The Economics of Prophecy

9 Stories: Part Two Fourth Nutrient

The amount of glucose in the blood, or blood sugar, is extremely low even though it covers half of the human body's energy. Around 100 mg/dl for healthy humans. I mean, one gram per litre. By the way, sober drinks should have been in from 100 grams per litre.

Since about 8 percent of the human body is blood, the human blood volume weighing 50 kg is 4 litres. In other words, there is only four grams of blood glucose present in the blood of the whole body at that moment. Of course, this figure is the value ”at that moment” and is always balanced by consumption and supply.

Including that, it means that the blood sugar is adjusted to the minimum amount that is extremely strictly necessary.

On the other hand, what amount of glucose is taken into the blood from the digestive tract by staple foods? A cup of rice for a fixed meal in a previous life is about 200 grams. It's about 330 kilocalories, 90% starch, or glucose, so about 75 grams of glucose to consume over a cup of rice. In other words, less than thirty times the glucose present in the whole body's blood is consumed with a cup of rice.

Conversely, the human body has the ability to store the majority of the sugar consumed in the diet promptly. It is insulin that controls it. By insulin, about half of the sugar ingested is accumulated in the liver, the majority of the rest in the muscles, and even more in adipocytes.

This course is extremely rapid, with postprandial blood sugar levels only rising from 100 to 140 in healthy humans, returning to around 100 in less than two hours. Incidentally, lipids take nearly twelve hours, even from the same energy source. I had heard that college medical examinations skipped my fasting blood test, that is, more than twelve hours after my last meal, to be designated to prevent lipids from being affected by my diet.

The problem is that such a rigorous and rapid system relies on one type of hormone: insulin. A system like a teacher on the other hand of crisis management that doesn't have backups, it's a one-op.

Thanks to this, the insulin-secreting cells don't have to die of overwork, they're just a little tired and out of timing for secretion creates problems. When insulin secretion is slightly delayed relative to sugar intake, large amounts of sugar consumed cannot be processed and increase blood sugar levels.

And a lot of insulin is secreted late to get it back to normal. As a result, it's like a bubble collapse in the stock market, an overshoot occurs. In other words, massively secreted insulin works too well and temporarily lowers your blood sugar too much.

This is why my classmates from my previous life said they wouldn't eat lunch because of the loss of focus. "Can't you just concentrate when you're hungry? I've heard of it, but I've been surprised when people said," I feel hungry because I take carbohydrates. "Minimum blood sugar is synthesized and supplied in the human body if eaten properly. In short, they say that sugar can be supplied without causing fluctuations in blood sugar levels so that it is injected little by little with an infusion.

Of course, now I can't tell if his words were right. Besides, this hand thing is determined to be individually different. Not to mention, I didn't measure the fluctuations in Maite's blood sugar levels.

So today, I tested it using a salad, albeit extremely rough.

"... it's easy and my head hangs out. But we're eating more bread than His Highness, but we're not going to get any sleeper, are we?


"Normally it is. However, there are many bad conditions overlapping in the case of His Royal Highness Maitir. One thing is not to have breakfast. The second is the high percentage of sugar in the diet. that the sugar consumed at the end is easily absorbed"

Even humans who normally eat don't keep their stored glucose for half a day. Half a day from dinner. Just before breakfast, we're out of glucose. When glucose is attached, humans die, so the human body synthesizes glucose by saying gluconeogenesis.

In other words, until we get breakfast, the body is moving into a mode of producing sugar. I'm trying to get my blood sugar up. If we don't have breakfast, the situation keeps going. And then lunch comes. Where your body is desperately trying to increase sugar, a lot of sugar is coming. Be the wings you have to step on the brake when you are stepping in the accelerator. In other words, isn't it easier for your blood sugar to skyrocket?

Naturally, the latter has a far higher proportion of sugar in calorie intake, both when taking the same calories and when eating meat and when eating only staple foods. In other words, the amount of sugar the body has to process increases. Maitille doesn't like meat, so she originally has a high percentage of sugar in her diet.

Another is the rate at which sugar is absorbed into your body. Even if you eat the same amount of sugar. Liquid-shaped sugars like refreshing drinks are quickly absorbed. Starch is also quickly degraded and absorbed. However, this speed of digestion depends heavily on what we eat together. It is the dietary fiber that slows digestive absorption.

"The bread with beans and soba barley that His Royal Highness was eating in the Empire has a smaller percentage of sugar in total calories than bread with wheat alone, and a higher proportion of dietary fiber. In other words, bread that is less likely to raise blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, the white bread of the kingdom is the opposite"

"So, His Highness, Maityle, drowsiness."

"That's what I predicted. If this is correct, if you slow down the absorption of sugar, you will not experience drowsiness due to rapid increases in blood sugar levels and sudden decreases. That's why I had the salad eaten first this time. An ingredient called dietary fiber found in vegetables wraps sugar around the body. Make sure the food is slowly absorbed in your stomach. I mean, it's like wrapping this bread with vegetables."

I explained the meaning of today's experiment.

"Especially important was that the dietary fiber was in my stomach first before I ingested sugar. Lamb sugar is so easy to absorb, because eating it at the same time as vegetables may not make it."

It's just a personal opinion, but I trust the role of this dietary fiber. First, that the effect is a physically simple action of delaying absorption by dietary fibres. The other is the basic nature of the human body's ability to deal with it.

I believe that the major problem with dietary health is the influx of the human body at an amount and ”velocity” that it cannot handle. Polar theory, but even if it's a harmful substance, if you go in slowly, it's less harmful. Even alcohol is less intoxicating if consumed slowly, and less burdensome on the liver.

Of course, it won't work if it accumulates in your body like heavy metals or poisons that the human body can't deal with in the first place. But sugar is an important molecule originally used in the human body.

"Well, I don't know unless I actually check the amount of sugar in my blood."

Actually, I came up with one way. But it's on the boulder to magically mark the sugar and see if it "drains out of the body"...

"I thought salads and desserts were a funny combination, but you meant that.... you know the same absurd thing. And the vegetables have such power..."

My explanation makes Shelly look a little happy. No, vegetables matter. So much so that in previous life it was said that carbohydrates, proteins and lipids were followed by a fourth nutrient.

"Ricardo was thinking that much, wasn't he? But then I'd better be the first to explain..."

"One is that experimental results would be skewed if it wasn't for no preconceptions. I will hurry up on this one. But now, His Highness Maityle would have realized that it was okay to have a good lunch as long as you had a salad. That's why I'm going home to explain now."

Mathilde would understand what I'm saying.

"... that Ricardo. That's an explanation, but you can join me, right? Because that's what I asked for originally."


"... yes, I need to explain it properly."

Shelley said worryingly. No, it's that Mayteel. Would you rather be excited about this knowledge?

◇ ◇

Back in the lab, I explained to Mathilde what I meant by today's experiment. Apparently, today's research is going well, Mayteel, who looked sinister, but he was listening to my explanation with interest. But when my explanation gets to the second half, the look on Mathier's face becomes obviously cloudy.

"... So you cheated on me"

And when my words were over, I said it in a low voice, completely down in my face.

"Was it difficult to explain? The point is, if you eat salad, it's okay to get a good lunch...... Yeah, of course, there's another possibility, but then again, the next experiment -"

"That His Highness the Mayteer. Ricardo is only showing His Highness your body. I suddenly asked for it, so I didn't have the time, and this is how I got there."

Alfina rarely blocked my words and told Mathier. Explain that you discussed it with the Duchess.

"In short, you went out of your way to find out about me and burn me some extra care. What time did I ask you to put your mouth to my life?"

Mathier glanced at Alfina as she raised her face vigorously. That, I'm so angry.

"No, so..."

"I know. It's important to you whether I function properly or not. Looks like you put in some extra effort at hostage time. You don't have to worry. I understand. I'll be careful in the future to play my part properly. That's good."

When Mathier says so, he goes back to the carriage without even looking back. Apparently, it was bad. Well, it sounds like you convinced me once and for all, and let's hope this gets my meal right, and my anger will subside. If the human stomach is swollen, we can afford it...

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