Cloudy, dark clouds and windy.

The richest man in Jiangnan, the Rong family.

The antique garden-style square was filled with banquets, and the banquets were hosted by the richest men from the major families in the south of the Yangtze River, as well as the young masters and ladies of the aristocratic families.

Some of them were originally attached to the Rong family, and some were invited by the Rong family unexpectedly because they had always wanted to be attached to the Rong family but had never had the chance.

Everyone was so happy.

Of course, everyone brought the powerful ones to worship them, and they all had at least sixth-level advanced abilities.

Rong Tianhong raised his glass and said with a smile: "Everyone, I invite you here this time not only to avenge my third son, but also to give you a chance."

All the wealthy guests looked at Rong Tianhong with shining eyes.

"Everyone must know that my Rong family has always had business dealings with Japanese people, but what the university doesn't know is that the Japanese private university for special abilities built by our Rong family with the help of Japanese people has been built and will start enrolling students tomorrow. Everyone If you are interested, you can come and participate in the shares, and the dividends will be distributed according to the investment ratio."

"When the time comes, the superpowers of the Yagyu family will also attend the listing ceremony!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Chen Bu Mu Cao, the Yagyu family, one of the top supernatural families in Japan! With them, this matter is settled!"

They are all powerful superpowers and know what is the most profitable thing about this.

High-end materials are strategic resources that they cannot get their hands on.

But even so, the remaining non-combat resources are not as strictly controlled. For example, most of the ferocious beast materials, spiritual grass, strange stones, etc. are still extremely profitable.

This is also the real purpose of major aristocratic families vying to form teams with special powers to explore the wilderness.

But compared to the Superpower University, the Superpower Team pales into insignificance.

Daxia's official university of special abilities. In order to cultivate talents, the students receive ferocious beast materials and other resources. When converted into credits, the official does not collect much profit from them. The state subsidizes them so that students can have more and better resources. Use resources to practice and serve the country.

But it is different when the Japanese run private special universities. The schools will collect more profits from students. Although most of the outstanding students went to the official university for special abilities, there are still many students who failed to pass the exam.

Although these candidates are relatively weak, there are a lot of them, and the beast materials are expensive, so the profit is still very high.

And their investment cost is just to spend a little money to build some schools and buy some training equipment, so that tens of thousands of students can help them fight monsters and make money.

This is equivalent to them raising hundreds or thousands of teams with special powers, which is a huge profit!

"I want to participate in the stock market, and I'll pay one billion!" Zhao Chengming, the head of the Zhao family in Jiangnan, said excitedly, fearing that the quota for stock participation would be gone after he finished speaking.

"I'll pay 1.5 billion!"

"I'll pay three billion!"

"I'll pay eight billion!"

"I'll give you 15 billion, and I can transfer the money right away!" Chen Wang, the head of the Chen family in Jiangnan, shouted proudly.

"I'll give you 20 billion! I'll transfer it to you now, Brother Rong, I'll transfer it!" said Jiangnan Renjiajia Director I Qianganyun, "But Brother Rong, with so many of us investing, you have to let us see you." Want to meet Mr. Noda?”

The Ren family has followed the Rong family in the past few years, making a lot of money and becoming rich.

Noda Tianzi, a native of Japan, a sixth-level peak superpower user, has been doing business with the Rong family in Jiangnan.

At the beginning of the revival of spiritual energy, Japan's nuclear power plant was destroyed by several powerful people from Daxia. All the nuclear waste leaked into the canyon they cut with one sword, and seeped into the depths of the Japanese land. Therefore, many Japanese people later mutated and began to crazily kill Japanese people who had not mutated.

The Japanese people not only have to face the threat of ferocious beasts, but also the threat of mutated Japanese people, so they are very eager to expand externally and constantly look for opportunities.

When Rong Tianhong saw the 20 billion arriving, he said loudly: "Haha, Brother Ren is impatient, but if I invest 20 billion, I would also like to meet the sponsors. I originally invited Mr. Noda to meet with you today. , after all, we need to cooperate and do business in the future.”

"Mr. Noda, please come out and meet everyone and have a drink."

"That's natural. I'm honored to be able to cooperate with you. Thank you very much!" Noda Tianwu said in broken Chinese, "Cheers!"

Behind him, stood two Japanese superpowers with cold eyes, one a seventh-level junior and the other a seventh-level intermediate.

This appearance immediately made people feel more confident about investing.

These people didn't understand how terrifying Lin Hao was. What they thought was that with the Rong Ning and Noda families, and the backers behind them, Lin Hao would definitely die!

"Great! Cheers!"


"Brother Rong, my three billion has also been transferred, please check it!"

"My eight billion has also been transferred! Brother Rong, Mr. Noda, it's a pleasure to cooperate!"

Rong Tianhong laughed: "Happy cooperation, cheers!"

The reason why the heads of the aristocratic families in Jiangnan are so relieved is that in addition to the Noda family and the Yagyu family behind Noda, more importantly, the eldest son of the Rong family is the most respected commander under the Jiangnan God of War, and it is rumored that his eldest son is the subordinate of the Jiangnan God of War. illegitimate child.

It was Jiangnan God of War who fell in love with Rong Tianhong after he got drunk.

Rong Tianhong didn't dare to settle the score with Jiangnan War God, so he could only endure it and raise his son for him.

But the good thing is that Jiangnan War God secretly supported the Rong family out of some guilt, which made the Rong family achieve what they have today.

With this relationship, major aristocratic families can naturally do business with the Rong family with confidence.

Seeing these people investing so excitedly, Noda Tianzi laughed in his heart: "With these fools, our Japanese business can not only be bigger, but also make more money after the Japanese Ability University starts. Money makes it easier to spy on Daxia and collect intelligence."

Rong Tianhong also laughed, and he thought to himself: "After harvesting this wave of idiots, I can leave. By the way, I will also rinse these Japanese dogs. With Lin Hao's temperament, if he knew that the Japanese were building Japanese aliens in the south of the Yangtze River, If we can go to university, we must demolish the school!”

Before that, he had already sent away his second son Ronghua.

"Today, regardless of whether Lin Hao comes or not, I have to leave. I will keep the green hills and not worry about running out of firewood! Rong Hua is a genius. As long as he grows up, Lin Hao is nothing!"

"If the eldest son Rongcheng and Jiangnan God of War can kill Lin Hao, then I will find another reason to come back."

Rong Tianhong can become the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, and his IQ is not low. He has long known from the rumors about Lin Hao that he cannot handle the current Lin Hao. The cash and many assets in his hand have long been secret Transferred to Citibank.

No matter how great the hatred is, it is not as important as life.

The night before yesterday, he bought a second-hand private smart plane from Shi Jia.

The Rong family's fight had already caused the second son, the biological son, to sit and run away.

Most of the strong men from the Rong family also escorted Ronghua away.

No bargaining, it cost 200 billion.

Shi Jia was extremely happy.

Although the Shi family is not short of money, no matter who sees a fool, they will laugh.

However, the Shi family is not stupid. They know that the Rong family wants to curry favor with the Shi family.

Historians have seen many such people.

Today, the second son of the Shi family was also invited by Rong Tianhong. All these injuries were to make the Shi family and Lin Hao become enemies.

Rong Tianhong glanced at the people in the garden square and Noda Tianhong, and said with a smile: "Everyone, the weather is too hot. I'm going to change clothes, excuse me."

Rong Tianhong is leaving, his private jet is in his ring, and there is an airport in his backyard.

As soon as he turned around, Rong Tianhong's face showed a proud smile, but soon, his smile froze.

"Lin Hao actually killed the third young master of the Shi family!"

"This, this shows that Lin Hao is not afraid of the Shi family at all... Then those people outside and the Japanese people in Noda can't stop Lin Hao at all..."

Thinking of this, Rong Tianhong ran to the backyard airport.

But when he ran to the airport, he was stopped by He Lin.

At the same time, Lin Hao kicked open the front door of Rong's house.

After Rong Tianhong's brief panic, he immediately sent three messages to Shi Jia: "Lin Hao was lured to the Rong family by me and has been trapped by me. I was shocked to hear that Lin Hao actually killed the third young master of the Shi family. I dare not kill Lin first." Hao, please ask the head of the Shi family to come and deal with it!"

The other one was sent to the Jiangnan military camp. Because his eldest son was on a mission, except for Jiangnan God of War, all external information and phone calls were only sent to the camp for unified reception: "Rongcheng, Lin Hao has entered our house, hurry up. Come back and save dad!"

Then he sent another message to Xing Gong: "Lin Hao is at my house. He must have supernatural talismans on him. Such important information should be considered a great achievement, right?"

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