Sky overcast, ice blue moon difficult stand up, and drink a little water channel: "cut off big brother, last night you did not continue?"

"Miss, you look terrible. Are you ill?" Asked duanliu, worried.

Ice blue moon shook her head, patted her face, fixed her eyes, it seemed that there was another scar on her body.

"What's going on?" Ice blue moon stares at the scar of cut off flow to ask a way.

Duanliu handed ice blue moon a serial crossbow, and handed over two boxes of arrow boxes.

"Miss, there is an ambush in the woods ahead. I saw the body of my brother sent out before. And last night, when we went to dig for equipment, we were ambushed and killed twenty. " No longer do you know what heartbreak is.

Ice blue moon heart sad.

Twenty more died.

"Listen to me, gentlemen." Bing lanyue rode on Ma Qiang and said in spirit: "brothers, we've been here all the way. We've died so many brothers, and many brothers are seriously injured. You've tried your best, but there are a group of people in front of us blocking our way home. What do you say?"

"Kill back!"

"Rush out!"

"Those in the way die!"


The battle spirit of the people was quickly mobilized, and they suffered a lot of cold eyes along the way, and they had already held a fire in their hearts.

Ice blue moon nodded her head and said, "then we will kill back! There is revenge, there is complaint

Duanliu asked, "Miss, the bodies and the seriously wounded brothers..."

"Brother duanliu, I said that even if they were dead, I would take them home. Blue moon city is our home!"

Ice blue moon finish saying, stretch out a hand way: "knife."

Cut off people who don't want to take seriously injured people, because those people will distract them now.

But the young lady was determined to take it, and he could not help it. He raised his neck and howled in a loud voice: "take a knife to the lady! The eldest lady will take us home

"Go home!" "Go home!"

Bing lanyue takes PuDao, hangs it on her waist, arranges her clothes, and then holds the reins in one hand and the crossbow in the other hand, and sets off in the whole team!

There must be an ambush in the front of the woods, the ice blue moon is not afraid!

There must be danger in front of Sanjiang pass. The ice blue moon is tasteless!


At the command of the ice blue moon, all the people ran quickly. When they passed through the woods, several arrows were scattered and shot. Several people led by duanliu blocked them with a knife grid, and then all of them launched with ten thousand arrows.

Whether or not they saw it or not, the crossbows in their hands ran out of arrows, and they heard incessant screams in the woods.

"Thunderbolt!" There was a loud cry from the broken stream.

A dozen agile men jumped on the horse, holding the reins in one hand and throwing the thunderbolt into the forest with the other.

There was a rumble of explosions and even more groaning in the woods.

With the wind in my ears, ice blue moon and others finally got out of the woods.

"No matter who you are! Wait for my icy blue moon's anger Ice blue moon turned his head and yelled, and then with all the people to continue to run forward.

All the way down, finally in the near noon time, to the Sanjiang pass.

"Count the number of people, and then enter the customs!" Ice blue moon finish saying, head down the horse.

Her nerves were broken.

"Miss!" Duanliu jumped out of the horse, ran stumbling in the past, looked up and down for a while, found no injury, touched his forehead, and was shocked.

"Come on! Enter the pass Cut off the command!

When the ice blue moon wakes up, she sees Wu Min lying by the bed dozing.

"Water." Ice blue moon hoarse way.

Wu Min immediately sat up, her eyes on the ice blue moon's powerless eyes, even busy way: "Miss, you wake up?"

Ice blue moon nodded slightly, way: "water."

"Yes, yes, water! Prince purple, water Wu Min yelled.

The marquis in purple? The marquis in purple? Ziyi Hou was in a hurry and poured a full bowl of water in front of Wu min.

"I can't teach you how to teach. How can I give you a drink when I'm so full?" Wu Min reprimanded.

The Marquis of purple clothes poured down some and laughed.

Ice blue moon helpless smile, open mouth to drink some water, slow to ask: "where is this?"

"Neiguan, Sanjiang pass. You can rest assured that all the generals in Sanjiang pass who are related to jindaomen have been dismissed from their posts by his majesty Wu Min comforts a way.

"How long have I been lying?" Ice blue moon asked.

"It's been half a month. We've been scared to death. What you've got is Dang Zi disease. It's only ginseng soup hanging these days."

Ice blue moon listen to Wu Min nagging, just intermittently know, the original, in her coma, duanliu took her to the outer pass, and then used a pigeon to deliver a letter to the capital.All the famous doctors in Waiguan were "invited" to come here, and then she was saved. She was forced to stay until ruzui was waiting for her to lie down.

He was also seriously injured.

After hearing this, binglanyue fell asleep again.

Wake up and sleep, ice blue moon in Wu Min's service can barely go to the ground.

"Wu Min, how many people I brought back." Bing lanyue stares at Wu Min with sad eyes.

Wu Min pursed her lips and said, "most of them are alive."

Most of How many months has it been changed to blue ice

"Three hundred and twenty-seven." Wu Min replied.

Three hundred and twenty-seven

"I remember there were only a hundred or so?" Asked the ice blue moon.

"Miss, you'd better take care of yourself." Wu Min does not dare to look into the eyes of the ice blue moon.

Ice blue moon bitter smile way: "now I have what can't bear, say it."

It turns out that many of the seriously injured were on the verge of dying after the bumps along the way, but some of them were not able to do so on the spot when they rushed out of the woods. Basically, more than half of the seriously injured people died. Those who still had a breath to go to Waiguan are now saved.

"Golden sword gate!" Ice blue moon beat the table hard.

"In the Jianghu, jindaomen didn't know whose help they got. They even beat back the encirclement and suppression of officers and soldiers. Several Longmen escort agencies were almost attacked by..." Wu Min bit his lips.

"And the emperor? Does the emperor ignore this situation or support our Longmen escort agency? " Ice blue moon asked.

Wu Min replied: "madam, your majesty is also in a state of great anxiety. Those nobles united in rebellion and called their country a new one. A few days ago, they came to the Neiguan pass of Sanjiang pass. But for the help of our mines, I'm afraid Sanjiang pass would have been taken down."

"What else?"

"Jun Fei rebelled against the Daling Dynasty and called Wang Yue the title of his country," Wu Min replied honestly.

Ice blue moon stood up, stood in the window, looking outside, for a long time no language.

In the end, Jun Mo Li or rebellious, but what is the name of Wang Yue?

"How many cities did he take?" Ice blue moon asked.

Wu Min said: "the surrounding two provinces now have 500000 troops, but now he has stopped attacking. I don't know why."

Ice blue moon bit his lips and said, "well, I know, you go out first, I am quiet."

Wu Min nodded and went out.

Ice blue moon has long been prepared for Jun Mo Li's rebellion, except for the rainbow organization, the rest are expected to think of.

She sat at the table, on which were prescriptions written by Wu Min and some white paper. Bing lanyue finally drew some things with her pen and went out with the paper.

"Miss, you haven't recovered completely. It's cold outside. You'd better go back and have a rest." Wu Min came up.

The Marquis of purple clothes also came together. He knew that miss bingda was in a very low mood, so he said, "please tell me what you want to eat."

"What about sister Ru Zui?" Ice blue moon asked.

Ziyi Hou and Wu Min looked at each other, and immediately left the line of sight. Ice blue moon asked strangely, "what about your drunken sister?"

"She's in the escort agency. I'll go right away." The prince of purple then went downstairs.

Ice blue month ordered: "Wu Min, you are also tired, go down and have a rest, I don't need a person to follow all the time."

Wu Min nods to leave.

Ice blue moon holding paper back to the room, and then sat there waiting, the window kept blowing in the cool wind let her mind very clear.

After a while, such as drunk, wind and fire came.

"Miss, I'm so busy recently. When I came to see you, you were all sleeping, so..." Ru Zui explained.

Bing lanyue handed the paper to ruzui and said, "I don't know what changes I will bring to the world when I draw these drawings, but we have strong enemies, so we must do so. The prototype of our workshop is the craftsman of the royal residence. You should check it carefully and then make it out according to the drawings. It must be a secret place. Only you know it. The rest of us don't have to tell. "

If drunk, he folded the drawing and put it into his arms.

"What about the night wolf and duanliu?" Ru Zui asked in a low voice.

Ice blue moon said: "even I do not need to know, only you know, some people around you to check, absolutely reliable people can follow you to do these things."

"Miss, duanliu has started to investigate what organization he is..." If you are drunk, you will be hesitant.

"Sister Zui, there is something between you and me that can't be said." Ice blue moon relieved smile way.

"We already have a couple." If drunk, head down, face flying two red.

Binglanyue zhanyan smiles happily, which is the result she would like to see most.

"Congratulations. Sister Zui, you and brother duanliu are made for each other. It's so good and good. After you finish these things, I'll have your wedding wine." Ice blue moon's mouth is full of laughter.Such as drunk biting lips, embarrassed way: "Miss, that this matter..."

"No way." Ice blue moon's eyes narrowed with a smile, but she still refused: "when I arrested Zhou officials last time, why didn't they keep secret?"? Cut off analysis, there is a spy of rainbow organization in our high level. Now we don't know who this spy is, so your work is all independent. The rest of us don't need to know, except you yourself. Even I don't need to know. All I know is that you three are loyal. "

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