"Xiao Wan, call up the surveillance camera to see who sent me this letter?"

A flash of blue light flashed, and a virtual girl appeared out of thin air: "I'm here, okay, check right away... Checking, checking completed, it has been found that the person who sent the letter to the Lord is the former school bully in the freshman year of Magic University, Pang De, who is about to Promoted to sophomore year.”

In less than three seconds, Xiao Wan checked more than 5,000 gigabytes of ultra-high-definition uncensored video data and found out who sent the message.

"So fast!" Lin Hao couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Xiaowan, whose full name is Wanjuanshu, is an artificial intelligence system developed by Daxia University of Science and Technology. It is used by major universities and thousands of industries, and its computing power is far ahead of the world.

Wanjuanshu has the virtual appearance of a young human woman. She is beautiful and can communicate directly with humans. It can be accessed and used through the school card, but students of different levels have different levels of the ten thousand volumes of books that can be accessed.

Wanjuanshu is divided into nine levels, corresponding to the ninth level of superpowers.

The level that Lin Hao can call is level six. It is higher than the level that all freshmen and most candidates can call, and it is even the same as the level that some instructors can call.

Xiao Wan continued: "Pang De often bullies classmates from various schools outside the school. He is a member of the school bully organization Campus Tiger in University City. He was originally the person with the lowest score in the last enrollment of Magic University, but within half a year, his strength unexpectedly improved by leaps and bounds. Notoriety."

Lin Hao sneered: "The school bully actually has an organization. That's great. Then I'll clean it up."

At nine o'clock in the evening, Lin Hao and He Lin came to the abandoned chemical factory in the south of the city.

Although it has been abandoned for decades, there is still a pungent smell wafting in the air from time to time.

"Pang De, get out of here!" Lin Hao said in a deep voice, his voice filled with murderous intent resounding through the night sky.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you were so stupid that you were deceived like this." A lame and hoarse voice sounded. After the words fell, four figures suddenly appeared around them.

Four foreigners, two men and two women.

"Zoe! You actually came to my Daxia!" He Lin's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Lin Hao, they are all foreign killers. The top 300 killers on the world's secret list of killers are at least the sixth level intermediate level, and the most... The strongest person is a sixth-level senior."

"I didn't expect that they would ask Pound to deliver a letter to you. It seems that the network behind this is intricate."

Lin Hao's face was cold: "Since it's not my race, there's no need to hold back."

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

Zoe sneered: "It's ridiculous, dead people don't need to know this!"

The corner of Lin Hao's mouth raised a dangerous arc: "If you don't tell me, then go to hell!"

"Haha," Zoe laughed, "Rong Tianhong must be out of his mind. He actually offered a reward of 50 billion Daxia coins..."


Zoe's writing stopped suddenly, the corpses were separated, blood spurted out, and the headless corpse fell down with a thud.

Lin Hao waved his hand and threw away his body: "This is the fate of trespassing in our Daxia."

The remaining three people were shocked!

"He, how did he take action? I, unexpectedly, didn't see it!"

“How is it possible, Zoe, who is a sixth-level intermediate, can kill her instantly with just one move!”

Lin Hao pointed at one person and asked: "Before she died, Zoe said that Rong Tianrong offered a reward of 500 Daxia coins. Is he asking you to kill me?"

“Hmph, it was Zoe who was careless and let the news slip. Now, it doesn’t hurt to tell you. It’s Rong Tianhong!”

Lin Hao's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Rong family, very good, just wait for me! Now, I'll send you to death first!"

"Oh, you're so domineering, I like it. I want to try a handsome oriental man, let me do it!" Christian, who had huge breasts and strong muscles, licked his tongue and said.

"Differentiation! Mutation!"

After Christian finished speaking, she suddenly turned into ten Christians out of thin air, and each one mutated, with stronger muscles, her whole body seemed to have grown one size, her teeth turned into protruding fangs, and her eyes It was full of bloodshot eyes, and four seven-centimeter-long bone spurs with metallic luster sprouted from his hands, becoming more ferocious, like a humanoid monster.

"Christian, don't play around, be careful, this Daxia boy is very strong!" Although Allen couldn't see how strong Lin Hao was, he could feel the terrible threat Lin Hao brought to him.

"Christian, don't be careless..." Christian's sister, Christine, reminded loudly.

She looks closer to an oriental beauty, with blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs, very white, and a hotter figure.

The hot figure, set off by the hot and environmentally friendly clothing, looks even hotter, making people's blood boil just by looking at it.

"Don't worry, without me, you can't get the fresh food... the little fish meat." Christian's voice became like a beast's roar.

Lin Hao frowned slightly, feeling disgusting and weird.

He Lin explained with a look of disgust on her face: "In order to gain stronger power, superpowers from Western countries used abnormal genetic technology after awakening to implant the genes of some ferocious beasts into their bodies. Let your body mutate while you are using your superpowers, and you will know it when you see it more in the future."

"Disgusting." Lin Hao said with disgust and disdain.

Christian, who had split into ten, had surrounded Lin Hao. Lin Hao could feel that her powers were quite strong, because the ten clones had about the same power.

Among ordinary superpowers, Christian's superpower can even be said to be invincible at the same level.

In the past, as long as she used her powers, she never lost.

Divided into ten, his combat power increased almost tenfold, bringing Christian's combat power to the peak of the sixth level.

"Be mine..."

Before he could say the word Christian slave, Lin Hao suddenly moved.

Christian's eyes were like those of a wild beast, his pupils suddenly contracted, and a look of fear emerged.

She never expected that this young boy of eighteen or nineteen years old in Daxia would dare to take the initiative in the face of her whose combat power had increased tenfold.

Christian couldn't see Lin Hao's movement trajectory, and his fear was in vain. With a thought, he hurriedly summoned the other two clones back, protecting the real body, and blasted ten fists into the void ahead.

Although the clone is strong, it will dissipate once the real body dies. She must not be extremely careful, or even expose her true body.

However, she was still very confident in her own abilities and speed. She didn't think Lin Hao could see his true identity at a glance.

As long as Lin Hao misjudged his true form and failed in one attack, with her speed, she could launch a thunderous attack and defeat Lin Hao.

Unfortunately, she underestimated Lin Hao.

Lin Hao suddenly appeared, right in front of her real body, and punched out with an ordinary punch.

Christian was shocked: "Why does this Daxia boy have such vicious eyes?"


In the blink of an eye, Lin Hao's fist hit the fist thrown by Christian's clone.

Christian's clone was shattered like a clay sculpture and turned into blood mist.

Lin Hao's fist attack continued unabated and continued to move forward, as if he was in no one's land.

"No! Don't! Christian..." Christine and Alan roared.

The two of them wanted to rush to the rescue, but unfortunately Lin Hao's punches were too fast!


Although the other eight clones of Christian were close at hand, they had no time to take action.

Lin Hao's fist struck her real body as fast as lightning.


Direct headshot.

The real body turned into blood mist, and the remaining clones also dissipated.

"Lin Hao, I want to kill you! I want to avenge Christian!" Sister Christine roared like a wild beast.

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