The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 129: misunderstanding

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He turned his mind sharply, and soon smiled, "I see. It must be that after we left Heianjing, many aristocrats also realized that the situation was not good, and immediately followed our clan and fled from Heianjing. It seems they think the same as us , All go to the northern Ezo land. "

Honshu Island is Shilla to the west, Datang to the south, and the vast sea to the east. There is not even a decent big island. There is nowhere else to go except the Ezo Island in the north and the nobles who escaped from Heianjing.

Figured out the identity of the other party, Fujiwara Shihei completely reassured, and smiled at Fujiwara Kiyomizu: "Those who must be pathfinders of other nobles. Now that Ping An falls, everyone flees, and can take away the supplies. Not many, it's time to warm up with a ball. "

Speaking of this, Fujiwara calmed down, his eyes flashed with wisdom and ambition. "Uncle, we are also very anxious to leave Heianjing. Although the power is not weak, but to open up territory in the barren land, the strength is still more The stronger the better.

"When these nobles were in Ping'an, we were the only ones who looked ahead. Now outside of our prefecture, we can accept them and use their power for me, so that we can quickly build up in Ezo, even in the wider world. Start your own business!

"It only takes ten or twenty years and we will have our own new country! By that time, my Fujiwara family will be noble again, but the house of the emperor!"

Fujiwara Shippei couldn't hide his excitement. He was the leader of the country ’s largest aristocracy, not only lacking insight, wisdom and courage, but also lacking ambition. "Uncle, this is an opportunity for our Fujiwara family to get a great opportunity for new life and growth! If we can build our own country, we will all have a name and be praised forever! "

When Fujiwara Kiyomizu and others heard Fujiwara Shihei's words, they couldn't help showing their eagerness under the shaking of their hearts.

If that is the case, then leaving Ping Anjing this time is not a crisis in the family, but an opportunity for the family to flourish!

"Hyun Nee makes sense!"

In the eyes of Fujiwara Kiyomizu, there was a flash of light. "Aristocrats in Ping'an, who would like to be a bereavement dog under the rule of the Tang Dynasty? Before Tang Jun attacked Ping'an, they were not in a good position and many people must escape! Unite them for What I use, this is indeed the best opportunity for the family to build a lifetime! "

Speaking of this, Fujiwara Kiyoshi's weather-beaten face is no longer tired and anxious, and instead he has high morale and strong hope.

"Qing Guan, you immediately take someone ashore, meet each other, and ask them about their situation, which shows that we have a difficult time with the nobles, and invited their fleet to join us and go to Yiyi!"

Fujiwara Shihei said to the great monk, "Remember, you must be humble and friendly! The other party deliberately conceals whereabouts. I'm afraid that after meeting us, we will be deceived by us and swallow up the fleet."

Fujiwara Kiyomizu was the young Toshihiko of the Fujiwara family. Both intelligence and wisdom led him to take orders. He brought two major monks and greeted those Lao monks who flew on the coast.

Fujiwara Shiping watched the other person far away with hope. His mind was already thinking. After the nobles joined their team, how should they control them step by step and let them fully obey their orders.

Ping Xishi saw that in the Fujiwara family's fleet, someone flew over to him, and he could not help but frowned. The first reaction was to turn around and run. Fortunately, he saw that there were only three people in the other party. Don't act lightly.

Their team is a scout pursuing the Fujiwara family. The purpose is to report the other party's whereabouts to the team behind, after they find each other, and to cover up and stare at each other.

Unexpectedly, they ran all the way, and just found out that the other party's whereabouts didn't last long, and they were beginning to enter a state of covert tracking. They were discovered by the other party, and Fujiwara's family also sent someone over.

"Brother Hiragi, are you? It's great to be able to see you here!" Kiyoshi Fujiwara immediately saw Hiragishi, and she was very happy. He came here intentionally to show closeness and gain the trust of the other party.

"Brother Fujiwara!" Ping Xishi said, seeing that the other party was not malicious, but a smile on his face, very surprised, he aggravated the "ah" tone, expressing his surprise.

They are classmates. They used to study Sinology together under Sanshan Qingxing, but the relationship was average.

"Brother Hiragi, I'm really happy to see you escape safely. How many of you? How is Heiankyo now? Teacher is he okay?" Fujiwara Kiyoshi sent a series of greetings of concern to highlight each other Ping Xishi's intimacy.

"Brother Fujiwara, you ask so many questions at once, I really don't know how to answer."

Hearing Fujiwara's question, Ping Xishi moved his heart, and it seemed that the other party thought he had escaped from Heiankyo? No wonder the other person treats himself so well. In this way, should I take advantage of the other party's idea?

There are many monks in the Fujiwara family. It is not an easy task to kill all of them who have escaped from the country and harmed the country and the people. This is related to our Datang household registration. We cannot tolerate half the difference. Snake, take the opportunity to approach and create a chance to wipe out the net?

Ping Xishi quickly combed his thoughts, his helpless expression appeared on his face, and his mouth coped with it.

"Ah, is it bad?"

Fujiwara Kiyomizu thought he had understood the deep meaning of Hiraji's helpless expression, and could not help but sympathize with each other's encounter. In the face of an offensive that is as powerful as a demon army in the Tang dynasty, being able to escape from Ping An Jing is definitely not easy, and I do n’t know how much hardship I have suffered along the way.

Thinking of this, Fujiwara Kiyomi could not help but admire Fujiwara Shihei. If it wasn't for the other party's decision, the Fujiwara family's current situation must be the same as that of Pingxi's family. That would be too miserable.

"Tang Jun is so fierce, how can our situation be better?" Ping Xishi spread his hands, his face was bitter, showing an indescribable meaning.

"Brother Ping Xi doesn't have to be sad. In short, you escaped. This is a blessing in misfortune. Now that you have seen us, you don't have to suffer anymore. If you do n’t have enough food, we have it on board. If you There are not enough ships and we can make some places.

"In short, now that the country is dying, it is not easy for us to live. We should support each other and look for a new home together. Do you mean it, brother Hiroshi?" Kiyoshi Fujiwara looked at Hiroshi with high expectations.

He feels that these suggestions for Ping Xishi must be the same as sending charcoal in the snow, and the other party will be very grateful to himself.

"Brother Fujiwara, are you saying that Fujiwara's family is willing to wait for us to travel and allow us to board your boat?" Heihishi was shocked, but this was something he wanted, how could the other party cooperate with himself so?

"This is of course! We should be united. Only unity can overcome difficulties, isn't it?" Hiroshi's shocked look fell in the eyes of Fujiwara Kiyotaka, and he immediately satisfied him and felt that his idea was really correct.

Also right, after being forced to flee by Tang Jun and rushing to flee, he must be frightened and anxious, and he is willing to give them warmth. What reason do they not appreciate themselves?

With this kind of affection, it is logical to ask them to obey some Fujiwara's orders in the future, right?

"Brother Fujiwara is right!" Hiroshi Hihara thought it was not easy for him to catch up with the Fujiwara family. Even after catching up, it would be difficult to get close to it. As expected, he almost thought it was His Majesty's great magical powers that he had helped himself in secret.

However, if you think about it carefully, Hiroshi believes that Fujiwara Kiyoshi has such an attitude, which is actually normal.

In the imagination of the other party, these Ping An Jing nobles must have been frightened by Tang Jun. They were forced to flee, but now they are in a state of paranoia and need help.

Also, this is a normal guess.

How could they think that long before Tang Jun's attack on Heianjing, everyone had just learned that the Fujiwara family had fled and had not had time to bring their wives and belts to pack up supplies and leave Heianjing, His Majesty-like Emperor stepped forward. Heian Beijing controlled the entire situation.

The Fujiwara family is even more unlikely to think that after the emperor who did not accept the surrender of his country, came to Heian Jing with an unrivaled attitude, he only killed the royal family, and did not commit any crimes against the nobles and the civilians, and gave it to everyone. The most honorable group of people below-the opportunity of the Tang people!

Her Majesty the Emperor does not want to be beautiful, not to treasure jewels, and to make various contributions. As long as we fight for him and set up a sufficient amount of military merit, we can treat the Tang family register as a gift without discrimination! What a wise, kind, and upright emperor!

In the whole world, which country's monarch can compare with His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?

More importantly, we are the same as our ancestors with His Majesty, and we are originally a family-although I did n’t know about it before, and I have never heard of it, since His Majesty said this, it is the greatest for us Respect and identification, what other reasons do we not have to fight for His Majesty the Emperor, to seek indignation?

"Brother Fujiwara, seeing you today is really my greatest luck in my life. I'll go back to the teacher, and tell him the meaning of Fujiwara's family, and he must be very happy!" Said Hiji Shi sincerely.

It is indeed a great luck to meet Fujiwara Kiyuki, which means that huge military achievements will be easily available!

He added silently: "The teacher will be really 'happy'! You fled and killed the Minister You. The reason why the teacher chased him out this year is to avenge the Minister Right!"

Minister You committed suicide. Everyone saw it. No wonder his Majesty the Emperor's Head, His Majesty never said to kill him. On the contrary, Fujiwara Shihei deceived the right minister to the front line to resist the king, and he took the opportunity to smear the soles of his feet and take the tribe to escape, which is really despicable!

Minister You could not resist Wang Shi, but because of being deceived by Fujiwara Shihei, he killed many King Shi soldiers and soldiers of the kingdom. In the end, he struggled with regret and regret, and was forced to confess his sins.

How to calculate, Fujiwara Shihei is the culprit who killed the right minister!

Well, that's the truth. Now everyone says that and thinks so.

"The teacher is also behind? Okay, I'll go back and report to the owner and prepare food to meet you, and you'll catch up soon!" Fujiwara Kiyomi smiled, and sincerely hope that the team behind will grow stronger and better, because that will soon be It becomes the power of the Fujiwara family.

"Brother Fujiwara need not worry. Tang Jun's sailors are all to the north. They cannot chase us."

Having said that, they said goodbye to each other, leaving two people to contact each other, and they rushed back to the team.

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