involves Belmini and Plura later"

Jean looked at Shelley and said. By the way, Natalie and Vinaldia are surrounded by Jean's father, or chief food guild and my father. They seem to be asking about sugar.

"........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The product is super luxury according to the lamb, so the unit price is extremely high. … as much as my father treats tea leaves like gold"

Shelley said. I guess the economy has regained its normal mode with the end of the wartime system.

"That's amazing. Prla and Dalgan also made promotions to the Gold Chamber of Commerce. No, it's a Ricardo entanglement project, so you're not surprised to that extent."


"Wouldn't Belmini go on, too? It doesn't fit well that our umbrella is the Gold Chamber of Commerce."

Speaking of which, Lilka and Shelley's house was under Kenwell's umbrella. Kenwell needs to focus on this one.

"My father wants to separate the vinder entanglement... and leave it to me"

"That sounds tough."

"........................... because I can't let my brother stand on the arrow side of Vinder"

The topic is somewhat heading in a strange direction there.

"Speaking of which, thank you so much for your help when Meer"

"I didn't even mean to look after the second prince. Well, if I were to turn either you or the Second Prince against the enemy, would the Second Prince be better? Well, forget the joke. Early recovery of the food trade with the Empire, even as a guild, is an urgent challenge. I am grateful that you have moved forward with reconciliation. [M] I'm just saying how flashy you are to have a new city as a trick, and across the river."

"It was originally a 10-year, 20-year-old plan."

How many people would make this excuse? It's not me, the Empire is bad.

"I'm also thinking about that as a plan in twenty years... Well, whatever it is, I'm looking forward to explaining it today. It's too late for you to be on the table in the guild."

"There are more suitors than me."

I saw my father. I don't even match names with people's faces. I'm an unsuitable person. A pompous, nagging former copper merchant interacts with the Guild's proven track record and the traditional Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce.

"I see, it's certainly not for you. Whatever..."

Jean's eyes turned to the front door. Numerous hoof sounds approached the building.

"I call His Royal Highness Prince Wang and just one Grand Duke to the Alliance headquarters. Isn't it too flashy for your guild debut performance? My father had a head."

When Jean said that, Shelley trembled scared to see if she remembered anything.

All the merchants who were there are starting to gather at the entrance. Two carriages guarded by a large number of knights arrived in front of headquarters.

◇ ◇

It is an honor to welcome His Royal Highness Prince Wang and His Royal Highness Grand Duke Bertoldo to the Alliance headquarters.

Everyone broke their knees in front of the desk to match Jean's father's voice.

A staircase of tall tables is provided in the conference room, where two fine chairs are deliberately brought in. From what I've heard, the chairs placed for us merchants deliberately brought in items that were lower grade than usually used in this conference room.

Of course, all participants have been checked for weapons at the entrance to the conference room. Speaking of which, Alfina's not here. I thought you were coming with Euphilia.

"I want you to tell me for once. Why did you bother calling me here? Your Highness's men deserve to be briefed here."

"I meant to. I said I would summarize the story in my guild and then report it, but it was His Highness who told me to let him bite me from the beginning. But this project doesn't make sense unless you do it merchant-led, does it? If you want more than a report, come here."

"Did you say that? To the next king."

"... an unknown knight on His Highness's side drew his sword."

I shrugged my shoulder. If the triangular part of the cutting edge of the sword is still in the sheath, it should have been pulled out. I told you as politely as I could for once that you understood exactly what I meant by what I meant when I said I should be the man Craig the boulder chose.

You can still keep your eyes on me while I protect Craig's back. It is a resentment. Because…….

"I mean, I took the word backwards and I celebrated today."

Yes. "Then will you? It's okay to look at commercial guilds once and for all".

"You're always talking about headaches."

Prla said. Dalgan nodded beside it. This is the first time I've seen you since you two graduated. Dalgan, of course, is much more looked after by Prla about Natalie.

"Then let me know your plans for a new city to be built north of the Great River. Anyway, Ricardo negotiated directly with the Empire to take it. Now I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of painting you do."

It raises the high hurdles to the extreme. Everyone's gaze on Craig's introduction concentrates on me.

"Let me begin by expressing my thoughts on how we can help develop the kingdom with the new lands acquired through the efforts of the royal family, including His Majesty the King"

When I stood up, I praised Craig and said back.

It is a huge project just to build a new city. Plus, the place is practically out of the country. The exit route to the kingdom was blocked by the river, and to the west the empire was at war until the other day. And to the north and east are the mountains of blood. You cannot negotiate a truce with a warcraft opponent. It may even be an exaggeration to say dead place. Well, there's no way this land could have been untouched otherwise.

Signal Natalie, who was lying down, and then move on. This time I asked for help as an assistant.

As we walk, we see the merchants, beginning with Kenwell, Dalgan and Prla, gathered here on this occasion.

It's a face that promised to put capital and talent into the dead. Whatever you say back to Craig, whatever you complain about the Empire, I'm responsible for them.

When I move next to the tablet, Natalie pastes the map onto the tablet. Yeah, at least it's more grand than when I was Fulsey's assistant at the royal palace meeting. Vinaldia, sitting next to the chairman of the Natoas Chamber of Commerce, who I tried for the first time today, held both hands to encourage her friends.

I just want you to encourage me. At any rate, I thought about explaining how the theme I set became a little crazy.

"If you created a new city between kingdom and empire. What is the biggest product to deal with there?"

I started with a questionable shape. If you're going to tell a new story, don't let the other person's head start confused. Now everyone thinks of their thoughts. It's normal people who think reflexively about answers when asked.

Incidentally, even in that situation, it is the communication disorder (I) that swirls in my brain ”my doubts” about the question. I can tell it's not suitable for the merchant who makes it.

"Is it the grain the Empire needs? Is it a mineral that the kingdom needs? Or is it a new commodity that doesn't have a deal with the Empire yet"

I keep looking at every merchant and asking questions. You are given a candidate, and each person begins to narrow down their answers.

"None of them are. The biggest product to deal with in this city…… it's information"

And deny it for the next moment.

They hit me with an unexpected answer that makes everyone look surprised. A merchant of course knows the importance of information. And most importantly, highly liquid information is not treated as a commodity and is kept secret.

"Let me be specific."

In front of the audience I started bothering, I went. When you bring a new story, it's hard for them to confuse you on their own, but this one is a way to confuse you. As long as you use it with limits, for a legitimate purpose.

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