Lao Liu also came back. Within two days, fine short hair also grew on his bald head. The burly figure, strong muscles, and height of 1.98 meters give people a natural sense of security.

Lin Hao is only 1.85 meters tall. Although he has seen him before, no matter how careful he is, looking at him now, when Lao Liu doesn't speak, he really gives people a sense of oppression.

"Lao Liu, Lin Hao, you have met before. Lao Liu, A-level superpower enhanced, fourth-level advanced superpower user, the human shield of the team. Lin Hao, S-level superpower, Eight Desolate Divine Fire."

"Welcome, welcome! But Lin Hao, you burned my hair, shouldn't you treat me to a big meal?" Lao Liu laughed evilly.

"Haha, it's all a misunderstanding, I should invite you. I'll treat you all to a big dinner tonight, and we'll go to the Emgrand Hotel." Lin Hao blurted out, there's no shortage of money, the bonus alone is 5.5 million.

"Emgrand! Five-star. Brother Hao is reliable. I recognize this brother." Lao Liu said with a hearty smile.

"Wow, there's a big dinner to eat, my little brother is so arrogant." Xiaoxing was also so excited that her mouth watered.

He Lin smiled, and her favorable impression of Lin Hao improved a lot.

Lao Liu suddenly said seriously: "Boss, why don't we investigate the Fan family case?"

Xiaoxing also looked confused.

He Lin sneered: "The Fan family is not a good person to begin with, not to mention that Lin Hao killed him."

"What! Lin Hao killed him!" Xiaoxing Laoliu said in unison.

"Lin Hao, didn't you just wake up not long ago? You actually killed the Fan family. Those were two teams of superpowers. Fan Yunhui was still a third-level advanced superpower!" Lao Liu's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

Xiaoxing also had a look of admiration and confusion: "Brother is great, let's go on missions together in the future."

Lin Hao smiled and said: "It's just a fluke, it's the Fan family's carelessness."

"I see." Lao Liu's eyes flashed, and he didn't ask any more questions, knowing that Lin Hao must have some secrets that he couldn't tell.

Xiaoxing's eyes were filled with stars: "That's awesome too, little brother. From now on, people will follow you. You are handsome and awesome. You won't be bored when you go on missions."

He Lin smiled and said: "Okay, the others are still on patrol. Lin Hao, you can go practice as long as you have nothing to do. Regarding the Fan family's matter, Lao Liu, just let the news out later and say it's a vendetta."

"Okay, boss, I'll take care of it."

Lin Hao went to the training room and started practicing the speed skill Wind Shadow Thunder Flash.

"After you have mastered the Wind Shadow and Thunder Flash, you can go out and swim." Lin Hao was full of expectations.

There are nine levels in the Wind Shadow Thunder Flash, and each level is divided into six levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced, peak, master, and perfect.

"It is indeed a ninth-level skill. It is indeed exquisite. There are actually nine levels, and each level is equivalent to the first level of an ordinary skill. It seems that I have to go to the wilderness to kill ferocious beasts early and get some ferocious beast points. Otherwise, this will happen. Practice until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse."

"But fortunately, each level of this Wind Shadow Thunder Flash skill is faster than the ordinary speed skill!"

"System, add me some points. Just give me all the ferocious beast points. Add them all to the Wind Shadow Thunder Flash!"

"Succeeded in adding points. 200 ferocious beast points were consumed. Wind Shadow Thunder Flash has reached the first level of elementary level!"

"Succeeded in adding points. 400 ferocious beast points were consumed. Wind Shadow Thunder Flash has reached the first-level intermediate level!"

"Successfully added points, consumed 800 ferocious beast points, and the Wind Shadow Thunder Flash has reached the first level of advanced level!"

"There are 330 ferocious beast points left, and no more points can be added."

Lin Hao was a little helpless, but still very happy: "The first-level advanced Wind Shadow Thunder Flash is already equivalent to the first-level master level of ordinary speed skills. With my own speed, the maximum speed can almost reach the third-level advanced level. When encountering It is more than enough for ordinary third-level advanced superpowers who are not good at speed."

"Just so-so, it's still early, let's continue practicing. If I go out now, if He Lin asks me, I don't know how to explain."

Lin Hao sat down cross-legged and began to practice the Wind Shadow and Thunder Flash.

If you don't practice, you don't know this. Once he started practicing, he was shocked.

In just two hours, Feng Ying Lei Shan was trained to the peak of the first level. At five o'clock in the evening, he had trained the Wind Shadow Thunder Flash to the first-level master level, which was much higher and faster than the first-level perfect level of ordinary speed skills.

"Not bad. It seems that the blood essence and blood of the eighth-level primary flame demon tyrannosaurus and the blood essence and blood of the eighth-level intermediate purple flame demon dragon have not been absorbed in vain, which has greatly improved my cultivation speed."

"Now my speed of Feng Ying Lei Flash alone is equivalent to the second level of ordinary superpowers. Adding my own speed, the maximum speed can reach the level of ordinary third level peak superpowers."

"If I meet someone as strong as Fan Yunhui again, my speed will rival anyone else's."

"Combining work and rest, let's go have a big meal."

"Captain, Lao Liu, Xiaoxing, it's time for a big dinner."

Xiaoxing was the first to run over: "Okay, let's have a big dinner."

Lao Liu was also drooling: "Brother Hao is so generous. Unlike the captain, I just treat you to hot pot. It's really..."

He suddenly felt a chill and quickly changed his words: "It's really not easy. The salary is only so small, and it's hot pot and skewers. It's so generous!"

He Lin glared at him: "If you keep talking nonsense, go on your mission and don't eat."

"Haha... Captain, you are the most considerate of your subordinates..." Lao Liu quickly said something nice again.

He Lin ignored him and asked Lin Hao: "How is your speed skill training going?"

Lao Liu stood behind He Lin, rolled his eyes, opened his mouth, and said nothing. The shape of his mouth seemed to be saying: "Devil, let's have a big meal now. I have only been practicing for a long time. Do you have anything to ask? Right?" Will the newcomer die if he is better?"

Lin Hao said calmly: "It's not bad, I have practiced to the level of a first-order grandmaster."

"Don't be afraid, little brother. The captain just asked casually. He was very slow at the beginning of practice..." Xiaoxing was trying to say good things to Lin Hao. She knew that He Lin had always been very strict and a devil, but she didn't finish her words. It stopped.

"What? Little brother, what are you talking about? First-order grandmaster level! Oh my god, little brother, you are great! Little brother, if I want to go on a mission with you in the future, you must take me flying!" Xiaoxing was so excited that she couldn't be more excited. of.

Lao Liu was also dumbfounded: "Beast, one afternoon, the first-order grandmaster level, is this what humans do?"

"It took me three months to train my speed skills to the first-level master level!"

Lin Hao smiled and said nothing.

Even He Lin couldn't help but feel a little excited: "As expected of S-class."

"Xiaoxing, compare your speed with Lin Hao. If he runs, you chase him."

Although Xiaoxing is a wet nurse, her speed is not inferior to that of ordinary superpowers.

"Okay, little brother, get ready, I'm going to chase you!" Xiaoxing's face was full of excitement, "If you let me catch you, I will give you a hug as a reward, hehe!"

Lin Hao was excited. Although Xiaoxing was pretty and cute, he couldn't stand the nymphomaniac look, so he quickly used his speed to the extreme.

As a result, not even an afterimage was left.

Xiaoxing was stunned for a moment and then started to catch up. Unfortunately, he was too tired to catch up.

It's not that Xiaoxing is too slow, she is actually a little faster than Lin Hao, but the Wind Shadow Thunder Flash is too weird, and its movements are unpredictable. The speed difference between the two is not very big, so Xiaoxing unexpectedly I couldn't catch up.

Xiaoxing was tired and lay on the ground, crying angrily: "No way, little brother, you are bullying me. I have been awakened for so many years, but I can't catch up with you. Wuwu... you have to pay me two big meals, Wuwu." Woo..."

He Lin's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on her cold and charming face.

Lao Liu was stunned: "Brother Hao, I really want to call you Brother Hao. At this speed, it won't take long for you to surpass me!"

"No, in order to comfort my young heart, Brother Hao, you must reward me with two big meals. One meal is not enough."

Lin Hao smiled: "No problem, let's go."

"Captain, I have two good classmates, don't mind calling them."

"Scream." He Lin smiled.

"Okay." Lin Hao immediately called Su Ling and Liu Shun.

Liu Shun was very excited when he heard that it was the five-star Dorsett Hotel.

Lin Hao and others arrived at the hotel first and after ordering, they received a call from Su Ling.

"Lin Hao, we were stopped. The hotel's super-powerful security guard scolded Liu Shun, saying that his clothes were disheveled and refused to let him enter the hotel. Liu Shun beat the security guard. But now the second-level security guard came, and Liu Shun was I was beaten until I vomited blood, please come down quickly!"

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