The Eight Desolate Divine Fires Are Awakened At The Beginning, And The School Beauty Cries For Recon

Chapter 23 Breaking Into The Fan Family Alone To Investigate The Truth

Seeing the fist getting bigger and bigger in front of him, Lin Hao's eyes instantly turned cold.

"Bahuang Divine Fire!"

Lin Hao also punched out hard.


The dark night sky was illuminated by Lin Hao, who was surrounded by purple fire. The Eight Desolate Divine Fires exuded a mysterious, vast, and extremely powerful aura.

Xiong Dahu originally thought that Lin Hao had just awakened, and no matter how powerful his S-level powers were, he would not be able to match his third-level powers. He could easily control them, and then force Lin Hao to take out the supernatural talisman.

I didn't expect it to be too big.

Xiong Dahu's eyes were full of fear, and even his soul couldn't help but tremble, and his back felt cold.

It's a pity that it's too late.


The fists struck each other, and Xiong Dahu flew backwards. His fists instantly turned into ashes, and screams echoed through the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the Bahuang Divine Fire continued to burn his entire arm to ashes, causing him to roll on the ground in pain.

Lin Hao did not use all his strength because he wanted to question Xiong Dahu.

"What is a supernatural talisman?" Lin Hao's tone was cold and ruthless.

"Haha... Awesome, so powerful. It deserves to be an S-level power. I underestimated you. You must have used the power talisman!"

Xiong Dahu stood up from the ground, his expression crazy, and he could no longer care about the severe pain.

"Today, I must get the supernatural talisman!"

"Boy, I was careless just now. Now, let me show you my powers."

"Bear Transformation!"


Xiong Dahu's body instantly swelled up, turning into a half-man, half-bear, standing five meters tall. His nails turned into sharp claws, and his muscles were like earthy-yellow steel. His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and his whole body exuded incomparable power, giving people the impression of a small mountain. Such a sense of terror and oppression.

"Die!" Xiong Dahu punched out, his fist several times bigger than Lin Hao's head.

Having said that, Xiong Dahu did not attack Lin Hao's vital points.

He thought to himself that if this punch hit, Lin Hao would definitely be crippled. Just take a breath and ask for the whereabouts of the supernatural talisman.

Lin Hao had the same idea. He also wanted to question Xiong Dahu.

Xiong Dahu, who uses supernatural powers, has increased his strength to the third-level intermediate level.

"Try the new S-class power."

"Space storm!"

A mysterious and terrifying aura instantly appeared on Lin Hao's body, and his whole person was shrouded in a black mist. In the mist, there were countless space fragments of various sizes floating, cutting and rotating at extremely fast speeds, and the surrounding void was constantly spinning. The fragmentation and reorganization are heart-stopping.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Dahu couldn't help but pause his fists. A feeling of shock and palpitations enveloped his whole body, and his soul also trembled.

"This breath...another S-level power!"

"You definitely used a supernatural talisman!"

After a momentary pause, Xiong Dahu's huge fist continued to move forward.

Lin Hao also raised his fist covered with space debris and punched out.

There is thunder in the silent place.

The void continued to collapse and reorganize under Lin Hao's fist...


The two fists struck each other, and Xiong Dahu's extremely hard and powerful fist was instantly crushed by space debris at a speed visible to the naked eye, and flesh and blood flew. Then, it was swallowed up by the cracks in the dark void, and the fists and arms disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

It was like being chopped into pieces by a peerless magic weapon.

In less than a moment, both arms disappeared one after another.

Xiong Dahu was horrified, as if he had seen a demon. He no longer wanted to fight and screamed in horror.

Lin Hao was very excited: "This space storm is really domineering!"

"Double S-level powers, so cool!"

Xiong Dahu was bleeding profusely, his combat power was greatly reduced, and he returned to his human form. He was no longer a match for Lin Hao.

Lin Hao stepped on his chest, coldly and domineeringly: "Tell me, what is a supernatural talisman? Why do you think I have a supernatural talisman? How does the Fan family know that I have a supernatural talisman? Tell me from the truth!"

"I can't say it, I will die if I say it. Please spare my life..." Xiong Dahu's whole body was covered with stains mixed with blood and dust, his face was full of fear, and he did not have the prestige of a third-level superpower. .

"If you don't tell me, you will die now!" The terrifying Eight Desolate Divine Fire appeared in Lin Hao's palm.

Unexpectedly, Xiong Dahu still desperately begged for mercy: "I really can't say it. Please, let me go."

Lin Hao flicked his finger, and the Eight Desolate Divine Fire fell on Xiong Dahu's left leg. The terrifying flames instantly burned his left leg to ashes.

"Ah, I said, I said, it was the Fan family who sent me here. This matter is related to the death of your parents..."

Xiong Dahu's voice suddenly stopped, his eyes bulged, with horror and unwillingness, and he died.

Lin Hao was shocked: "He is being controlled!"

At the same time, his murderous intent soared into the sky. Unexpectedly, the unsolved murder of Lin Hao's parents back then was actually related to the Fan family, and it was actually related to some mysterious supernatural talisman!

"Fan family!"

Lin Hao was full of murderous intent. He used Space Storm, and the black mist containing countless space fragments shot out, piercing Xiong Dahu's body. The black mist expanded like a space storm. Xiong Dahu's body, as well as his taxi, were chopped into pieces and disappeared in the blink of an eye. No trace.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Then, Lin Hao turned around and went directly to the Fan family.

Although he traveled through time, the memory of his original body has been integrated with him. His original body, Lin Hao, was an orphan and lived such a miserable life. He must avenge this revenge.

Fucheng, a wealthy area, a single-family villa, the Fan family.

It's quiet here, even in the middle of the night.


Lin Hao kicked open the door of Fan's house, sawdust flying: "Fan Yunhui, get out of here!"

All the lights in the Fan family villa were lit up, and ten people with superpowers immediately appeared around Lin Hao, surrounding him.

Then, more than twenty bodyguards armed with submachine guns came, all with their black muzzles pointed at Lin Hao.

"Whoever dares to break into Fan's house without permission is seeking death!" a leader of the superpower team shouted angrily, with a level three junior level of strength.

"Well, Lin Hao!" Fan Yunhui appeared on the balcony on the second floor wearing a nightgown, looking down from a high position with a look of astonishment on his face, "You are okay, where is Xiong Dahu?"

"Sure enough, it's you." Lin Hao's eyes instantly turned cold.

Fan Yunhui was stunned for a moment: "You really killed Xiong Dahu, how is that possible?"

He knew at a casual thought that if Xiong Dahu had not died, Lin Hao would not have come to the Fan family in this posture.

Lin Hao sneered.

This is considered the default.

The superpower team and the bodyguards were all shocked.

Although they didn't know why Xiong Dahu was troublesome with Lin Hao, they all watched the live broadcast and knew that Lin Hao had just awakened. How could he kill Xiong Dahu?

That's a third-level primary superpower!

"Dahu must have been careless!"

At this time, Fan Lang also came out. When he saw Lin Hao, he became very angry. He pointed at Lin Hao and shouted angrily: "Lin Hao, are you tired of living? I'll be beaten in the martial arts exam and it's okay to embarrass me. Now that you are bullying me, do you really think that I, Fan Lang, am afraid of you?"

Fan Lang will inherit the family business in the future. Lin Hao breaks into the Fan family without permission. How could he be afraid in public? Besides, he is the home team in the Fan family. His father, coupled with the Fan family's superpowers and bodyguards, also make him full of confidence. .

"No matter how strong Lin Hao is, can he still be stronger than my father's third-level intermediate superpower?"

Not only that, Fan Lang walked five meters in front of Lin Hao, pointed at Lin Hao and said sternly: "Boy, kneel down and apologize, otherwise don't leave the door of my Fan family today!"

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