"You want my Gu family to surrender to you!"

"I want the Gao family to surrender to you!"

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were both stunned.

They originally just wanted to give Lin Hao a chance to pursue them, but later they found that Lin Hao was so powerful that he was not interested in them at all. They didn't want to miss Lin Hao, the proud man of heaven, so they started to pursue them. Who knew, but now Lin Hao wanted both of them? Surrender to her.

Although they had seen Lin Hao's true strength, he could kill five members of the Tang family's superpower team in one move, and his level was only at the first-level intermediate level.

Such a genius will be at least a God of War in the future, or even a being above the God of War, with a bright future.

If Lin Hao becomes the God of War, then even the aristocratic families in Magic City and Yanjing will fawn over him, let alone the aristocratic families in Rong City.

But after all, Lin Hao is not the God of War yet. The contrast between being his girlfriend and his family is too big.

Even if Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia knew that Lin Hao did have the ability to become the God of War, they couldn't accept it for a while.

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia both had expressions of grievance, pain and confusion on their faces.

"I need to think about it. This matter is too big. I want to tell my dad." Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia gave the same answer.

"You only have one day to think about it." Lin Hao said indifferently.

He is not begging Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia. There is only one chance, if you miss it, you will not get it again.

The purpose of subduing Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia was to protect Liu Shun and Su Ling, and also to protect Rong Sheng.

After all, Fucheng is also a coastal city. Although there has never been a devastating beast tide, once it happens, it will be even more catastrophic and must be guarded against.

Although many people awakened their superpowers and became superpowers, many superpowers did not end up joining official organizations to fight to protect mankind.

This is the case in every country.

This weakened the strength of humans and Daxia to a certain extent.

Conquering the Gao family and Gu family can increase the strength of official superpowers.

At the same time, having your own power will make it easier to do things in the future.

But it doesn’t have to be the Gao family and the Gu family.

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he left. Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia hurriedly followed. They were still deep in the wilderness. Without Lin Hao's protection, they might be eaten by ferocious beasts in minutes.

The two of them looked at Lin Hao's back with mixed feelings.


Suddenly, a thousand meters away, an alloy bullet whizzed over, making a sonic boom.

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were shocked. Guns that could fire alloy bullets were not ordinary guns, and the bullets fired faster and faster.

Most people wait until they hear the sonic boom before taking action, but they don't have enough time to react.

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia ran a few steps almost instinctively, trying to hide behind Lin Hao.


"Bahuang Divine Fire!"

Lin Hao used his superpower, and purple fire swirled in front of him, instantly forming a wall of fire.

The indestructible alloy bullet was instantly burned to ashes as soon as it came into contact with the Bahuang Divine Fire.

Lin Hao's eyes were focused, staring at the grass somewhere in front of him on the left, murderous intent emerging in his eyes.


Lin Hao's figure disappeared instantly.

"How is that possible! Even if he has awakened the S-level power, his level is only the first-level intermediate level. How could he burn my alloy bullets?" In the grass, a third-level intermediate level power killer was horrified.

"No, his speed...ah..."

Before the killer finished speaking, Lin Hao had already swooped in front of him, grabbed the killer's neck with one hand, and lifted him up like a chicken.

"Who sent you to kill me?" Lin Hao's eyes were cold.

"I said, I said, don't kill me... It's the Zhao family. The Zhao family in the underground world has issued a reward for you, 500 million, for your head."

"Zhao family, Zhao Jie!" Lin Hao's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"I've already said it, please let me go..."

"Last question, what killer organization are you from?"

"I don't have an organization, I'm just an ordinary killer with special powers, just taking some scattered orders. Please let me go!"


Lin Hao did not hesitate and broke the killer's neck.

Let him go and let him kill others again?

How can it be.

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia caught up, and the scene just now shocked them again.

Now, they dare not take a step away from Lin Hao.

At the same time, he also understood why Lin Hao wanted them to stay away from him before.

Their supernatural team had not been wiped out before. If a group of people followed too closely, the killer might not dare to show up.

"It turns out that Lin Hao already knew that someone was going to kill him, and he was so bold that he used himself as bait to actively lure the killer out to kill him. This confidence and courage are too strong."

"Lin Hao, you can't leave me!" Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia instinctively hugged Lin Hao.

Lin Hao frowned: "Let go, if you hold me like this, what will happen if the killer comes again? Aren't you afraid of being burned to death by my flames?"

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were so frightened that they quickly let go and took a few steps back.

Lin Hao said in a deep voice: "You are ranked fifth or sixth in the Rong Province martial arts examination. If I hadn't led the team to dominate the rankings, your ranking would have been even higher. Don't look frightened, although you can't beat those Killer, but you can observe it carefully, it will be of great benefit to improve your experience."

"Otherwise, with your character, even if you enter a famous university with special powers, you will not become a truly powerful superpower after graduation!"

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia woke up suddenly.

"Yes, Lin Hao is so strong, and he is dealing with powerful third-level and fourth-level superpowers. This is a rare opportunity to observe!"

"A person with superpowers, in addition to having powerful superpowers, more importantly, must have an extremely strong will!"

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia suddenly became energetic.

"And Lin Hao's willingness to say this means that he will not leave me behind. I must seize this rare opportunity to observe!"

Lin Hao took away the killer's space ring and alloy gun, and continued to walk out. Inside the ring, there was more than three million in cash.

Not far away, Lin Hao suddenly stopped and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Come out, a third-level advanced superpower user is still hiding."

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were both shocked. They didn't realize that there was an ambush nearby. Lin Hao had easily discovered it.

"Haha, boy, that's right. It seems that you have really awakened to S level, and you have a good increase in all your abilities." A young third-level advanced superpower user sneered.

"It's a pity that after awakening such a powerful superpower, I offended someone who shouldn't have been offended. In the end, I had to die young." A middle-aged fourth-level primary superpower user shook his head.

Then, nine more killers appeared, all third-level advanced, peak and fourth-level junior superpowers.

"But there are so many of us, and the 500 million bounty seems not enough."

"Aren't there two little girls here? And they are also daughters of aristocratic families. When the time comes, the brothers will be happy enough, and then use them in exchange for ransom. Isn't it the best of both worlds?" A fourth-level junior superpower sneered evilly.

"Haha, Brother Zhou is right. The price of these two beauties is not low. And the armors they wear alone are worth 500 million!"

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia wore fourth-level primary battle armor.

It's just that with the strength of the two of them, they can't show their true strength without armor.

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia immediately became panicked.

Although Lin Hao had wiped out the Tang family's supernatural team with one move before, this time, 11 killers came, and both of them were worried that Lin Hao was no match.

No matter how strong Lin Hao is, he has already consumed a lot of his powers before.

If Lin Hao couldn't defeat them, the fate of the two of them would be unimaginable.

The God of War Lingyun crossed his arms and looked down with sharp eyes: "Lin Hao, I wonder if you can achieve great results again this time?"

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