Chemical factory on the outskirts of Shanghai.

Allen, the exotic killer, was so shocked that he couldn't speak when he saw Lin Hao kill Christian, who had powerful powers and increased his combat power tenfold with one punch.

After a while, he said in disbelief: "How is it possible, Christian? After using his supernatural power, his combat power is almost at the peak of the sixth level..."

Christian's sister, Christine, was already crazy with anger: "I'm going to kill you, kill you, ah!"

The two are twins, but Christian looks like a man and is rugged, while his sister Christine is very beautiful. But at this time, the beautiful sister Christine also became ferocious because of the use of supernatural powers.

"Differentiation. Mutation!"

The two sisters' powers are actually the same.

The difference is that my sister's superpowers were mutated the day after tomorrow, not fangs or bone spurs, but a metal body.

Her body shape did not change much, but her muscles gradually emitted a red metallic sheen, and two cat ears grew on her head.

She actually fused some kind of metal into her body.

Cute, mysterious, cool, sexy... full of an indescribable charm.


When Christine's arms touched, there was a metallic sound and even sparks flew.

Ten identical Christines, the ones with enhanced metal bodies, would be indistinguishable from robots if it weren't for the rich expression in their eyes.

Christine, who used supernatural powers, has reached the seventh level of primary level combat!

Kristine stared at Lin Hao with blood-red eyes, and was about to take action, but was held back by Allen.

"Kristen, let's go. The reward information is inaccurate. Lin Hao is too strong. 50 billion is not worth it..."


Christine seemed to have lost her mind, roaring wildly, controlling nine clones with her mind, and punched Lin Hao. .

Lin Hao looked at Christine, who looked exotic but looked very much like an oriental beauty, and was inexplicably interested: "There is a slave girl from Country M who can help with massages, making beds, etc. It seems pretty good..."

Allen roared: "Don't even think about it!"

He has been pursuing Christine for ten years, but has never succeeded. Finally, this time, Christine invites him to come to Daxia to perform a mission.

Allen put forward conditions on the grounds that Daxia was like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but Christine happily agreed. After the matter was accomplished, he would be given a formal opportunity to pursue her. There was no way he could let it go.

Sister Christine is a genius from the top family in M ​​country, the Citigroup. She has awakened A-level powers since she was a child and received strict training. She is not even allowed to have contact with the opposite sex to prevent people from defrauding money and sex. In addition, she is extremely self-disciplined. , practiced hard, and finally made her a generation of young geniuses, famous in Western countries.

Her family is in charge of Citibank, the largest bank in country M. Christine was not originally the first heir, but with her seventh-level junior strength, she became the first heir.

Allen, a poor boy, had he not been a genius and had the same teacher as his teacher. The two of them had never even had a chance to get to know each other. Now that he had a formal opportunity to pursue him, how could he have let go of such an opportunity.

This is the scary thing about the consortium. No matter what age, they can be at the top of the pyramid.

"Corrosion! Mutation!"

Allen roared angrily that he must help Christine. Even if he couldn't kill Lin Hao, he would take Christine with him and escape from Daxia. This was also a great achievement for him.

Amid the roar, the handsome-looking Allen's image changed drastically. His whole body turned dark red, exuding dark red venom, which was extremely corrosive and continuously circulated throughout his body. Occasionally, one or two drops of venom dripped. It actually penetrated the iron piece under his feet, making a horrible hissing sound.

At the same time, countless hedgehog-like steel needles sprouted from his body, and the steel needles were also covered with dark red corrosive venom.

"Kristen, let's kill him together!" Allen roared, his eyes turned dark red due to mutation, full of weird and terrifying murderous intent.

After using his superpower, Allen's combat power soared to the seventh level of elementary level, even stronger than Christine.

"Lin Hao, be careful!" Seeing that the two of them were about to join forces, He Lin couldn't help but remind her. After saying that, she said softly: "Do you need my help?"

"It's okay, just watch from the side." Lin Hao said lightly.

Seeing that his expression was normal, He Lin thought that Lin Hao's combat power must have improved again, so she said with relief: "Then be careful."

But despite this, she was ready to help at any time.

The same is true for the two war gods Ling Yun and Lei Lei in mid-air.

However, the two of them even wanted to see Lin Hao's true combat power at this time.

"It would be terrible if Lin Hao could even kill these two people together. I'm afraid it won't be long before our protection becomes redundant." Ling Yun, God of War, said in shock.

"Yes, then we won't know who is protecting whom." The Thunder God of War was also filled with emotion.

Kristine nodded, gritted her teeth and said: "Alan, if you kill him, we will be together after returning to China!"

Allen was stunned, as if he didn't believe his ears: "Really?"


"Okay! Then let's take action together and kill him!" All the blood in Allen's body seemed to boil.


Allen and Christine killed Lin Hao at the same time.

Both of them were as fast as lightning, and they were in front of Lin Hao in an instant.

"You didn't run away. You must have been frightened. Die!" Seeing that Lin Hao was motionless, Allen was extremely excited. He thought that if he killed him, Kristen would be able to get it, and then he would have a beautiful woman. , one-hand wealth is simply the pinnacle of life!

Lin Hao looked at Allen, a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly punched out both fists.

"Bahuang Divine Fire!"

"Star-Shattering Fist!"

Christine on the left, Alan on the right.


Four punches hit each other at the same time.

Allen's fist filled with corrosive venom immediately went limp. When the terrifying corrosive venom hit the Eight Desolations Divine Fire, it was instantly burned to nothing. It could not cause any effective damage at all, and could not even touch Lin Hao.

A look of horror suddenly appeared in Allen's eyes, and he roared angrily, and all the venomous steel needles in his body roared out and shot towards Lin Hao angrily.

At such a close distance, even a seventh-level intermediate superpower would find it difficult to dodge, and once he is shot, his body will basically be pierced.

Unfortunately, none of his venom steel needles could touch Lin Hao, and were burned by the Eight Desolate Divine Fires and turned into ashes!

Lin Hao's fist attack continued, and he continued to move forward. He hit Allen's left chest with one punch, instantly shattering half of his body and causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere.

Immediately, the Bahuang Divine Fire was contaminated and instantly burned his body to ashes.

On Christine's side, Lin Hao held back.

It only broke her bones, and even her body, which was fused with powerful metal, was shattered into pieces, like broken porcelain.

Kristine was horrified, her whole body was cold, and she looked at herself and Lin Hao in horror. She screamed, unable to shout: "How is it possible? My body is fused with a really strong alloy..."

Unfortunately, she had to believe that the facts were right in front of her.

Her body flew out backwards. She no longer had any fighting strength and could not even dare to move. Blood was flowing from everywhere in her body. The pain was heartbreaking. Her vitality was rapidly passing away, and her face became increasingly pale.

Lin Hao ducked past, stepped on Christine's still high chest, and said coldly: "Submit, or die!"

Kristine was in so much pain that she almost had no strength to speak. The breath of death enveloped her, making her so frightened that she had already forgotten her sister's blood feud. She begged for mercy weakly and frightenedly: "Submit, I surrender, please, don't kill, don't Kill me, I am willing to be your slave..."

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