The Elusive Book Keeper

Chapter 41 - Clash of Guilds

Carrow walked down the streets of Snowfall districts. He had just finished visiting Copper coins and over 50 other stores/and yet none was selling any packets of Forea. 

Carrow gritted his teeth. He was almost done covering his side of the map which was almost half of the Capital.

He sent Mimi a message. He said that she had better luck than he had. If she didn't, that would be terrible. He knew that whatever the Captain's plan was it would involve him spending at least 10 times the money they had budgeted for this dungeon.

They needed the points from raiding this dungeon in order to win the League championship this year, imagine if they end up spending more money than their reward money.

Qi Zhi was always like this, making things difficult for people. A scrupulous merchant that only saw money and nothing else.

He entered another high-end store at Umbra Street. It was an elegant three-story building as wide as a football field.

"Better don't be big for nothing." He said as he entered inside. A beautiful girl with perfect facial symmetry smiled at him.

"Good morning and welcome to Beauty Daily."

Carrow shivered, he had never liked all these robot ȧssistants yet they were so popular in stores.

They only cost around 4000 stands per year and could be considered super affordable. Carro has no reason why high end stores like this would even use one, it was mostly used by much poorer stores.

After all, even robots could perform simple tasks such as quoting prices and automatic selling, they still lacked the human touch needed and required to perform a trade.

"What would you like to buy today?" The female reboot asked in a nice as gentle voice.

" I would like to buy a fog poison neutralizer?"

"We don't have that here Sir?"

Carrow was frustrated. Again. " Do you have any forea powder or forean potions?"

The female robot looked at him sternly for a while then said, "That won't do Sir. Don't you know that Forea powder is bad for the skin, it clogs your skin leaving it very wrinkled.?You should try some of our imported, preheated, organic lemin powder instead. It keeps the moisture and elasticity in the skin and also exfoliates your skin leaving you young and fresh daily."

"Repeat that."

The female reboot looked at him in puzzlement, "That won't do, Sir. Don't you know.."

"Shut up." Carrow looked up at the male and female customers browsing around in the store. None of them was dressed like him in a blood-stained armour carrying a three foot long mace in his hands.

"What did you say the name of this store is?"

"Beauty Daily"

Carrow had never run so fast in his life. Not even from deadly dangerous dungeon bosses, not even when his girlfriend had ranked him and said she was pregnant with four kids.

He ran into another street before stopping. 

A cold shiver ran down his spine. The thought of someone recording him and posting it on a forum was absolutely frightening. The thought that he, Carrow Hill, had been seen in such a place was completely impossible.

He clenched his Level 10 mace for reassurance and was planning to log out of Parallel when a voice called out.

"Dali's Carrow?".

Just that word made Carrow stop dead in his action, his blue eyes going up to meet mocking, villainous, provoking ones. 

The person speaking had a gentle smile and soft hazel eyes. He was dressed in white cloth armor with a large silver chain across his neck and a silver sword strapped to his side. 

His features were even more distinguishing, a fair complexion, blonde hair, and a handsome, almost pretty face. His entire body emitted a faint, gracious glow. He appeared divine—dignified, giving off the sense that he had been blessed by heaven. 

This was Orion Sage, the captain of the Alpha team of the Mortem guild. 

Even though the Mortem guild was an inter-generational guild, The Alpha team consists of people in their generation. Their achievements and progress was so strong that the Mortem guild handed them authority to direct their own affairs, making them more like a sub guild.

A subguild that had more members than his full guild. Carrow clenched his mace even stronger as he watched Orion like a leopard watching a lion.

Orion did not seem to mind at all, he had this constant smile on his face.

"Hygieia's blessing on you, Carrow. What are you doing in Parallel? Is your team already or are you guys withdrawing from the Raid league?" He asked in concern.

"No, of course not. I just logged in to look.."

"To look for what? Perhaps I could help?"

Carrow's eyes narrowed. The Alpha team would probably not have the same problem as others did. Not only do they have Mortem's large warehouses and connection to depend on, there were also rumors that Orion was very close to Qi Zhi. They said that he once dated one of Qi Zhi's cousins. 

So he must have known of Qi Zhi's rotten plan, perhaps even helped him. Was he here to mock him? They might have lost to the Alphas during the quarter final match but that doesn't mean that their guild is to be looked down on. 

He returned the same smile Orion gave him, "I logged in to buy some skill books."

Orion's shoulders shook suspiciously, "I am here to buy sine skill books for Kaku as well. He is always so picky. None of the ones I bought at Copper Coins were a good fit for him. The manager said that they did not have any other mid level berserker skills so I decided to try my luck elsewhere."

Orion looked around the street. There were different stores selling skill books, he was about to randomly choose one when he got sight of the Book Pavilion. His eyes widened, "Interesting design. Let's try This book pavilion. Let's go together."

Seeing that Carrow had not yet moved, "Oh! Do you have something else you want to do?"

Seeing Carrows disgruntled look, Orion smiled gently. He would never forget the pain of that mace when it hit his face last year.. His face! Carrow Hill of the Dali's guild, he would make sure he had a great time this year in the guild.

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