The Jiang family's private smart plane is very spacious inside, with more than 50 luxurious single apartments and ten luxury suites.

The top intelligent driving system allows people to travel around the world while lying down.

Not to mention Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia, Liu Shun Suling's parents were amazed, and even Lin Hao's eyes were shining.

"Captain, you don't look surprised at all." Lin Hao smiled lightly.

He Lin smiled and said nothing: "It's just a civilian smart aircraft. Even if you want an SSS-level military smart aerospace fighter, the military can give one to you."

"Then make arrangements quickly!" Lin Hao couldn't help but feel a little excited.

He Lin was stunned for a moment, then smiled sweetly and said: "SSS-class military intelligent aerospace fighter aircraft is a truly strategic resource. It has combat power to deter ferocious beasts and enemy countries. It costs 10 trillion and can withstand ninth-level primary ferocious beasts." With the beast's full blow, Daxia's military expenditures may not be able to build one in a year."

"Less than one a year?"

"Not only because of the high cost, but also because of the scarcity of manufacturing materials. For example, one of the core materials, titanium diamond super alloy stone!"

"Titanium diamond super alloy stone, titanium diamond is not titanium and diamond. Titanium diamond is originally an extraterrestrial metal. It is extracted from extraterrestrial meteorites, so it is very rare."

Lin Hao sighed: "No wonder, then I can always book one. Anyway, I can't make it."

"Of course. I will report to Yanjing now. In addition, I will ask the military headquarters to send you an S-class smart fighter first."

"But before that, you'd better make some more military exploits, otherwise you won't have the shame to ask for it, right?" He Lin said with a meaningful smile.

Lin Hao rolled his eyes at He Lin: "As you said, what's the use of face compared to money? But, am I not someone who takes things for nothing? Isn't it just military merit? It's trivial."

"But according to your point of view, if humans want to deal with ferocious beasts, the current high technology is still not enough, and they still have to rely on superpowers. Otherwise, SSS-level smart fighters will not be able to only deal with ninth-level primary ferocious beasts."

He Lin nodded: "Human technology can do this, which is already very good."

Knowing the combat power of the current smart fighter jets, Lin Hao is not very interested in them. But since smart private jets are so popular, how can he not have them?

The two of them were talking while visiting the Jiang family's private smart plane.

The voice of the system suddenly rang: "Master, you can tolerate this, Daxia's fighter productivity cannot be this low. In view of the fact that the master wants to obtain fighter planes through meritorious deeds, he is specially rewarded with an SSS-level infinite space world and one hundred intelligent manufacturing robots. The intelligent manufacturing robot can communicate with its owner and can intelligently manufacture any product the owner wants to make, but the owner has to find the materials himself."

Lin Hao's heart moved, and he felt comfortable now: "This system is good. It thinks about the master's thoughts and worries about the master's needs. It's reliable!"

After listening to the conversation between Lin Hao and He Lin, Lei Lei felt envious: "Are you giving away an S-class smart fighter so casually? I want one, but my merits are never enough. No matter what the above said, it's not enough!"

"Xiao Lin, you see, your uncle Lei Lei is very old and has never owned an S-class smart fighter. Do you want to tell someone about it..."

He Lin smiled and said: "Uncle Lei Lei, this is not possible. If you can break through the eighth level, you can naturally get one."

Lei Lei was depressed: "Xiao Lin, you..."

The more Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajiajia visited, the more shocked they were by the smart aircraft.

Private smart planes, costing hundreds of billions to build, are simply a symbol of aristocratic families’ status, and are simply out of reach for them now.

"But I believe that as long as I keep following Brother Hao and working for Brother Hao, everything will be fine."

"But the premise is that you must always be valued by Brother Hao."

Thinking of this, Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were not in the mood to visit.

"If you can't enter Brother Hao's team, then the ten-day competition for freshmen will alienate you from Brother Hao and make Jiang Yu'er get closer to Brother Hao. What should you do?"

After thinking for a long time, the two found that they had no choice but to ask Lin Hao.

"Brother Hao, there is only one spot left in your team, but the two of us..." Gu Xinyi was confused.

Gao Jiajia also frowned anxiously, looking aggrieved.

Lin Hao smiled and said: "Don't worry, you are the first ones to follow me. Although you and your family are weak, I will not treat you badly. In this freshman competition, I will let you join the team and let Jiang Yuer Follow the team, but when the time comes, I will divide the team’s loot and the credits earned equally among you.”

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were overjoyed, but they didn't expect Lin Hao to be so generous.

"Thank you, Brother Hao!"

Lin Hao said: "But you have to work harder. I don't raise lazy people, useless people."

"Yes, Brother Hao, we will definitely work hard!"

There are two airports on the campus of the University of Magic. One is in the tutor's villa area. Only the tutor's mechas, private planes and fighter planes can take off and land.

The other one is next to the playground and can be used by all Magic students.

Lin Hao used his Magic University card, spoke to the vice-principal Jiang Wanchao, and landed at the airport in the tutor area.

Jiang Wanchao quickly announced the news to the group of demon master instructors to prevent some instructors from making a fuss.

Then the instructors made a fuss.

"Wow, classmate Lin Hao is back. I miss him so much. I miss him even in my dreams."

"Tch, I was thinking about him while I was eating!"

"When I was a student, if I had a handsome alumni like Lin Hao, I wouldn't be single now."

Soon, countless instructors poked their heads from their villas and looked towards the airport.

"Oh my God, why do I feel that the handsome Lin Hao has become stronger again?"

"Be more confident and remove the word "feeling". I feel that he is much better than me now." An eighth-level junior instructor was extremely shocked.

"Isn't this the private jet of the Jiang family in the magical capital? When did Lin Hao get so close to the Jiang family... No, Mr. Jiang actually nodded and bowed to the Jiang family. How did Lin Hao do that?"

"The Jiang family in the magical city has declined, but it is still a giant! I, Lin Hao, am too strong!"

"Oh my god, when did Mr. Jiang's legs heal? His aura, my god, his superpowers have also recovered and he is back to his peak! It must be Lin Hao. It's really unbelievable. His treatment The supernatural power can even heal the damage caused by the supernatural power for so many years!"

However, there were also people in a few villas with greedy and malicious looks in their eyes.

After the Jiang family left, Lin Hao took Liu Shun and Su Ling's parents to his villa.

Vice-principal Jiang Wanchao rushed over impatiently, startling Liu Shun and Su Ling's parents.

"Lin Hao, you've become stronger again!" Jiang Wanchao stared at Lin Hao with his eyes wide open, looking up and down, "What a pervert!"

"You're the pervert." Lin Hao couldn't help but said.

Jiang Wanchao was stunned for a moment before he realized that he had lost his composure.

"By the way, these four should be Liu Shun and Su Ling's parents, right? Hello, your children have a good brother!"

Liu Shun and Su Ling also arrived.

"Dad, Mom!"

Several people were excited to meet each other.

Lin Hao settled Liu Shun and Su Ling's parents on the first and second floors of the villa, with the two on the first floor.

After settling in, Liu Shun said uneasily: "Brother Hao, something big has happened. Many students at Magic University are still dissatisfied with you becoming a five-star student of the King. Many glorious students have challenged you. You have not been here these days, and the school official website has It’s crazy, everyone is scolding you for being a coward and not daring to fight!”

"But fortunately, none of the King students challenged you. Maybe they think you are not qualified."

Lin Hao sneered. Glory students, from the third level to the fourth level peak, were no match for him. The same was true for the King students. He was too lazy to take action.

But if they dare to curse, that's different.

"Liu Shun, if you go like this and publish a message on the official website, you will say that I will challenge all students who want to challenge me at the same time in five days."

"Then you make a handicap in private, so that all challengers must bring up all the students, otherwise they will be disqualified from the challenge. You add more bets and win hard!"

One credit is equal to 100 Daxia coins.

Liu Shun Suling's eyes shone.

"Brother Hao, are you really sure? The number of Glory students who want to challenge you now has reached fifty!"

"Don't worry, little kid."

"Okay, then I'll make the arrangements right now!"

"Wait, give me your phone."

The two of them didn't know what Lin Hao wanted to do, but they still gave it.

Lin Hao transferred 1 billion Daxia coins to each of them and said, "Don't spend it randomly."

The two of them were very excited: "Brother Hao, you are really my brother!"

Lin Hao said to Christine: "Come with me to Jiangnan Rong's house."

He felt that it was time for the Citizen family to come, and he had to take her out with him, otherwise the Citigroup family would not be able to enter Magic University.

He Lin immediately said: "I'll go too, I like the scenery of Jiangnan the best."

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