Complete decentralization.

Binglanyue's practice is completely decentralized.

Every department is independent. Don't say that now we only have a couple. Even if we get married in the future, Bing lanyue wants them to work independently.

The affair of the traitor has not yet been settled, and Sanjiang pass has ushered in an uninvited guest.

On that day, binglanyue was looking at the report handed over by ruzui. There was a new bookkeeping method taught by binglanyue. In addition to the branch bookkeeping of various continents, there were only ruzui and binglanyue in Sanjiang pass.

At the same time, she instructed the construction workshop and put the heavy rain pear flower needle and sleeve arrow on the construction schedule.

Gang leader Dong has already started to build according to the drawings. She is very afraid of rainbow organization. If she starts late, the people of Longmen escort agency will suffer.

In particular, I heard that rainbow organizations mainly existed in the Daling Dynasty, but duanliu only found traces of rainbow organizations some time ago.

If jindaomen was not arrogant, she would not find the leader of rainbow organization standing in front of her.

This morning, ice blue moon busy for a long time, a habitual glance at the first floor of the guests, only to find a familiar figure.

"Wan'er. Put all my things away and seal them up Ice blue moon gave an order.

Wan'er is a bodyguard carefully selected for ice blue moon after strict examination and special training.

She is silent all day long and obeys orders. She is just like a robot. No matter what Bing lanyue does, she just does what she should do.

Wan'er quickly sorted out these account books, then put them away, followed up.

Ice blue moon went to a corner of the inn. There was a warrior like man with a hat on his head. His hat was still covered with a veil. It seemed that he didn't want to be seen by others.

"Did you see me just now?" Bing lanyue sits across from him.

I saw this samurai, a pair of Danfeng eyes, and a faint smell of rouge on his face. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was a woman disguised as a man, especially the ice blue moon, which was often so dressed up.

"I saw you busy, so I didn't dare to disturb you." The warrior lifted his veil, hesitated for a moment, took off his hat, and his hair fell like a waterfall.

Ice blue moon smiles and asks, "Princess Tai does not enjoy her happiness in the palace, but she appears here. Why? Do you want to go to the new dynasty? "

The new dynasty is the imperial dynasty established by the aristocrats, the enfeoffment system and the real feudal system.

It was Tao Mengyu who was called Princess Taifei by binglanyue. Now the new emperor ascended the throne. All the concubines in the harem had the same treatment and changed their titles. All of them moved into the palace of ciling. Therefore, the palace was in a hurry to build some palaces.

"The married daughter is the water thrown out. I am already a member of the Daling Dynasty. If I die, I will be the ghost of the Daling emperor." Tao Mengyu said with a bitter smile: "today I come, but today your majesty sent me."

Although Tao Mengyu, yinsu and Shi Qiuyue are nominally xuanyuanjin's women, they are all concerned about the new emperor. Otherwise, they would not sacrifice themselves to become xuanyuanjin's women.

After Xuanyuan brocade left Daling City, he didn't go to the blue moon city like Meiniang, but continued to stay in the harem.

It was actually sent by the new emperor.

"Your Majesty sent you? Don't you fear that you will not come back to Xinchao Ice blue moon smiles.

"There is no new dynasty! Those disorderly officials and thieves will be punished by everyone! " Tao Mengyu drinks in a harsh voice.

Tao Meng language, which has always been gentle and quiet, makes the ice blue moon look at it with such a sharp voice.

"Well..." Ice blue moon hesitated for a moment and asked, "when will the Empire start war on the new Korea?"

After listening to Tao Mengyu, the fierce look on her face disappeared. She shook her head and said, "the empire is now falling apart. Some officials within the Empire are more or less related to the new dynasty. They have almost gone. Even if they have not left, most of them have ulterior motives."

Ice blue moon did not expect that things have developed to such a bad situation.

She was silent. After returning from Tianshan Mountain, she only focused on rainbow organization and supporting Tianying gang. How could she spare the energy to pay attention to what happened inside the Empire?

After hearing this, Bing lanyue felt a sense of guilt from the bottom of her heart, because the current situation of Daling emperor was caused by her.

Suppress the rich and hold the children of the poor.

Officials were selected in the imperial examination.

If the emperor's life was exhausted, it would certainly be possible. Now

Can Xuanyuan Yixuan survive?

"Sister Tao, when you come to Sanjiang pass, you won't just tell me something about the Empire?" The ice blue moon looks up and happens to be looking forward to Tao Mengyu.

Yes, it's expectation. The ice blue moon looks a little numb.

In the early years, it was circulated in the capital that she was good at grinding mirrors, but it doesn't mean that she really has the virtue of grinding mirrors."Please come back to Beijing."

Bing lanyue shakes her head. She doesn't want to go back. She is good at Sanjiang pass. She can attack and defend when she enters. If the new dynasty invades, she can contact Qiu Yun state to attack the new dynasty.

If you lose, you will not die in the capital.

"Did the emperor ask you to invite me?" The ice blue moon has some expectations.

I didn't come to this world for a long time, but I was black and blue and tired.

She basically recovered, but there is still a little psychological shadow, just like hitting a wire pole. For a long time, she has forgotten how painful it is. But the wire pole in her heart is still there, and she will remember the pain.

"Why?" Tao Mengyu asked anxiously.

Bing lanyue sighed and said, "sister Tao, you may have overestimated the forces that I control. You can't hold on to tens of thousands of people, and they are scattered in all the cities of the Empire. Even if they are entangled together and have no systematic training, they are just a group of scattered soldiers on the battlefield."

She is too aware of the lethality of the serious army. I'm afraid the people in the rivers and lakes under her are nothing in front of the real army.

So she refused, refused to go back, also refused to let his men work for Xuanyuan Yixuan.

She's going home, back to the world.

"Sister blue moon, your majesty won't force you. When you are unconscious these days, your majesty doesn't think about tea and food." Tao Mengyu's expression is faintly jealous.

Ice blue moon slightly stunned, she and Xuanyuan Yixuan, there is nothing at all, perhaps once there was a trace of the sentiment, but later that sentiment was eliminated.

But let her most unforgettable is the emperor of the moon Empire, Jun Mo Li!

"Oh." Ice blue moon light said.

Tao Meng's tone was urgent. She suddenly stood up and looked at Bing lanyue tightly. She asked in her eyes: "sister lanyue, when she was in the harem, we helped you eradicate Yunfei and lifeI. Now you are binglanyue, bingda miss. Changing your name does not mean that you have changed your whole life!"

Ice blue moon eyelids droop, did not look at her eyes, around the elite warriors have been paying attention to this side, Wan'er has already pressed the sword handle.

If Bing lanyue gives an order, she has no doubt that Wan'er will shut her throat.

Ice blue moon Xu pressed his hands and said: "go back to tell your majesty, now only pay attention to the cold door, and the blue moon city, I will let the night wolf and all the people in blue moon city listen to your majesty completely."

I think it's for those people in blue moon city to find a way out.

Tao Mengyu also found herself out of tune. She took a deep breath, calmed her restless heart and sat down again.

"Six months later, I will be in Beijing." Tao Mengyu said softly.

What did he do in Beijing? Isn't he the emperor of the moon watching Empire? He's still out of vault? Is it not afraid of Xuanyuan Yixuan detention?

Bing lanyue said anxiously, "what did he do in Beijing? Do you want to die? "

Now that the so-called empire of the moon only Jun Mo Li is holding up, the simplest way to deal with him is to assassinate him.

As long as Jun Mo Li is assassinated, the whole moon watching empire will fall apart.

Xuanyuan Yixuan must have thought of it. Don't you know it?

Tao Mengyu gets up and leaves.

Only ice blue moon sat there alone, Tao Mengyu did not answer her, her heart began to be confused.

Ice blue moon in the heart of random thinking.

After a long time, ice blue moon got up, moved her legs gradually numb, and then said, "Wan'er, please come to ruzui sister. I have something important to do."

Tao Mengyu's sudden arrival this time, no matter how difficult the empire is, or to tell her that Jun Mo Li is about to arrive in the capital, is only for one purpose.

Ask her back to the capital.

I have been away from the capital for so long. How about going back?

The ice blue moon has no origin.

After a while, ruzui came back in a hurry and asked, "Miss, what's the matter?"

Ice blue moon serious face squeeze out a smile: "I want to hand over the things in hand, and then back to the capital."

"I'll go with you." If drunk, speak quickly.

"No Bing lanyue shook her head and said, "if you are drunk, you and brother duanliu are in Sanjiang pass. Our workshop should be quickly established. Those equipment should be given priority to the brothers who have been examined. Among these brothers, priority should be given to the dark guards, and then the redundant ones should be delivered to blue moon city appropriately."

After a pause, ice blue moon said again: "sister, this time back, I want to make a break with the previous feelings."

Such as drunk without a burst of heartache.

She's already with duanliu, but what about ice blue moon? For their own destination, has been unstable.

"Miss, take Wu Min and Wan'er with you. Wu Min also has some martial arts skills. There is Wan'er. Wan'er is very young, but she is also very good at martial arts." If drunk, do not insist.

She knew that she could not change the decision she made.

In particular, this time back, the eldest lady is to deal with her feelings.She won't force her to follow.

"OK, let Wan'er and Wu Min follow." Ice blue moon suddenly thought of ziyihou, the corner of her mouth showed a trace of smile.

"Marquis of purple clothes..." Ice blue moon blinked her eyes and asked, "is Marquis purple still pursuing Wu Min recently?"

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