As soon as the martial arts competition ended, the admissions offices of major supernatural universities began to get busy.

The martial arts test of the college entrance examination is different from the literary test. The literary test requires marking and scoring, and the results are released slowly. The martial arts test results came out as soon as the martial arts test ended.

As soon as it comes out, candidates can fill in their application based on their scores.

Therefore, the enrollment for martial arts examinations is also very fast, and the fastest one can even receive the admission notice on the same day. For example, the local university for special abilities will directly visit the door to deliver the admission notice.

Lin Hao's admission notice was not received so quickly, because all the special universities in Rong Province knew that they were not qualified to recruit Lin Hao, who led the team to the top three in the country.

"It's rare for Fucheng to find a genius, but we are not qualified to recruit him. It's a pity."

"Hey, I don't know which one of the Yanjing University of Superpowers and the University of Magic City will be lucky enough to recruit Lin Hao."

But this time, Lin Hao didn't need to fill out his application, he just had to wait for the famous university to grab it.

The Magic City University of Supernatural Powers, the top university for special powers in Daxia, was ranked second. The teachers and directors of the admissions office kept staring at the screen. After seeing the ranking, the entire office was dumbfounded and fell into silence.

Wang Haowen, director of the Admissions Office, exclaimed: "He led the team and ranked among the top three in the country! This is unprecedented. He turned out to be a candidate from a small place like Fucheng."

"The superpower he awakened must be S-level! Director, I will go to Fucheng immediately and try to capture Lin Hao before Yanjing Superpower University."

"No, book a flight for me right away. I want to go in person. I want to get to Fucheng as quickly as possible. This Lin Hao, our Magic City Superpower University is going to book a reservation!"

"Is it necessary for you to go in person?"

"It's necessary, it's absolutely necessary. You go, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it. Prepare Lin Hao's admission notice immediately. He will be admitted according to S-level standards. In addition, prepare a profile of all the strongest tutors in each school for me, especially It is for the fire element, so it must be detailed. Candidates admitted to S level can choose their own tutors, and the tutors cannot refuse. We must make the most adequate preparations and show the greatest sincerity."

"Yes, Director."

It didn't take long for everything to be ready. Just as Wang Haowen was about to set off, his cell phone rang.

"Vice Principal Jiang, why did you call me when you had time? What's the matter?" Wang Haowen asked in surprise and respect.

Jiang Wanchao, the vice-president of the Magic City University of Supernatural Powers, although he does not have any students, is the strongest person with fire powers in the Magic City University of Superpowers.

"Take Lin Hao's admission notice and come with me to Fucheng." There was an unconcealable excitement in the plain voice.

At Tianbao Pavilion suspended in the air at Yanjing University of Extraordinary Powers, Vice President Yun Shengtian and Director of Admissions Office Liu Hua suddenly welcomed them.

Tianbao Pavilion is where Yanjing Ability University stores important materials and training resources. It looks like a nine-story tower. It was built by a strong man in the space department. When it is open, it will be suspended in the air, and when it is closed, it will be hidden in the void without a trace. It can be found, or it can be made small and taken away, so that there is nothing to steal or snatch.

"Uh, Vice Principal Yun, why do you have time to come to Tianbao Pavilion?" Jiang Tianhai, the person in charge of Tianbao Pavilion, asked in surprise.

Tianbao Pavilion may not look big from the outside, but it is very vast inside. The first floor is larger than the school.

The person in charge, Jiang Tianhai, is an eighth-level space powerhouse.

Some people say that even if Yanjing University of Extraordinary Power is destroyed, as long as Tianbao Pavilion is still there, Yanjing University of Extraordinary Power can be quickly rebuilt.

Yun Shengtian smiled and said: "I'm going to recruit a student. I'll get an eighth-level training resource."

Jiang Tianhai was shocked: "Level 8! That is an S-level training resource. Our school only has this resource. Are you trying to recruit Lin Hao, who leads the team and ranks among the top three in the country?"

"Yes, the principal has approved it."

"He is indeed a rare genius. Come with me." With a wave of Jiang Tianhai's hand, he and Yun Shengtian disappeared and arrived at the ninth floor of Tianbao Pavilion.

Even Liu Hua is not qualified to come to this ninth floor.

After verifying his identity, Yun Shengtian picked up an S-level training resource.

Then he took a special plane and flew to Fucheng as soon as possible.

Lin Hao drank a little too much and took a taxi home. After telling him the address, he squinted in the car.

When I woke up, I found an abandoned factory.

The driver is still the same driver, but his temperament has completely changed. From a simple and honest uncle to an uncle with sharp eyes, he exudes a murderous aura.


The driver leaned against the car door and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke: "You're awake."

Lin Hao suddenly became alert, opened the car door, and got out of the car: "Who are you?"

"Have you ever heard of the Violent Bear Squad? I am the captain Xiong Dahu."

"The Violent Bear Team, the Fan family's superpower team, was it Fan Lang who asked you to come here?"

Lin Hao became more vigilant and silently opened the system panel. He had heard of the Violent Bear Team. Xiong Dahu was a third-level primary superpower user. With his current level, he could not be killed.

"System, give me more points!" Lin Hao thought silently in his mind.

"Consume 2,000 ferocious beast points. The points are added successfully. The master successfully breaks through to the first-level primary superpower."

"Congratulations, master, for breaking through to the first level of primary superpower and awakening the S-level superpower, Space Storm!"

"The system has hidden the phenomenon of the awakening of powerful powers. Master, please rest assured."

"The master's strength, speed, and spirit have all been improved accordingly, and he has reached the level of a second-level advanced superpower user."

"The Eight Desolate Divine Fires have also become stronger and can instantly kill third-level primary superpower users!"

"The same goes for space storms, which can instantly kill third-level primary superpower users!"

"The eight desolate divine fires superimposed on the space storm can instantly kill third-level advanced superpower users!"

Lin Hao's eyes flashed with excitement and he immediately checked the panel:

【Name】Lin Hao

[Level] First level primary superpower user

[Superpower] S-level eight desolate divine fires. S-class space storm

【Strength】800 points

【Speed】800 points

【Spirit】800 points

[Vicious Beast Points] 1730 points

[Skill] Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash (growth-type skill, no upper limit), the current level is level one, elementary level. Chef Ding's Chopping Knife Technique, second-level knife skill, current level, second-level advanced.

A large amount of information poured into Lin Hao's mind, including the form of space storm, how to use it, as well as the methods and techniques of using the Eight Desolate Divine Fires to superimpose the space storm, etc.

"Fan Lang? Even so." Xiong Dahu sneered, looking down on Fan Lang.

Lin Hao looked indifferent: "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. I have to go home and sleep."

I thought to myself, Fan Lang is looking for death.

"As expected of an S-class superpower, he's a bit arrogant." Xiong Dahu's tone was a bit disdainful, but he was extremely jealous in his heart.

"Are you interested in joining the Storm Bear Team?"

"Not interested." Lin Hao said and left, just a third-level superpower, a waste of time.

"You just leave without saying hello. Don't you think too much of me?" Xiong Dahu got angry.

"What do you want?" Lin Hao stopped and turned his head with an indifferent expression, not taking him seriously at all.

"Stop pretending to be stupid and hand over the supernatural talisman! Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave tonight." Xiong Dahu's evidence became fierce, and his eyes showed an extremely greedy and longing look.

He really didn't understand where Lin Hao's parents hid the space talisman.

"Superpower talisman? What superpower talisman?" Lin Hao was stunned and had no idea what he was talking about. But he instantly understood that he must be talking about some kind of particularly rare and precious treasure.

"Pretend! Are you really not afraid of death?" Xiong Dahu roared.

Lin Hao was also angry: "Barking like a dog at night, you are the one who wants to die!"

"Seeking death!" Xiong Dahu was furious, he rose up and punched Lin Hao.

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