The Economics of Prophecy

9 Stories: Medium Experimental Success

"Hey, it's thick. Then cut it off."

Maitille said when she saw chestnut lamb cut to double the usual thickness.

"This is part of the experiment."

"... I guess it's not a suspicious nut"

You can eat me first.

I'll throw a slice in your mouth. The Alfinas continue. Mathier cuts the lamb into small pieces with a fork with an alert face. I put it in my mouth and slowly moved my cheeks and my little white throat rang.

"Ah, I like this. Something hazy flavor."

Noel said as he held his mouth back. Eat right into the second slice of thick cut as it is. It makes me mouth like a squirrel because of it.

"Yes, I really liked it too"

"Hmm. This much sweetness would be better for Non."

Chestnut lamb seems to have been favourably accepted by the girls plus the old man. Now, the key target is….

"What do you say?

"The nuts themselves taste rustic. That suits the sweetness of yokan. Interesting with a loose tooth and lamb softness accent in the mouth. … it's delicious indeed."

Mathier loosened her cheeks. "All right," I decided to pose as an inner gut. By the way, Sherry, who was nervous, openly lowered his chest.

Maityle cuts the lamb into small pieces and carries it to her mouth. Large quantities of sugar subsided in Maite's body through double the usual lamb. After that, we'll just wait for the results.

"So, the experiment ended up. You can't delude me how good it was."

Mathier, who was moisturizing her mouth with green tea satisfactorily, asks, as I recall.

"It won't be long before you get the results. I'll call you back then, so I need you to keep your experiments going."

If the person is aware of the effect, it will not be an experiment. Anyway, this measuring device is the subject's own feeling.

"Suspicious... Fine, I'm looking forward to that time. Come on, we don't have time and let's get started. The magic power of a castle bug's demon crystal is one-hundredth that of a normal demon crystal, and it takes a lot of time to measure it."

Maityle stood up as she leaned over the cup. Noel rushes to swallow the lamb that was in his mouth continues. The footsteps of Mayteer up the stairs are heartless or powerful.

"I had a salad for Her Royal Highness Maitille just as Ricardo intended. Will it be all right in this way..."

Alfina said worryingly.

"How are the results? If the results of the experiment are as expected, I can see why His Highness Maitir skips lunch. At the same time, measures."

"The way you say that experiment...... no. Okay."

"If you make me feel so scared and it doesn't work..."

Shelly resented me. Look at me with your eyes.

"You were so excited about Caesar dressing and honey mustard recipes during your tasting."

"... but it was delicious. It really enhances the taste of vegetables..."

"If it works, I'll ask you to help me sell this dress to the Duchess."

"Oh... the next thing I know I can never fail... Though I knew... I can't say no because Lilka has something to do with it."

Shelley held her head. I can't help it, if it works, I'll also offer you a recipe for Caesar salad. Bacon must have been here. Do you want me to ask Senior D'Argan?

◇ ◇

"You can't do this way. Prolonged exposure is completely unresponsive."

"Why don't you stretch the length, not the width of the slit"

"No, at first we should still prioritize the sensitivity of a particular area over the breadth of the measurement area"

I waited about two hours and I went upstairs. The three of them are arguing in front of a sensational demon paper that shows nothing. There is more tension in Mathier's voice than usual.

Sounds like you're struggling.

"... you're right though. Why do you seem so happy? I'm guessing you're hiding some useful information."

He also looks slightly pale. All that lamb has nearly 300 calories. Though temporary, the sugar must have been replenished. Now, the problem is another element in addition to the amount of replenishment. Looks like you'll be okay over there.

"By the way. How's the drowsiness?

I asked.

"... oh, speaking of which"

Mathier squeezed her eyes and shook her head with a strange face.

"That's crazy. If you eat all that, you're supposed to be unbearably sleepy...... That nut? Oh, maybe it affects the magic in your body or something!

"No, chestnuts aren't magic items. Actually, before that..."

"His Royal Highness Maitir. Adjustments have been made. Please adjust the circuit for exposure"

Noel said a new slit in his hand. Mathier turns to Noel with momentum.

"Ugh, too bad. Because I can't get my hands off of this. Let me hear about your experiment with Ricardo before I go home. Yeah, you can have that lamb."

"No, not lamb..."

Before I explain it, Mathier goes back to the experiment.

Sort of. I'm not doing a blood test, so it's not definitive, but the test is a success.

◇ ◇

"Thanks to you, the experiment was a success."

I turned to the curator's office where Alfina and Shelley waited and said with a clear face.

"... tell me what my thoughts on stepping on thin ice mean. It involves vegetables, I'm worried about that."

"Right. I asked you originally, so I want to make sure you understand. Otherwise..."

Look at me. Shelly's eyes are fixed. Alfina seems concerned, too.

"First, let's sort this issue out. The problem is His Royal Highness Maitir's loss of appetite."

"As there's an aspect to not taking the morning because it's a habit, the problem is that you also refrain from lunch to focus on working in the lab. If we could just improve this, the situation would be."

I have eaten at least originally. So it's an improvement to only manage a small loaf of bread for lunch. Of course, there's another problem in the long run.

"That's why we have to deal with the drowsiness after the meal."

Alfina nods at my confirmation.

"It's the cause of that drowsiness though. I think the sugar dissolving in the blood is the problem."

I went. You two make a strange face.

"Is that sugar in your blood?

"... came out again that I had never heard of. Sugar is the sugar in the iocan, right? But you don't have to have any sugar. A lot of people don't eat once a year. Well... we have more chances to talk..."

Shelley said. Actually, sometimes I came up with this one because I was a little concerned about my own sugar intake. Well, as long as all the elements don't overlap, like Mathier, I wouldn't worry about it in this world.

"No, sugar is also in large quantities in wheat. Evidence over theory first. I want you to keep teasing me in my mouth until I say this is good."

I handed Alfina and Shelley a small slice of white bread. Two pretty girls, a surreal sight of silently moving their mouths. You noticed my gaze, you two cover your mouths. Too bad.

"Won't it get sweeter and sweeter?

To my question, we both snort as we cover our mouths with our hands. In their mouths, the wheat starch broken down by saliva makes them feel sweet.

"Actually, flour is a chunk of sugar. This means that if you eat normally, the sugar will be absorbed into your body. Substantial sugar is the majority of the nutrition taken from the diet. In other words, sugar is the primary nutrient for moving the human body."

In this case, the sugar is glucose. Actually, the sucrose we're referring to as sugar is a complex of glucose and fructose, but I'll put that aside now. Anyway, fifty percent of the energy source of cells in the human body is glucose, which is fed from blood to cells. It is not replaced with sugar in the medium of the mucus. This is the blood sugar level.

"Not eating enough, that blood sugar level? I want to say it makes me sleepy because it's getting less..."

"But if that's the case................ Isn't it strange to get sleepy if you eat it?

They twisted their necks. We're both right as to understanding. As far as I can guess, Maite's post-prandial drowsiness is caused by a ”drop" in blood sugar, as Shelley put it.But the cause of that drop in blood sugar is a temporary "rise” in blood sugar.

"Actually, blood sugar is extremely tightly controlled."

I picked the pieces of bread I gave you earlier. About a tenth the size of a small table roll. The total amount of sugar in my blood is this much at best.

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