The Elusive Book Keeper

Chapter 38 - The Central Library

The idea that the Research Department had 25 libraries gave Zane a lot to think about. Imagine the collection of knowledge that would be stored in this very institution. 

The option of bundling here and slowly levelling up was not bad. Just thinking of the amount of knowledge points he could gain from his library visits made him giddy. He might even be lucky enough to discover a ton of ancient scrolls to level up his Class. He was not sure if that would work, his class did not come with a manual.

He recognized the library the moment he saw it. Its structure was different from the Research that was built with glass and rare metal as if to showcase its scientific progress, the Central library was quite classical. It was a white brick infrastructure that was still magnificent to behold.

His badge was scanned at the door and he was allowed entry. He was met with rows and rows of books reaching at least five floors.

Even though the size of the training ground at the Department of Combat had prepared Zane for this shock, the preparation was still incomplete.

Zane swallowed. There might be over 100 million books catalogued here. 

Two young girls were sitting in the librarian seats. Both of them were the standard stereotype for a librarian. Hair was roughly done into a bun, large glasses across their face and a stern and strict countenance.  

One of the girls put a finger on her lip while pointing to the sign above her that read, 'No noise.'

She gestured to a code boldly printed on the table and gave him a look. Zane interpreted the look to mean that he should scan the code.

Zane nodded at her, finding the entire experience intriguing. Even though the library was completely silent, surely, It was not impossible to maintain it for a long period of time.

What if a student has a request or wants to ask a friend something? The student might have a problem that he or she wants to discuss with the librarian.

He opened his Atlas and selected the format of a tablet to read the document. It was very interesting.

Although the central library was known as the number one library and enjoyed adequate privilege, it was not the oldest library in the Research department. It was not even the second oldest. It was the 20th library and it was founded by the current dean of the Department, Professional Charles.

You are also permitted to use virtual study rooms in the library without cost.

A student can read any book in the library for free. To take books out, the student can subscribe.  For a single merit point, they can bring out up to seven books with a return policy of thirty days. There was even a discount for yearly subscriptions. 

Zane smiled, he needed to meet the person that came out with these rules, he or she seemed to be a very interesting person.

Others were just generic rules like no smoking, no moving of chairs, not returning books on due dates, no copying of the book and many others, each of the violations had a punishment attached. Some were as light as a warning, others were as heavy as a ban. Zane made sure to read over each regulation twice.

Done with that, Zane proceeded to log into the forum for more interesting tidbits. Students always had sweet gossip to share. Some of them were just interesting stories that seem both fake and real like

Plantain Princess: I swear the Central library is just the worst. Early January, a;l my roommates were out so I decided to go to the library and read. It was so cold with the occasional wind outside and everywhere was so quiet. I looked up from my book, only to see a librarian wearing white clothes with her hair down and staring straight at me. I screamed my heart out and she issued me a warning. It was clearly her fault, or maybe mine. I should not have watched that Sisters Forever Horror movie the night before. Long story short, I am never going back to the library ever again.

Some posts were hidden conspiracies.

Doughnut in a cup: I don't know if I will be safe posting this here. So I heard from a friend who is currently studying a red coded course and he, I will be calling him Kein here for security purposes. So Keven told me that the books that we see in the Central Library were just 1/3 of the actual books that they have. The remaining 2/3 are hidden in a secret library under the Central library and there are a lot of ancient scrolls there. Even the famed Athena Memoirs is a secret compartment in the Central Library. 

This particular post was among the top posts on the Central Library. It had over 100,000 thousand views and over 20,000 comments. Some were commenting on his gullibility while others supported him with their own secret sources of information.

Chips and Maple Syrup: You all are sheep. As scientists and theorists, It is a shame that you guys never think for yourselves. Really? Do you think that Professor Charles built the library in order to facilitate learning? That is a big lie, it was built so that he could win the Dean Election and yet you sheep voted for him. Not only that you all give our money so that he could find his lavish lifestyle. Which other library does a student need to pay to use the study hall? Sheep, I tell you, you are all sheep."

Yep, some of the students' posts were very interesting to read.

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