The Economics of Prophecy

7 Stories: Second half consultation

When we're done investigating history, we'll split up again and put the book back together. Take the last book and bend the corner of the deepest bookshelf. I saw a cloth in front of me. They shifted it when I put this down from the bookshelf. I paid for it reflexively.

"Yikes! Li, Ricardo."

"... Whew!! This is different."

It was too late when I realized I had turned up the Alfina skirt that was up the ladder hung on the bookshelf. A white calf appears in the eyes I accidentally looked up to. Alfina collapsed on the ladder.

I reached out in a hurry to support my back. But the real cloth that fell from the top covered my face. A glistening hand managed to hold Alfina. The arm I turned before touched something soft.


The next moment I heard a cute scream, I was shocked by my forehead.

"Are you okay, Ricardo?"

"No, no, no, it's okay."

Alfina is worried about me holding my forehead. Yes, I'm fine because I don't see the back. I feel like there was a color that reflected the most light, but very, very little light from the lighting. Or because our underwear is even close to our knees. I mean, it's okay.

The problem is what this right hand touched. I thought it was softer than I thought, etc. Unexpectedly lowered his gaze, Alfina sheltered his chest with her hands.

"You've had the same thing before."

That's when Alfina started and came to Vinder to help. At that time, I hugged Alfina's hip, which was about to fall off the table. The height of the table was not even knee-high, and objectively it was a completely unnecessary act.

"I'm sorry if I gave it back."

I apologize for pointing out my priors. It would have been dangerous if it hadn't been supported this time, but she was suddenly skirted in an unstable scaffold. It's my fault you're out of balance.

"Oh, uh, I just wanted to say I got help, like last time,"

Alfina put her hands back where she was sheltering her chest. I don't doubt it. That's a sign of intent. How far is she from being a good daughter?

"... if you're someone else, Ricardo will be fine."


"Hey, it's nothing"

Safe? Finished putting all the books back together. Me and Alfina went back to the table. Silence is hard.

"Speaking of which, this was the first time you talked to Ricardo properly."

Alfina told me to fix it. As far back as that, the past is a beautiful and unspoilt memory.

"In just two years, I've really changed myself and around me. Thanks to Ricardo."

"Aren't I being helped by Master Alfina in the same way"

"... I hope so. But I don't think I can go along very well with it."

To my words, Alfina somehow becomes the kind of gaze that sees painful objects.

"I'm not going to do anything that's not in my interest..."

Looking objectively, aren't you doing quite what you like? Especially in this new city, so much so that overdoing it and keeping it in jeopardy. I talked too much about that meeting, no matter what you think when you look back later.

Mostly, what I did was deal with situations where the majority of them were warcraft or an invasion of the Empire, or where I could be a victim myself. I can say I protected myself. I might even say I was protected by Alfina's prophecy. In the first place, all we could not have done without the help of our current members.

"Then...... I want you to tell me what you want, Ricardo."

Alfina holds hands together in front of her chest. I was cornered in a different way from what Euphiria and Craig call a "reward”. The vector of pressure involved is the opposite of then.

"There's not much I can do that I'm a crystal witch. But I want you to want anything I can do."


My throat rang unexpectedly. What came to mind was the sight and feel earlier. It's me, not Alfina, who's hunting me down right now. No, relax. Didn't Alfina say she had constraints as a witch? No, the direction of the idea sucks in the first place. My head spins around.

Yes, isn't it the determination then to remember in this place? Remind me of the brain setting that she's my niece.... No, after all that, the sense of disloyalty makes sense.

"Yes. Want anything. I don't want Ricardo not to be rewarded."

Alfina looks straight at me. I'm not who I really am, with my unmistakable gaze. The moment I thought so, I managed to chill my head.

My accomplishments will look enormous on Alfina. But my net strength is not that big of a thing.

I was at the centre of the prophetic calamity and the battle against empires because I have modern knowledge. Knowledge that anyone on Earth could have accessed if he wanted. But I'm the monopoly here.

No, now it's not about being fair. I didn't reincarnate in an attempt to deviate. When I realized it, I had memories of my previous life.

Whatever you put aside to protect yourself, I'm not reluctant to use modern knowledge for that. It's not a question of good or bad. If it's to protect a human being dear to me, I'll do it by analogy.

I don't even remember that much hesitation in using knowledge to change society. In the sense of liberating the knowledge that was monopolistic, it could rather be fair.

But that makes me reluctant to want anything personal in return. Not to mention from individuals. Besides...

Alfina's eyes blinded me. She overestimates me. Perhaps if you let me get nagging, you're feeling a little deeper. But the roots of my power she knows are off. Attractive girl no matter what anyone thinks. Would it be permissible to get the heart of such a daughter in such a way? Above all, against her.

No, calm down. There's no way I know what it's like to be a woman in the first place, and there's a good chance you're thinking about something incredibly nasty.

"My best hope is to change the commerce of kingdoms and empires around new cities. We may continue to rely on Alfina as Vinder's partner."

I went.

"Oh, really? Ok......"

Alfina put the hand she was holding in front of her chest on the table.

"Speaking of which, you didn't attend a commercial guild meeting."

According to Euphilia, Alfina did prioritize her promise to another woman.... How about that? How monopolistic are you when you say you are off?

"I'm sorry. Her Royal Highness the First Princess suddenly invited me that day. Originally, I asked you to talk to me more."

"Is this Her Highness the First Princess?

I did only see it once at the reception venue in Lisaberto. You're that Duchess who evaluated Alfina fairly in her battle with Dresdia, right?

"Yes, about His Royal Highness Maitir"

Alfina said. Yes, Maitille is kept at the Duke's residence. But why...

"I mean, he wanted to talk to you about His Royal Highness Maitir's usual condition"

"Yes, because I couldn't help you at the lab. I wanted to grasp a few AC cuts."

Oh, I see. I asked Alfina about Mathilde. I almost forgot what I asked for because I didn't have a problem with the joint research. What did this girl just say, very incompatible? Isn't this the line?

"But on the contrary, I've been consulted."

It seems that Mathier is a dear man in the Duke's mansion. He doesn't even talk much to the samurai who brought only one woman from the empire, he just goes to his desk.

And he says the Duchess is most worried about the thin food.

"Then that anemia... I didn't realize. Dear Alfina, I knew Alfina would help me with something I couldn't do."

"I'm glad you said that. I just figured out what I could do."

So that's what I can't do. I didn't expect you to spot Mayteer's malaise and ask her about it from her place of residence because she has difficulty approaching her.

I can't handle magic. The role I need to play now is project management.

In the first place, it is my belief that the body and the head are one. Especially in intelligent work. I'm the one who brought Mathier into the kingdom, even though there are thoughts over there. I am responsible for Mathier.

"Anyway, I decide to take note of the condition of His Royal Highness Maitir. There are a few things that come to mind when you think about it."

Even though I knew it, I get cold sweats about my breadth.

"This is the role I was entrusted to you by Ricardo, so I have to work hard"

"No, enough already............ Yeah, right. Certainly more than I've entrusted to you."

Come to think of it, my physical condition is really delicate. There are many things that are better for women.

"Anyway, let me know a little more"


Until Claudia and the others came to get me, I heard from Alfina about Mathier.

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