The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 130: Hunt

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Ping Xishi returned to the fleet full of monks and soldiers, found his teacher Miyoshi Kiyoshi, and held his heart excited, and reported in detail the meeting with Fujiwara Kiyotaka.

"What does the Fujiwara family think of us like this? Haha! Well, this is really good for me too!" Sanshan Qingxing, who was in his fifties, showed red light, and his eyes were full of the pleasure of revenge.

Sanshan Qingxing, the word Sanyao, No. Juyi, official residence doctor of literature, is a well-known sinologist in Laos. He studied under the mighty Wenxiong, has a profound knowledge, is proficient in the scholars' theory of 100 schools, and does not speak the histories of the classics. He also has a lot of research on Mingfa and numerology. He is also very good at writing Chinese poetry.

——The knowledge of Lao Guo in this era is basically sinology, and most of the scholars are sinologists. The root cause is that they do not have such a culture in their own homes, and even the characters are learned Chinese characters, and they can only study Sinology when they learn.

Sanshan Qingxing and Liaoyuan Tao truly intersect, and they are each other's confidants. Now Sugawara is really killed by Fujiwara Shihei. He is indignant and angry. He has already sworn a poisonous oath. He will take the blade of Fujiwara Shihei and take off his opponent's head to sacrifice Sugawara Sakai.

Sanshan Qingxing summoned the leading figures in the fleet and said to them calmly: "Zhu Gong, the thief Fujiwara Shihei is right in front of us, this time we must not let him run away! His Majesty has said that the Fujiwara family, a Do n’t stay! Whether it ’s revenge for relatives or friends, or for your own household registration in the Tang dynasty, ask the public to fight hard and do n’t give the thief any vitality! ”

Everyone straightened their heads, expressing their firm execution.

Fujiwara Kiyomizu returned to the ship and immediately reported to Fujiwara Shippei about his meeting with Hiroshi.

"Come down and be ready to meet them. Right now they are in a position of urgency. Whenever we have a better attitude, Xiao En Xiaohui can move them, and the reward is definitely more than a hundred times the payout." Fujiwara Shihira said with ambition. .

The arrival of several aristocratic homes at the same time is not weak, making Fujiwara Shiping happy, but the number of ships on the other side did not threaten the dominance of the Fujiwara family. This is what reassures Fujiwara Shiping.

"It is the emperor's misfortune that the country lost, but it is the great blessing of my Fujiwara family!" Fujiwara Shihei said to himself as he watched the surface of the sea with a strong smile on his face. His words did not mention civilians because he never took those people to heart.

He is now confident that he will create a new situation for Fujiwara's family. In the north of Honshu, Tang Jun's naval division is using the other party's extremely fast sailing speed. It is impossible to catch up in such a short time. He doesn't think he has anything to worry about.

Of course, Fujiwara Shihei can't think of it. In just a few days, Ping An Beijing has undergone earth-shaking changes.

As the Fujiwara family's fleet slowed down, the following Miyoshi Kiyoshi and Ping Xishi's fleet gradually caught up.

In fact, the time difference between the two parties leaving Ping An Jing is not too big. After the Fujiwara family decided to move the family, although the situation was tense, many things could not be taken care of. After all, they prepared for two days, mainly because of the various material deployment .

If not, thousands of people will go to sea, and life and survival will be very troublesome.

Sanshan Qingxing's team consisted of noble monks. On the night after Li Zhi arrived in Heianjing, under the urgent dispatch of Guan Xuanzhi, the assembly was basically completed. The corresponding materials were prepared that night, and he left Heianjing the next day. .

Because they are all monks, there are no old and weak women and children involved, and the pressure on materials is much less. The important thing is that the speed will be much faster.

Fujiwara Shippei stood at the stern, watching the sails and the hull gradually emerge from the sea, and her face slowly climbed with a smile, waving her hand, allowing two ships in the fleet to travel in the opposite direction to welcome Sanshan Clearance.

The Fujiwara family has thousands of people, more than thirty ships, and two warships in the period, which are rare. Sanshan Qingxing's fleet has only a dozen ships, and there are no warships. It looks shabby.

Finally, Sanshan Qingxing's fleet caught up with the Fujiwara family's fleet.

Fujiwara Kiyomizu, who was in charge of welcoming Miyoshi Kiyoshi, brought Hiroshi Hiji and Miyoshi Kiyuki to the battleship where Fujiwara Shihei was. Fujiwara Shihei didn't put on a show, and made two welcome steps to make a welcome gesture.

Sanshan Qingxing was grateful and moved. His manners were very humble and courteous, and both parties intentionally acted close and close, so the scene was very warm.

Among the more than twenty people brought to the ship by Sanshan Qingxing, Fujiwara Shihei saw many acquaintances, all prominent figures of the Heianjing aristocracy. He almost did not know him.

This made him very satisfied that the aristocracy is the core strength of the country. Whether it is a high-quality monk or a talented hero, it is urgently needed by the Fujiwara family to expand their territories.

"The banquet is ready in the cabin. Zhugong invites you to take a seat. At present, the situation is difficult and the supplies are inadequate. You will inevitably be entertained. You also invited Zhugong Haihan." During the cold weather, Miyoshi Kiyoshi and others were very attitude towards Fujiwara Shihei Respect, this makes him feel good.

"Thank you, Brother Fujiwara!" Miyoshi Kiyoshi entered the spacious cabin, and when he saw the prepared banquet, he looked flattered.

They are not surprised by this arrangement. As a top aristocracy, decent is needed at any time. The banquet can be simple, but it can't be without it.

Because all present were prominent figures of the aristocracy, with senior qualifications and high qualifications, Ping Xishi was not eligible to participate in the banquet. Before entering the cabin, he reported to Sanshan Qingxing to arrange the affairs of the fleet, and the latter naturally promised , Showing no flaws.

When Fujiwara Shippei hosted a banquet and planned to propose to the aristocracy that he would temporarily manage the affairs of the two fleets, to test the attitude of the crowd, Heiji Shiji gave the boats to Fujiwara's hospitality. Ships distribute food.

There is not much food, and it can be seen that the Fujiwara family is not rich at this time, but there is a great gift-at least Fujiwara thinks about it.

In this process, Fujiwara Kiyomizu was friendly and personally involved. Almost every boat had to go up, say hello to the people inside, and convey the goodwill of the Fujiwara family.

The reason why he is so tired is because Fujiwara Shihei had instructed him to take this opportunity to understand the situation of each other's ships, judge their strength, and observe every detail to guard against possible anomalies and dangers.

I have to say that Fujiwara Shippei thought about things very carefully.

When Fujiwara Kiyomi reached the fourth ship, he had not noticed any abnormality or danger, but the first three ships were all monks of various nobles, which surprised him slightly.

Ping Xishi explained that the nobility gathered monk forces together to deal with danger and protect women and children in the middle of the fleet. This is also reasonable. Fujiwara Kiyomizu doesn't have much doubt, anyway, I will look at it next. If there were still monks on the fourth ship, he would be immediately alert.

"Brother Fujiwara, it's been a long time. How are you?"

As soon as entering the cabin, Fujiwara Kiyomizu heard a yellow-like voice, but no one was seen. A touch of rouge had rushed to his face. To be seen, the woman who squatted and saluted in front of her eyes, with a beautiful figure and a beautiful face, Fujiwara Kiyoshi I saw it in front of me, and I was surprised, "Keiko Sakurai, I haven't seen you in a long time. I'm fine, how are you?"

Sakurai Keiko is the most outstanding beautiful girl in Heiankyo. She is even more beautiful than Fujiwara Masako. What's more difficult is that her qualifications are good, and she is already a real person at a young age.

Fujiwara Kiyomizu was also a young Toshihiko and had not married a wife. Like many noble children, he had a lot of admiration for Sakurai Keiko. At this moment, when I saw the other person blushing and saluting myself, my jewel-like eyes were full of saviors and heroes, and my heart was swaying.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred!

Fujiwara Kiyomizu just came out, and suddenly felt the chill behind him, the impact of the aura was like a giant wave slap on his body, and he suddenly turned his back! He was horrified. The extreme sense of danger caused him to stand up all over his hair. He didn't want to, and rushed forward, trying to avoid the attack behind him!

However, Hiroshi Hiroshi deliberately calculated, and while Fujiwara Kiyuki talked to Kei Sakurai, he made a full blow, and the two were almost the same. Would Fujiwara Kiyuki escape so easily?

A blood spring rushed out from Kiyoshi Fujiwara's waist, and the big, deep mouth was like a beast with a wide open mouth! Fujiwara Kiyoshi only felt that his kidneys were suffering from indescribable pain, which spread throughout his body in the blink of an eye, letting his spirits go away!

"Ping Xishi, what are you doing, **** ?!"

As soon as Fujiwara Kiyoshi's thoughts came out of this extremely angry thought, I saw a flash of coldness in front of me, and I was still respectfully saluting and pure and shy Keiko Sakurai. Take a step forward to meet him, and when the short blade in his hand cannot be sent, he wipes it from his throat!

Kiyoshi Fujiwara was attacked by Hiroshi Hiroshi and instinctively rushed forward, but happened to hit Sakurai Keiko's knife edge, how could he never think that Sakurai Keiko actually shot at himself!

Under the situation that the aristocracy is not secure and accepts the help of the Fujiwara family, shouldn't Sakurai work hard to get closer to him so that he can get more care from the Fujiwara family?

He turned around and realized that Hiroshi Hiroshi cooperated very well with Sakurai Keiko, apparently premeditated, maybe even practiced, this is what he did!

When Hiroshi Hiyoshi started, the two monks stood behind the cabin and posed in a posture to welcome Fujiwara Kiyomizu. They closed the door smoothly, and the light in the cabin fell suddenly.

Fujiwara Kiyomi rolled into a pool of blood, covering her throat, which was bleeding continuously, and could not see her eyes. But he still stared at Hiroshi Shise and Keiko Sakurai who were overlooking him, eyes full of anger. He couldn't figure out why the two had to do it for themselves!

"Why ... why do you do this? Kill me, you will die too!" Kiyoshi Fujiwara uttered a difficult sentence, but he had no energy to warn the Fujiwara family.

"Your Majesty said, none of you Fujiwara family can stay, it's as simple as that." Sakurai Keiko looked like a snow-capped mountain indifferently, crouching down, and put one hand on top of Fujiwara Kiyoshi.

"Hey, Your Majesty, God, the Emperor can still order? Heian Jing, not captured by the Tang Army?" Fujiwara Kiyomizu was surprised.

"It is Her Majesty the Emperor Tang!" After saying this, Kei Sakurai didn't hesitate anymore. When Fujiwara Kiyoichi's face was shocked, the aura burst out in his hands and blasted Fujiwara Kiyoshi's head into pieces.

Sakurai Keiko's **** killing method saw Hiroshi's heart tremble. He secretly determined that he would stay away from this beautiful woman in the future. "The action has begun. It is time we show our strength and prove our role before you meet. ! "

Sakurai Keiko sticks out her bright red tongue, licks the blood on her slender fingers, and looks up to reveal an extra **** smile, "I was very useful."

Fujiwara Shipin on the theme finished drinking a glass of Chinese wine, smiling at the nobles around the banquet with a smile, his eyes showing a look of kings and courtiers. He enjoyed this feeling of dominating the fate of others.

With a big wave of his hand, Fujiwara Shihei said dryly, "Zhugong, please drink freely, don't be restrained. After today, we will be helping each other. If you have any thoughts on the way ahead, let's talk about it. The sea is vast, we It takes concerted effort. "

What is meant by words and words is nothing more than unity of team thinking and unity of command.

Everyone looked at each other, Miyoshi Kiyoshi first got up and left the seat, came to the middle of Fujiwara's cabin, and saluted to Fujiwara: "The Fujiwara family is the strongest. This time can help us, we are all grateful. From now on, Miyoshi Kiyoshi is willing to obey Fujiwara's dispatch! "

Fujiwara Shiping's eyes brightened. I didn't expect Sanshan Qingxing to go on such a road, and held back her joy, pretending to be modest: "Everyone's unity is the most important thing. Fujiwara's family will never bully and talk about dispatch ..." "

That's what he said, but he didn't get up. When talking, he didn't forget to look at other noble figures.

The nobles looked at each other again, and with a little groaning, someone followed and came to the center of the cabin to show his attitude to Fujiwara Shihei, saying that his family was willing to obey Fujiwara Shihei. Soon, one after another rose.

For a time, most of the nobles came to salute in the cabin. The last few looked hesitant. They didn't seem to be happy, but when they saw that the situation had been achieved, they had to get up and join the team.

Looking at the nobles who were saluting in front of him, Fujiwara was eager, but his mouth was still humble, and I really didn't want to be the boss, but you really support me, I really feel very embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, the Fujiwara Kiyomizu could not help but beat a little bit faster, and the opportunity of the Fujiwara family really came! These nobles are still current affairs. When he saw Fujiwara Shiei gestured to him, he immediately realized what the other party meant, and quickly got up.

"The situation is difficult. It is the most important thing to get out of the predicament. In order to avoid fighting each other and unite everyone's strength, the nephew will take over the command of the team. This is everyone ’s hope." Do not avoid the appearance of relatives.

"That being the case, for our common survival, Fujiwara Shihei can't shirk responsibility!" Fujiwara Shihei finally stood up and said, "Thank you for your trust, Fujiwara Shihei must be exhausted and live up to expectations!"

The words are beautiful. In fact, he has remembered the last few nobles who were forced to stand up and agree with each other. They made up their minds and put them on top when they were in danger. When the overall situation stabilized, they must first Surge them.

At this moment, all the aristocratic figures are standing in the middle of the spacious cabin, forming a situation where the ministers are facing the monarch, and everyone is facing the same. After saying a few words, Fujiwara Shiping acknowledged his status and waited for everyone to sing praises, which confirmed his status.

But he waited, but not a hymn.

It's a dazzling, sharp and dangerous reiki light!

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