Kristine had to beg for mercy, because even if Lin Hao stopped taking action, she would be a useless person, and she would only be able to watch her blood drain to death in the continuous severe pain.

She didn't want to die. As long as she didn't die, she could return to her family. When she returned to her family, she could inherit an astronomical amount of wealth. Even if she was crippled, she could still live a luxurious life like a mortal emperor.

Therefore, she didn't want to die at all.

"Very good, from now on, you will be my slave girl." Lin Hao said indifferently and without emotion.

"Yes, my master."

"Don't play tricks, I can kill you at any time!" Lin Hao warned.

Christine was so frightened by Lin Hao's murderous eyes that she trembled and quickly begged for mercy: "Master, I don't dare! I don't dare to die!"

Lingyun War God and Thunder War God were shocked and dumbfounded.

"Lin Hao's true combat power has actually reached the seventh-level intermediate level, or even close to the seventh-level peak level!"

"He is already a veritable God of War!"

"The two of us are truly redundant..."

Lin Hao then put his feet down from Christine's chest, waved his hand, and a green light shot into her body, instantly healing all of Christine's injuries.

Christine couldn't believe it. She was on the verge of death just now, but she recovered in an instant!

"Master, you have this superpower..." Christine's beautiful blue eyes were full of shock and surrender.

"SS-level superpowers, dead trees bloom." Lin Hao didn't hide it, because Christine couldn't escape from his grasp.

"SS-level superpower! No wonder the master is so powerful and has such long-lasting fighting power!"

Christine was full of admiration for Lin Hao. She knew that since Lin Hao had SS-level healing powers and could tell her without reservation, it meant that Lin Hao had even stronger powers.

What's more, Lin Hao is only eighteen or nineteen years old. At such a young age, his combat power has reached the seventh-level intermediate level, or even stronger. His awakened superpowers are more than just SS-level superpowers. Such a man will surely dominate the world in the future. The pinnacle!

Following such a man is much better than inheriting the family fortune.

She is the pride of the Citi family, but Lin Hao is the pride of Daxia.

No matter how powerful her family is, it is only a top financial group in Country M, and Lin Hao can even become the strongest person in the world. What kind of glory and glory is that? Even Christine, who comes from a wealthy family in the world, can’t imagine it!

Christine, who had vicious eyes, suddenly no longer had any intention of running away, and surrendered to Lin Hao with peace of mind.

After saying that, Kristen immediately hugged Lin Hao's thigh, like a well-behaved kitten.

But those charming eyes, long slender white legs, and the beauty in the low-cut dress made Lin Hao unable to help but feel a little distraught.

He Lin was also stunned: "This... this healing power is too powerful!" But when she saw Christine like that, she became furious and glared at her fiercely.

Christine was so frightened by He Lin's invisible aura that she quickly let go.

Lingyun War God and Thunder War God looked at each other and said in unison: "Cherish the days with Lin Hao, we will soon become redundant."

"Lin Hao's healing power can even heal people whose foundations have been damaged!"

"It is indeed too powerful and too rare. Normal healing powers cannot cure the damage caused by powers. Lin Hao is really my blessing in the Great Xia!"

At this moment, Lin Hao suddenly received a call from Liu Shun.

Liu Shun's voice was full of anger and anxiety: "Brother Hao, it's not good. The Lin Mansion has been captured. Almost all the people sent by Sister Lin died in the battle. My parents, as well as Su Ling's parents, all hid in But they have been attacking the safe house non-stop. I’m worried that the safe house will be breached soon. Brother Ang, only you can save me and Su Ling’s parents now!”

When Lin Hao heard this, he immediately became murderous.

"Don't worry, the safe house in the Lin Mansion can withstand nuclear bombs and cannot be broken into by ordinary people. If I go back now, my uncle and aunt will be fine. Don't worry and wait for news from me."

"Whoever dares to touch my brother's family is touching my family. No matter who it is, they must die!"

Liu Shun and Su Ling were moved to tears: "Thank you so much, Brother Hao!"

Because many ferocious beasts lurk during the day and emerge at night, for safety reasons, the super trains between cities in Daxia stop running after nine o'clock.

To go to Rong City, you can only find your own transportation, and you can only use an aircraft.

"He Lin, it's an emergency. I'll go back first. You can bring Kristine with you later. Otherwise, you can just wait for me in Shanghai. There's no need to go back."

"No, I don't worry about you. I'll go there later." He Lin said, blushing a little, but she found that she was becoming more and more fluent in words similar to caring about Lin Hao.

Moreover, He Lin was also very angry at the audacity of those people. The person who dared to kill her was a general from the military, and there were more than one, which showed that the strength of the other party was not low.

Lin Hao took out the mecha directly from the space ring. This was one of the equipment given by the military when he received the title of God of War a few days ago.

It was a set of seventh-level primary aviation mecha, thirty meters high, capable of fighting in the atmosphere and space.

Lin Hao had briefly seen the operation process before, and with his talent and strong mental strength, he was already familiar with it.

There was a loud bang.

The huge dark-black humanoid mecha suddenly landed on the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust. It looked majestic and domineering, like the arrival of a god.

The mecha's eyes exuded a faint light. As soon as it scanned Lin Hao in front of it, it immediately opened the warehouse door and descended the illusory silver staircase.

Although the staircase is illusory, the more it is condensed from the energy of the Xuan Crystal, the more it can carry real objects.

"I'm leaving first." Lin Hao leaped over and jumped up. The stairs retracted and lifted into the air, pulling him into the mecha.

"Be careful along the way." He Lin said with concern.

"Master, be careful." Christine said in shock.

She is the first heir to the Citigroup Foundation, so she naturally knows that in Daxia, combat mechas are not sold to the outside world. Those who can equip combat mechas must at least be generals in the Daxia Military Department.

As for Lin Hao's mecha, no matter in terms of specifications or appearance, it was a seventh-level mecha. It was a mecha that only the Great Xia God of War could possess.

At this point, Christine only admired Lin Hao even more. When she looked at Lin Hao, her eyes were full of deep admiration. Even if she was asked to sacrifice herself, she would not hesitate.

"I actually wanted to kill a Daxia War God for the sake of training. I'm so stupid..."

Jiangnan, Su City, the mansion of the richest man in Jiangnan.

In an antique study room covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres of classical gardens, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, Rong Tianhong, smashed his tea cup to pieces angrily.

"Trash, they are all trash. The top three hundred killers on the secret list are all trash. They can't even kill an eighteen or nineteen-year-old Lin Hao!" Rong Tianhong was so angry that veins popped out on his face.

A man in black clothes stood in the shadows in the corner, only revealing a pair of blood-red eyes without pupils.

"That boy's combat power has most likely reached the seventh level of elementary level, which is no small matter. Otherwise, I will go there myself." The voice was strange, distant, and gloomy, as if it was not spoken from beside him, but floating from a distance. Come on, it's creepy.

"Seventh level junior! How can he be so strong! That's a God of War level superpower!" Rong Tianhong felt mixed emotions in his heart, "Why is my son not so strong!"

"Why did my son die when he said he was going to die?" Rong Tianhong gritted his teeth.

"Don't go. One of my sons has died, and I only have one son left. He can't die again, otherwise my Rong family will be extinct!"

"Don't worry about Lin Hao's affairs. Go find the second brother immediately and take him away from Jiangnan! Protect him every step of the way!"

"Yes, head of the family!"

"Lin Hao actually owns a seventh-level God of War combat mecha that is not for sale to the outside world. Then we can't act rashly, but we have to kill people with a borrowed knife!"

"what do you mean?"

"Add more money to 200 billion!"

"In addition, inform my eldest son to use the power of the Jiangnan God of War to summon those people from the aristocratic families who want to curry favor with my Rong family, and use their power to kill Lin Hao!" said

"In addition, inform the Japanese people and tell them that if they want to expand their business scale in Jiangnan, they must help me kill Lin Hao. After that, my Rong family's business in Jiangnan will be 50-50 with their Japanese people!"

"Yes, head of the family!"

"Lin Hao, you will definitely die this time!"

When he said the last sentence, Rong Tianhong's eyes revealed a look of overwhelming resentment.

"If you still don't die, then I can only use my last trump card, Star Palace!"

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