
The cold tone made duanliu very angry. The position of Longmen escort agency in the world has not reached the level where everyone yells and fights. When it comes to various places, it is welcomed by local governments.

Because Longmen escort agency is in the city, usually there are not many large cases. If there are, Longmen escort agency will be invited to participate in the siege.

I have never been so angry.

Duanliu really wants to attack the city by force. Ice blue moon squints at the city, as if suddenly understands something.

In Qiuyun Kingdom, there are not many soldiers and horses.

However, when we arrived here, we spent all day working hard. It can be seen that it was not the wooden map that really wanted to attack the Daling emperor.

Mu Tu's family has a lot of things to solve. He is nominally the emperor of Qiuyun state, but these days, Mu Tu doesn't go back to the palace, but runs everywhere.

It doesn't look like you are always ready to invade other countries?

Ice blue moon thought of here, slightly frowned, she thought of Jun Mo Li to marry with Mu Tu's sister.

If Qiu Yunguo did not want to participate, how to explain his sister crying to marry Jun Mo Li?

A cloud of suspicion hung over her.

"Brothers, let's go! To the next city! " Ice blue moon maliciously looks at the closed gate and goes around the city.

The cut-off was very depressing.

"Where is the town along the way, you know?" Ice blue moon asked.

Duanliu nodded.

"Go to which town and look for all kinds of Jinchuang drugs. If you refuse us to enter the town just like you did just now, you can fight directly! If we go back like this, at least two hundred more people will die. " Ice blue moon orders way.

Duanliu turned his head and took a look at the city which had not been completely repaired and said, "Miss, we have a chance to enter the city. There must be no place to repair this city. Let's kill it."

Bing lanyue waved her hand and said, "there are no pursuers of the golden sword gate in the back, and some of them dare not do it openly. Therefore, we don't need to make unnecessary sacrifice. Sooner or later, we will clean up these people."

Duanliu couldn't bear the tone in his heart. Fortunately, the weather became cold, or the corpses they were carrying must stink.

"When you get to the town, dress up the dead brother, and then see if there is a charity house. Stop in the villa and send someone from the escort agency back." Ice blue moon eyes become indifferent.

She knew in her heart that these powerful families had enough reasons to hate themselves and even wanted to kill themselves.

So, she won't turn over now and bear with it.

Under the guidance of the cut-off, these people found a town. Without any nonsense, they directly led people into the town, and then found the drugstore and coffin shop.

"What sect are you from? Dare you fight against the people in the apricot forest?" An old doctor with white beard blew his beard and glared.

In the river and lake, Xinglin is highly praised because those people in the river and lake are inevitably bumping and bumping, and everyone needs medical treatment.

Duanliu slapped a silver note on the table and said, "doctor, I don't have time to talk to you. I've put up with it all the way. Either you take out all the gold wound medicines yourself, or I'll search them myself."

The old man's eyes are not afraid of the old man

Bing lanyue asked the rest of the people to continue to look for medicine shops, coffins, Yizhuang, as well as inns and restaurants. They needed supplies.

Then she went into the drugstore and said, "this elder, I'm very polite."

Ice blue moon is very polite.

"You don't have any injuries. What do you want from all the Jinchuang drugs in my drugstore?" The old man stroked his white beard.

We need a lot of money from Jinling escort agency. The only thing we need is a thousand pieces of silver to be put on the old one

The old man snorted coldly without looking at the silver ticket, and then said, "the city Lord has an order. As long as you are from the river and lake, you are not allowed to make medicine and treat it."

Ice blue moon sneered: "just now the old gentleman said that he was a doctor of his parents' heart. Now he is turning over his face. Is it not a gentleman leopard who has changed?"

The old man's face was white and black. He sighed: "I can't help it, but don't try to be hard. I won't even say that there's gold wound medicine in the cellar in the backyard."

The old man's words made me happy.

Cut off the flow and a few of his men into the backyard, ice blue moon cold look relaxed.

She knew that the old man had deliberately told himself where there was a gold wound medicine.

Thank you very much Ice blue moon smiles.

After a while, duanliu and several of his men came out carrying a big bag.

"So much?" Ice blue moon exclaimed.

The old man looked at the silver ticket on the table, and put it in his pocket without looking at the amount of it. "Nvxia, don't forget one thing, otherwise it will be very difficult for me to do it.""He nodded," he nodded

With that, Bing lanyue left. As soon as they left, someone sneaked into the drugstore and saw the old man lying on the ground and left again.

"Miss, there are only 20 coffins in the coffin shop. What should I do?" One of the men came forward to ask for instructions.

"Bury them all, and then find a carriage to pull them away!"

Bing lanyue changed her mind, because she knew that her Longmen escort agency had been resisted by all the powerful families.

There is a kind of hatred called digging the grave and whipping the corpse. She can't leave the corpse of her subordinates in the village.


After struggling for a whole noon, cut off the flow and distributed the wound healing medicine. Because it was disinfected with strong liquor, no one had wound infection.

All the carriages in the town were bought by them, along with a lot of horses. More than 20 coffins were neatly placed on the carriages, and the rest of the bodies were wrapped in straw mats.

After a month's ride, the team took a bite of ice from the side of the town and took a mouthful of the body.

"Fresh water, then go!"

After the ice blue moon is finished, give the order.

She knew that her coming to the next town would not be so easy.

She cut the dress with a dagger, tore off a piece of white cloth and tied it on her head.

He did the same without saying a word.

All the men did this, all the way to filial piety, all the people's hearts were burning with anger.

Sure enough, after city after city, those cities were closed, and the towns along the way were either empty or door-to-door.

"How long will it take to get to sanjiangshan?" Ice blue moon groped out the last steamed bread, looked at the boundless, still could not see the end of the truth asked.

"According to the current speed, if we don't have a rest tonight, we can go to Waiguan early tomorrow morning. There is no wall in Waiguan. There are our inns and escort agencies. When we get there, everything will be over." He said.

Ice blue moon closed her eyes and recalled that she had been on this land for four days.

"Let's hold on. We'll be in our own territory soon." Ice blue moon heart acid.

Along the way, there were no disciples of the golden sword sect to track down. Many of the seriously injured people were on the verge of death. On the way, because of hunger and lack of medical care, the slight injuries turned into serious ones, and the seriously injured ones were on the verge of death, but they did not die again.

It is different from Qiuyun country. There are cattle and sheep everywhere in Qiuyun country. This place is originally a new province with a concentrated population, almost all of which are cities. There are few small towns along the way.

In addition to meeting the first town has been supplemented, until now, they rely on perseverance and kill some sick horses to survive.

Just one night! The ice blue moon only takes one night.

The cut-off was very painful, and a group of them had been walking for four days without replenishment.

In the middle of the night, duanliu stopped the ice blue moon and said, "Miss, something's wrong. The person I sent to inform our reception hasn't come back. Will there be any change in Sanjiang pass? "

Bing lanyue's heart sank. Along the way, her most worried thing happened.

"All stop and rest! Pay attention to send out the guard! " Ice blue moon hoarse voice cry out.

Ice blue moon dismounted, tired sitting on the side of the road: "cut off, what proof do you have?"

Duanliu sat opposite the ice blue moon, took out the water bottle and handed it to the ice blue moon. He said, "Miss, I sent one person to go ahead yesterday. Last night, I sent another one. In the daytime today, I sent two more people, but four people seem to have disappeared, and none of them has come back."

"Credentials, brother duanliu, you are a person who pays attention to evidence, but now we don't need evidence. We can say what we have and don't worry about it." Binglanyue drank some water to moisten her throat.

In the dark, duanliu was silent for a long time and said, "many of the generals in Sanjiang pass are from the golden sword sect. I'm afraid..."

"Go on."

Duanliu said: "I'm afraid of sanjianshan. Our stronghold may be removed."

Ice blue moon closed her eyes, her brain is now very chaotic, do not know what to do.

"Miss, I buried crossbow, thunderbolt and mine in the forest ahead. I'll take some people to get it." Cut off the current and stand up immediately.

Ice blue moon in the heart of a warm, she nodded, and then found that in the dark, cut off the flow does not necessarily see her nod, so said: "well, go quickly, pay attention to safety."

"Yes Then he called for more than a hundred people to go.

Ice blue moon in the break after leaving, originally tight muscles for one of the loose, the whole person is paralyzed on the ground.

It was getting colder and colder. She felt like she had a high fever, but it was strange.

For a while, it seems to be roasted by fire on the grill. When it is too much to stand, it suddenly seems to fall into an ice cave.In the ice cave, when the teeth fight with each other, they seem to be dragged onto the grill and continue to bake.

So again and again.

If Bing lanyue had not cultivated strong willpower since childhood, she would have fainted.

In her confusion, ice blue moon heard someone calling in her ear.

"Miss, miss..."

Ice blue moon opened her eyes and saw that it was already daytime, and she was sweating all over her body.

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