The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 7: Pig farming

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On a rare sunny day in the winter, Li Yan got a recliner and set himself in the yard. There were various kinds of fine food and wine on the food plan set in front of him.

Li Er, with his legs crossed, held his cheeks in one hand and held the wine glass in one hand. It was interesting to watch the singers dance in the sun and shake their heads with the beat of the instrument.

Da Shiming holds a jug in his hand and stands aside. She will pour on Li Li ’s wine glass when she is out of wine. Young Si Ming kneels beside the food case and is cooking hot pot according to Professor Li Yi's method. Half of the bowl was delivered to Li Yi, and he had no bite to feed him.

Such a cozy life Li Ye rarely experienced, but today is different. Li Ye wrote new poems, rehearsed new songs and dances, and asked Li Ye to watch what he said, otherwise he would ignore his efforts.

At this moment Li Yan is next to Li Yan, with the same posture and expression, and even enjoy the intoxication. When the interest comes up, he will "correct" Li's posture and explain how to get the most comfortable enjoyment and the most relaxed spirit.

Li Yan called this the way of health.

He thinks that Li Zhi is not busy with social affairs all day long, or fights and kills everywhere. It is too tiring, or he should learn to relax properly, otherwise he will worry that Li Zhi is too burdened and cannot last long.

Li Ye thinks Li Ye makes sense.

If the opponent ’s deck chair is not covered with thick sable fur, his whole body is almost gone, and he is still crying when there is a breeze, Li Ye must think that Li Ye really knows how to keep in good health. .

Originally, Li Zhi was also a monk who practiced qi. He would never be so weak.

However, he can't remember when the last cultivation was. Like many literati who were strong in their youth, they eventually became weak and sick. Although he did achieve a lot in music, it did not make up for the physical deficit he was consumed by wine.

After the song was over, the dancers saluted and Li Ji raised his glass to Li Qi and said, "My brother, drink!"

Looking at his magnificent and dry clouds, it seems that just now it is not a song and dance ending, but a battle in the field, and he is the coach who commands thousands of troops.

Li Min raised the glass in cooperation.

Yesterday, he and Song Jiao were discussing the overall situation of the war, which was related to the survival of the dynasty. Today, he was drunk with Li Li and dreamed of life. Such a life is indeed very colorful.

Normally, the way Li Min relaxes is to watch the scenery or drink a drink. Today, the servant girls who were guided by Li Min to the royal palace are attentive to serve, but it is not interesting.

In his youth, Li Zhi's temper was even more dull, and Li Zhi, a brother who knows everything about eating, drinking, having fun, has become the best friend to regulate Li Zhi's life. When he visits the green house, the other party always pulls him go with.

I have to say that this kind of fun is also useful. One relaxation is indeed a long-term way. Otherwise, the days when Li Zhi could not cultivate for twenty years would have been depressed.

He enjoyed singing and dancing for a long time with Li Zhi, and then deeply explored the knowledge of music and poetry. Li Zhi benefited a lot.

Before leaving, Li Yan had a serious look to the girls in the royal palace to take good care of An Wang's life and serve An Wang comfortably, or he would be punished severely, causing a lot of confusion among the young and old.

The panic was not because of the fear of the emperor Li Zhi, but rather a careful reflection, as if he did not take good care of An An.

At noon, drunk Li Li drove back to the palace. If he didn't leave, he would be drunk directly at An Wangfu. It's just that after drinking two pots of wine, he can't open his eyelids. This is not in line with Li Zhi's alcohol consumption, but it only shows that his current body is really weak.

When Li Xie saw off, he wanted to remind Li Xie to be less seductive and practice more, but when he saw that the other party was about to snooze, he stopped, and was going to go to the palace tomorrow for persuasion.

After Li Xun left, the younger and younger soldiers bowed their heads and followed Li Xun. No matter what Li Xun did, they were both ashamed and embarrassed, which made Li Xun funny in his eyes. In the end he was comforted, and the two little girls were slightly relaxed.

As the year is approaching, Li Yan began to pay close attention to the news in Guangzhou.

It's not that Liu Yin has any problems, but that Chu Nanhuai and others will definitely land in Guangzhou if they return. Now they have been out for more than two months, according to their footsteps, how to go back and forth is enough.

However, if you count the time to search for potatoes and corn in Central and South America, it is not surprising that there is no news. The range that Li Yan gave them was very large. After all, he didn't know the specific location. When he got there, he had to find it by Chu Nanhuai and others.

If the potatoes and corn come back earlier, they will be able to catch up with the planting season. At that time, Li Zhi will summon the people to harvest a round and let them see the yield in the field. Then they can quickly make the people full of confidence and trust Li Li There is no longer any reason to be disregarded.

"If Chu Nanhuai and others can come back in time, it is naturally the best. My cultivation can be promoted to Da Luojin Wonderland in time, and I will have full confidence in the battle against the Qidan fairy army in Xianyu. If they cannot return in time, It will be less favorable. "

When Li Yan talked to Wu You about this in Xianyu, he explained why he desperately wanted Chu Nanhuai and others to return soon.

The county owner tilted his head and thought, "If it can, it's better, but what if it can't? Can brother have an alternative?"

When the grain seeds will return to Datang, even Chu Nanhuai and others will be able to make a successful trip, now Li Zhi has no control. Putting hope on something that you can't control is tantamount to handing over fate to an unknown trial. This is not the wise man.

The county owner believed that Li Zhi must have another way to allow him to gain the loyalty of a large number of people in the Tang Dynasty in the war next year.

For the county owner, Li Yan didn't need to conceal anything, and he didn't sell anything. To be honest, "Ma Yin."

"Mayin?" The county owner was a little confused.

Li Zheng nodded: "The reason why he doesn't deal with Ma Yin now is to wait for him to convene more old ministries in Chudi, to raise the signs and momentum of rebellion, it is best to make it known to many people. So, tomorrow I will Before the troops are sent out, they will be extinguished by thunder, and everyone will realize what control the court and I have over the world. "

This is a typical conspiracy technique, which is not so bright or even gloomy.

The county owner thought for a moment, and suddenly realized: "If my elder brother kills Ma Yin now, there will be little movement. For ordinary people, that is, when they hear an irrelevant news, naturally there will not be much vibration in their hearts.

"Maybe they will also think that Brother Yun can't tolerate the existence of the old princes, gave him a hat of rebellion, and deliberately removed him!

"Only to let people see Ma Yin show his rebellious strength, to make people in Chudi and even more places frightened, and my elder brother quickly extinguished him, they will know how strong the court is, and they will be grateful to Dade.

"At the same time, let them see Mayin colluding with Khitan, confirming that he is a traitor and killing his brother, so that no one will doubt it, and everyone will give thumbs up for praise! In this way, the world There is not much for the people to turn their backs on the court. "

Li Yan was satisfied with the comprehension ability of the county master.

This is actually a strategy of "fat pigs and then kill them".

After figuring out Li's layout, the county owner happily applauded: "Yeluobaobao, a barbarian, has nothing to do with his elder brother. It is more a matter of strategy. We don't know that we have been familiar with various conspiracy schemes since the Han and Tang Dynasties for thousands of years. You can't cook it anymore, you're rotten by all means.

"He thought that by helping Ma Yin to rebel, he would be able to make his brother's internal affairs difficult, but this only lifted his feet and shot his own foot. Instead, he gave his brother an opportunity to quickly gather people's hearts. This guy is really ... So stupid! "

Li Yan won praise, but was not half proud, but cried and laughed: "You are calling me sinister?"

The county host took Li's arm and laughed, "No, brother Brother is the smartest. I'm praising you!"

Li Yan: "..."



The sun hangs high above the head, and the sunlight is extremely hot. Even when flying in the mountains, the position is slightly higher, and the temperature is not low enough to make people feel comfortable.

"Master, now is the winter season, why is it so hot here?"

After a long break, a team of more than 20 people found a shade of trees and sat down to enjoy the cold. When Li Wenwen returned from the mountain water with a water pouch, he heard that Liu Xiaohei was asking Chu Nanhuai this stupid question.

Chu Nanhuai did n’t answer Liu Xiaohei ’s interest at all. He took the water pouch from Li Wenwen, drank half of it, exhaled, and kicked Liu Xiaohei ’s butt. , Today ’s meals have not yet arrived! Remember, hunt only small animals alive, do n’t pick wild vegetables! "

When Liu Xiaohei went to find food last time, he came back with a bunch of plants that could not be named, and it was so delicious that it had tasted it. He was scolded by Chu Nanhuai for a **** dog.

Do n’t drink non-mountain spring water, do n’t eat non-animals. When it ’s time to eat vegetables, then you only eat those wild vegetables that the animals chew. Do n’t stuff things into your mouth. This is before the departure. Li Zhi told Chu Nan Huai et al.

At that time, Liu Xiaohei didn't listen carefully, and he was scrambled along the way and was reprimanded numerous times by Chu Nanhuai. Now I still ask why the summer in the southern hemisphere is hot.

Within a short time of meditation, Chu Nanhuai heard Liu Xiaohei panic and yell for help.

He opened his eyes and saw that Liu Xiaohei was being dragged across the mountain by Li Wenwen, his shoulders were already bloodied, and there were more than a dozen strange costumes behind him. People with five short stature were screaming after them.

"Indigenous?" Seeing the person chasing Liu Xiaohei, Chu Nanhuai quickly got up and ordered everyone to respond.

He knew that now he encountered the indigenous people in Li's mouth, and he was also a powerful practitioner.

However, Chu Nanhuai is not afraid. There are only a dozen people in the other party, and the aura fluctuations that come are the strength of the real person in Lingchi. Only the first three of them barely reach the standard of the real world of Yin God.

When they got closer, Chu Nanhuai saw their faces clearly. These people's heads are too big and flat, and their facial features are nothing special. Their skin color is relatively dark, their clothes are very old, and their colors are bright.

Each of these indigenous people is very angry. It is the kind of anger seen by foreign enemies. They have a brown staff in their hands, which looks crooked and crooked, and the attack method is relatively simple. Obviously, they use the staff as a wooden stick.

Chu Nanhuai knows the purpose of his trip and has been avoiding meeting and fighting with the indigenous people. Being able to take away the potatoes in Li Zhi's description quietly and without waves is the biggest victory, and there is no need for extra branches.

But now, Liu Xiaohei and Li Wenwen don't know how to provoke the other party, even let them kill them so fiercely. Chu Nanhuai didn't hesitate, and ordered the monks to take a direct shot, catch them first and then talk.

A fierce battle broke out immediately on both sides.

Chu Nanhuai and others soon discovered that the staff in these people's hands was not limited to sticks. As they stopped, they waved the staff with their heads shaking their heads, and with the words in their mouths, a beast of giant beasts popped out of the staff, whistling at them.

Chu Nanhuai and others did not know the enemy's reality, so they did not retain their shots. The sword air knife light, with the flames, the wind and the tide flew out, and scattered a fierce beast before it came to the sky.

The fighting was not difficult for Chu Nanhuai and others. Although the opponent's technique was strange, the power was not exaggerated. Relying on the realm and number advantages, they quickly surrounded these indigenous people and wounded them one by one, uniform.

For half an hour of fighting, for Chu Nanhuai and others, it is hard to say how heavy. It was only during the process that some people were injured. Those beasts rushed to bite. Anyone who broke the Aura barrier would leave a wound on the monk.

Fortunately, only four or five people were injured, and Chu Nanhuai didn't feel anything wrong.

These indigenous monks were tied to the ground and glared at monks from the Tang dynasty, babbling in their mouths, hoping to pounce on and bite them.

Chu Nanhuai had some troubles. He naturally does not understand what the other person is saying, and has no time or interest to spend time to slowly understand the other person's language.

"Master, how do these people deal with it? Did they kill them all? Can't we reveal their whereabouts?" Liu Xiaohei came over. Although he called miserably before, his shoulder injury was not too serious, and he is no longer bleeding.

"Shut up!" Chu Nanhuai didn't look good at Liu Xiaohei now, "I asked you to find some food, how did you get chased ?!"

Liu Xiaohe's grievance disturbed: "I flew over a few mountains, and I saw a stone city on the other side of the mountain. Although it was not large, there were many people, and there were large farm fields outside the city. I was very happy at the time I thought there was something delicious this time, so I went to collect some food in the city ... "

After hearing this, Chu Nanhuai no longer wanted to listen.

Obviously, Liu Xiaohei, a thief, was found. The key was that he had not escaped in time, but was hunted down by others.

However, since there are cities and farmland, Chu Nanhuai's thoughts became alive.

What better place to find grain seeds than in a cultivated field?

If there are potatoes like Li Zhi said, these indigenous people will definitely grow them, maybe they are in the fields!

Originally, Chu Nanhuai and others searched for the indigenous settlements and farmland. It was only a covert exploration originally planned, but Liu Xiaohei did not expect to find it, and it seemed that the scale was not small.

This is a blind cat with a dead mouse.

"How many people are there in the city? How many monks have you found?" Chu Nanhuai asked quickly.

"There are tens of thousands of people," Liu Xiaohei recalled, "how much the monk is uncertain."

Chu Nanhuai sank down.

In a small town with tens of thousands of people, there are actually more than a dozen monks with real-life strength, and there may be more than that-after all, after chasing Liu Xiaohei and Li Wenwen, the other monk does not need to come out.

How strong are these indigenous people?

Chu Nanhuai thinks this is unlikely.

This strength is much stronger than Datang. There is no reason at all. If so, they wouldn't just be nesting here, they would conquer the world.

Could it be said that this small city with only tens of thousands of people is actually an indigenous capital?

Chu Nanhuai thinks this idea is more reasonable.

If it is an indigenous capital, then there is no shortage of major monks, and with their strength as a team, it is difficult to win positively.

But the farmland is just outside the city. How can I find potatoes without going?

Take a detour and go somewhere else?

Chu Nanhuai was in deep thought and wanted to come up with a perfect solution.

In any case, the grain seeds are right in front of you, and you cannot just let them go. How anxious Li Yan was to get the kind of food called potatoes, Chu Nanhuai knew it.

Waiting for Chu Nan to think hard about a strategy, the strange cry of the bound indigenous people suddenly became loud and full of momentum.

"Master, they're here!"

Without Liu Xiaohei's warning, Chu Nanhuai has seen more than 30 major monks swooping in, and the first few people have the strength of Yangshen Reality!

Chu Nanhuai's heart was tight. He didn't expect the other party to come so fast. He knew this was the case, so he shouldn't stay here for so long. He should move to another place to talk about it.

However, after all, they are guest soldiers. They are not familiar with the secret methods of these indigenous monks. No one knows if they have any way to lock their positions, or even the situation of their companions.

"What shall we do?" Su Emei asked in a low voice, this was the first question she asked.

Chu Nanhuai took a deep breath: "After leaving a break for the teacher, you take Xiaohei and Wenwen first to go! Since we found the city and farmland here, we have found the right place. After you leave, day and night come out , Covert action, it should not take long for the seeds to be brought back! "

This is the only way. There are too many people on the other side and they can't communicate. Rao is that they are not malicious and can't get along with each other peacefully.

But Chu Nanhuai had just finished speaking, and Su Emei rushed to the indigenous monks first, "Master, you should take them with you. The disciples are afraid that they can't catch it, and they don't dare to delay the dynasty's affairs and the king's commission ! "

When she said these words, although her tone was decided, her voice was calm.

Chu Nanhuai wanted to stop it was too late, and could only watch Su Emei transform into the state of Guanghan Fairy, wielding a sword and killing those vicious indigenous people who screamed and screamed.

"Go!" Chu Nanhuai knew that Su Emei's whereabouts would inevitably not be alive again, and her heartache was like a knife twist. But at this moment, he can only focus on the overall situation, drag Liu Xiaohei and Li Wenwen, turn around and leave.

"Master, slow down!" Li Wenwen yelled.

Chu Nanhuai was tearful, but she knew that he could not hesitate, or Su Emei and others would die in vain.

This trip to find food was so dangerous and had to pay such a heavy price, which Chu Nanhuai had never thought of before.

However, how easy is it to get 50 grains per acre to make food for Tang people without starving?

How is it possible without paying a price?

"Master, stop now, Sister Su shocked them all!" Liu Xiaohei shouted.

Chu Nanhuai knew that this was impossible. Although Su Emei was superior in combat ability, in the face of several great monks with the real strength of Yang Shen, he still had no chance of winning, let alone nothing to shock the other side.

But he couldn't help but look back.

At this look, the weird scene in front of him made him stumble there.

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