The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 2 Chapter 11: Easy to learn

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Li Yan urged Reiki. A fire-like reiki erupted in front of the **** of his index finger. When he pointed forward, the fire flew out to the Taoist Taoist. Of course Li Yun's crosshair cannot be questioned, but the flame flew halfway, but suddenly disappeared, as if suddenly entering another world.

He had never seen this formation before crossing.

The two worlds are different, and Li Zhi doesn't know everything.

"Useless! All actions of the monks and all the magical attacks will have no effect in the Great Fairy. You cannot advance, you cannot retreat, you cannot attack, and you cannot defend. The only thing you can do is wait. death!"

The man in the yellow robe showed ridiculous eyes, and the tone of his speech seemed to be proclaiming the truth, which cannot be refuted. The Fu Yu in front of him had already been drawn, and he suddenly pointed at Li Zhi.

The green rune disappeared in the middle of the air, but suddenly appeared. It originally seemed to be far away from Li Ju, but when it appeared again, it was in front of Li Ju. The originally small Fu Lu has now been enlarged to a length of one foot. The whole body of green light shone, and shot a brilliance at Li Yan!

Li Yan had evasive action, but it didn't work. Fu Lu's green brilliance was a cuboid, which accurately covered Li Yan!

At the same time, Li Xun found that the world around him had changed again. There were many vortexes in the black space, covering every inch of the place, constantly twisting, giving Li Xuan a sense of heaven and earth.

He didn't do anything, but felt dizzy, and his stomach was tumbling!

"Unexpected curse?" Li Ye recognized the green rune, and to be precise, it was not a rune, but a rune.

The so-called sorrowful curse is to make the monk unconscious, into a state of chaos, unable to discern things, lose judgment, and the defense ability itself will be greatly reduced!

The man in the yellow robe smiled proudly: "You actually know the spell of disappointment, it is not unsightly, but what's the use? Knowing the name of the spell, but it will make you understand better!"

Having said that, the Taoist in Huangpao suddenly whispered, "Five Thunder Curses!"

Twenty or thirty gray artillery people opened their eyes when they heard the words, and their eyes shot with horrific brilliance, and their fingers pointed at Li Yan at the same time. The green spell in front of them turned from different directions, like dense arrows. Fly over to Li Yan!

Because of the many vortices that appeared in the surrounding darkness, the Taoist figure was completely distorted, a hundred times more distorted than the haha ​​mirror, and it looked extremely unreal. The flying charms were difficult to judge the position!

Li Yan quickly wanted to understand that those Taoists, after countless black swirls, seemed to have a glass barrier between them. He was as if he were covered by a glass bottle, and swirls appeared on the glass, and Dao people were behind the glass bottle!

Although he does n’t know this law formation, Li Zhi ’s tactics are there, and he ca n’t be separated from his ancestors. Li Zhi ’s ability to touch the bypass is natural. He discovered this, and he looked down at his feet. The green ground looks like The nether world is spinning at a high speed. Li Yi just felt a dizzy glance!

He suddenly responded. Under his feet, there was indeed a magic array-a small array different from the entire large array, and it was real with a certain ingenuity, rotating at high speed. This rotation confused the orientation. Every time Li took a step, the rotating array turned him back to the starting point, so no matter how he moved, he was actually in place!

"There are small arrays in the large array, which is a bit interesting." Li Yi was not anxious and anxious, he was not shocked, and even a smile appeared on his face.

However, at this time, the killings had already erupted. Twenty or thirty green runes were "disappearing" in mid-air, and those swirling black vortices suddenly felt a sudden aura of violent aura in Li Zhi's induction. He slashed at Li Yan!

"Taste the Five Thunder Curse!" The Taoist man in Huangpao was distorted and transformed, and his voice came from all directions, with a terrifying meaning.

Not a black whirlpool, among the numerous black whirlpools in the sky, one after another purple lightnings, one after another, chopped continuously towards Li Yan!

Li Yan's mobile dodge was completely useless, and Zi Lei blasted him exactly, one after another, one after another, as if there was no end, the crackling roar was endless!

In front of the purple electricity, Li Zhi was like a grass, so she couldn't see her body at all. Only a shining thunderbolt reflected the heaven and earth, and the extreme white light blocked everything!

Under the continued bombardment of such thunder and lightning, Mo said that it was grass, even a building, it had to be wiped out, and even **** would not be left!

The Dao people looked at this scene, the joy of victory floated on their faces, and they launched a large array and technique. They spent a lot of effort, one by one, and it was not small. At this time, they were relieved and relaxed.

They are very clear about the power of the immortal array. After the five thunder spells have passed, the power will greatly increase, and the lethality is definitely not what ordinary monks can bear!

However, when the white light dispersed, they were there.

Because Li Yan is still standing!

Li Yan, who was standing by his hands, had flawed electric patterns on his body, and earthworms were usually extinguished everywhere. His long hair was curled up, as if he had been dyed, but his robe was still clean and tidy, without any mess. And there is no rip!

At this time, Li Huan closed her eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and her face even showed a happy expression!

"Yes, the taste of electrotherapy has not been enjoyed for a long time."

In the astounded eyes of the people in the Gray Cannon Road, Li Min twisted his neck, glanced back at the hair, and smiled even more: "The hairstyle is well done. It is that the electricity is slightly insufficient, and the muscles are not active."

He looked at the stiff man in the yellow robe and asked seriously: "Are there any? This thunder and lightning is completely uninteresting. There is always a way to treat guests. You can't be too stingy, come again."

"Shot! Let's go crazy!"

The Taoist in Huangpao became angry and shameless. He did not expect that Li Zhi was so "resistant" that the celestial array would weaken the monk's defense and increase the power of the spell. Suffering, but now, Li Yan is nothing like everyone else, which made him secretly startled in the unexpected.

However, Li Zhi ’s words made Huangpao Taoists feel ashamed and anxious. Although Li Zhi ’s “durability” was beyond his expectation, the degree of Li Tong ’s poisonous tongue was far beyond his estimation. Stayed, and yelled: "It's just a round of five thunder curses. What are you arrogant, I see if you can survive the second round!"

Huang Tao Taoist orders, all Taoists began to draw amulets again, this time their faces were killed, one by one in peace of mind, no longer relaxed and free.

Li Xun was smiling, looking at their drawing symbols, and also observing the large array. The black vortex was still full, and the magic circle under his feet was spinning at a high speed. Li Xuan waved aura, hit the vortex, and disappeared immediately. As if swallowed by a vortex, the magic circle under the foot is green and glittering, and there is no visible pattern.

The Taoist man in the yellow robe draws a spell, bites his tongue and sprays a mist of blood on the spell, which shows that he has done his utmost to reach out to Li Zhi and point out, "Leave the soul curse!"

At the same time, twenty Gray Cannon Taoists once again offered the Five Thunder Curse!

Li Xuan watched Li Xun Man disappear in mid-air with a negative hand, and suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. There was a flash of bright light in his eyes, and he captured the disappearance of Li Xun Man!

The effect of Soul Spell is similar to Sorrow Spell. The difference is that Soul Spell is more targeted at the souls of higher-ranking monks, and the strike is more particular about depth, so it is more powerful!

As soon as Li Wu cursed, a fine light came to Li Yan, and there was a moment of darkness in his mind, as if he had completely lost consciousness!

However, Li Yan had taken precautions and soon recovered.

After the Five Thunder Spells disappeared, some black vortexes in different orientations spun faster. Li Mink keenly noticed that it was the vortices that previously issued purple electricity. Sure enough, these accelerated vortexes have a greater power. Purple electricity!

Li Yan was bathed in the bombardment of purple electricity again, in the extreme white light, his figure was no longer clear.

The Taoists all widened their eyes, were completely afraid of glare, and kept a close eye on Li's direction. One by one, the heartbeat accelerated, full of expectations, and a little nervous.

In fact, from their position, Bai Guang does not cover the sky. Li Zhi is covered in the French array Guanghua. The French array Guanghua is like a huge transparent bottle, and the white light is just filled in the bottle.

When the white light dispersed and finally Li Li could be seen, both the gray gun Taoist and the Huangpao Taoist suddenly became stiff, feeling extremely incredible, and some people were even more panic-stricken!

Because Li Zhi had left the place, he rose into the air, and punched in the "bottle" body!

With a click, the "bottle" suddenly burst into a crack, and a bang was completely broken, and Li Zhi had rushed out of the "bottle"!

Li Yan actually rushed out of the celestial array!


Dao people cannot accept the facts before them!

Then they saw that Li Yan smiled at them.

Immediately afterwards, a huge blue boxing force swept through the wind, blasting head-on, covering the entire field of vision!

The grey cannon Taoist who was blasted by the fist all vomited blood and flew out. He fell on the stone steps in front of the Taoist Gate, smashing small pits, and his soft body fell into the pit. He could no longer move!

The Taoist in Huangpao shivered with his hands, pointing at Li Li unbelievably, his eyes were falling, and his voice shivered, "How did you ... get out of the great fairy ?! How can you break the incredible fairy? Big battle ?! "

Li Yan grabbed the neck of the Taoist Taoist with his hands and said, "Do you really think that your formation can trap me? I just think this formation is okay, I haven't seen it before, just research it. Is your master? Didn't tell you that when you encounter unknown things, you have to keep learning and grow up? "

"You ... you ..." The Huangpao Taoist "you" for a long time and couldn't say the following, but his expression had already explained his thoughts: he couldn't believe what Li Zhi was saying!

Li Yan grasped the neck of the Taoist man in Huangpao, stepped on the stone steps, banged his body heavily on the door of Taoist Temple, smashed the door directly, then threw the bloodless Taoist aside, and entered the threshold with his hand.

He said indifferently: "I have finished my research on the Great Fairy. If it is usually for the sake of gratitude, I may play with you, but today it is not possible, and I have to rush back to eat."

The immortal array is very powerful, but these monks who maintain the array are so far behind Li Yan that he can break through even if he doesn't see through the array.

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