The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Not ready

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The primary school stayed.

The sergeant stayed.

Officials also stayed.

Military handsome!

Under the rule of the Great Tang Dynasty, the title of "Bai Shuai" has no specific duties. The leader who leads the army can be called a "Bai Shuai".

However, the military commander and the fan commander are different. In habit, that is the name of the soldier in the town of Fanzheng, who refers to Jiedushi!

Fanzheng Jiedushi, the junior officials used to call it cheap ambassadors, cheap ambassadors, clean jesus, and soldiers used to call them military commander, fan commander, military commander, fan commander, commander of the army, that is, Fanzhen The meaning of military commander!

The sergeants and officers sent Qi Qi up to look at Li Yan, their mouths widened.

Military handsome?

Is it the new Pinglu Jiedushi?

how can that be?

Isn't the other party the actual master of Pinglushu Prefecture?

The official officer and the sergeants looked at each other, all of them looked bitter, and their hearts were sorrowful. They remembered their insults to Li Zhi before, and they all became regretful, and they could not wait to be killed!

Did they actually abuse Jijie in person?

This isn't what it is to die for?

The ones who dare to find death are not the person scolded by them, but they?

But how did the new Pinglu Jiedushi arrive suddenly in Qizhou?

As soon as he appeared, Wu Huainan was killed?

The onlookers were also shocked. They looked at Li Yan, whether they were scholars or big men, white-haired old men or beautiful young women. At this moment, they were full of emotions, and forgot their words. They had only a pair of eyes, and they looked hard It seemed that Li Yan wanted to see him through.

"It turned out that he didn't run, didn't he need to run at all?" For a long time, the young woman murmured.

"Is he really a jealous?" The scholar widened his eyes.

"Look at it, the garrison on the city gate has been changed! Qizhou's original sergeants have been removed and replaced with the same sharp men as the horses and jerseys in front of them!" A monk pointed suddenly Shouted in the direction of the gate.

"How could the original garrison be willing to be replaced?" Dahan looked puzzled.

"Did you see? There are many monks on the city gates and walls! Presumably these are masters, it is they who control the city gates! They and the new elite armored men worked together, which drove the garrison down. ! "Said the monk excitedly.

"How tall is it to be a monk to achieve such a thing ?!" Han Han shook his hands.

"It must be very high, so high!" The monk asserted.

"It seems that the new Jiedushi is prepared and well-planned!" The white-haired man uttered. "Don't look at his young age, but he is not an ordinary person!"

"I heard that the new Jiedushi is His Royal Highness King An?" The scholar asked.

"His Royal Highness? Yes, that is King An! I have read the Di Bao, the one who overthrew Wei Baoheng and offered his majesty to eliminate His Royal Highness King Liu Xingshen and Han Wenyue!" The Confucianist said.

"That makes sense, so what a character, what is it to clean up a Qizhou?" The white-haired old man nodded.

"Oh my God, it's him!" Miaoling's young woman's eyes blinked, and she could no longer look away from Li Yan, as if she saw a box of jewellery with flashing lights.

Li Zheng motioned to Shangguan to rise.

When he came to Qizhou City, he was originally holding the purpose of pacifying the Wu family. When he was far away from Qizhou, the eight hundred fine armors of the Wangfu were hanging, but they were equipped with one person and two horses, which could be approached at any time. Since Li Yan will enter Qizhou City today, just in case, eight hundred fine armors have already speeded up accordingly.

What he saw and heard along the way deepened Li's determination to eliminate Wu's family, so just yesterday, Li Zhi sent a message to Shangguan and asked her to come at full speed. After receiving the order, the latter led a smashing attack day and night. Galloping for three hundred miles, nothing happened.

Eight hundred fine armors, in conjunction with absolute masters such as Song Jiao, Liu Dazheng, Mo Dongli, Zhao Polu, and monks in the Yi gate of Tsing Yi, in an unexpected way, Thunder Action, to control the gate, further control Qizhou City, It's not that difficult.

Li Jiu took out Ji Jidi, held it in his hand, and looked around the officials, sergeants, and the people in front of him.

He slowly spoke, his voice was not loud, but it was very loud. With his seven-layer practice of Qi training, it spread a long way: "My new official Ping Lu Jiedu envoy Li Ji, went to Qizhou, heard and witnessed the history of Qizhou assassination Wu Huainan , And his family's powers hurt the counties, causing the people to feel embarrassed, and even held evidence that Wu Huainan sent people to assassinate my official. Now, my official has brought Wu Huainan to justice to serve him!

Of course, he can't kill the assassination history of Yizhou, but he was with the court. He reported it afterwards and filled up the corresponding procedures. Li Ye wouldn't say anything, and he didn't need to explain it to everyone in detail.

Li Yan continued: "The officials and the people of Qizhou have listened. When the official is in office, the investigator will pay close attention to the crimes of corruption, the fish and the people. He will also take care of the city defense. After the officials have investigated the corrupt officials in Qizhou, they will return the city defense to the garrison in Qizhou! "

Speaking of this, Li Yan's voice was a little harsher, and it spread faintly into the whole city: "Officials in Qizhou City, whoever has a title, will be ordered to rush to the Shishifu House within a time limit, and they will not be overdue. No one can blame me for being ruthless! "

After Li Yan's words were finished, exclaimed came all around, followed by applause, wave after wave, endless.

The people who were fortunate enough to see Li Zhi today are all excited and excited. They have endured the oppression of the Wu family for a long time. They usually want to resist, but they ca n’t resist. It is when they expected the hero to appear. Now Li Zhi appears, naturally Give them great expectations.

The members of the Wu family and their dependents in the city were scattered all over the city. At this moment, when they heard Li Zhi's voice, they all looked up in surprise and looked in the direction of Shishifu. Soon they were trembling with fear. The officials and generals were all ashamed, but had to dress up their robes and hurried to the Shishifu.

Li Zheng asked Shangguan Qingcheng: "Has Li Zhen arrived?"

"Lian Shi, here is my humble job!" Li Zhen again ran on the long street, headed by Li Zhen. He ran into the stable and rushed to see him.

Li Zheng nodded: "The officials in Qizhou, you first greet and make a preliminary screening of corrupt officials and good officials, I will go back when I go."

"Yes!" Li Zhen promised quickly.

Shangguan Qingcheng glanced at the sky. The sun had begun to tilt west. It was almost time for Shen. She couldn't help but worry Li asked: "It's not early, and His Highness rushed to Huabuzhushan at this time. When can I return?" "

Li Xun smiled at Shangguan Qingcheng: "Be assured, you will return before dinner."

Li Min glanced at Zhao Zhenren in his hand and flew away holding him.

Shangguan Qingcheng looked at Li Xi's distant figure, and his mind echoed.

Must return before dinner.

What he said was indifferent and not domineering, but this sentence itself was full of absolute confidence!

The two major local forces in Qizhou, except the Wu family, are the Huabuzhu Mountain Road Gate. Now that Li Zhi controls the Qizhou City, the Wu family's affairs can be resolved. At this time, he must rush to the Huabuzhu Mountain Road gate.

Daomen not only has dharma and doctrine, but the monk team is huge and has great influence on the people. If Li Yi gave them the opportunity to calmly change the state, they might have trouble.

Even if you do n’t make trouble in Qizhou, just escaping to Qingzhou or to Penglai is not good news.

The reason why Li Zhi came to Qizhou first was to be able to cover his ears with lightning and take advantage of the opponent's unpreparedness to disintegrate the local forces of Pinglu one by one and not give them the opportunity to react and hold the group. If they went directly to Qingzhou, they would attract everyone. The side forces are holding the group to guard against it, and the strength is great, not the situation that Li Zhi wants to see.

Huabu Zhushan is very close to Qizhou State City. After Li Zhi came out of the city, he rushed to the foot of the mountain without much effort.

Because he came suddenly, Hua Buzhushan had no precautions. Many pilgrims were calm and walking on the way up and down the mountain. It can be seen that there are a lot of pilgrims on the mountain road.

Li Huan didn't need to ask anyone anything at all. Following the path of pilgrims, he quickly went up the mountain.

He held a Taoist in his hand, which was originally a noticeable thing, but he was flying fast in the forest, and the speed was extremely fast. Not to mention that ordinary pilgrims, even monks who were lower, could only see one falsehood. The shadows passed by, and when you wanted to take a closer look, you would find that Li Zhi was missing. You don't need to worry about exposure, but you were aware of it in advance and you took precautions.

When he came to the building complex on the top of the mountain, Li Zheng glanced at Taoist Temple and stopped.

There are no pilgrims in front of Taoist Temple, it is not too early, and most of the people who are on the incense are down the mountain. The scattered pilgrims also quickly dispersed at this time, because in the open space in front of the Guanmen, there are already a few rows of gray Taoists with swords. They waited closely, staring at Li Yan, ready to shoot at any time.

Li Ye didn't take it seriously, if the monks who were not paying attention to the mountains before the Taoist Temple had not noticed his arrival and made some due precautions, it would be too bad.

Li Yan threw Zhao Zhenren forward, looked at those murderous Taoists, and shook his head: "In my previous world, Taoists were cultivators, and they were not only rituals, but also moods. . But here, the Taoists I see are different, one by one they are good, but they are aggressive, they are also Taoist disciples, but they are different. "

Taoism in this world is not called Taoism, but Taoism. Taoists are not called Taoists. They are called Taoists. It is different from the world before Li Zhi. This is not only true of Taoism, but also of Confucianism. In short, the two worlds cannot be equated.

On the stone steps behind twenty or thirty gray gunners, a yellow-robed Taoist stood. His facial features were sharp, as if drawn with a stylus and a golden hook, especially the hooked nose was very conspicuous.

He sneered: "You hurt my disciples at Huamen, but they are the sinners of our way! We haven't come to you to settle accounts yet, but you dare to run up the mountain yourself! I have never seen you so anxious, you Is it self-confidence, or is it waiting for us? "

Li Zheng glanced at Zhao Zhenren who fell to the ground, his arms folded, and said indifferently: "Hua Bu, the disciple of the Taoist gate, the assassin is the first official. Now I ask you for Taoism to surrender his complicity. I do n’t have much time. Hurry back to dinner, you guys decide quickly. "

These words still have to be said. Li Zhi wants to conquer Pinglu Jianghu, not to destroy Pinglu Jianghu. He can't do the latter either, so he still needs to be famous, or he will cause Pinglu Jianghu to attack. In other words, it is uninteresting to ask.

"You are arrogant, only to show that you are ignorant!"

The Huangpao Taoist was furious. He did n’t ask Li ’s identity at all, because he had no choice. He pointed at Li ’s nose and issued arrogant accusations. “Huabu ’s attention to the mountain gate can become the first gate of Qizhou. It must be strength! In Qizhou, there are countless rivers and lakes, and Huabuzhushan has always been able to stand out. It has been through countless battles and defeated countless opponents! You mad and ignorant guy will be your ignorance today. Pay the price! "

Li Yan shook his head and sighed, took a step, and said earnestly: "After speaking in a hurry, so much nonsense, then I'll get started."

He stepped out, stepped on the white-paved ground, and suddenly a green halo, rippling under his feet, like a dragonfly watering.

This lighted up ripple caused a chain reaction. For a short time, the white jade floor tiles before and after him all appeared green, as if they had become beautiful jade, looking at their eyes.

It's just under the beautiful shell that often contains unimaginable danger. After the green halo spread, Li Zhi suddenly found that the world in front of him became dark, there was no half-light above his head, and only the ground was green.

And those Taoists have already sat down with their knees closed, their eyes closed, and there are words in their mouths. They sit on the floor tiles, but they look like floating in the air, and the reflection of the green light makes each of their faces look like ghosts. The indescribable distortion is terrible.

Li Min walked a few steps forward, but found that he was not approaching those Taoists at all, as if he was spinning in place.

"You're in trouble!"

The man in the yellow robe "floating" behind the man in the gray cannon, and made a conspiracy laugh. He stared at Li Yan, with the meaning of glee and joy in his eyes, as if looking at the prey in a trap.

He said: "When you step into China, you do n’t pay attention to the mountains, you do n’t want to go out! Say you are ignorant, you are unbelieving. If it is not ignorance, why would you enter the team yourself? Tell me the truth, this team The power is endless. Only we can't move him, we need the prey to step in. But you are so stupid that you ca n’t bear your temper without saying two words. I have never seen a stupid pig like you! "

When he was talking, those gray cannons sitting cross-legged, using their hands as pens, drew runes of green in front of them, appearing in front of them, seemingly real, but fluctuating aura.

"Ignorant and arrogant people are not worth living, that is a defilement of this world!"

The Taoist in Huangpao sneered. He also sat down in the "midair" cross-legged, and stretched out his hand to draw a rune in front of him. His repair was obviously much higher, and he finished it in an instant. Drink: "Are you ready to die?"

Li Yan shook his head and replied solemnly: "Not ready."

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