In the deep edge of the wilderness, Zhao Jie led two teams of Zhao family's superpowers to lurk in the dense tree canopy and observe what was going on deep in the wilderness.

"Miss, 11 killers have just entered. Lin Hao is dead. Why don't we follow him?" the captain of the Zhao family's superpower team said solemnly.

"Don't worry. Although Lin Hao is of a low level, his awakened powers are S-level. His true strength is much more than what he looks like. Let those killers take the lead first. Our Zhao family is not short of money."

"It would be best if those killers can kill Lin Hao. Otherwise, after his battle, his super powers are almost exhausted, and if we take action again, he will not be able to run away even if he wants to, so we will kill those killers and Lin Hao. Let's solve it together." Zhao Jie said with a sinister expression.

At this time, her beautiful face became ferocious with anger and hatred. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would have been unable to imagine that the school beauty would have such a dark side.

"The lady is right, she is still smart."

Lin Hao looked at the eleven killers surrounding him with an extremely calm expression.

Brother Zhou, the killer, said gloomily: "Let's not rush to figure out how to divide the bounty first. Lin Hao has awakened his S power, and he can come out from the depths of the wilderness without even wearing a suit. I'm afraid he has some trump cards. Let’s not be careless.”

Others nodded: "Brother Zhou is still safe."

"Let's take action together. We will surround and kill Lin Hao first. We must use our full strength and not hold back!"


The 11 killers roared in unison, with murderous intent.

Lin Hao sneered, his expression unchanged.

"Lin Hao, you must be careful!"

"Lin Hao, be careful!"

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia reminded with concern.

"You two, stand behind me and don't move." Lin Hao ordered without question.

"Yes." The two responded instinctively.

Only Lin Hao can save them now. They have no choice. If Lin Hao loses, their fate will be miserable.


Eleven killers launched an attack at the same time.

The killer is indeed a killer, and every time he strikes, he goes all out.



"Extreme speed!"


"Fire flames!"

"Lei Ba Dao!"

"Flaming Spear!"

Eleven kinds of superpowers are used at the same time, some attack, some assist and contain, and the power is superimposed several times.

The killer is not scary, the scary thing is that the killer knows how to cooperate.

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia had never seen such a cruel scene before, and they were so frightened that they trembled instinctively.

"Bahuang Divine Fire!"

"Space storm!"

Lin Hao continuously used two S-level powers to protect his whole body. At the same time, he also formed a space storm shield and a Bahuang Divine Fire Shield, protecting Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia from one mile to the other.

If you want to conquer people, you must naturally use kindness and power. If you are blindly domineering, in the long run, you will only scare people away and they will not surrender willingly.

At this moment, eleven killers were shocked!

"What's going on? The reward information is wrong! Lin Hao has not only awakened one S-level power, but two!"

"I have never heard of someone awakening two S-level powers!"

"The power of supernatural powers will also be superimposed, what should I do?"

Brother Zhou said loudly: "Now that the matter has come to this, don't be afraid. No matter how strong his power is, it can't last long. The gap in levels is there! Don't stop, keep going!"

"Brother Zhou is right, kill!"

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were also shocked: "Two S-level powers"

Lingyun War God in mid-air frowned slightly: "Although this kid is very strong, the opponent's numerical advantage is too great. I don't know if he can do it?"

He is ready to rescue at any time.


"Wind Shadow Thunder Flash!"

"Thunder in all directions!"

An area of ​​three hundred meters in radius was instantly shrouded in thunder nets. Thick thunderbolts flickered on and off, making a terrifying crackling sound.

"What! Three S-level powers!" Lingyun God of War was extremely shocked. "No, this is impossible. Three S-level powers. No one has ever awakened three S-level powers! This, this, this has been subverted. My understanding..."

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were both petrified: "Three S-level powers... how is this possible! No wonder Lin Hao looks down on me at all and wants me and my family to surrender to him. I was still hesitant before, but now it seems that I really Too stupid!"

"Although if you surrender to Lin Hao, you can't get him, but he also protected me in this life-and-death battle. It shows that he is not a bad person, and there is tenderness in his domination. Following Lin Hao will benefit the family without any harm! "

"I must seize this opportunity!"

The eleven killers were all frightened, and even the timid ones were scared to death.

If Lin Hao only awakened one S-level power, then if he was killed in the wilderness, the official might check it and forget about it if he couldn't find it. But with three S-level powers, it would probably take the whole country to pursue him and not die. The kind that never stops.

Regardless of whether they killed Lin Hao or not, he would definitely die today.

Maybe there were warriors, even God of War level warriors, secretly protecting Lin Hao.

Because those who awaken three S-level powers can definitely change the situation of the war in the future!

It’s impossible for Daxia’s top brass not to know this.

This series of thoughts flashed through the minds of the eleven killers, and everyone was frightened.

Brother Zhou is no exception. He is even the one who knows his fate best.

At the same time, the attacks of eleven killers hit Lin Hao at the same time.

It's a pity that Lin Hao has already disappeared.

When ice meets fire, it melts instantly.

If you use a weapon, the weapon will be instantly burned to ashes.

Those who use fists and kicks will lose arms and legs!

The screams sounded one after another, but disappeared quickly.

Lin Hao, who used three S-level powers at the same time, was as fast as lightning. None of the eleven killers could dodge, not even the killer who had awakened the speed power.

Bang bang...

Lin Hao punched one by one, and within a few seconds, of the eleven killers, except for three who were killed by the thunder, the rest were pierced by his punch. The burning of the Eight Desolations Divine Fire, coupled with the cutting and devouring of the space storm, were not only In a moment, all the corpses were gone.

If the ground hadn't been so scorched black, it wouldn't even have been possible to tell that a battle had taken place.

Lingyun God of War was so shocked and excited that his whole body was shaking. Even when he killed the seventh-level peak beast, he was not so excited.

"Lin Hao, too strong, too strong! God bless Daxia!"

Lin Hao deactivated his powers, and Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia reappeared. Whether it was excitement, excitement, or fear, they both shivered in unison and looked at Lin Hao nervously.

"Lin Hao, have you really awakened three S-level powers?"

"Lin Hao, what you said before, that you want my family to surrender to you, does it still count?"

"Of course." Lin Hao spoke concisely and to the point, cherishing words like gold.

"My Gu family is willing to surrender to you!" Gu Xinyi said without hesitation.

"My Gao family is willing to surrender to you!" Gao Jiajia also blurted out.

"Very good. But you'd better convince your family head first. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely convince my dad!" the two women said in unison.

Lin Hao nodded: "One more thing, you can only tell your dad that I have awakened two S-level powers, do you understand?"

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia nodded repeatedly and promised not to talk nonsense.

They naturally know the powerful relationship between this.

System: "It is detected that the master has been fighting continuously, and his abilities and physical strength have declined. Reward S-level abilities!"

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