The Elusive Book Keeper

Chapter 3 - The Zane of the future or the past

"Two hundred and ninety-eight, Two hundred and ninety-nine, Three hundred" Zane counted with loud breaths. He smiled widely. 

'I can finally do three hundred push-ups, that is two extra push-ups from last week. Progress'

He squinted his eyes wondering if his strength has gone up a bit.

"If anything, your constitution would be strengthened." A flat voice commented in his head. Even though the tone was emotionless, Zane could still feel a trace of mockery.

He sighed, "you won't show me my status so don't tempt me." Deciding inwardly to research more on the difference between strength and constitution.

"The system is incapable of such actions" .

His voice was warm like he was coaxing a child yet filled with mockery, "I am sure."

A quick bath and 10 mins later, he was dressed in dark trousers, a white shirt, a tie and blue blazers. After today he will happily throw this uniform in the trash gauge. Vintage, his school called it, these ancient casual clothes. 

He didn't even want to think about the fact that these clothes with little to no protection on them were more expensive than actual useful school gear. Casually brushing his hair, he readied himself to leave the room.

"Good morning, mom." He greeted and smiled at his mother who was making fried eggs. She had a haggard look on her face. It was the third time this week she was making him breakfast.

"You didn't have to." He said, sitting down at the dining table. Since breakfast had already been cooked, it would be foolish of him not to eat.

"Nonsense" She smiled at him, placing a plate of fried eggs, toasted bread, some fruits and a glass of milk.

"If I don't do it, who will?" She said sitting down beside him with a soft smile.

Zane swallowed his dėsɨrė to say he will as he has been doing all this while. 

His mother let out a sigh.

Zane's brows almost furrowed before he turned to her asking dutifully, "Mom, Is anything wrong?"

Raina Black shook her head, her voice was sad and full of nostalgia, "No my dear. It is just…You look so much like him." 

Zane responded in a similarly sad tone, "Like Dad, when will he come back home?"

Raina looked despondent, "I don't know, I have missed him so much. And every time I look at you, I just..." She trailed off, holding back tears.

'You won't even allow me to finish this meal in peace.'

He patted her gently, "Don't worry, mom. I am sure you guys will be together someday"

She nodded with disbelief.

Zane resisted the urge to sigh again. Really worthy of a 25 level actress.

"You have an incoming hologram transmission. ", The system alerted him. The system has synchronized with his transmitting device, Atlas placing itself in charge of his calls and messages.

"Mom, I need to take a call. I will be leaving now." He said, taking the unfinished meal to the sink. "Accept," He told the system.

The photograph of a beautiful girl appeared in front of him. She had auburn locks and beautiful green eyes. She was dressed in a similar outfit though her trousers were much tighter. There was a frown on her face as she glared at him.

"Good morning, Cassandra" He said as he left the house and entered his car. 

It was a Mach 4 and although it was not the most expensive or current A.I car in the market, it was a sweet car with smart driving as one of its many functions. The car took to the air maintaining the average speed as designed by the user.

"It's Sandra" She reprimanded at once.

Zane just kept quiet, he had witnessed her flaring up at one of her 'suitors' for calling her Sandra. Like hell, he is going to make their relationship sound more intimate than it was. So he settled for, "Okay."

Cassandra rolled her eyes, "Why did you not come to the after-party yesterday?"

Zane smiled slightly, "Why are you asking?"

There was a brief silence as Cassandra composed herself, she had called to confirm a rumour and she was not going to let Zane deter her like he usually does.

"Zane, are you having a hard time?" Her voice was a bit cautious as she continued, "I heard that you are now babysitting after school. That you could not come to club Zero for the exams party because you can not afford it."

The rumour was all over the school forum. Cassandra had tried her best to debunk the rumour but the person involved had remained silent.

A chuckle almost escaped Zane's mouth but he could not hide the mirth in his eyes. His classmates were really spoiled children with no handiwork. He was innocent in all these. 

He had been in the park last month doing his daily deductions and observation when he met a little steamed bun. The six-year-old boy was especially cute and well behaved but it was not his appearance that was the issue. 

It was his S rank potential that made the system start salivating like a hungry dog. He had argued that the boy was too young but the system disagreed and so Zane began his intel collecting job as an undercover babysitter.

"I did not fall on hard times, Cassandra, thanks for your concern." He continued ignoring her blush, "I think taking care of children is not a wrong thing to do and getting money for it is a bonus, but I am sorry I did not attend the after exams party."

"It's no big deal" Cassandra replied, there was something about Zane that made it hard for her to stay angry at him, especially when she was not really angry in the first place. 

Although it was rare in their circle but Cassandra really considered Zane to be a friend so this time she was more worried than interested in a rumour.

A languid tone quickly broke her off her train of thought, "So, what did I miss?"

Cassandra quickly launched into a fast-paced tale of everything that happened last night, how it would affect their families, speculations and the latest news in the last 24 hours. Of course, she did not tell him everything saving the juiciest for when they would meet later at school before switching off the call.

Zane smiled, at least he would get two intel points from her. The reason it was so little was simply because his system is a 'potentialist', just like there are racists and sėxists, it discriminates people based on their potential. He could find everything about an F ranked person and get about 10 intel points but just the name of a person with A rank potential will give him double the points. S rank? His system will get down on its knees and call them godfather.

"I am not like that. Besides calling them godfather is too crass" The system quipped in his head. It waited a moment before it continued. "My lord is more fitting."

Zane had to stifle his laughter as the tall looming gate with Harvey Preparatory School written in cursive on it appeared in his view.

The curved shape of the buildings gave it an otherworldly image. It was indeed a school for the rich. The scanners at the school gate let his car zoom in. 

As Zane stepped into the classroom, a body crashed into him squeezing him for all he was worth. 

"Congrats, Zane" The voice whispered in his ears.

"Ren, let him go" A stern voice cut in.

Ren released Zane before smiling widely at the girl who interrupted them, "Class rep, this is the last day of school, can't you just try to speak gently today?". He then murmured, "Although your stern voice is sėxy too" Kalli was an excellent student how could she not hear him. 

She gritted her teeth as she forced out, "Ren!" who in turn smiled innocently at her. 

Her face softened as she turned to Zane, "Congratulations, Zane. The aggregate of all the tests is out. You are ranked first."

Zane smiled widely. "That's good. What are your ranks?" He asked as he led them to his seats. 

Ren huffed, "I know in your head, you are probably saying it was expected. Honourable me ranked twentieth, Kalli rank was fourth." His eyes were filled with praise as he smiled at Kalli who ignored him.

Kalli looked up at the huge screen in the classroom that was showing the details of their exams and smiled, Her face was determined "I have decided I am going to try to awaken my main class as an archer."

Shock was all over Zane's face. How can this be? This was not in the content of the diary.

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