The Eight Desolate Divine Fires Are Awakened At The Beginning, And The School Beauty Cries For Recon

Chapter 24 If You Don’T Tell The Truth, You Will Be Buried With Him

Lin Hao had already ignored Fan Lang. The difference between S-level and B-level abilities was too big for him to care about. There was no need for an elephant to care about an ant.

But the Fan family sent someone to kill him, and Fan Lang's words about life and death just now angered Lin Hao.

"It seems that I am still too kind." Lin Hao rushed to Fan Lang in a flash and grabbed his neck.

The speed was as fast as teleportation, no one expected it, and it was impossible to prevent it.

Lin Hao pinched Fan Lang, lifted him up like a hawk grabbing a chicken, slammed him to the ground, stepped on his face, then looked at Fan Yunhui and said in a cold voice: "Did you kill my parents? "

"If you don't tell the truth, I will send your son to be buried with him!"

Fan Lang screamed like a pig, more than a dozen bones in his body were broken, and the slightest movement caused severe pain like tearing through his whole body.

", save me..." Fan Lang was covered in cold sweat, extremely frightened, and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Lin Hao, you are looking for death, why don't you let go of your son, kneel down and beg me to spare you..."


Before Fan Yunhui finished speaking, Lin Hao flicked his finger, and a wisp of the Eight Desolations Divine Fire fell on Fan Lang's hand. His left hand instantly turned into ashes, and he screamed in agony, and his whole body twitched in pain.

The scorching temperature scared the superpower team into retreating frantically.

"S-level powers are really S-level powers!"

Fan Yunhui also felt the terror and power of the Eight Desolate Divine Fires, but after the initial shock, his eyes burst out with extremely greedy and longing, thinking: "S-level superpowers! This kid must have used superpowers." Energy talisman, otherwise with his qualifications, it would be impossible to awaken the S power!"

Lin Hao's fingertips once again had a wisp of the Eight Desolate Divine Fire, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent: "Let me ask you one last time, did you kill my parents?"

"Ah! Dad, Dad, help me, he will really kill me, help me..." Lin Hao's eyes really scared Fan Lang, making him feel the hellish fear of the spirit tablet.

"Boy, if you dare to seriously hurt my son, you will die tonight! If you hand over the supernatural talisman, I can consider letting you die quickly!"

Fan Yunhui's eyes were full of desire and madness. He believed that Lin Hao, who had just awakened, could not defeat many people with one person. He was a third-level intermediate superpower. In addition, the Fan family also had a superpower team leader who was a third-level junior superpower. Those who are capable.

But these are not the most important. The most important thing is that as long as he obtains the supernatural talisman, he will be able to break through to higher levels, eighth level, or even ninth level without any hindrance in the future.

By then, his lifespan will be increased several times, and he can have as many sons as he wants.

Lin Hao's eyes turned cold, and the Eight Desolate Divine Fires fell. Fan Lang's eyes widened in horror, and his screams sounded heartbreaking, and then stopped suddenly.

Looking at the ground, there was only ashes left.

Fan Yunhui was horrified and furious. His eyes were bulging, full of murderous intent and bloodshot eyes, as if he was crazy: "Lin Hao, you actually killed my son! Why are you still standing there? Shoot me, kill him, kill him!"

Although he could give up his son for the supernatural talisman, Fan Lang is his own biological child after all, so it would be a lie to say that it doesn't hurt.

Da da da da…

The Fan family's supernatural team immediately withdrew, and more than twenty bodyguards fired wildly.

clang clang clang clang...

All the bullets were ejected and reflected back, killing all the Fan family bodyguards.

Everyone was shocked and confused: "How is it possible? You are only at the first level, how can you block bullets? That can only be done by the second level!"

"Is it an additional improvement brought by S-level abilities?"

Thinking of this, Fan Yunhui's eyes were filled with greed again, and he forgot about his son's death.

"Power rune! It must be a power rune! I also want S-level powers! Give it to me, just leave a breath, give it to me!"

"No matter how strong he is, how strong can he be? Come on!"

The members of the Fan family's superpower team didn't dare to hesitate when they saw their master being so crazy, and immediately rushed forward.


More than a dozen people, the lowest of whom were all second-level advanced superpower users, and the captain was a third-level junior superpower user, all attacked Lin Hao from different directions at almost the same time.

They don't hit vital points, but if they are hit, they will be seriously injured and will definitely not be able to leave Fan's house.

The use of various superpowers, strength, speed, violence, beast transformation, strengthening, giant transformation... Various superpowers filled the Fan family's courtyard with an extremely violent atmosphere, as if it were a vast ocean, and the first-level junior Lin Hao , like a small boat in the vast ocean.

Lin Hao sneered, but he didn't dare to neglect it. After all, he had gone deep into the dragon's lair and was not yet comfortable with using the new powers.

"Bahuang Divine Fire!"

"Space storm!"

Incomparably blazing purple flames soared into the sky, shrouding Lin Hao, and at the same time, a black mist emerged from his body. In the black mist, the space fragments exuded a mysterious and indestructible aura.

The one who used the speed power was the first to come into contact with the Eight Desolations Divine Fire and the Space Debris Storm. Before he could scream, his whole body was cut into countless small pieces at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was burned to ashes by the Eight Desolations Divine Fire.


The people who rushed up immediately screamed in horror, and stopped their forward motion, trying to escape for their lives, but unfortunately it was too late.

With a thought in Lin Hao's mind, the envelope of the Eight Desolations Divine Fire and Space Storm spread out, enveloping all members of the Fan family's superpower team.


Several screams rang out and immediately stopped.

Everyone in the Fan family's superpower team was reduced to ashes, leaving no trace behind.

Deathly silence.

Fan Yunhui's smile disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented shock: "Double S power! It is indeed a supernatural talisman. It is so magical and powerful. I must get it!"

Fan Yunhui was very cautious. He put on the battle armor, and his defense and attack power were increased to the peak of the third level.

The battle armor is made of high-tech materials. It is light and weightless, but can increase combat power.

However, the better and thinner the armor, the higher the cost.

Moreover, the better the armor, the harder it is to buy. It is not something that can be bought casually if you have money.

Because the manufacturing technology of war armor is also the strategic commanding heights and competitiveness of various countries, it is usually in the hands of the government or a large official group.

The higher the level of armor, the less likely it is to be sold to the outside world. Priority will always be given to the official supernatural team and the military special operations force.

The same goes for various weapons and other resources.

The lowest armor starts with a few million Daxia coins, and the defense and attack power are only improved by a small level, and can only withstand one attack of the same level.

The armor that Fan Yunhui wears costs hundreds of millions, and it is very rare to be able to upgrade it to two minor levels from the third level.

It was the best armor he could buy.

"Lin Hao, although your dual S-level powers are very strong, you are only at the first level of elementary level. You have just awakened and are still unable to maximize this powerful power."

"If I guess correctly, you just used dual superpowers, which is already your limit, right?"

"Now that I have this armor, my defense and attack power have been upgraded to the third level. How can you fight me? Haha..."

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