The Elusive Book Keeper

Chapter 2 - Prologue 2

There was no surprise that the worship chamber was the most undamaged part of the temple. The walls were constructed with coralline limestones and some of the stones weighed over 50 tons, there were some softer globigerina limestones and solid gold used for decorative purposes. Images of the Greek gods and goddesses being stabbed and chained were delicately carved into every column. 

Zane took careful steps forward, appreciating every cut of stone. History in ruins is mostly obtained from stones and images rather than books. 

The images just reaffirmed his belief that Caerus was no Greek god, he clenched his fists, he would have to outwit a creature that deceived both priests and kings, he had only one advantage, with the items and ritual, Caerus, Beva, Anitra or whatever he is called, must grant him a wish. 

He had chased myths and legends of this creature from the Alliance to the Empire to the Federation and back to the Alliance. A creature with the innate ability to grant wishes, it sounds like a fairytale but Zane had found traces of that fairy tale in some legends and for twenty-five years he had dedicatedly chased after the trail. 

The creature was last recorded here. King Midas of Phrygia had wished for wealth and everything he touched turned to gold, his servants, his food and even his daughter. Although he had camped in this very worship room and had begged all his life, his wish was never taken back.. 

Zane had gotten this knowledge from King Midas's ghost after completing a life-threatening quest for the ghost. Another legendary hero, Ozias had wished for eternal life and he was Earth's first zombie.

A gift you will regret wishing for. After hearing similar stories he had changed his mind about what he wanted to wish for, he was not going to let his father be resurrected as a soul or a zombie.

The chamber might have been extravagant, yet its structure around the statue was on the simpler side. Countless lamps lit up the chamber.

He noticed two little statues in front of the bigger one, he had not noticed them before. One of the statues was a young teenage boy holding a xiphos, a double-edged, one-handed Iron Age straight short sword used by the ancient Greek. The second statue was a girl, she had a serious look on her face and was holding a book. They were kneeling before an ordinary-looking stone slate in front of the Statue. 

Zane took a long look at the slate, that was where he was going to perform the ritual. From the looks of it, he would have to go through them.

The light flickered, an eerily silence filled the room and a sensation began to surround Zane, the atmosphere felt bizarre.

"Prove your worth or remain behind." He remained reading in an ancient text. 

He studied the room quickly, the ritual must be completed within this hour or he would have to wait another twelve years. He cannot afford to make any mistakes. After five minutes, a smile graced his face, how cunning. 

From where he was standing in six steps, he would reach the slate directly in the middle of the two statues, attendants he presumed, the safest choice was frequently the most dangerous. Left, the boy and right, the girl. 

He had no time to waste. He made a right turn and took a step forward, his heart pounded behind his calm facade. Darn it! He was too old for this. 

[Player Zane Black has approached the fallen god, Caerus from the path of wisdom.]

[The child attendant, Thalia has requested you prove your wisdom by issuing a challenge.]

Zane accepted without delay. The statue stood up from its kneeling position and fully faced Zane.

His instincts as a living being began to warn him urgently. If he took another step without the permission of this girl, he would die on the stop.

A soft voice soon echoed through the air,

"Voiceless it cries,

Wingless flutters

Toothless bites,

Mouthless mutters."

Zane thought hard, he was good with riddles so he replied confidently, "Wind."

The pressure reduced and he felt he took a step forward. After the step, his instincts flared up again, his breathing hitching.

There was no expression in its voice as it continued in a soft monotone, "There is a house. One enters it blind and comes out seeing."

"A school" was Zane's immediate reply. Another step was taken.

"On my way to Olympus,

I met a man with seven wives,

Each wife had seven sacks,

Each sack had seven cats,

Each cat had seven kits,

Kits, cats, sacks and wives,

How many were going to Olympus"


Three more riddles and Zane replaced the statue by kneeling before the altar. The altar gave a solemn and dignified aura, it filled him with a sense of awe. He swallowed, after twenty-five years of research and quests.

He opened his ever-present bag. After the items in his inventory had been robbed, he bought this bag. It had anti-theft detection and the only way to open it is with his fingerprint. 

He started bringing out three coloured candles, some stones, a basket of fruits, a scroll of honour and many other things. These items had been the rewards of his long quest. He prepared the ritual circle. The incense, fruits and foliage were within reach to be added to the small cauldron with smouldering charcoal inside it, for the offering. 

He took a minute to go over everything. Scattering incense on the coal into the cauldron and once he was satisfied it was burning he spoke, loudly and with the smooth familiarity of someone who had done this numerous times before.

"Lord of dreams. Granter of wishes. Yet is the knowledge of thee, the knowledge of reality and illusions. Open wide, I ask thee, the gates through which all wishes are granted. By thy promise, grace me with your presence and grant my prayers."

He picked up the athame, dipped it into the water to purify it before using it to skewer one of the apples and holding it over the burning charcoal in the fire.

"I call upon thee, Lord Caerus."

There was no loud noise or a puff of smoke but a kind-looking middle-aged man was smiling down at him. There was a fatherly air about him that brought tears to his eyes, Zane bit his lips tightly, the sharp tang of blood quickly returning him to his senses.

Lord Caerus narrowed his eyes gazing at the man who stood before him. The temple returned to an empty hall with a single throne which he sat on.

Zane bowed, "Lord Caerus."

The god chuckled, his voice echoing within the empty walls.

"You can call me Star, What is it you wish for? Youth, Immortality, Wealth, Power, You can be the one above all, I can make you Heaven's favoured child." His voice was bewitching, tempting one to the depths of hell.

Zane stiffened, the image of a tall, domineering man with cold, indifferent eyes appeared in his eyes. That man, if he stumbled, would fall on a treasure. Any random ancient book he buys turns into a legacy skill. He battled the grief and guilt within him.

Seeing Zane's subtle frown at his last word, amusement flickered in his gaze, "Or would you rather subdue and overthrow the heavens?"

In a softened tone, he continued, "You just have to wish for the power"

Zane looked up, his eyes spoke of deep and suffocating emotions, "I will rather the heavens forget me instead."

Star looked at that man more intensely, how could have missed that tang of guilt and regret. If he could roll his eyes, he would. Most of those who had escaped his tricks and mischiefs have been this type.

"Do you wish to turn back time or return to the past? Do you wish to resurrect your loved one? In a blink of an eye, I can make them appear before you, it would be like they never left."

Zane put himself together, "My wish, Star, is that just this diary be sent to my younger self by 8.05 pm on 27th January, 4022."

A memory of a young weeping woman, that girl had summoned him and wished at once. For being so smart, he had to punish them even more. He chuckled.

"As you wish it, so shall it be"

A subtle power enveloped the area, Zane could feel something leaving the diary before the diary itself disappeared. It happened so fast, Zane could feel like he imagined it. But the system didn't rate his intelligence as high for anything.

"You sent the diary first as a memory didn't you?" He gave a long sigh. That would be troublesome.

"You are impressive, are you certain you don't want to return to the past and change your life?"


Star chuckled, the empty hall disappeared and a modern living room appeared in its stead, with two comfortable seats, refreshments and a large television, on its screen was a 14-year old Zane Black clutching his head.

"I wondered if you would change your mind later."

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