The Economics of Prophecy

Eight Stories: Late Magic Barcode

"Well, what do we do next?"

"I'd be paralyzed if Vinder was involved. Because this is the only outrageous result. We have to go carefully..."

With me on my ass doing nutritional considerations, the sorcery squad starts arguing.

"Right, let's go with caution. Let's start by measuring multiple demonic crystals to consolidate this result."

Mathier said. I'm a boulder expert, it could be a coincidence in a single outcome, no matter how much it's supposed to be. I'd like you to adapt that prudence to your body, too.

A number of demonic crystals are brought in and measured using the same procedure. The sensory demon paper can be adjusted in height with the bars of the optical path table, so the results are arranged vertically on a single sheet of paper.

It bothered me about the sweat on Maityle's forehead, which I replaced with Noel on the way.

"Not with you."

There are three bands lined up on Sense Demon Paper. The bands vary in intensity depending on capacity, but the pattern goes hand in hand. You may consider this the magic spectrum of normal demonic crystals. However…….

"What's the fourth one that just came out?

I heard. The pattern of the position looks the same, but the pattern of density is different. The band in the middle is not thick.

"It's an almost empty demonic crystal. When you look at this, it's not the second most commonly used by Nong."

Fulsey said.

I wonder what this pattern means.

Mathier snapped as she stared at the sensational demon paper. Look at me for a second. It's not like you don't have a concept that comes to mind from the relationship between electrons and photons. It's just another matter that bothers me now. Watching a series of experiments has taken quite a while to expose.

"Let's compare it to the Deep Red Demon Crystal."

"Uhm. Well, he'll show you what's next"

Mathier and Fulsey exchange Demon Crystals when I'm worried.

Normal demonic crystals | ● |

Deep Red Demon Crystal | | X

It was three bands, the same as normal demonic crystals. However, that interval is close to the first and second, and the third one is wide. And the pattern of intensity is different.

I see. I knew the wavelengths of the magic I was accumulating were clearly different. No, some of them look in the same position in the deep red of normal demonic crystals.

"Ho. Ha ha. This is interesting again."

"What this difference means, ahem. I thought you knew what magic was."

Fulsey narrowed her eyes as she combed her beard. Noel held his head.


But Mayteel, who should know best about this sample, is silent. I got anxious.

"What's up? Something's not good?"

"Ha... here it is"

"Here. Then I don't know. If you're crazy, tell me you're crazy."

I can't handle magic. Even Fulsey and Noel are not used to deep red demon crystals. Mathier sifted her shoulders as she lay one end of her face down.

"Pfft, when I was using Deep Red, I had a problem with magic like impurities. The identity of the noise that made me struggle came out right in front of me. If I only knew about this, I could have dropped it to Greenesias before you guys moved."

Mathier pointed to the second thin band of deep red. No, that way of laughing. I'm afraid I'm like a mad scientist. I'm extra scared because my cheeks are blue and white. And I'm afraid of the gaze behind it. You forgot you have the son of that Grinicious lord here.

"Oh. I can really give it up. I haven't been here in a month. I can't believe I can change my perception of magic itself................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Could it be a natural outcome for you?

Mathier said. He's unhappy that I don't share the excitement. No, I think it would be amazing if they showed me this beautiful experiment. I can't handle magic, so I don't really feel enough... Sure, there might be some sarcasm that only one person answers each other.

Unknown phenomenon, which is also for me, reassures me that it was better than expected than the discovery of I guess I'm not for researchers. Do you envy the three of them a little in that sense?

"Don't worry, I remember that promise"

I dared to say it calmly. That's why I want to be as good as a manager. This experiment showed that differences in the nature of magic can be analyzed objectively in the form of spectrum. The principles of the new method of magic measurement could be tested.

"... oh, you mean ice cream or something. I want you to be able to do more research here every day than that."

Mathier said. I knew you were losing interest in food. I heard it was ice cream and Noel had more of an eye to expect.

"At least as things stand, it's tough every other day."

The results in this lab will be reported to the Royal Palace by Leonardo. And after they decide if it's okay, the next permit goes down. Naturally, judgment is made at a high level.

I'm sure the Chancellor is judging with the top two magic dorms. Sometimes Craig seems to join in order to hold back the sorcery dorm grievances that were left out of the mosquito nets. In other words, every other day there will be a meeting of the supreme heads of kingdom.

I suggested to Craig that he negotiate an expansion of joint research with the Empire, but the decision is still early. So far I have the same opinion.

Whatever the new magic pulse observation technique is, in fact, a clarification of the basic nature of magic. It can be said that it is a long way from application, but the scope of application extends to everything, whether witchcraft or magic guidance. It's a very difficult piece of information to handle. The other is that it looks like it's going to be long from here.

"Fair enough. How to apply this...... There has to be a way to separate them properly in the circuit."

"For example, through magic in a liquid that melts a particular magic catalyst, which band"

"That's it. That." "Bye."

Mayteel and Fulsey jumped at Noel's words. Magic catalysts that react with certain wavelengths, or indeed interesting. That said, there was something in the colony that emitted magical fluorescence.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. What are you gonna do? Given current sensitivity and resolution. There still seems to be a long way to go to analyze the annual wheel. Perhaps the plain work of improving the prototype continues from here on out.

"Remember, it's only an experiment to observe the demonic pulse. Curator, you have that mucus demon crystal."

"Oh, I have a lot of applications on top of that... Cohon"

Fulsey coughed up on the way. I almost told you it was for the magic catalyst. I don't have enough to hide it from you, but I want you to recall why I made it [IG-1] that I showed Mayteel that I didn't need magic for culture.

"Let's measure it"

I went. Noel struggles to fix demonic crystals like mustard particles.

"It's hard. Perhaps the pattern is the same."

I saw only one band and Fulsey said. That band corresponds positively to the darkest second band of ordinary demonic crystals. In other words, this sensitivity does not capture the magic spectrum of mucous micrograins of demonic crystals.

"For example, you can't tell if you let your temper from the demonic vein pass through this."

I asked Fulsey.

".................. I can't. Even it squeezes with slits and spreads with the prism of dragon crystals. The amount of magic per unit area that reaches the Sensory Demon Paper is decreasing dramatically."

"Can't you detect it with an antenna instead of sensory demon paper?"

"No, that's not going to be easy. You observed coins marked with certain magic during the Shaoxian Festival. The only reason I could do that was because I chose that magic to adjust my focus. I just sensibly adjusted the length of the receiver of the antenna, but I didn't know what I just saw. Anyway, according to their hypothesis, the angle of reflection varies from wavelength to wavelength. Just look for the focus that captures the maximum amount, but then let's miss the other ingredients"

Fulsey pointed to the darkest band.

"... I see"

I only know about half of what you're talking about. Even when collecting light with the lens, it does not concentrate more than constant. Did the lens have a different focal length due to the wavelength of the light?

"If you want to measure the demonic pulse directly, take the measuring device as close as possible, and by taking longer exposure times, you will increase your sensitivity. I don't care."

Still tough? Perhaps the current demonic pulse spectrum would be better if, for example, the device were fixed and kept for days. An object such as an astronomical telescope that exposes distant starlight over time.

That sticky germ warcraft is amazing to think about. Sure, moths sense a few molecules of pheromones that touch your senses. Well, organisms are basic nanomachines, and can we compare them?

And all I want to know is the record of the past. Extreme stories, no matter how rigorously the spectrum of this year's only demonic vein can be measured, it just doesn't make sense.

"If you know the target range, you can adjust it. Hmmm......"

"I think it would be easier to tell the difference if we could improve the blurring of this band."

"Then maybe one dragon crystal will do it."

I see, the higher the resolution, the narrower the width the other way around. The amount of magic per unit area is naturally proportional to the area to be illuminated. And the less stuff you pinch between them, the smaller Ross becomes.

"Fine. Then first of all, this scum demon crystal..."

Mathier shook his head saying that much. Didn't it take you a little while?

"... let's target the measurement of the spectrum of castle worms. If you can't capture magic from demonic crystals, even though they're small, you can't measure demonic veins. How about that?"

Fulsey and Noel nodded at Mathier's suggestion. I see, it's good that it's easy to understand the specific goals.

"I think that's fine"

I snorted, too. The sensitivity problem can only be trial-and-error. First of all, it's about to go too well for research. It just turns out that spectrum exists, and at least we can analyze the crystal. Don't worry if you can't analyze it.

The problem is Mathier's health. We need to hurry up with the experiment Shelley's asking for.

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