The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 6: response

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This answer should have overjoyed Liu Yin, and it is true. However, his surprise lasted only a short while, and he felt surrounded by fear, as if falling into an endless abyss.

From the moment he left the lobby to the latrine to the backyard, he didn't notice unusual aura fluctuations in the restaurant until then. The real monk fights, even if it is just a blow, it has a tremendous power. Except that he was blind and deaf, he would never have felt it.

Song Jiao's words are beyond doubt.

So there is only one possibility left.

Reiki fluctuations were controlled within a very small range during the fight. Diners as small as the restaurant did not notice any abnormalities, so there was no noise at all.

The Khitan ambassador who followed him into the latrine, Liu Yin thought he had gotten rid of his astringent breath. Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Most likely, when he came out of the latrine, the other party had already lost Huang Quan!

Liu Yin was sweating coldly.

Being able to control the aura to such an extent, the non-sun **** real world can't be done successfully.

In fact, the former Yangshen Reality was so successful that it could not be achieved.

However, under Kunlun's law today, immortals cannot go down, mortals cannot fly, and there is no immortal realm in the world. The monk who has been stuck in the Yangshen Reality for too long, with the deepening of his understanding of the use of reiki and the laws of heaven and earth, can control the reiki more and more.

With this in mind, Liu Yin looked even more awe at the charming mature woman's eyes before him.

He didn't even dare to look at it again, and then quickly lowered his head.

Liu Yin whispered: "Please also, please Song Datong to take the lead and kill my eldest son!"

Speaking of which, he couldn't afford it.

He was powerless to save his son.

In order to save his own life and the lives of other family members, he even had to put the other person in danger.

He is in pain.

At this moment, Liu Yin could clearly realize that major events in the world have nothing to do with him. My previous cognition can't be more correct, and we must firmly implement it in the future.

Song Jiao uttered an inaudible chuckle, looking at the yard outside, and slowly said, "Why don't the county king look back?"

Liu Yin heard the words suddenly, first looked at Song Jiao in doubt, then looked back to the yard, did not understand what Song Jiao wanted him to see.

He understood immediately.

This made him start to tremble irresistibly.

The fear in my eyes couldn't be covered, and everything turned into a surprise in an instant.

Indescribable surprise.

Several people were walking in the yard, and the man standing in the middle bowed his head, looking tremblingly, as if frightened.

Who is not Liu Yin's eldest son?

"Huan'er!" Liu Yin shouted and leaped out of the door.

Hearing the familiar call, Liu Yin's son looked up incredibly, and saw that his father ran out. Where could he bear it, tears burst out: "Father!"

Song Jiao didn't move, with her hand on her chin, sitting sideways on a chair, watching this scene with interest.

In her eyes, she didn't tease or ridicule this disrespectful look, but was full of envy and tenderness.

Liu Yin is not enough to make him envious, she will not be tender to Liu Yin.

But for the rest of the life after the death of the father and son, the sight of crying with headaches really moved the world.

Song Jiao was a little interested, and it would be nice if she had a daughter.

I have been alone for a long time. I have seen the dynasty ZTE and witnessed the chaos in the world. Now I have waited for the country to settle down. I have even seen that the golden age is coming, and I am still alone.

No one is at dusk with me, no one asks me how the porridge is warm, Luo Yan is not resistant to the colder than five, and the flowers are flowing and spring is going, year after year.

It's been a miserable day.

You can reunite a county king with your family, but you can't have your own family; you can dominate the life and death of a fan town, but you can't let your wealthy people share it.

Life is really uninteresting.

Liu Yin quickly returned to the room, and solemnly thanked Song Jiao for his salute.

Until now, he still felt like he was dreaming.

He came to the Tsing Yi Yamen stronghold, not only saw Song Jiao who was not at the end of the dragon, but the two Khitan gods behind him died silently, instead of speaking, the eldest son who was taken away by Ye Luping , Was even brought back!

When I came to the restaurant by myself, I was still in a distressed mood, and in a blink of an eye, I was already at ease!

The circumstances have changed so much that Liu Yin was dizzying.

Song Jiao didn't care about Liu Yin's thanks, and said casually: "Although your two loyal guards were killed, this seat has already avenged you. If you want to take back the commemoration of the deceased person by Ye Lupin, wait for a while. I let the treasurer pack it for you to take away. "

Without waiting for Liu Yin to speak, Song Jiao continued: "Facing the alien bewilderment, the county king came to Tsing Yi to report in time. His position was firm and loyal to the court. The county king was assured that when he returned to Chang'an, he would definitely Things here are like reports to King An. "

Speaking of this, Song Jiao smiled casually, "Maybe congratulations to the king in advance, if there is no accident, you will soon enter the prince. There is only one prince with a different surname in the dynasty. The king of the county will be the only one One, An Wang nodded at the beginning. "

Li Maozhen is not of the opposite sex, so the only prince with a different surname in the Tang Dynasty is Wang Jian. But that was when Li Maozhen invaded Chang'an, in order to win Wang Jian and others, forcing Li Jiong to give the title.

Liu Yinxi couldn't help, thanking him again and again, saying that he would never forget Song Jiao's assistance today, An Wang Ende, or the court Hou En.

Thank you, but for no reason, Liu Yinyou had a sense of pride. After all, he is about to be a prince, and his status and status are different. He has the qualification to overlook the world's heroes, especially Mayin, who has been fighting with him for many years.

Thinking of Ma Yin, Liu Yin quickly said: "The great commander, the king heard Ye Lupin said that Ma Yin has signed a covenant with Qidan and Nanxun, and is actively contacting the old Ministry to prepare for rebellion and participate in the war. Chu's status in the southern center, Go north to Jingxiang and east to Jiangzuo. In case of disaster, I am afraid that it will poison the Jiangshan community ... "

Now that he was firmly on the side of the court, Liu Yin felt that he had to speak for the state and share his concerns for the court.

But when he said that, he suddenly shut up.

Sure enough, I heard Song Jiao disapprove and said, "The matter of Ma Yin, I don't care about the King of Labor, we have our own arrangements."

Liu Yin could not help moving.

arrangement? What arrangement?

Anyway, it will not be a kind arrangement.

Liu Yin's fright was startled.

Ma Yin was so determined to form an alliance with Khitan and Nanzhao, and Tsing Yi Yamen had arrangements for him. What would happen if he did not come to Yipinlou today?

Before being able to reach the restaurant, Song Jiao was able to accurately kill and kill Ye Lupin, bring his eldest son back to the restaurant, and after confirming that he did not have treason, he brought him back to himself.

What if you treason yourself?

The son must be gone, let alone the prince, the king of the county, his own head will not be there, and the family will not go well.

With this in mind, Liu Yin's heartbeat was rapid.

However, even when he was worried, Liu Yin couldn't help gloating.

Mayin, Mayin, how happy you are, how miserable you are!

In the current Tang Dynasty, against the court, wouldn't that be death?

Ambitions give us merits, and ambitions also cause us pain, but it will only be more painful if we cannot restrain our ambitions when confronted with an opponent that is so powerful that we cannot defeat.

Until the end there is nothing!

At this moment, Liu Yin felt that he had surpassed Ma Yin in wisdom and felt very superior.


Changan's winter days are not too different from usual, except that it is colder and windier, and it occasionally snows.

Li Yan looked at Chang'an City with a hand in the attic of Wang An's Mansion. After listening to Song Jiao's detailed report on this trip, he smiled futilely: "Aunt Song, you say, what kind of people can live the best in this world ? "

Song Jiao didn't understand why Li Yan suddenly asked such a question, but she said sincerely: "Of course, there is someone with luck."

Li Zheng nodded: "One life, two games, three Fengshui, four accumulated Yinde five reading, Aunt Song's meaning coincides with this sentence."

Then he asked, "What kind of person, even if his destiny is not good, wouldn't live too badly?"

Song Jiao laughed: "Of course it is a wise man."

Li Xun said calmly: "In this way, although Liu Yin's luck is not as good as Ma Yin, but now he can get the title of prince, completely relying on wisdom."

Song Jiao said lightly: "He who has self-knowledge, knows how to advance and retreat, and cherishes his life, of course, has great wisdom."

Li Yan no longer spoke, but continued to look at Chang'an City.

Song Jiao took a trip to Changsha and Guangzhou, but the work done in these two places is very different. In Changsha, Song Jiao only collected information and did not take action with Ma Yin. When he went to Guangzhou, he decided to make Lingnan stable.

This is of course a deliberate arrangement by Li Zhi.

He has no plans to resolve Mayin now.

Khitan helped Ma Yin very much. Thirty deities have arrived in Changsha. To solve Ma Yin's problem, it is not as simple as Liu Yin's problem. It can be seen that Khitan attaches greater importance to Mayin.

This is inevitable.

Chu Di is more important than Lingnan and is more likely to threaten the Central Plains.

For Khitan, Liu Yin's army started in Lingnan, and the sound effect was far greater than the actual effect.

This is why Ye Luping dared to anger and kill Liu Yin in anger.

Liu Yin found the Tsing Yi Qiang Gate by himself, and Li Qiu could not justify the Lingnan incident, but Ma Yin did not do so. Li Qiu planned to pretend to be deaf.

The purpose of this is to confuse Khitan, make the other party think that their team is huge, and miscalculate the strength of the enemy and ourselves, affect the judgment of the strategy of dispatching troops, and win time for Li Yan.

Returning to the seat from the window, Li Yan sat cross-legged, poured two glasses of wine, handed them to Song Jiao opposite, and drank one by himself.

Song Jiao curiously said: "The world attack on Tang will be held next autumn. You have enough preparation time. In order to avoid suffering from several enemies, can you send a master monk to resolve Mayin and Nanzhao? Nothing happens in the south, so we can concentrate our forces. Face north. "

Li Yan twisted a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and said indistinctly: "Aunt Song knows Khitan and Master Hui Hui, where are you now?"

Song Jiao did not answer.

The Yimen in Tsing Yi was able to detect and lock in time, and the alien monks who sneaked into the territory of the Tang Dynasty were already very remarkable. Naturally, it was impossible to know the areas where the monks from outside the region could know.

Li Yan threw a piece of crisp candy into his mouth, and then said, "Kidan supported Ma Yin and rebelled, did he really want him to act next fall to contain our forces, or was it a deliberate trap?

"At present, there are only three or two hundred monks in the court. If I only send dozens of people in the past, I may not be able to wipe out the other party. If the other party jumps off the wall, it may kill the people in the county.

"If I send hundreds of people over, if hundreds of gods from Khitan are suddenly killed from Nanzhao during the fierce battle, then all of them will be accounted for.

"And if I let the monks from the court come out of the nest, then the other party only needs to use a part of the **** to hold us back, and the west and north borders will be unguarded. Those who can drive in long-term are not just the monks, but also the army.

Song Jiao frowned.

Her eyebrows were not slender, but rather thick, making her already mature face more charming.

She said, "What shall we do? Be careful to guard against death, wait until their deployment is fully revealed, and then target troop deployments? By then, we will be passive."

Li Xun said with a smile: "Although surrounded by people on all sides, how to send troops to deal with it will seem overwhelmed and invincible. But Aunt Song is right, it is impossible to strictly prevent death guard."

Song Jiao's eyebrows stretched out, and he picked up, "Are you going to strike?"

Li Yan had finished a plate of pastry, waved her hand, and asked her to bring some more. These are all the problems caused by staying with the county master for a long time. When the mouth is used to eating, it is difficult to stay idle.

He said: "It is inevitable to take the initiative and not wait until the fall of next year. If you really smoke on all sides, then it is too late, and I do n’t want to reproduce the wolf smoke--more accurately, I do n’t want Datang. There will be conquests in the country. The battlefield must be pushed outside the border. "

Song Jiao revealed that I knew you would choose so.

After staying with Li Yan for a long time, she also gradually got used to Li Yun's way of thinking. When she met Li Xun before, she always couldn't hold her temper, either by slamming Li Xuan a few times or staring at him angrily, urging him to rush to the point.

And now, Song Jiao has been able to be calm, listen to Li Yan sold all the children.

Sometimes, Li Yan sells less children, and she even feels that she is not exhausted.

Song Jiao replied: "So Ma Yin is your cover to confuse your opponent?"

Li Xun cast an apprehensive glance in the past, expressing the high recognition of the other side's aunt Wisdom, "Without moving the Mahin, Khitan will consider himself to be dependent, and only when the time comes will he be able to unite Nanzhao and make me unable to cope. , They will not think about other conspiracy.

"And all I have to do is to make a sudden attack before killing Khitan's arm."

Song Jiao thought about it, "Who are you going to fight? It must be impossible to the south. According to your speculation, the gods of Khitan are likely to gather on the border or in the mountains on a large scale, waiting for your hands on Mayin or Nanzhao.

"To the west of Tubo, although some of their aristocrats have contacted Khitan, they have little strength. The Quanzhengguan and the empty release are enough to deal with them. So your goal may only be Uyghur, Dangxiang, Shatuo, Bohai State. "

Li Yongchao Song Jiao arched his hands, and Xinyue surrendered, "Auntie Song really has extraordinary knowledge, and in a few words, she inferred all my arrangements."

Song Jiao rolled his eyes with charm to all sentient beings. Although his gesture seemed to disdain Li Yan's touts, the words were not the same: "You are crying for Aunt Song?"

It was very difficult for Li Min to see Song Jiao's so coquettish look, and she was laughed at, "Aunt Song then said, which one would I choose?"

Song Jiao pondered: "The strength of Huihui is not weak, but its position is remote. Even if the labor division expedition is won, it will not help the battlefield to occupy their territory; the Bohai State is bound by Khitan, and its strength is limited. Equally remote; so your choice should be the nearest party and Shatuo. "

Speaking of which, she paused.

After waiting for Li Yan to speak, she went on to say: "Although there are many party members, there is only one town on the site, and Sha Tuo is only a stubble. It is not difficult to destroy them. If you can destroy these two, then you can send Jingqi to the grassland. , You can cut off the connection between Khitan and Uighur.

"Tang the world to attack the Tang Dynasty. Listening to the terrible momentum, in fact, Khitan and Uighur are stronger. As long as they can split the two, the future will be much easier."

After this is said, it is really finished.

Song Jiao looked at Li Yan full of hope, waiting for him to judge whether he was right.

Being stared at by a stunner like Song Jiao, Li Yan was a little embarrassed. Such is the case with mature women. No matter how they look at you, you will feel that they are engaging.

He could only conceal his unnaturalness by drinking, and then solemnly said: "Send Jingqi into the grassland. Although we can isolate the relationship between Khitan and Huiyang, we are far less familiar with the grassland than the grassland people. A little careless , They will fall into the siege of large-scale steppe cavalry. "

Song Jiao suddenly realized, "So you have to use the other way to give yourself back? That's right, because of your temperament, you wouldn't be disadvantaged. It's true that the Tang Dynasty has decided that the grassland is not. The fighting among the grassland tribes is no less than that of the princes in the Tang Dynasty. "

Speaking, Song Jiao came to the spirit, leaning forward and urgently asked, "Which tribes did you contact on the grassland?"

Li Xun was about to speak, but Song Jiao suddenly lighted up, and she already thought about it. She reached out and covered Li Xun's mouth. "Don't tell me! I already thought about it, is it the yellow head and crotch?"

Li Yan only felt a scent of sweet fragrance for a while, and he felt refreshed for a while, but he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"What are you doing?" Song Jiao noticed her disability and hurriedly retracted her hands, but it was already Xia Fei's cheeks, and Yan Hong's blood seemed to leak from her skin. But seeing Li Yi's heart-like appearance, his eyes were full of doubt and scrutiny.

Li Yan had already returned to God, looked around at will, and blushed without saying: "Aunt Song is right, these are the two tribes. I did it myself, so I do n’t have to worry about Khitan's perception. . By the spring of next year, when the army departs, it will be easy for us to seize the opportunity. "

Sure enough, the clues thrown out by Li Zhi's "unintentional" were effective.

Song Jiao had forgotten Li Yan's frivolity, and immediately warned: "Next spring? Not autumn or summer?"

"How can we wait until the fall, we have to pre-empt! If it is not too late, I would like to send troops in the cold winter. Li Jing broke the Turkine that year, but it was a surprise attack on the day of heavy snow, which had an unexpected effect.

Li Yan laughed twice, "Aunt Song thinks what I said makes sense?"

"It makes sense." Song Jiao nodded earnestly, then, without warning, Liu Mei's eyebrows stood upright, staring fiercely at Li Yan, "Did you just bit my hand?"

Seeing Song Jiao's killing eyes, Li Min suddenly exclaimed: "I just sucked ..."

"Okay! How dare you **** your aunt Song? It's so brave, see if I don't discount your legs!" Song Jiao jumped up immediately.

Li Yan: "..."

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