Dark webs around the world are abuzz.

"200 billion! 200 billion just to kill an eighteen or nineteen-year-old Daxia boy!"

"Who is this Lin Hao? The richest man in Jiangnan actually offered a reward of 200 billion to kill him!"

"200 billion! The combined assets of many top provincial families are less than 200 billion!"

"Da Xia stumped a young genius who actually asked the richest man in Jiangnan to offer a reward of 200 billion!"

"What kind of genius boy can there be in Daxia? No one has awakened S-level powers in the past three years. I think the Rong family is full of fools. If you don't make money, it won't be in vain. No one can steal it from me."

"The reward was 50 billion before. In a few days, it quadrupled to 200 billion! It seems that Lin Hao is a difficult person to kill. The first round of assassination must have failed."

"Haha, the Rong family's money is really easy to make. Fortunately, I didn't offer the reward in the first round, otherwise I would have made 150 billion less!"

"200 billion, even a seventh-level killer would be tempted. You may not be able to kill someone this round!"

The Jiang family in the magical city.

An old man walked into the study of the head of the family and said respectfully: "Master, the Rong family has increased the reward and wants to pay 200 billion to kill Lin Hao!"

His steps were light and made no sound.

Jiang Qi, the head of the Jiang family, stood up from his seat, with a hint of excitement on his majestic and deep face: "Did the first round of assassination fail so quickly? Is this Lin Hao really a genius boy?"

"First, he forced his way into the Southeast Prince's Mansion, killed the whole family of the Southeast Prince, and also killed the Demon Master Ouyang Feng. He also escaped the first round of assassinations with a reward from the Rong family and escaped unscathed... This is not the turn of an ordinary genius. , Lin Hao is definitely an extraordinary genius!"

"The Jiang family must seize this opportunity!"

"Uncle Chen, go to Rong City immediately and invite Lin Hao to be a guest at Jiang's house!"

"Yes, head of the family!"

"If Lin Hao is willing to join my Jiang family, then our Jiang family might be able to rise again and aspire to the top of the Demon City!"

Country M, Citigroup, ancient castle-like manor.

"What, the richest man in Jiangnan has issued a reward again. Doesn't that mean Kristen and the others have failed!"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

"Christian is one of the heirs to my Citigroup Foundation, and Christian is still the first heir!" The patriarch Brandon broke the goblet angrily, and the muscles on his wrinkled face were twitching with anger.

"A bounty offered by the richest man in Daxia Jiangnan actually killed me, the heir to the Citigroup Foundation. How abominable!"

"Master, the lady did not die for the reward offered by the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. The lady died for the future of the Citigroup. She died to gain experience and become the strongest member of the Citigroup."

"You know that Daxia is one of the most dangerous places in the world. The young lady accepted the reward not for money at all, but to go to the Dragon Pond and Tiger's Den to experience! She died for her family!"

"Daxia is dangerous, but as long as you don't directly conflict with Daxia officials and just kill a few people, there is nothing to worry about. Anyone who offends my Citigroup family must die!"

"Arrange it for me and send out seventh-level peak and eighth-level junior experts to cut Lin Hao into pieces with a thousand swords!"

"Yes, patriarch!"

Xinggong Daxia Branch Headquarters: "These rubbish from Rong Province are so smart! They didn't report such a big thing as Lin Hao having a supernatural talisman!"

"Do you know about the supernatural talisman? Once the news is leaked, the whole world will go crazy about it!"

"Palace Master, do you need me to go there?"

"Are you stupid? You still have to ask such a thing!"

"Yes, then I will leave immediately, go to Rong City, I will definitely kill Lin Hao and get the supernatural talisman!"

"By the way, let's get rid of those rubbish in Rong Province!"

"Yes, Palace Master."

Among the mechas, Lin Hao briefly looked at the mecha operating procedures and essentials, and immediately mastered them.

"Hei Guang, let's go back to Lin Mansion."

Black Light is the name Lin Hao gave to the mecha.

The mecha has an intelligent system that can fly automatically when not in combat, but requires human control during combat.

"Yes, Master." The Hongmeng mecha's autopilot system responded immediately.

High-end mechas have autopilot systems. In non-combat conditions, mechas can drive automatically, but they need to be controlled by their master during combat.

The black light was like a black lightning, piercing the night sky and roaring towards Rong City.

The speed of black light can reach 2,000 kilometers per hour. As long as the black transistors are enough and the energy is not exhausted, it can fly non-stop until it ages.

The two gods of war, Ling Yun and Lei Ting, flew far away in the sky and followed closely.

He Lin was also flying in the sky, and her speed did not drop!

Kristine was wearing a seventh-level combat armor and flying along.

The Citi family is the top family in country M. Country M is different from Daxia. As long as you have money in country M, you can easily buy the God of War mecha.

Kristine originally regretted not putting on the mecha immediately when fighting Lin Hao, but when she saw He Lin could fly in the air, she realized that Lin Hao had been protected by Daxia for a long time. .

If anyone really dares to hurt Lin Hao, He Lin will take action immediately. They have no chance to kill Lin Hao.

Kristine thought with sincerity: "This woman, regardless of talent, strength, or appearance, is much stronger than me, but she is willing to follow her master. Daxia is really terrible, and the master is also terrible."

Outside Lin Mansion.

"Boss, are you sure we have to wait for Lin Hao to come back and wait until both of them are injured before we take action?" said the Rong Province Star Palace Killer.

"Is there any problem?" the person in charge of Rong Province Star Palace said solemnly.

"Last time, a few of them seemed to think the same way. As a result..." The Star Palace Killer was a little frightened, but he still had the courage to express his worries.

"Hmph! How can those four losers compare to me?" the person in charge of Xing Gong Rong Province said in a deep voice, "I have made complete preparations!"

"Lin Hao killed the Southeast King and his second son. The Southeast King's eldest son killed the Lin Mansion's nurse, including a general. The Lin Mansion also had the family of Lin Hao's best brother. When the two sides met, We will definitely fight to the death. We will definitely reap the benefits!"

"My subordinate realizes his mistake! Boss, can you tell me what preparations you have made?"

"Poison! A poison that can make a seventh-level advanced superpower lose his combat effectiveness in an instant!"

The Star Palace Killer looked horrified.

"Damn it, it's so poisonous! If you're not careful, you could even poison yourself to death! As expected of the boss! So cruel!"

At this time, in the Lin Mansion, all the powerful men with special powers recruited by the Gu family and the Gao family were wiped out. Among the powerful men with special powers arranged by He Lin, there was only one sixth-level general left, and he was scarred and covered in blood. .

However, in the Lin Mansion, in addition to Lin Hao's people, many people from the other party also died.

War general Liang Quan looked at the two dead generals and comrades and the corpses on the ground, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

"Ye Jian, you and I are both generals. You should know that leading troops into private houses and killing colleagues and civilians is a capital crime! No matter how powerful the Sirius God of War is, he will not dare to approve your actions. If you do it now Stop, I can plead with Lin Hao to let you die quickly!" Liang Quan shouted angrily, pointing at the eldest son of Southeast King.

Although Ye Jian is dressed in casual clothes, his body is still upright, like a javelin, showing his domineering attitude. But at this moment, his whole body was filled with murderous intent, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Liang Quan, are you kidding me?"

"What a bullshit Lin Hao, what a bullshit private house, this is the palace of the Southeast Prince! It was Lin Hao who robbed my house!"

"Why are you begging for mercy on my behalf? I'm just here to kill him, and he's begging me for my request!"

"But I can tell you, even if he begs me, I will still kill him, and I will let him taste all the torture in the world and die slowly in pain!" At the end of the sentence, Ye Jian was already like a crazy man. The beast is gone.

Liang Quan sneered: "The Southeast King has done many evil things. Lin Hao is doing justice for heaven. He has done things that many people dare not do. If I were not restricted by military regulations, I would have destroyed your Ye family long ago!"

Ye Jian laughed angrily: "You, like a dead dog, still dare to talk so shamelessly? Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you!"

"Chop him into pieces!"

"Yes, Commander Ye!" More than 4,500 supernatural warriors roared in response, and the killing field shook the sky!

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