The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 9: Easily (third more)

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"People!" Li Yan flew out of the air, opened the field of Chen Ximu, opened a lion seal in his hand knot, and a huge yin and yang pattern appeared in front of his hand. He pushed it forward violently, and the pattern was transformed into a huge ink character, directly Dragon girl banging at the top of the water column!

The Dragon Girl is casting a spell, and she is also rescue the crab general in disguise. Her attention is on Su Emei's body. She suddenly shot Li Li, and she was shocked, her hand moved stiffly, and the "tornado" attack To stop.

Li Xuan quickly approached the Dragon Girl, and Lu Gujian was chopped in the air, so she had to chop the Dragon Girl into two parts while taking advantage of the characters.

But at this moment, the dragon girl with flawless appearance flashed a hint of slyness in her mouth, her eyes suddenly looked at Li Yan, and Hao's teeth gently spit out two words: "Charm!"

Li Zheng, who was running forward, was suddenly shocked, and his eyes were pink, as if there were countless pollen spills, even his consciousness was unclear. At this moment he fell into a strange state, as if the world was full of beauty and love, and the dragon girl standing in front of her was her favorite object. He just wanted to lose Lu Gujian and greet her regardless.

The Dragon Girl pointed her sword at Changtian again, "Water attack!"

Suddenly a water column exploded, and Li Zhi was going to be wrapped in it.

But at that moment, Li Li suddenly spit out a word in his mouth, "Lin!"

The character of the nine-character mantra is also the first word in "Pro soldiers are all going forward in an array". The pro word has only one function, allowing the user to remain undisturbed, with a clear look and a firm mind.

Li Xun broke away from the state of charm in an instant, "Sword Qishenglian!"

The water column burst from his feet and rushed into the sky, but Li Yuan was no longer there. The water column flew into the air and turned into an icicle directly in the mid-cavity, but it had no effect at all.

And Lu Gujian in Li Zhi's hand has penetrated into the heart of Dragon Girl!

The dragon girl opened her eyes wide, her shiny eyes were full of incomprehension and incomprehension, but the corner of her mouth had already poured blood.

She couldn't think innocently, why Li Mingming was so fascinated by her, but she could break free so quickly. Even if the other party cultivates the nine-character mantra, it is not possible to break free of the bond so quickly with the practice of Li Zhi Lingchi.

The Dragon Girl is better at surgery, both offensive and defensive, and the charm is the weapon of close combat. The closer the monk leans, the less chance of reaction. As long as she is seduced by her and attacked by water, it is a dead end. She has already walked ninety steps, but at the last moment, she was defeated by Li Yan. How could this be possible?

Seeing the dragon girl's eyes, Li Ye was not difficult to think about the other party's thoughts. He smiled: "Spiritual attack has little effect on me."

He was telling the truth. Although he only had the realm of Lingchi, before he passed through, he was a real **** of the sun. The nine-character mantra had long been familiar with the chest and became a part of himself.

Nine-character mantra, even an ordinary person, when you're okay, repeating it a few times, you can strengthen your mind and drive away the demon. Especially during nightmares and restlessness, I read it many times and immediately settle down.

Li Zhi's comprehension and cultivation of the nine-character mantra has long surpassed the realm of the real man in Lingchi, and his mind is different from ordinary people. As long as a spiritual monk who is not a fairyland displays such a mental attack, he may break through in advance.

The dragon girl's biggest reliance on melee, but she just kicked on the iron plate, and naturally she lost quickly.

The Dragon Girl was reconciled, but there was no other way.

Li Xun's wrist shook, and the aura erupted in the sword's body, directly shaking the Dragon Girl to death.

Killing the dragon girl was unexpectedly easy, only in an instant.

In fact, the Dragon Girl is also the realm of the Yin God, and the strength is not lost to the evil spirits. However, I encountered Li Yue, the traverser, and was just restrained.

"The Dragon Girl is dead ?!"

"How could the Dragon Girl die ?!"

"The Dragon Girl went out in smoke!"

The shrimp soldiers felt unacceptable when they saw this scene. Many people were shocked and screamed frantically.

When the monks of the Changhe Gang saw this scene, there was an outburst of cheering.

Liu Shibo swallowed hard, feeling like he was dreaming: "Such a big demon, the backhand can destroy all of us big demon, the next crab will make Jishui no merchant ship big demon, so it was His Royal Highness killed? Your Highness ... It turned out not to be complacent and careless, but to have strength against the sky, so early on?

Liu Shibo remembered the defamation that Li Zhi had had in his heart before, and his face flushed suddenly, and he was so ashamed to dig a hole into it.

After thinking about it, it was King An, who even had a million troops, and even Huang Chao, who was in trouble throughout the world, was flattened by him, and it only took a few months. Isn't it easy to deal with some evil people who are in trouble? There is no need to plan at all, no need to be nervous, and you can solve the problem with just one sword.

At this moment, Liu Shibo was extremely in awe of Li Yan. He couldn't help thinking: even if a monk from Penglai Millennium Road sent a monk, he couldn't surrender the water demon so quickly, right? Alas, I'm so stupid, Your Highness can make Penglai Daomen retreat, it must be better than them!


The winter sun was warm and sprinkled on Crickly's dirty official robe. He lifted his head from the farmland, wiped the sweat from his forehead, covered his forehead with his hands, and glanced at the sky, and his sweaty face showed a sincere smile.

"Cui Changshi, come up and drink a bowl of water. You're all tired and half-sounding. Whoops, look at your dirty robe. How dare you do this, the court will not guilt?" An old man with gray hair, mentioned Teapot and bowl, greeting Trike on the edge of the field.

Around Crickley, there are farmers working in farmland everywhere, from young boys to white-haired old men of all ages. It is just winter in the season, and there is no heavy agricultural work in the farmland. In addition to packing a lot of crops, this time is to renovate the farmland and prepare for spring ploughing in the coming year.

However, in Pinglu five states, winter is also a time when farmers are busy. Since Cui Keli presided over agriculture, he has convened a group of Confucian scholars to deal with the specific situation of Pinglu, and has conducted in-depth research on how to improve farming. That's not just a lot of farming cattle, more water conservancy irrigation.

Officials tailored to local conditions. For the five states of Pinglu, what kind of crops should be planted, and they are carefully divided, even the yin and yang sides of hillsides, lakes and dry land are different. In addition, Cui Keli and others also studied the methods of fertile soil. For example, in the winter when farming is leisure, in addition to normal farmland adjustment, they also need to burn manure, so as to lay a good foundation for farmland and ensure spring farming.

After several years of rectification, Pinglu has long passed the stage of being abolished. Now is the time for Baiye to flourish. Cui Keli presides over agricultural affairs, and he must do everything himself. In addition to organizing manpower and writing books on counseling farmers and mulberries, he often goes to the ground to mingle with the farmers and conduct in-depth inspections.

"Although official robes represent official majesty, they are more serious than dirty official robes. You can always rest assured that in Pinglu, Lian Shi will not care about these small things." Cui Lili walked to Qianmo. He sat on the ground with one buttock, took the tea bowl handed by the old farmer, and drank the cold water with his head up. In the end, he casually wiped his mouth and laughed and talked with the old farmers.

When Cui Keli was studying at the Cui family before, although he also served on two acres of farmland, he was still holding a scholar's shelf at that time. He would never sit on the field at will like he does now. Just after a few years, I saw more things and my mood changed. Sometimes these sections are really too careless, too lazy to take care of them, I am really tired, and I do n’t think there is anything wrong with it.

When Cui Keli talked to the old peasant, a small official hurried up from the avenue and said to Cui Keli after the ceremony: "Long history, the army has arrived."

Cui Keli got up, bowed back, and after asking the clerk about the situation, he turned to say goodbye to the old farmer. He hurriedly came to the official road, rolled over, and walked away.

The old farmer watched Cui Keli leave, and after going through vicissitudes and suffering, his face was full of respect: "Such an official, I have never seen it before, I have never heard it."

An old woman came next to him to see how she looked. She had just delivered meals to people in the field. After listening to the words of the old farmer, she nodded again and again: "Why not, since King An came to Pinglu, large and small officials I gradually changed my appearance. This behavior is very different from the past. Besides, it would be good for those officials to remember to repair the canals for us and not to collect them with the wicked and fierce bondage. "

A smile appeared on the face of the old farmer: "His Royal Highness An is so amazing. I heard that it is still the brother of His Majesty. How can I be wrong. This time His Royal Highness led a convoy and returned with a victory. I heard that he has joined the ranks again! "

Trekley returned to the bureau, where someone was already waiting.

When he saw him enter the door, the headed official immediately greeted him: "Cui Changshi, after the army division, the complete list of soldiers' deaths has been sorted out. According to Lian Shi's previous order, the care of these soldiers should be carried out immediately."

Li Zhen was accompanied by a group of civilians. Among the remaining officials in Pinglu, Cui Keli was the leader. These days, he not only presided over agricultural affairs, but also took care of various civil affairs. Now that Li Zhengang has just returned, these things haven't had time to transfer.

Cui Keli took the book, and after sitting down after the case, he opened it and glanced a few times. He not only hesitated, but also looked at the person who said: "Lian Shi Ping Ding Huang Chao Ke Fu Jing, such a big battle, is this the list of dead?"

The official had a good understanding of the battle during the previous march. He had a face full of smiles and glorious smiles: "Lian used soldiers like gods and broke through the straits very quickly. Ke Fujing was also a big victory, and Huang Chao was killed by thunder. , The thieves defeated quickly, so there were not many casualties in the army. "

Cui Li nodded, and quickly called several officials to arrange the specific affairs.

With a sigh of relief, Cui Keli also called an official: "Lian Shi killed Huang Chao, served as the soldiers and soldiers of the world, did the news of the triumph of the army spread?"

The official said: "In addition to the Di Bao's photo, notices have been posted in the counties and villages. Now the people in Pinglu and Wuzhou know the news of the great achievements of the ambassador."

Cui Keli expressed his satisfaction and asked the other party to copy a list of fallen soldiers. He solemnly told him: "Lian Shi Zeng Jin has commanded that to build a loyalty circle in Qingzhou, will be loyal to the country, and the list of soldiers who died in the battlefield will be Carved on the stone tablet for people to admire. This is the latest list. It is engraved. In addition, as usual, the ceremony must be grand, and the people of Pinglu must be enthusiastic about serving the country! "

Before the official took the lead, he said: "The previous ceremonies have worked well. Now the military and civilians in Pinglu have all learned about the generous subsidies of the soldiers to the fallen soldiers. They not only gave Tian the money, but also the knighthood. The family members received the preferential treatment. Now, Pinglu military and civilians are spreading the wiseness of the messenger, and those **** sons and daughters are eager to join the army! "

About an hour later, an official hurriedly came to Cui Keli, bowing and reporting: "Cui Changshi, Ji Mingfang's three sons Liu, this time there are no two, only young children are left and injured. ... "

Crickly's face changed, and he quickly took over the list to see.

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