The Economics of Prophecy

Eight Stories: The Presence of the Preliminary Spectrum

A girl cut her hair a little, changed her accessories, but the guy doesn't realize it. It is a story I have heard well in my previous life. I wouldn't even notice a small change... though I've never been told.

Most of the time when you're as good as me, you get the double bitterness of recognizing someone else as someone else when you can change your hair so greatly that anyone realizes it.

So that means things are going so far that I can see the malaise.

"What kind of meals are served at the Duke's house?

"It's more luxurious than the Empire. Well, from my taste, it's too tempting, and my shoulders are stiff."

Before the experiment started, I started an interview. Of course, we know the situation through Alfina, but primary information is important.

"What's for lunch today, by the way?

"Come on, because I was thinking about today's experiment.... I might have had one loaf of bread. Didn't I tell you? I don't take much lunch to avoid drowsiness."

Mathier strained her chest. I see you haven't had "lunch". I had an eye for Alfina. It was a library. Reminds me of my story with her.

◇ ◇

"They didn't even eat it in the morning when they wanted it over there. In addition to that, they can't go on with lunch or dinner here. Sometimes dinner is just ceremonial."

It explains what Alfina heard from the first princess, the Duchess, at the depository of Mathilde.

"That's not to say that all three meals are problematic..."

"He says you yourself originally said it was a snack. After that, I don't really like this meal..."

"If a kingdom meal doesn't suit your mouth, can't you make it imperial-style or something?

"That's how they suggested it, but you said caring was useless. Originally, she didn't really like meat or vegetables. Especially the vegetables..."

Besides, I'm here with bigotry.

"So, is it just bread and fruit? I had a problem eating like that when I was in the Empire."

At least in the Duke's mansion, fruits and other kinds are available. Instead of caring, don't you make me care? Even the kingdom of the farming country is a luxury piece of white bread, and obtaining fruit in the king's capital is not easy.

"I was also amazed at the difference between what I knew you were doing here. But isn't it still mentally burdensome?"

Some people say they can't sleep when their pillows change. Empires and kingdoms would be different, such as climate and terroir. It's a hostage situation in the first place. Is there no way there is no stress? I see, is it a sympathetic situation for Alfina?

"Let's sort out the problem. Is it the primary problem of appetite that comes with the original bias, the environmental burden of hostages, and the differences in eating habits with the Empire?"

"Yes, I agree"

If you have a disease hidden behind you, you can't get your hands on it, but you shouldn't dare think of it as a calorie deficit.

"Okay. I can't believe it, though. Think about getting a little nourishment in the lab."

If the lab is calmer, you can let it take calories in the form of a snack.

◇ ◇

That's why I got my secret weapon ready today. Stick around and watch Maityle carry a green square treat into her mouth. But Mathier put the fork down with a look of surprise.

"Ricardo's gaze is hot today. It would be nice if you were going to switch to me. I don't really admire the bump."

Alfina looks worried and Noel stares at me. I hope you stop spending your energy on hatred.

"You just wondered how the new lamb would react."

"... Yokan with that green tea scent. Not bad."

I hear Mathier can also use matcha lamb. All right, you're right.

"So do you want to take it back to the souvenir? If it's the current season, I'll keep it there for a while. We have regular ones too. Two, no, three."

Anyway, what I'm missing would be calories. Lamb is a chunk of sugar. If you are currently short of calories, you should like sugar that is easy to absorb.

"... what's really going on?

"Why are you looking at me like I want to see something weird eaten? You're eating the same thing."

"One is enough. I still care because I'm a prisoner. Besides, I like this fragrance and flavor. 'Cause sweet stuff makes my head boil after all."

said Mathier. Even if I take it home, it will also be offered to the Duke's people. A piece of lamb isn't enough.

And in the end, Mathier stopped with just two slices of lamb.

◇ ◇

"... how was it, Ricardo? The result of his enthusiasm for His Highness Mathilde."

After the magic expert dropped me off upstairs, I was discussing it with Alfina, who came to the lab.

"Well, I wasn't looking at Her Royal Highness Mathilde in a funny way."

"His Royal Highness Mathilde seemed pleased to be staring at Ricardo."

"No, the last one was disgusting."

I said what I felt. The only thing Mathier sees is in my head. I am fascinated by the scientific knowledge of previous life that I possess because I am an expert in the systematic knowledge of magic.

"Excuse me. I did that on the sidewalk. So, what do you say?"

"I forgot about sleepiness."

He said he ate all the bread and fruit and didn't want a lot of sweet treats. How many orders are there?

"What were we eating in the Empire..."

I seriously wondered. I wonder if you've had health problems since you've been over there because you've been so bigoted.

"... Ricardo. His Royal Highness Maityr used to say in the Empire you mix grains and beans with bread, right? Do you prefer a strong flavour?"

Alfina said. I think, if a person who was eating bread with a thin flavour is resistant to bread with a thick flavour, I know, but the other way around, I can't think about it. In the first place, staple foods strike a balance with strangers.

"Seriously, balance..."

"Do you understand anything?"

"The nutritional balance can be very different between the imperial bread and this white bread."

Use only white bread except wheat shells. Starch, it's a lot of carbohydrates. The proportion of minerals and proteins is considerably lower than when using whole grains. The soba and komugi over there probably used the whole grain.

And soybeans. Thanks to the nitrogen fixation of the root bacteria, beans contain far more protein than wheat.

Not that you won't need vegetables vitaminally, but bread mixed with soba and soybeans should be far more balanced than white bread. If I made it up to you with fruit, etc. Or maybe the least I could have done was enough.

"Is it nutritional balance…"

Alfina is Kyoton.

"Eh. Like there are stones, trees and lacquer to make a house. It takes three major nourishments to maintain the human body."

Three nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. In this, only carbohydrates can be made completely in the human body. Proteins, or amino acids or lipids, have objects that cannot be synthesized by the human body.

"Are you saying that the lack of nutrition in beans and meat is responsible for this?"

Alfina said. It's possible, and if it is, it's serious. But as far as Mathier's diet is concerned, what we absolutely need is calories first.

Hi, I'm not sure. Besides, if you simply lack calories, that's what you need to eat more lamb...... But does that induce drowsiness?

"… may involve an array said to be the fourth nutrient"

It reminds me of the words of a classmate from a previous life who said he wouldn't eat lunch in my brain. There is something else missing from the white bread. That's dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is often found in the shell area if it is cereal. Besides, there was soba as well as beans.

"It could be a problem with the GI Glycemic Index."

"Is it glycemic…? What's that?"

"Simply put, it's a matter of the speed of digestion of nutrients that are often found in Comgi"

If my hypothesis has hit me, at least I can make you stop refraining from lunch because you don't like concentration and drowsiness.

"Let's get Shelly's help."

I went.

◇ ◇

"Look, it's good to have a certain amount of magic."

"Right. I think so too."

"Mm-hmm. Let me see that. Maybe I'll need a little more tweaking of the Sense Demon Paper. And this again..."

I heard the upstairs buzz coming up the stairs. Apparently, it's going well.

"Oh Ricardo. I missed the moment of the century while I was dealing with the princess."

Mathilde said to me when I opened the door.

I've been doing an important job of consulting project members on how to manage their health.

"... hey, haven't you seen me today?

He noticed my gaze peeking into Mathier's complexion. By the way, peeking at your complexion means exactly what you say.

"It's my fault. Looks like you're doing better than that."

"Hehe. Look at this. Much has become clear."

Mathilde is happy to give me the results of the experiment. I saw the Sense Demon paper that was given to me. There were three bands lined up with different intensities.

"Wow. I got out so clearly."

Apparently it worked that Maitir fixed the magic power to pull it out of the demonic crystal with the application of the demonic guidance circuit. Indeed, the upper, lower, left, and right boundaries of the photosensitive surface are largely clear.

In short, I guess there are three different wavelength magic powers out of this demonic crystal, that is, three different energy magic powers.

"When we split this far clearly, we can see a difference in color in the eyes of Nona. The thin line on the left has oranges. The dark one in the middle is red. The right is... too thin to judge, but you just said red."

Perhaps, but there is a lot of magic per unit of light as you go to the right. Does it usually feel like this is all mixed up and looks red?

"The hypothesis of dividing the magic you were talking about with strength proved, didn't it?... what. Something's wrong."

Noel makes his mouth shut.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I mean it. This proved at least the existence of the magic spectrum. A major step was taken in the basic nature of the demonic crystal, which is the source of magic, no, the basic analytical method of magic. It's a good achievement to call it a big discovery.

"I never thought there was a difference in color hidden in the magic power coming out of a normal demonic crystal. Another surprise for Ricardo. I wonder what's coming up next."

Mathilde looked at me. You're really lively when you're in research mode.

"Speaking of which, you applied the principle of the magic conductor circuit. Are you sure?

"To elucidate the basic principles of magic. I decided it was the scope of cooperation I needed. And just the basics."

Join Fulsey, Noel plus even Mathier. The magic squad is a dream team that may never be aligned again.

That's why my responsibilities as a manager are heavy. Mathier's abilities and motivation are great. But it's too dangerous as a physical control to punch in all at once without physical strength.

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