The Elusive Book Keeper

Chapter 37 - The Research Hub

Zane entered inside the main building. Students were walking up and down, most of them were dressed in a lab coat with a badge resembling a globe pinned to their ċhėst. Some had more than one badge pinned to their ċhėst.

The reception was directly opposite the door. A young man was sitting there.  

He looked young. He was probably a few years older than Zane. Was he a student? Zane wondered.

He could see a similar badge of a globe pinned to the boy's ċhėst. There was also a smaller black badge inlaid with some words but Zane could not tell the words written on it.

"Finally!" The boy just sat up from where he slouched the moment he saw Zane.

"I don't know if it is just me or are we having fewer research students this year. Hi there, I am Emeka. I am in my third year. Main Class, Wind Mage. Subclass, System analyst. You are a freshman, right?"

"Yes Senior, I registered yesterday." Zane reported. 

Emeka yawned. Beneath his eyes was covered with dark circles. He picked a large cup of coffee and churned it down.

He pulled his fingers apart to reveal a holographic ŀȧptop and turned to Zane, "Name, Class, Course."

"Zane Black Valois, Sniper, I am offering Basic Herbology, Introduction to Alchemy, The Chemistry of Alchemy and..."

Emeka had already finished typing and was waiting for Zane to conclude his course calling. He yawned and looked around lazily.

Zane got the memo and shut up. 

"I have already pulled your file from the admin block and activated your badge. There are a few rules and privileges you need to know, should I send it to your Atlas or give you a verbal rundown.

"Give me a..." H felt a vibration from his Atlas to indicate that he had received a message.

The boy looked unapologetic, "Sorry, my bad."

Zane looked at the boy, even though he had left his communication details on his school form. He had not yet granted access to this Emeka. Oh! He did say that he was a system analyst which roughly translated into a computer nerd. 

Zane almost put his hand over his ear stud, having someone snoop around his Atlas made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Emeka!" A chubby girl was reprimanded from behind Zane. Zane turned he had not even noticed anyone was standing there. The girl went around him to enter the booth.

"See how much you have scared the freshman, If you do that again, I will report you t the disciplinary committee"

Emeka remained unmoved, he just started mumbling a bunch of numbers that got the girl turning redder and redder, "You! Stop hacking my Atlas. You are a terrible person."

She then remembered that a freshman was here and smarted her clothes to look as professional as she possible, however, it did not help as she was wearing a shirt and shorts with sandals.

"Sorry about that. I am Fleur. I am a third-year chef. Welcome to the Department of Research. I hope we will both work hard to contribute to the annals of knowledge."

Zane's brows surprised for a bit as he watched the antics of the two. Don't the board know that first impressions matter a whole lot?

"Yes, I am looking forward to it." He nodded with a smile.

"That's great, I can see from your courses that you are opting for a subclass to be Speciality of Alchemy. But, don't just make up your mind. You can try other courses first. In addition to the courses you have already registered for, the Department of Research offers some free extra courses to freshmen. Consider it a perk. They are all introductory just to let you have a feel of things. In fact, my speciality is offering a free introductory class today by 4 p.m."

"Give up. The boy published a paper on the Pharmacopoeial standards of herbal plants when he was sixteen." Emeka had changed from the ŀȧptop to a tablet and was currently flipping pages.

"Stop looking at his private information." Fleur snapped.

Emeka just sighed, "It is not private information. It is public news, see it is on the CAT geniuses webpage." 

The girl peered over to see for herself, "You are right."

"I am always right so can you imagine what the Alchemy speciality would do to the cuisine speciality if you guys manage to poach him."

"Winner takes all. Besides, he still has a month to decide on a mentor. What do you say, cutie? The cuisine speciality students have the lowest demerits in the Department. We even have a lot of perks."

Zane just smiled at her. He kept all his scathing comments within him, from the 'so you have finally notice that I am here to 'Winner takes all. What do you think I am, a cop of cappuccino.'

"You know that thing I did where I bypassed the security wall of your Atlas. It was very cool wasn't;t it?"

"Yap. It was amazing" It was also annoying and unethical.

"Would you like to learn?"

"Yes." No

"Easy! Just join our Digital Specialization. I learnt that in just two months."

Fleur rolled her eyes, "That because you are a computer prodigy. Normal people can't do that."

"Oh! True. It's been three years and Stan can not still learn it." 

"He has not yet learnt it? What about a skill book on something?"

These two people. "Seniors!" He called out, dragging their attention back to him. "I will think about it. I have an urgent appointment at the library and I need to get there as soon as possible. Could I have a map?" 

"Which library?" The girl asked. Seeing his silence, she prompted, "There are 25 libraries in the Research Department. Two are in this building so which one?"

"The Central Library." Zane said. It was the only library he had seen on the page.

"Sure, dear. The sixth building after this one. You have to.."

Zane's Atlas vibrated. The message was a digital copy of the entire Research Department.

"Thanks for everything, Seniors."

He could still hear Fleur's voice behind him, "Why is he so impatient. That is why I say he should enroll in our speciality. There is this free Zen course that teaches you to be at peace and in one with your surroundings."

Zayn just walked even faster.

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