"What! You did it!" He Linwei said, "You were able to kill the third-level senior Fan Yunhui before you absorbed the essence and blood of two ferocious beasts?"

All superpowers are registered, so she knows Fan Yunhui's level.

"It's a bit dangerous, but Fan Yunhui was careless." Lin Hao wrote lightly.

He Lin was still very surprised. The gap between the first-level elementary level and the third-level advanced level was not something that could be overcome by being a little dangerous and careless.

Normal superpowers, with such a huge gap, can only be killed instantly.

Even if Lin Hao has double S-level powers, he will be killed instantly if he is not careful.

What's more, Fan Yunhui is not the only one in the Fan family. The Fan family also has two teams with special powers.

"As long as you're fine, don't take such risks in the future."

"They were the ones who started it."

"What's going on? Please tell me in detail."

So, Lin Hao told the whole story in detail like He did.

"You deserve it! The Fan family's superpower team has always had a bad reputation in the wilderness. They often steal the trophies of other weak superpowers. If they hadn't been cautious and we were busy dealing with ferocious beasts, I would have wanted to teach them a lesson. "

"Don't worry, I will handle the matter and it won't have any impact on you."

"Thanks then." Lin Hao thanked him. He didn't like dealing with trivial matters, so he was really grateful that He Lin was willing to help.

"By the way, you should know about the supernatural talisman, right? The cause of all things is the supernatural talisman." Lin Hao asked eagerly.

He Lin did not hide anything: "The supernatural talisman is a very magical and extremely rare thing. Not only can the owner have no obstacles when breaking through, but it can also increase the level of supernatural powers, especially for high-level supernatural users. It’s very difficult to break through, but with the help of supernatural talismans, the problem will be solved.”

"Unfortunately, superpower talismans are very rare. Currently, there is only one known superpower talisman on the side of the ferocious beast. As for whether there are other hidden superpower talismans, it is unknown."

"Is it so rare?"

He Lin nodded, her expression becoming a little solemn.

The ferocious beasts possess supernatural talismans, which are very detrimental to the human race.

Lin Hao smiled and said: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, the ferocious beasts won't be able to take over."

"What I want to know more now is the truth behind the tragedy of my parents. How many people and how many forces were behind the scenes were involved in harming my parents?"

He Lin looked at Lin Hao seriously: "I didn't come to Fucheng back then, but because it was a shocking unsolved case, I had read the files. Unfortunately, the case was not closed, and all conclusions were just speculation."

"Other than the remains of your parents' bodies, there are no traces of the struggle."

"But on the day of the incident, there were battles between superpowers in Fucheng and Fucheng wilderness in several places. There were many, many superpowers."

"Therefore, the supernatural team also speculated whether there might be any connection between the two cases, but unfortunately they still did not find any useful information or evidence."

"It seems now that those people with super powers were there just for the super power talismans. Maybe they fought each other over the super power talismans at that time."

"But now it seems that they may have had a misunderstanding or were tricked. No one among them got the supernatural talisman back then. Otherwise, Xiong Dahu and the Fan family would not have asked you for the supernatural talisman."

Lin Hao nodded: "The supernatural talisman is so important, and the case back then was related to the supernatural talisman. Please help me check it out when you have time."

He Lin's eyes were sharp: "Don't worry, I will investigate this matter myself. After all, Fan Yunhui also said before he died that there are people or forces involved behind the scenes. If you don't find out, it will also be a huge potential threat to you. This is our Intolerable!”

Lin Hao nodded: "It's troublesome."

"No trouble, we are all family members, don't be so polite. By the way, I have a question to ask you, and I hope you can answer it sincerely." He Lin's face became serious again.

"You want to ask if the supernatural talisman is here with me."

"Are you there?"

"Not here."

"Okay, I believe you. But you still have to be careful. Just because I believe you doesn't mean that the people behind the scenes also believe you. As soon as Fan Yunhui dies, they will probably know about it and will come to find you sooner or later."

He Lin didn't know why she trusted Lin Hao unconditionally. Maybe it was a woman's intuition. She believes in not lying.

But I was even more confused, why could Lin Hao awaken double S-level powers if he didn't have any magical talisman?

He Lin flipped her hair on her forehead, with a shy look on her face like the heroine of an idol drama, and said: "For your safety, you will eat and live with me for these two days. Wait for the God of War who is secretly protecting you Once you’re here, you don’t have to worry.”

Lin Hao was stunned: "We will eat and live together, are you sure?"

"Of course, but don't think too much about it. You are a national treasure now, and I am just doing it out of duty." Having said that, He Lin's face turned red again.

Lin Hao saw it and smiled slightly: "Then just listen to the captain."

"Let's go to the team office first. I'll practice the exercises for you. Let's get familiar with which class you're in."

A certain general: "What the hell? You asked me to go back, what do you think I am? Come when you say you want to come, and leave when you say you want to? I'm almost to Fucheng!"

However, the order was issued by Yanjing headquarters, and he was helpless.

"Lin Hao, right? You brat, I'd like to see how strong your S-level is when I get the chance."

Lingyun God of War: "Is there anything wrong? You asked me to protect a child who has just awakened to S level?"

"Who is not S-level? Why?"

"Are these guys at the headquarters out of their minds?"

However, the order to complain and complain was issued by the headquarters, and he was helpless.

"Lin Hao, right? You brat, you'd better have two brushes, otherwise I'll just kill you and the mission will be automatically canceled!"

Fucheng Superpower Team Office.

Lin Hao looked at the still charred office wall and couldn't help but hold his forehead: "I used too much force."

He Lin rolled her eyes at him and took out a few crystal stones from the ring: "This is the Wind Shadow Thunder Flash, the only ninth-level primary speed skill of the Great Xia Superpower Special Operations Headquarters..."

"Great, this speed skill is exactly what I need." As for other skills, Lin Hao doesn't need them that much for the time being.

He Lin reminded: "These skills are one-time replicas and will be automatically destroyed after use to avoid leakage."

"I know."

"Also, don't tell other people about your double S power. Don't use it lightly until it's a life-or-death situation. Don't talk to the team members for now. If they blame you in the future, I will explain it."


He Lin took Lin Hao to visit the team base, office, training room, training room, weapons depot, archives, resource library...all of them.

Most of the resource library contains wound medicine, and most of the archives contain information on cases of supernatural beings that have occurred over the years. The arsenal has both hot and cold weapons. The training room is an independent and closed room. The training room is the largest in area, with one Thousands of square meters, it is surrounded by high-strength alloys, and there is also a mine platform where team members can learn from each other and improve.

Some important places, such as the armory and resource library, can be opened by Lin Hao directly with his general token. His authority is the same as that of the captain He Lin.

In addition, the Warlord Token can also be used for communication, positioning, and storage of items, and the space is up to 100 cubic meters, which can accommodate armed helicopters...

Not long after, someone from the team came back.

He Lin smiled slightly: "Let me introduce the new member of the team, Lin Hao. This is the wet nurse of the team, Hua Xiaoxing."

Hua Xiaoxing suddenly became excited: "Wow, you are not Lin Hao. Lin Hao led the team to the top three in the martial arts exam! You are so handsome!"

Lin Hao took a look at Hua Xiaoxing and saw that she was a cute and beautiful girl with sparkling eyes and a little baby fat. She was wearing a floral skirt and looked like a cute and quirky little sister next door.

"Hello, Xiaoxing, I'm going to trouble you in the future." Nanny, you must be polite, it can save your life at a critical moment.

"You're welcome, we will be a family from now on. Brother Lin Hao, your power should be the legendary S-level, right? I have just awakened the A-level power."

Lin Hao smiled and nodded, feeling quite shocked: "A-level wet nurse, that's incredible. Fucheng is just a prefecture-level city, but it is actually equipped with an A-level wet nurse. It's a bit of a luxury."

He Lin looked at Lin Hao's expression and explained with a smile: "Although Fucheng is small, it is a coastal city. Many powerful beasts come from the sea. It is not surprising that the team configuration is high. Don't underestimate Xiaoxing. , although he is cute, he is a fourth-level primary superpower user."

Xiaoxing clapped her hands and was very excited: "That's great, little brother, am I dreaming? S-level abilities have actually joined our team. Little brother, you have raised the level of our team a lot!"

"Haha, thank you."

"Ah, there is no prize. I can't do it anymore. I want a hug." Hua Xiaoxing opened her arms with an infatuated look on her face: "Little brother, I want a hug..."

Lin Hao had a black line on his head: "What's going on..."

He Lin glared: "Xiao Xing, don't try to take advantage of others."

Hua Xiaoxing also pouted and glared at He Lin, fiercely: "Captain, you must be taking too much care. It's hard to find a handsome little brother."

Seeing Xiaoxing like this, He Lin had no choice but to hug her and said softly: "Okay, don't scare others."

"Hmph, unless he never gets hurt, I, Hua Xiaoxing, will definitely be able to hold my little brother. My treatment method is very special."

Lin Hao: "What a weird teammate is this? I'd better bring more injury medicine in the future."

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