The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 10: Nine tail

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Looking at the list, Cui Keli was silent for a long time, stood up after a while, and commanded: "Follow me to see Liu Lao at Jimingfang."

When Cui Keli brought a group of officials to Jimingfang, it was already sunset. The last ray of sunset was disappearing from the roof. Pedestrians hurried in the streets, all busy people, eager to return home. The battle of Cui Keli and others attracted many people to wait and see.

Mr. Liu lives in a run-down courtyard at the end of the street. He is over 50 years old. He is holding his body at the moment and is carrying a bucket of water to enter the door. The threshold is quite high, and the light is already dim. One of Liu Lao's feet didn't pay attention. He grabbed the threshold, his body was unstable, and when he saw it, he would fall down.

A nearby woman who saw this scene had already covered her mouth in horror. Liu Lao's body bones were not very good. Now she was dragged down with a bucket of water and fell, and she would certainly not be injured. Not to mention he has no money to ask the doctor, this fall is likely to take half of his life.

However, Lao Liu did not fall to the ground, his arm was supported, and even the bucket that poured a part of the water was held firmly in his hand. Liu Lao turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in an official robe standing next to him. It was the other person who helped him.

The woman who saw this scene was stunned there. She stood in a good position, but she didn't even see how the middle-aged official shot. It seemed that only a ghost flashed over, and Liu Lao stabilized his figure.

"Are you okay?" Cui Keli lowered the bucket steadily and asked the old man in concern.

The old man felt intimidated when he saw Cui Li in the official robe, but then he relaxed. Because Pinglu officials now rule Qingming, officials do not oppress the people, so they do not need to be afraid.

Cui Keli helped Lao Liu into the door, and the clerks behind him put the condolence and wine on the table. The furnishings in the room are very simple. There are only tables, chairs and beds. There is almost no place except the stove room. Cui Keli set up the wine and meat, and told Lao Liu to sit down and talk to him while eating meat and drinking.

At first Liu Lao was very restrained and miserable. I didn't know why Cui Keli was so. After drinking a few glasses of wine, Lao Liu gradually let go. Anyway, he was a bad old man, and there was nothing to guard against other officials.

At first, Cui Keli asked Liu Lao to answer. Later, after the topic was introduced to Liu Lao's son, Liu Lao's words became more and more, and he took the initiative to talk to Cui Keli about his son's filial piety. The same biography for several sons.

After drinking a full glass of wine, Mrs. Liu touched her mouth. "The three big boys in the old man had lost their mothers since they were young. In that year, the soldiers were barren and horses were chaotic, and they did n’t eat at home. I did n’t eat for a few days, and I had rice soup. Then I became ill, and my bones were too weak, so I did n’t support them. The three big and small children are honest, and they are sensible when they are young. I haven't done any work at home. But in the past few years, the people of Pinglu have had a hard time, and getting up early and getting hacked is just a fool. In the past few years, An Wang has come and the situation has improved. "

"Three big boys have joined the army, and the military battalions have basically sent me back so that I can take care of them at home without having to work. The old man knows that they are filial, but how do they do that, the three big boys haven't become married yet, especially It ’s the boss. It ’s been a long time now, and now that life has improved a little, I have to take my wife ... This time, they went with His Royal Highness An, and they were loyal to the country. Having said that, let me not worry, they will return with military merits and shine on the doormen ... "

Trickley listened quietly, like an old friend.

After two full hours, the wine was over, the meat was eaten, and the old man was drunk. Cui Keli stood up and sighed, his eyes filled with intolerance and pain, and he waved, letting the clerk take his caress up .

Cui Keli tidy up his entire jacket and worshiped Liu Lao in the end: "Ling Lang is loyal to the country and fights on the battlefield. The younger generation thanked the elderly for Wang An ..."

Liu Lao grabbed Cui Keli's hand and told him not to continue. Cui Keli suddenly looked up, but found that Liu Lao was already in tears. "When Chang Shi invited the old man to drink, the old man felt it. Chang Shi need not say more. ... "

There was a sudden pain in Trekley's heart. Liu Laofang just said so many things about his son, presumably because he felt something, so he didn't want to let him care, let more people know their okay.

Cui Keli took the care from the liar and solemnly handed it to Liu Lao: "This is a military care ... Saburo was only injured and will return after healing. According to Ping Lu's military law, Liu Lao is in his current position. Than from Jiupin's officials, there will be someone to send Lu Lu specially every month. After Saburo returns, he can be transferred to the local Lumen gate to serve ... "

Liu Lao tremble took the care, wiped his tears, and bowed down to worship: "Belief to King Ann ..."

Cui Keli quickly lifted up Liu.

Leaving Jimingfang, Cui Keli looked up at the moonlight and sighed. I can't tell if it's distressed, or if I feel something else. In the chaotic world, there are always many sorrows and joys, but Cui Keli is very sure. Pinglu is worthy because of Li Ye.

If Cui Keli had a promising ability, he would find that with the triumph of the army this time, the pension was paid in place, and the meritorious clothing was returned to his hometown. In the land of Pinglu and Wuzhou, one by one, one by one, was converging in all directions to Li Zhi's location.

Hua not pay attention to the mountains.

In the hall, the saint was still sitting on the throne, and Zhang Junmei's face was so strange that he still could not see any expression. The strands of black gas lingering around him floated in accordance with a certain method.

On the ground in the center of the hall, suddenly a bunch of red air masses emerged, converging into a swirl. In the vision of the Holy Son, a whole-body red nine-tailed demon fox crawled slowly from the ground. The red fox stepped on the ladder of red air and came to him, transfiguring a stunning woman with red hair and red clothes.

"Nine tails have seen the Son." The red-haired woman bowed in front of the Son, her voice soft and sweet, with ecstatic charm. As she spoke, she crawled towards the Son with her four hands, one hand running along the Son's legs, and stroking his chest.

The Son glanced at her lightly, and his voice was as indifferent as ever: "You are too close."

The nine-tailed demon fox's eyes contained Qiubo and chuckled: "The slaves didn't feel that they were close enough." At this moment, she even climbed up on her body.

The Holy Son did not speak, but only looked more coldly at the nine-tailed demon fox. I didn't see any action from him. Suddenly, the whole body was full of black gas, bursting open, and the slender nine-tailed demon fox flew out loudly.

Jiuwei turned back gently in the midair and landed steadily. Not only did her face have no anger, but her eyes became brighter and her charm was even greater: "The refinement of the Son It's just that the slave family was hurt so much that the slave family's heart will break! "

The Son's posture has not changed, which means that he did not go to see Jiuwei, and there is still no emotion in his voice: "If there is another time, you will not have the opportunity to say such a thing."

In the face of such unrelenting threats and warnings, Jiuwei was not half afraid, but instead stuck out his Yin Hong's small tongue and licked his fiery red lips, almost winking like silk: "The slave family is looking forward to it. It can make the slaves feel pain. The slaves don't mind calling loudly. "

The Son finally changed his posture and began to face up to Nine Tail: "Say, what are you doing?"

After getting the face of the Son, Jiuwei was satisfied, and stopped proposing to persecute the unscrupulous Son, chuckling: "The Son's capable soldiers killed the demon and the dragon girl, but they were all killed by that Li Zhi What will the Son do next? "

The Holy Child looked at Jiuwei with a joke: "What do you think I should do?"

Jiuwei Jiao stepped toward the Son with a smile, only three steps, the Son suddenly looked cold, Jiuwei only felt that a mountain was pressed on her body, this step could no longer fall, and had to take it back. However, she apparently did not know what embarrassment was, and continued: "It is easy to kill Li Zhi with the cultivation of the Holy Son, why did you not do it this time? Instead, she started to kill him?"

The Son said indifferently, "Use the real **** of my demon tribe to deal with a real person in Lingchi, or call it to death?"

Jiuwei blinked and said, "But the Son did not take the shot himself. If the Son did not take the shot, why would he appear this time?"

The Son took a deep look at Jiuwei, and those deep eyes seemed to turn into a whirlpool. Jiuwei's gaze touched those eyes, and she suddenly felt the power of repair, like a flood flood, leaving her surgingly, which made her face pale.

The sage slowly regained his gaze: "If you are interested in Li Li, you might as well solve this trouble for me. You also know that when I come back, I haven't brought many people, and the real **** of Yin is the demon and dragon girl. If you are a real man who is willing to take a shot, you must deal with Li Yan.

Jiuwei's eyes were suddenly full of light, and he did not hide the joy of hearing this sentence, and couldn't wait to invite the reward in advance: "If the slave family did this for the Son, how would the Son repay the slave family?"

When she said that, her eyes were full of spring.

The sage seems to laugh but not smile, with inexplicable eyes, and full of embarrassment: "If you make it, I can promise you a request."

"What kind of requirements are all right?" Nine-tailed eyes were as bright as stars, full of excitement and eagerness to try.

The corner of the child's mouth moved slightly, sketching a radian with profound meaning: "Of course, as long as I can do it."

Jiuwei was afraid that the Son would repent, and quickly agreed. She knows that the Son is the same person, and she will not regret the promises she has made. Moreover, in the demon tribe, there are very few things to eat. Taking this task, it seems to Jiuwei that there is no difficulty at all, but the benefits are infinite. She can't wait to complete it.

After Jiuwei turned into a red cloud and disappeared, Shengzi's eyes became playful. It's like preparing for a good show, or preparing for a joke. He slowly got up, his large, gorgeous black robe pouring down like a black waterfall.

The Son walked out of the hall and stood with his hands in the doorway. Looking at the sky thoughtfully, a smile upside down was revealed after half a ring. Wouldn't be happy? "

After Li Zhi beheaded the Dragon Girl, he got the opponent's ice crystal blue sword. When Li Jian started, Li Xuan felt an extremely powerful force. From his knowledge, it was immediately determined that the ice crystal blue sword was higher in grade than his Lu Gujian.

Lu Gujian is a celestial sword, qualified to overlook the world's magical instruments, the dragon girl's sword rank is higher than Lu Gujian, it shows that it is no longer a magical instrument in the world, but a magic weapon refined by the immortal realm.

However, Li Zhi did not intend to use the ice crystal blue sword, Lu Gujian combined with the dragon. The superposition of the two has a gain. Su Emei's own sword is also very good, so he intends to keep this sword and give it to Wu You in the future. use. The other side's questioning Xianjian had been destroyed, and it was the time when the weapon was lacking.

After the Dragon Girl fell behind, the shrimp soldiers and crabs would sneak into Jishui and try to go far. Li Zhi certainly would not let them succeed. In order to completely clear the Jishui monster, he and Su Emei chased into the river. The tricks Li Shu practiced to avoid water, although he could not deal with real life under water, but the shrimp soldiers were all in the gas refining period, the crabs would also be seriously injured, and Su E helped each other, so there was no problem.

After an hour of chasing and killing, the shrimp soldiers and crabs will be solved by Li Zhi and Su Emei. When the two came out of the water and returned to the ship, the Long River Gang fleet was under the command of Liu Zhiyan and restored order.

Seeing that Li Zhi and Su Emei returned, Liu Zhiyan, Liu Shibo, and others greeted them with joy.

Although there were casualties in the war monsters this time, the long river gang has also suffered casualties, but it can be neglected compared to completely calming down the results of the monsters.

In particular, Li Zhi and Su Emei have beheaded and killed a real Yin man and a Lingchi real person. That is a record they dared not think of before. Therefore, at this time, they confronted Li Zhi and Su Emei. Full of respect and awe.

"Clean up and continue sailing." Li Yan told Liu Zhiyan, this time the Changhe Gang re-launched to calm down the monsters. Now that the monsters have been calmed down, naturally they need to announce to all parties and announce that Jishui will resume navigation.

Compared to the announcement posted by the government, the Changhe Gang sailed directly once, which is undoubtedly more convincing.

Liu Zhiyan took the lead gladly, but Li Zhi and Su Emei would not follow the Long River Gang to continue sailing. The evil in Jishui was resolved, and they had to rush to the next place.

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